100 % Free Seo Tools

This blog is dedicated to providing the most updated and useful SEO tools for you. In this blog you will find a lot of useful tips, tricks, news and reviews about Google Algorithm updates, Keyword Research/Keyword Phrases/Keyword Ideas, Keyword Optimization, Backlink Analysis, On-Page Optimization and much more.

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Free Seo Tools

The Best Free SEO Tools
The best tools to analyze search performance, monitor SERPs, keywords, and competitor analysis:

  1. Bing Webmaster Tools

While Google Webmaster Tools gets all the glory, folks forget that Bing Webmaster offers a full suite of website and search analytics. Especially useful are keyword reports, keyword research, and crawling data.

Get it: Bing Webmaster
Also useful: Yandex.Webmaster

  1. Data Studio

If you need to merge data from different sources (say Search Console and Google Analytics), visualize, and share it – this is Google Data Studio’s comfort zone. For an idea of all the SEO tasks and dashboards that you can build for free, check out these Google Data Studio Resources from Lee Hurst.

Get it: Data Studio

  1. Enhanced Google Analytics Annotations

How do you know if your dip in traffic (or rise) is associated with a Google Algorithm update, or perhaps a major holiday? This is a highly-recommended Google Chrome plugin that overlays additional data on top of your analytics, so you can easily send screenshots to clients showing exactly how outside forces impacted traffic.

Get it: Enhanced Google Analytics Annotations
Alternatives: Panguin Tool, Zeo Tools

  1. Google Analytics

The big kahuna, and the most widely-used web analytics package on earth. For being free, Google Analytics is surprisingly robust and plays well with other Google products, including Optimize, Search Console, and Data Studio. Some folks have privacy concerns with GA — though Google swears they don’t use this data for search rankings.

Get it: Google Analytics
Alternatives: Clicky, Open Web Analytics

  1. Search Console

Probably the most useful free SEO tool on this entire list, it’s hard to imagine doing modern SEO without access to the data inside Google’s Search Console. This is the most reliable location for information on how Google crawls and ranks your site, and is one of the only places where you can get reliable keyword data. Search Console limits downloads to 1000 rows, so also bookmark the free Search Console Data Exporter to download up to 25,000 rows at a time.

Get it: Search Console
Helpful Add-on: Search Analytics for Sheets

  1. Keyword Hero

Did somebody say (not provided)? Keyword Hero works to solve the problem of missing keyword data with lots of advanced math and machine learning. It’s not a perfect system, but for those struggling to match keywords with conversion and other on-site metrics, the data can be a valuable step in the right direction. Pricing is free up to 2000 sessions/month.

Get it: Keyword Hero

  1. MozCast

The brainchild of Dr. Pete and the original Google SERP tracker, MozCast is the go-to algorithm tracker whenever there’s a big update, or not. Also useful are the SERP tracking features showing the prominence of such features as ads and knowledge panels.

Get it: MozCast
Also useful: Algoroo, Rank Risk Index, Ayima Pulse

Specific tools to make sure your site is crawlable and optimized.

  1. Beam Us Up

If you need a free, desktop crawler, you can’t do better than Beam Us Up. While it doesn’t have as many features as Screaming Frog, it does offer 100 percent free crawling with no limits. Windows only.

Get it: Beam Us Up

  1. Link Redirect Trace

A free Chrome extension, lots of SEOs recommend Link Redirect Trace as the “all-in-one redirect path analyzer.” The extension reveals information about HTTP headers, rel-canonicals, robots.txt, and basic link metrics from LinkResearchTools. The “Save Screenshot” feature is super useful too.

Get it: Link Redirect Trace

  1. Redirect Path

Similar to Link Redirect Trace, Redirect Path is a nifty tool from the good folks at Ayima that shows redirect paths and header information for every URL you visit. Gotta admit, I’ve used this extension for years and it’s almost “always on” in my browser.

Get it: Redirect Path

  1. Screaming Frog

Aside from having one of the best Twitter accounts of any SEO tool maker, Screaming Frog is the most popular desktop-based crawler available today. Many people don’t realize that there’s a free version that allows for up to 500 URLs per crawl. While not as fully functional as the paid version, it’s great for small projects and smaller site audits.

Get it: Screaming Frog

  1. Screaming Frog Log File Analyzer

Most folks in the SEO space are familiar with Screaming Frog, but many don’t realize that the Frog also offers a standalone free/paid Log File Analyzer tool. The free version is very robust, though limited to 1000 lines.

Get it: Screaming Frog Log File Analyser

  1. SEOlyzer

SEOlyzer is a log analysis tool recommended by Aleyda Solis in her very excellent SEO podcast Crawling Mondays. SEOlyzer is a terrific log analysis tool with some cool features like real-time analysis and page categorization.

