Best Apps For Jailbroken Iphone

It is most likely that your iPhone is jailbroken because you want to enjoy more excellent functions and freedom. There are many apps that can better the interface, add new features, change battery style, and unlock iPhone carrier lock, etc. In this article, you will learn more about some of the best 12 apps you can try after jailbreak your iPhone.

Some of the best jailbreak tweaks for bolstering security on iOS 14

Best Apps For Jailbroken Iphone

  1. Shuffle
    2 Images
    Screenshot of the tweak in use
    Screenshot of inside the tweak’s menu
    The Shuffle tweak adds the settings for apps and tweaks to the top of the Settings app, rather than the bottom where they’re usually found. This is a handy tweak for anyone that regularly heads into Settings to adjust apps or tweaks.

While it may seem minor, it brings some added convenience when you’re dealing with many tweaks on your jailbroken iPhone.

Download: Shuffle (Free)

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  1. Flame
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    Screenshot of the Flame tweak
    Screenshot of the Flame tweak settings
    Flame allows you to customize the look of some of Cydia’s features. Cydia is essentially the App Store for tweaks, but its design hasn’t changed much since iOS 7 when it was last updated. Many wish to give it an updated style to match newer iOS versions.

For those of you that like a clean and modern look to all your phone apps, this is the tweak for you.

Download: Flame (Free)

  1. Cylinder Reborn
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    Screenshot of Cylinder Reborn tweak settings
    Screenshot of Cylinder Reborn Tweak in use
    Cylinder Reborn is the newest release of the classic Cylinder tweak. This tweak adds new exciting page animations for when you swipe between pages on your iPhone’s Home screen. Not only can you add funky animations to bring a bit of fun to mundane tasks on your phone, but you can also remove them entirely for a crisper feel.

While this tweak isn’t essential for changing your iPhone experience, it’s a good entry point to customization on a jailbroken iPhone. This is just the beginning of what you can do.

Download: Cylinder Reborn (Free)

  1. BarMoji
    Screenshot of keyboard using Barmoji
    If you use emoji all the time, you might have created emoji keyboard shortcuts so you can type your favorites more easily. Barmoji is an even better option; it les you pin frequently used emojis to the empty space below the keyboard. That way, they’re easily accessible without having to open the emoji keyboard.

Download: Barmoji (Free)

  1. Snowboard
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    Screenshot of Snowboard tweak settings
    Screenshot of Snowboard tweak in use
    The Snowboard tweak allows you to customize your iPhone’s Home screen with new icon themes, change the layout of icons, and more. Although adding custom iPhone icons is now possible with iOS 14, it isn’t the smoothest procedure.

With the tweak, you can instantly change your icons without needing to use the Shortcuts app and images. You can also change the layout of app icons, bringing much more flexibility like you’d see on an Android device.

This tweak is a must-have for anyone who want to take the customization of your iPhone to the next level.

Download: Snowboard (Free)

  1. QuitAll
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    Screenshot showing QuitAll tweak in use
    Screenshot showing QuitAll tweak settings
    QuitAll is a tweak that does exactly what it says. It adds a “quit all” button to the multitasking screen so you can close all open apps at once. This is a feature the Overview screen on many Android devices has had for years.

You can also tweak the settings to ensure your music apps stay open. If you accidentally swipe Spotify closed and interrupt your listening, try this option to avoid that.

QuitAll is a simple tweak, but you’ll soon wonder how you lived without it.

Download: QuitAll (Free)

  1. Power Module
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    Screenshot showing the Power Module tweak control center
    Screenshot showing the Power Module tweak detailed menu
    PowerModule is another simple yet useful tweak. This tweak adds respring and restart options to the power menu and Control Center, if you wish. It’s a handy addition to the iOS UI, as you’ll frequently need to respring your iPhone after installing new tweaks or changing tweak settings.

If you like messing with jailbreak options, this one will save you a lot of time.

Download: PowerModule (Free)

  1. AutoFaceUnlock
    Screenshot showing the AutoFaceUnlock tweak in use
    Face ID is a secure and convenient feature, but it’s not perfect. A common pain point is that you still need to swipe up before you can open your device. You never had to do this with Touch ID, so it can be an annoyance for some. AutoFaceUnlock lets you unlock your iPhone using Face ID without needing to swipe up first.

Aside from convenience, this can be a useful accessibility option.

