Best Apps For A Student

Welcome to the resource listing of our best apps for students. We have created this resource with you, the student in mind, as we have discovered creating an app can be a great way to keep organized and empowered as you go through school. Our hope is that these apps will help you feel more confident as you continue your education, whether it’s in business school or even online classes. The list is meant to be dynamic and ever-changing, so if you find an app worth checking out and submitting, please use our contact form at the bottom of this page to let us know!

10 Useful Apps for Students - Download Now - EducationalAppStore

best apps for a college student

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10 best study apps for students
When it comes to studying it’s easy to get lost in notes and ideas. That’s why we’ve collected 10 of the best study apps to help you make flashcards, mind maps, create citations and work efficiently.

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  1. RefME – Android/iOS/Web, Free

This nifty app uses your phone’s camera to scan a book’s barcode and create a citation formatted in MLA, Chicago, or whatever format your school uses.

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  1. StudyBlue – Android/iOS, Free

Allows users to upload class study materials, create electronic flashcards to study and share with others, and practice quizzes.


  1. Evernote – Android/iOS/Web, Free

A tool that allows you to capture a note or memo in any format (web clip of a product or service review for reference, photo of a business receipt, audio file, or text meeting or handwritten notes).

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  1. Oxford Dictionary – Android/iOS, Free

The mobile version of the Oxford University Press’ Oxford English Dictionary.

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  1. Dragon Dictation – iOS, Free

Just start talking into Dragon Dictation and it’ll convert everything for you digitally, which you can paste into other apps, send as an email message, or save it for later.

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  1. GoConqr – Android/iOS/Web, Free

Access great learning resources like Mind Maps, Flashcards, Quizzes, Slides and Notes, or use the GoConqr app for social learning and connect and collaborate with friends, classmates and learners in Groups.

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  1. Office Lens – Android/iOS/Windows, Free

This app from Microsoft takes pictures of documents, whiteboards, blackboards, magazines, receipts, and more and converts them into editable, shareable text. It can read images event from an angle and cleans up glare and shadows too.

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  1. myHomework Student Planner – Android/iOS/Windows, Free

myHomework is a digital student planner that lets you track your classes, homework, tests and projects so you never forget an assignment again.

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  1. SimpleMind – iOS/Android, Free

Create mind maps to help you organize your thoughts, remember things and generate new ideas.

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  1. Google Drive – iOS/Android, Free

Save and store all of your documents online so that your work will be safe if your laptop crashes. You can also work offline and collaborate on a document with your classmates.

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