Get it: SEOlyzer

  1. Xenu

Gotta be honest, although Xenu has been on every “free SEO tool” list since the dawn of, no way did I think it would make this one. This Windows-based desktop crawler has been virtually unchanged over the past 10 years. That said, a lot of folks still love and use it for basic site auditing, looking for broken links, etc. Heck, I’m leaving here for sentimental reasons. Check it out.

Get it: Xenu

Keyword Research
Tools to discover what people are searching for, along with volume and competition.

  1. Answer The Public

It’s hard not to love Answer The Public. The interface has an almost “Cards Against Humanity” rebel vibe to it. Regardless, if you want to generate a massive list of questions from any keyword set, this is your go-to tool.

Get it: Answer The Public

  1. Keyword Explorer

If you’re not familiar with Moz’s amazing keyword research tool, you should give it a try. 500 million keyword suggestions, all the most accurate volume ranges in the industry. You also get Moz’s famous Keyword Difficulty Score along with CTR data. Moz’s free community account gives you access to 10 queries a month, with each query literally giving you up to 1000 keyword suggestions along with SERP analysis.

Get it: Keyword Explorer

  1. Keyword Planner

Google’s own Keyword Planner was built for folks who buy Google ads, but it still delivers a ton of information useful for SEO keyword planning. It uses Google’s own data and has useful functions like country filtering. Be careful with metrics like competition (this is meant for paid placements) and volume — which is known to be confusing.

Get it: Keyword Planner

  1. Keyword Sh****r

Yes, it’s called Keyword Sh****r. It pains me to write this. That said, it says what it does and does what it says. Type in a keyword and it, um, poops out a poop-ton of keywords.

Get it: Keyword Sh****r

  1. Keyword Surfer

We used to recommend Keywords Everywhere (still a great tool) but they no longer offer a free version. As an alternative, the most popular community-based recommendation—that’s still free—is Keyword Surfer. This Chrome extension gives you keyword search volume in Google search results. We’re also a fan of WMS Everywhere, a Chrome extension that gives you search volume, cost-per-click, and keyword suggestions.

Get it: Keyword Surfer
Also Try: WMS Everywhere

  1. Ubersuggest

Sometimes I make fun of Neil Patel because he does SEO in his pajamas. I’m probably jealous because I don’t even own pajamas. Regardless, Neil took over Ubersuggest not long ago and gave it a major overall. If you haven’t tried it in a while, it now goes way beyond keyword suggestions and offers a lot of extended SEO capabilities such as basic link metrics and top competitor pages.

Get it: Ubersuggest

Link Tools
Tools to find, evaluate, and process backlink opportunities.

  1. Disavow Tool

Google makes the Disavow Tool hard to find because most site owners usually don’t need to use it. But when you do, it can be useful for getting penalties removed and some SEOs swear by it for fighting off negative SEO. If you choose to use this tool, be careful and check with this guide on disavowing the right links.

Get it: Disavow Tool

  1. Link Explorer

Link Explorer is arguably the largest, highest-accuracy link index and the most accurate DA and backlink checker in the SEO world today, boasting 35 trillion links. The free account access gives you 10 queries and 50 rows of data per query every month, plus adds basic link metrics to the MozBar as you browse the web.

Get it: Link Explorer

  1. Link Miner

Link Miner is a free Chrome extension developed by Jon Cooper, one of the masters of link building. Use it to quickly find broken links on each page, as well as see basic link metrics as you search Google. Simple, easy, and useful.

Get it: Link Miner

  1. Detailed

Detailed is a unique type of free link research engine, developed by the marketing genius Glen Allsopp (you can find him in the comments below). Detailed focuses on what’s driving links to some of the most popular niches on the web, without the extra fluff that can make reverse engineering success a sometimes time-consuming process. Oh, he’s got a killer newsletter too.

Get it: Detailed

  1. Backlink Checker

Many people don’t realize that Ahrefs offers a free backlink checker, but they do, and it’s pretty good. It does have a number limitations compared to their full-fledged paid tool. For example, you’re limited to 100 links, and you can’t search by prefix or folder, but it’s handy for those quick link checks, or if you’re doing SEO on a tight budget.

Get it: Backlink Checker

Local SEO
Free tools to optimize your on Google Maps and beyond.

  1. Google My Business

Basically, this is the #1, must-have tool for Local SEO — especially if you live in a market served by Google. It allows you to claim your business, manage listing information, and respond to reviews — among other things. Claiming your business profile forms the foundation of most other local SEO activities, so it’s an essential step.

Get it: Google My Business

  1. Google Review Link Generator

The Google Review Link Generator by Whitespark solves a simple problem – how do you give your customers a URL to leave a Google review for your business? Reviews drive rankings, but Google doesn’t easily provide this. This generator makes it easy.

