Best Apps For Reading Comprehension

Reading is critical for success in school and life—studies show reading can do everything from increasing empathy to improving memory. But if you’re a busy modern person, sometimes it just feels impossible to find the time to read.

The good news is, reading doesn’t have to be a chore you have to dedicate huge blocks of time for; it can actually be something you fit into your day more easily. That’s why we’re going to share with you some of the best apps on the market for reading comprehension and other reading-related tasks.

You might not even consider what we’re about to share as “apps”—instead you could think of them as tools that are used in conjunction with your preferred apps. Whatever they are, they’re sure to make your life easier, and help you read either more or different content than you were before.

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The Best Reading Apps for Kids In and Out of the Classroom

Best Apps For Reading Comprehension

Developing reading comprehension skills is incredibly important for growing readers. We’ve gathered information about apps that provide practice with reading comprehension skills, including sequencing, differentiating between fact and opinion and developing word awareness. These apps also helps young learners develop their reading fluency.

By learning to read effectively, your child can build skills that will help improve his or her reading skills and comprehension. With fun skill-building games and interactive features, these tools can give kids reading comprehension support and guidance that a book alone can’t provide. Educational App Store offers plenty of grade-appropriate reading comprehension apps that can help your child practice reading.

Here is a list of some of the best apps to help improve your kid’s reading comprehension.

Reading Prep Comprehension

  1. Reading Prep Comprehension
    (iPhone, iPad)

Reading Prep Comprehension is the most advanced reading comprehension app in the App Store that can be downloaded for free. It is for older readers and contains 12 stories, fiction and nonfiction to develop comprehension skills. Their Reading Comprehension series was designed for children and family looking for an advantage in solidifying their reading and understanding skills.

Reading Prep Comprehension is a self-pacing app that allows students in or out of the classroom to practice their comprehension skills. Students can choose different genres to read from, answer questions based on each passage, and work on their own reading level. It is one of our recommended reading comprehension app.

Devices: iPhone and iPad

Download Reading Prep Comprehension app

Reading Eggs

  1. Reading Eggs
    (Android, iPhone, iPad)

Reading Eggs lessons and activities provides reading comprehension help. Each lesson ends with the reading of an e-book, and children are required to answer comprehension questions and monitor their own comprehension when they complete activities and revisit texts. Children get to practice their comprehension skills. Using this app, children learn a range of comprehension strategies that enable them to access increasingly difficult and challenging literature and nonfiction texts.

Reading Eggs helps children improve their reading fluency with fun instructional online activities and ebooks. Older students focus on reading comprehension, giving students experience in the kinds of questions they may find on standardized tests. Their resources assist young learners build fluency, vocabulary and comprehension skills.

Devices: Android, iPhone and iPad

Download Reading Eggs

Readability Reading Tutor

  1. Readability Reading Tutor
    (Android, iPhone, iPad)

Readability Reading Tutor is an app for helping kids to improve their reading comprehension skills. Readability is a smart Reading & Comprehension Learning App your child can use anytime, anywhere. It takes them through their first steps and then strengthens and consolidates their reading ability.

Readability is using cutting edge technology to give children the tools they need to improve their reading and expand their horizons. Readability, a reading fluency app, uses AI and speech recognition to create a tutor-like guided reading experience for kids.

Devices: Android, iPhone and iPad

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Hand-picked educational apps by teachers that will improve your child’s learning.

Accomplish Reading

  1. Accomplish Reading
    (Android, iPhone, iPad)

Accomplish Reading is a simple app to help children improve their reading comprehension. After reading a number of sentences, children are asked to agree or disagree as to whether the sentence makes sense. Clicking on the correct answer moves the children onto the next sentence however, if they get it wrong they are prompted to re-read the sentence and try again.

The whole point of the app and the process of re-reading is to teach users the importance of re-reading sentences to gain an understanding and improvement on reading comprehension. The app also provides personalised feedback and progress reports for each of the users on the app. If you are looking for a good, reliable reading comprehension app, this is the one.

