Best Apps For Ghost Hunting

If you’re just getting into ghost hunting, you know what a steep learning curve it can be. The most important thing to remember is that it’s not a science, but an art. You want to make sure you start with the right tools and techniques, so that you don’t end up putting yourself in danger or wasting your time.

To help you out, we’ve put together a list of some of our favorite ghost-hunting apps. They include everything from basic light meters and EMF readers to advanced dowsing rod apps and energy field visualizers.

Take a look through them and find the ones that help you get started.

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The best ghost-hunting apps and tools for Halloween 2018 - Vox

Best Apps For Ghost Hunting

Ghostcom Radar Spirit Detector
This highly-rated ghost hunting app allows you to exchange messages with ghosts while locating where they’re standing. (Yikes!) It also provides “spiritual statistics” about the ghost’s emotional state, zodiac sign, etc. The creators call it spooky, mysterious — and a great party game.

Download Ghostcon Radar Spirit Detector for Apple

Download Ghostcom Radar Spirit Detector for Android

GhostTube SLS
The GhostTube SLS app uses your phone’s technology to detect “humanoid bodies” in your environment by projecting a grid of infrared light. If your phone is new enough, it’ll also give you night vision capabilities. Open the app the next time the hairs on the back of your neck stand up, and see if someone — or something — is hanging out in the shadows.

Download GhostTube SLS for Apple

Download GhostTube SLS for Android

Ghost Hunting Tools
Ghost Hunting Tools, available for iPhone users only, includes an EMF reader that detects fluctuations in the electromagnetic field, and an EVP recorder, which picks up electronic voice phenomena — things IRL ghost hunters rely on to detect otherworldly spirits. It uses a 1000-word dictionary to help you guess the intention of the spirit. And while the app says it’s just for fun, the reviews claim otherwise: one June 2021 review is titled, in all-caps, “100% REAL.”

Download Ghost Hunting Tools

This ghost hunting app produces speech from ghosts, called instrumental trans communication, based on changes to sensors on your phone. Who knows if it’s real, or if it just relies on what your phone already knows about you to send you scary messages? Either way, it’s sure to be hella creepy.

Download iOvilus for $1.99.

Spirit Board
Ask the Spirit Board questions, or input text, and then wait for a ghost to respond. To really set the mood, the creators suggest darkening your room and lighting a few candles. Then, place your fingers on the planchette, Ouija-board style, to initiate a ghostly convo. If a spirit responds to your questions, the planchette will move to show their answer. With four stars and over 30,000 reviews on the App Store, you know you’ll be in for a spooky time.

Download Spirit Board for Apple

Best emf detector app for ghost hunting

If there’s one thing I’m carrying in my pocket tonight it’s an iPhone full of ghost hunting apps.

On a recent Saturday, I tested them out with the Para-Boston Society, a team of about 12 investigators that look into paranormal activity in and around Boston.

My guides, Scott Trainito and Mike Baker, have investigated over 500 reports of paranormal activity.

Trainito founded Para-Boston and Baker runs The New England Center for Advancement of Paranormal Science in addition to working for Para-Boston.

“I don’t think you can discount the millions of claims out there,” Baker told me from the front seat of Trainito’s car as we drove out to Whitinsville–the site of our investigation.


“However, most claims of paranormal activity come from psychological stress,” Baker said. “It’s easier to blame your problems on an outside source than have to face them yourself.” Trainito chimed in adding that nine times out of ten the “paranormal activity” could be explained.

“We never make any conclusions during the investigation,” Baker said. “We always wait until we’ve reviewed all the evidence.”

By evidence he meant the video recordings from their infrared cameras and readings from their electromagnetic field detectors. Baker and Trainito buy all their own equipment and have invested thousands of dollars into a profession for which they don’t get paid.

“We don’t take money,” Trainito said firmly. “Anyone who does is running a scam.” I scribbled feverishly in my notebook, eager to hear more.

The house we were going to belonged to a family with three kids and the mother was convinced the house was haunted. Her neighbor had seen the silhouette of an old man sitting in a rocking chair up in the attic even though the mother swore they never went up there.

Her daughter woke up with a strange bite mark on her leg, the mother had gotten chills when she sat in certain parts of the house, she heard noises in the attic and had found things in mysterious places as if they’d “flown off a shelf,” she told us.

At first I was skeptical and ironically, the more the Para-Boston team was able to explain the events the more I wanted to believe there really were ghosts in the house. It seemed so much more exciting to believe in spirits.

But Trainito and Baker carefully went through a list of observations that suggest there wasn’t a ghost: her two cats had probably knocked things over, any number of the medications the mom was taking could cause her to get chills and the bite mark on her daughter’s leg looked more like the imprint of a pearl necklace than traces of human teeth.

We were at the house for three hours and didn’t see or hear a thing. At one point, Baker and I huddled over a voice recorder in the attic with the lights turned off and asked the “ghost” questions like why it was there or what it wanted. Sadly, we got no reply.

But don’t be disheartened! According to Para-Boston, there’s a 10% that you could witness something unexplainable. And if it is supernatural, you just might want one of these iPhone apps to record what you see.

1) iEMF

This is my favorite ghost hunting app by far. iEMF detects magnetic field fluctuations using the built in magnetometer on the iPhone 3GS/4. Mike and I tested this app and his electromagnetic field detector side-by-side and the results were astonishing. My app gave out almost the same readings as his $300 EMF. It’s pretty basic and not that fancy but if you want to find areas of high energy during your ghost hunt this app is perfect.

(Price $.99)

2) M2

This app has the most functionality and offers you several ways to track down ghosts. There’s an electronic voice phenomena instrument, an EMF detector, the geoscope tool and spatial displacement tool. The electronic voice phenomena instrument presents words, in both audio and on the screen, based on an advanced phonetic selection algorithm. Additionally, you can ask the ghost(s) questions as Mike and I did then record and playback the session. The EMF detector is similar to the one in iEMF and the geoscope and spatial displacement tools basically tell you when there’s a disturbance in the physical environment like a door slamming or someone entering a room.

(Price $.99)

3) Ghost Radar

If you don’t mind the random words that this app spurts out every few minutes then you’re in for a real treat. Ghost Radar displays a green target on the middle of the screen and anytime it detects a higher level of energy it will show a red dot on the screen. You can also change the sensitivity levels and email copies of your readings to others. It’s a very simple app but if you trust the words are trying to tell you something, you’ll find yourself trying to string together clues from words like “atomic” “heavy” and “weather”–just a few of the words it spit out as I typed this article.


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