Get it: Google Review Link Generator

  1. Local Search Results Checker

One of the hardest parts of Local SEO is figuring out rankings from any location — especially when Google stubbornly wants to serve results from the location you’re in. BrightLocal solves this with a quick local ranking tool that can virtually drop you into any location on earth to check actual local rankings.

Get it: Local Search Results Checker

  1. Moz Local Online Presence Tool

How consistent is your business information and local citations across the internet? Moz Local lets you quickly check how your business shows up across the web in the major data aggregators that Google and others use to rank local search results. Very handy to understand your strengths and weaknesses.

Get it: Moz Local Online Presence Tool

Mobile SEO
Tools to optimize your website in Google’s mobile-first world.

  1. Mobile First Index Checker

Mobile versions of websites often differ significantly from their desktop versions. Because Google has switched to mobile-first indexing, it’s important that major elements (links, structured data, etc.) match on both versions. A number of tools will check this for you, but Zeo’s is probably the most complete.

Get it: Mobile First Index Checker

  1. Mobile SERP Test

It’s amazing how mobile search results can vary by both location AND device. MobileMoxie’s mobile SERP test lets you compare devices side-by-side for any location, down to specific addresses.

Get it: Mobile SERP Test

  1. Mobile-Friendly Test

The gold standard for determining if your page meets Google’s mobile-friendly requirements. If your page passes the test, then Google counts it as mobile-friendly, which is a bonafide (albeit small) ranking factor. If your page isn’t mobile-friendly, it will give you specific areas to address.

Get it: Mobile-Friendly Test

Free SEO tools that have so many functions, they have their own special category.

  1. Chrome DevTools

The sheer number of SEO tasks you can perform—for free—with Chrome DevTools is simply staggering. From JavaScript auditing to speed to On-Page SEO, some of the best features are hidden away but totally awesome. Need some specific ways to use it for SEO? Check out these resources here, here, and here.

Get it: Chrome DevTools

  1. Marketing Miner

Marketing Miner has a low profile in the United States, but it’s one of the best-kept secrets of Eastern Europe. If you need to pull a lot of SERP data, rankings, tool reports, or competitive analysis, Marketing Miner does the heavy lifting for you and loads it all into convenient reports. Check out this list of miners for possible ideas. It’s a paid tool, but the free version allows to perform a number of tasks.

Get it: Marketing Miner

  1. MozBar

One of the original SEO toolbars, the MozBar has seen significant upgrades over the years. Log in with a free Moz account and get link metrics as you browse the web, perform on-page analysis, and SERP analysis. The free version is super-useful by itself, while Pro users get additional functionality like advanced keyword suggestions.

Get it: MozBar

  1. SEMrush

Like Moz, SEMrush offers a full suite of all-in-one SEO tools, and they have a free account option that works well if you only work with a single website, or only need a quick peek at top-level data. The free account level gives you access to one “project” which includes basic site auditing, as well as limited keyword and domain reporting.

Get it: SEMrush

  1. SEO Minion

SEO Minion is a very popular Chrome extension that goes beyond most SEO toolbars. Some of the quick functions it performs include analyzing on-page SEO, check broken links, Hreflang checks, a SERP preview tool, and a nifty Google search location simulator. Definitely worth trying out.

Get it: SEO Minion

  1. SEOquake

Out of all the SEO toolbars available on the market, SEOquake is probably the most powerful, and comes with a plethora of configuration options — so you can configure it to adjust to your SEO needs. Aside from offering a boatload of data for every URL you visit, you can also perform basic on-page audits, compare domains, and export your data.

Get it: SEOquake

  1. Sheets for Marketers

Sheets for Marketers isn’t a tool per se, but a website that contains over 100+ free templates to perform a huge number of tasks using Google Sheets. Find powerful free sheets for everything including competitive analysis, site audits, scraping, keyword research, and more. This is a website for your bookmarks.

Get it: Sheets for Marketers

  1. Small SEO Tools

Small SEO Tools is a favorite among old-time SEO. It comprises a collection of over 100 original SEO tools. Each tool performs a very specific task, hence the name “small”. What’s great about this collection is that in addition to more traditional toolsets like backlink and keyword research, you’ll find an abundance of hard-to-find and very specific tools such as proxy tools, pdf tools, and even JSON tools.

google seo analyzer tools

10 Google SEO Tools to Boost Leads for Your Business

By Matthew Gibbons on October 9, 2020
~ 7 minutes to read
When it comes to search engine optimization (SEO), nearly everything you do comes down to Google. The goal is to get your content to the top of Google search rankings, which you have to harness Google’s many algorithms to do. Despite mostly involving only one platform, SEO can quickly become complicated if you try to do it all on your own.