Devices: Android, iPhone and iPad

Download Accomplish Reading

Reading Trainer

  1. Reading Trainer
    (Android, iPhone, iPad)

Reading Trainer is one of the most popular reading comprehension apps. Reading Trainer improves comprehension by tackling reading fluency. This app quickly develops your child’s reading speed to meet grade level expectations.

When students read more easily, they are free to retain and process more of the content of the text. This app offers 12 different games and exercises designed to improve coordination of eye movements, increase rapid recognition of letters and numbers, and more. Reading Trainer is a really fun way to work on reading fluency.

Devices: Android, iPhone and iPad

Download Reading Trainer

StoryBuilder for iPad

  1. StoryBuilder for iPad
    (iPhone, iPad)

Using Story Builder will require children to organize their thoughts in a sequence that will make the story easy to follow for readers. Language-arts tool for kids who need to improve their sentence formation, storytelling, and speaking, and can be used in special needs classrooms. Skills like, word choice, sentence structure, and organizational strategies are key – even when dictating a story into the app.

Devices: Android, iPhone and iPad

Download StoryBuilder for iPad

News-O-Matic EDU

  1. News-O-Matic EDU
    News-O-Matic delivers 5 current event news articles covering a variety of topics to students every day. News-O-Matic offer stories of interest to kids and make serious events more digestible. Each day teachers get a guide via email that has discussion questions, assessment questions correlated to Common Core State Standards, and more.

Devices: Android, iPhone and iPad

Download News-O-Matic EDU

Rereading familiar, simple books gives your child practice at decoding words quickly, so they’ll become more fluent in their reading comprehension. We have reviewed the best reading comprehension apps. Each of these apps help children develop fundamental reading comprehension skills. Available for both iOS and Android, download a reading comprehension app today.

best reading comprehension apps for adults

Why do adults need to know about Reading Comprehension? Yes, looking at the topic, this question might come across your mind. Actually, it is not always due to learning disabilities; first of all, let me tell you that! English is a global language. And, there is a whole lot of non-English speaking nations where this global medium of instruction and communication is to be learned as a second language. Hence, those adult learners who want to master English as a second language can use technology-driven tools like apps to develop reading comprehension skills.

In this post, we have curated for you reading comprehension apps that adults may use for their individual objectives. But, what can be those objectives? Let’s discuss those a little first.

Objectives of using reading comprehension apps for adults
A lack of reading comprehension skills in adults is a well-known fact. 43-45% of American adults have a problem reading densely written, well-punctuated text (Kutner, Greenberg & Baer, 2005). The efforts are on to diagnose the probability of occurrence of reading comprehension problems in adult stages. When diagnosed, the path ahead is dedicated to how to overcome the reading comprehension difficulty. It is where the apps, books, discussion forums, etc. step in and provide a plausible solution.

The reading comprehension apps for adults can serve three important purposes:

Overcome reading difficulties: Adults can revisit reading sessions using apps and make up for the shortcomings left unattended due to abandoning of schools, dyslexia-caused troubles, or other factors.
Learning English as a Second Language (ESL): Some people learn English for personal skills development. They want to master English, add more weight to their resumes, and strive to become globally acceptable too.
Clear competitive exams like GRE, TOEFL, etc.: To get admission in foreign universities where proficiency in English is considered mandatory to qualify. In these exams, reading comprehension is an important section and needs to be cleared mandatorily.
Want to know which reading comprehension apps for adults are serving the learning needs most correctly? Take a look at these happening apps that can help you improve your reading fundamentals, vocabulary, and provide ample practice for solving questions based on reading comprehension.

User-friendly Reading Comprehension Apps Must-have for Adults

  1. Reading Comprehension – GRE® Test Prep & Practice
    Reading Comprehension – GRE® Test Prep & Practice
    Beautifully designed and well-crafter reading comprehension app that you can use for GRE preparation and personal fulfillment as yet. Main activity involved in a reading comprehension exercise is reading passages and answering questions based on the facts given in those. This app offers ample opportunity to do so. You may find about 200 passages to read and decode.