Download: AutoFaceUnlock (Free)

  1. Jellyfish
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    Screenshot of the Jellyfish tweak in use
    Screenshot of the Jellyfish tweak in use
    Jellyfish is a tweak that allows you to customize your lockscreen, a feature that hasn’t been possible before. With this tweak, you can change elements of the lockscreen, move them around, and bring a more modern style to your device.

This tweak brings customization options that even most Android phones don’t offer, so it can’t be missed if you’re looking to change-up your iPhone.

Download: Jellyfish ($1.99)

  1. DigitalBattery13
    Screenshot of the BatteryPercent13 tweak
    DigitalBattery13 is another fairly simple tweak. It adds the current power percentage to the battery icon in the status bar—information that hasn’t been on the bar since the release of the iPhone X.

Best jailbreak apps ios 14

  1. 3DResetApp
    Best Jailbreak Tweaks For iOS 14
    First on our list of best jailbreak tweaks for iOS 14 is 3DResetApp tweak for jailbroken devices. This tweak allows user sto quickly reset any app that they had downloaded from the App Store to its original state. To reset an app all you have to do is access the home screen menu of an app and then tap on the ‘Reset App’ option.

Once you have reseted an app all of its user data will be removed making it work like you just downloaded it from the App Store for the first time.

You can download 3DResetApp tweak from BigBoss repo where it is available as a free download.

  1. AnimPlus
    Jailbreak tweaks for iOS 14
    AnimPlus tweak for iOS 14 enables iPhone users to speed up their device’s animations. You can boost up the speed of iOS animations and change things like duration, velocity, stiffness and damping.

With AnimPlus users can change the speed of app launching animation, app closing, screen waking, folder opening, coversheet unlock and springboard animations. You can download this tweak from the Packix repo where it is available for $1.50.

  1. Cr4shed

Cr4shed is a crash reporter application for iOS, which is designed to let developers and users know which tweak or app is causing their device to crash. You can download it for free from the Packix repo.

  1. CoolCC
    Best Cydia tweaks
    Next on our list of iOS 14 tweaks is CoolCC. Tired of looking at the same old design of the Control Center? Then make your device’s Control Center cool with the CoolCC tweak for jailbroken devices.

This tweak gives CC a fresh look by removing the background of CC modules and buttons. It also adds a nice white border line to the buttons and sliders that gives the Control Center a unique look. The tweak also changes the look of the expanded modules. You can download CoolCC tweak for free.

  1. CopyKey
    CopyKey tweak for jailbroken devices makes the life of iPhone users easier by adding a Paste button for text right below the keyboard. When you tap on the CopyKey button the text or other items in your iPhone’s clipboard will get pasted to the text field. The tweak is available on the Packix repo as a free download.
  2. CarBridge

Next up on our list of best jailbreak tweaks for iOS 14 is CarBridge. If you have Apple CarPlay in your car, then you are going to love the CarBridge tweak for jailbroken devices. This tweak allows users to open any app from their iPhone on the CarPlay system.

This tweak will let you run any app on CarPlay including video playback apps like YouTube and even Safari browser. You can download the tweak from the Packix repo for $9.99.

  1. Colouration

With the Colouration tweak for jailbroken devices you can change the colors of almost every part of iOS. With this tweak you can change the color of app labels, folder backgrounds, Wi-Fi signals, Time, Activity Indicators, Battery indicator, spotlight search, Control Center, App Library and much more. You can even change the colors of keyboard, home bar, alerts etc.

It is a powerful colorization tweak that is a must have for those looking to customize the look and feel of their device. You can download Colouration tweak from the Packix repo for $0.99.

  1. Crystal
    Best iOS 14 tweaks
    Crystal is a must have iOS 14 tweak for AirPods users. This tweak makes your AirPods Pro automatically switch between Noise Cancellation and Transparency modes based on what you are doing.

For example, you can configure Crystal tweak to switch to Transparency mode automatically when you are on a call. You can also make it pause music when you reduce the volume to 0%. Crystal tweak is available for free.

  1. CarPlayEnable

CarPlayEnable is a free alternative to CarBridge tweak for those who want to play video playback apps like YouTube and others on their CarPlay system.

In addition to video apps you can run any app on your CarPlay system no matter if that app supports CarPlay or not. You can download CarPlayEnable tweak from Cydia where it is available for free.

  1. Cylinder Reborn
    Best iOS 14 tweaks

Next on our list of best iOS 14 tweaks for 2021 is CylinderReborn. Jailbreak veterans would know about the Cylinder tweak, which added fun animations to the home screen icons. This tweak does the same on iOS 14. You can download CylinderReborn tweak from the Chariz repo for free.


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