One solution to that issue is to get help from an SEO agency like WebFX, which has been in the industry for over 25 years. But alongside partnering with a marketing agency, you can improve your results with the help of Google SEO tools. Google has created an array of online tools to help you maximize your SEO’s effectiveness, and we’ll go over 10 of them below.

Read on to learn more, and then give your SEO yet another boost by partnering with WebFX. Call us at 888-256-9448 or contact us online to get started today!

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10 Google tools for SEO
Google’s SEO tools encompass a range of features, from helping you find keywords to viewing website metrics. These are far from all the options Google provides, but they represent some of the best free Google SEO tools available.

  1. Google Search Console
    One of the first Google tools for SEO you’ll want to take advantage of is Google Search Console. The Google SEO software, Search Console, essentially allows you to see how Google is receiving your website. If there’s something about your website causing it to get penalized in search results, Search Console will tell you.

While it requires some setup with your website, the results are worth it. SEO is all about making Google like your website. Google Search Console is such a valuable tool because it tells you right up front whether you’re succeeding.

  1. Google Autocomplete
    Easily the simplest of the Google tools for SEO is one you’ve already used countless times without even trying to. When you go to the Google search bar and start typing in a keyword, the autocomplete feature provides a drop-down menu of terms it thinks you might be typing. These terms are based on what people commonly search, which means they can give you a great sense of what keywords you should target with your SEO content.

Autocomplete typically only shows seven or eight results, so it’s not comprehensive, but it’s an easy way to start. For a faster keyword tool, you can also try our own KeywordsFX tool!

  1. Google Keyword Planner
    Google Autocomplete is great for finding some keywords to use. Sometimes, though, you need more extensive results to choose from. That’s why you should take advantage of Google Keyword Planner.

On top of providing more keyword suggestions, Google Keyword Planner will give you information about monthly search volume and competition that you can use to determine which keywords to use.

  1. Google Analytics
    One of the best free Google SEO tools is Google Analytics. Like Google Search Console, Analytics lets you view metrics about your website. Some of those metrics are the same, but others are unique to Analytics. The main difference between Search Console and Analytics is that while Search Console focuses on Google’s perception of your website, Analytics is more concerned with what’s happening on the site. It shows you data about site traffic and conversion rates, among other things.
  2. Google Alerts
    Sometimes you’ll need to find fresh keywords to use in your content, and in those cases, you’ll likely use Google Keyword Planner. Other times, though, you’ll already have a specific keyword in mind that you want to keep up with. That’s when you’ll want to break out Google Alerts.

The Google SEO software, Google Alerts, helps you track what’s going on with specific keywords in Google. For example, you could set up alerts for the name of your business to see how many people are searching for you. You could do the same for your competitors’ names to see what you’re up against.

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  1. Google Trends
    Google Trends is another one of the Google SEO tools that can help clue you in on what keywords to target. Rather than providing you with initial ideas, however, it can give you insight into the keywords you’ve already found. When you look up a keyword in Google Trends, you can see its popularity in search results over time.

If you look up a keyword and find that interest in it is decreasing rapidly, you probably don’t want to use it. A keyword with a recent spike, though, is one you might want to target.

  1. Google Business Profile
    Google Business Profile is another of the best Google SEO tools out there because it doesn’t just let you view information about your business — it lets you provide that information. By keeping your business information up-to-date, you can ensure people are getting accurate search results. If you’ve ever looked up a company and have been shown its address, phone number, hours, and other information, you’ve encountered Google Business Profile.

You can submit the same information for your own company, so users will have an easy way to find you.

  1. Google Data Studio
    As great as it is to have access to all the information in the various Google SEO tools, it can become a bit hard to manage when it’s spread out across so many platforms. Things would be much easier if you could bring that information together into one place. Fortunately, that’s exactly what Google Data Studio allows you to do.

This Google SEO software integrates with tools like Google Search Console and Google Analytics so that you can import that data directly. Then you can use Data Studio to organize it into charts and graphs that you can use.

  1. Google Tag Manager
    We’ve already looked at some tools that allow you to see user behavior on your website, like Google Analytics. But that behavior is monitored and recorded through website tags, and those tags often require some degree of management. Google Tag Manager is one of the best SEO tools for doing this.

Often, updating tags requires waiting in a queue, but Tag Manager works around that. You can quickly and easily edit your website tags to track the information you want.

  1. Google Mobile-Friendly Test
    Last on our list of the best free Google SEO tools is the Google Mobile-Friendly Test tool. Google ranks websites not based on their desktop format, but by how they appear on a mobile device. For your SEO to be even remotely effective, your website has to be optimized for mobile.

The Mobile-Friendly Test tool makes it easy to find out if this is the case. By inputting your website, you can get fast feedback on whether it’s mobile-friendly. If it’s not, the tool will tell you what you can do to fix it.


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