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This app is a sophisticated way of putting learning in action. You can take quick short tests, save scores and stay put on the path to improvement. Even when not preparing for competitive exams, you can create a personal repertoire of passages to read often.

App Link: Playstore

  1. Reading Comprehension Fun Game
    Reading Comprehension Fun Game
    Designed for both kids and adults, this app is a perfect tool for getting practice on reading comprehension. Divided into different levels, this app offers a gamified way of driving English learners into reading activities. When needed a boost for developing strong communication skills, this app offers the perfect learning tool.

Read out loud, listen to the pronunciation, and test comprehension skills through different types of practice sets and reading activities. The app works on the principle that it is never too late to start learning. So, whichever age group you belong to, you can employ this app to learn and develop the requisite reading development skills. It walks you through how to read, how to solve questions and answers, and also offers support to check right and wrong answers.

App Link: App Store | Playstore

  1. Reading Comprehension Skills
    Reading comprehension skills
    Reading Comprehension Skills app offers complete know-how of how to develop this aspect of reading fluency. First, it starts with giving you a crystal clear view of what reading comprehension skills actually comprise. So, with a quick go-through of essentialities like decoding, fluency, vocabulary, you actually are able to set the proficiency levels you ought to achieve to become well-seasoned in reading comprehension.

The app offers you various levels of learning so that you start and proceed steadily and progressively. It trains you in the art of scanning the content and skimming the meaning from it. The app works great for management students, team leaders, etc. who need to learn how to approach reading and process information from it.

App Link: Playstore

  1. Reading – TOEFL® Preparation Tests
    Reading – TOEFL® Preparation Tests
    This app has found a place in our list because adults need to learn and refine their reading comprehension skills to prepare for competitive exams like TOEFL. The designers have deeply researched what the learning requirements for TOEFL level exams are, and they have laid ample stress on all of those.

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The users are sure to benefit from the features like vocabulary build support, test support, and has an enriched collection of questions and answers. Just because the name is TOEFL, it does not mean that the app is useful for competitive exams only. The app proves its worth to the self-learners of ESL too and is a versatile tool that can help adults have more mature content to read and practice as a part of their reading comprehension skills building.

App Link: Playstore

  1. Improve Reading Comprehension
    Improve Reading Comprehension
    When you are completely unaware of even basic English and want to build your reading comprehension skills way up starting from scratch, this app offers you the best resource to do so. It is one of the apps that you can use with your kids and have teamwork at home, trying to help each other.

Don’t get beguiled by the colorful pictures that may set you thinking that the app is for kids; the content is designed to keep the adults’ learning needs too. The app is full of contextual passages that can help English beginners pick the message, and work around the reading skill. If you are a parent, you can bond over this app with your children and have your share of learning too.

App Link: App Store

  1. Reading Comprehension Test – English
    Reading Comprehension Test – English
    Reading comprehension is not restricted only to making the meaning from the text or answering questions based on the passage. It is a much elaborate process and requires a strategic approach to decode the message and internalize it. Also, the reader should be able to read between the lines and predict the upcoming message. How to do it exactly? Well, the answer lies in this app.

The app provides you full-fledged support for learning the processes of predicting, questioning, inferencing from the text, and visualizing what is presented textually. Thus, make your mobile phone the best English reading comprehension learning tool. It serves your needs just right and can help learn reading even while on the move.

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App Link: Playstore

  1. English Reading Stories
    English Reading Stories
    Do you know stories offer the most engaging material that can help build reading comprehension skills too? If you vouch for this fact too, then this app is the best answer. It is where your search for a collection of stories to read to check on your reading comprehension skills is sure to end on a happy note.

You can find in this app stories sorted according to your level of proficiency in reading comprehension. After every reading or end of the level, you can check proficiency through a quick test, and then decide whether to proceed further or repeat the level. Thus, this app is a perfect fit for adults who need self-paced support for mastering reading comprehension.


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