Teachers are some of the hardest-working people in the world, and they deserve a break.
That’s why we’ve put together this list of the best apps for teachers on iPad. These apps will help you plan lessons, organize your classroom, and keep track of everything from attendance records to student grades.
We’ve also included a few games that are great for classrooms—they’ll keep your students engaged while helping them learn!

Best Apps For Teachers On Ipad
Yes! You finally got your brand new and shiny iPad for the classroom! There’s only one tiny (read: enormous) problem. There’s one iPad and there are 25 students. So how are you going to use this iPad?
Don’t worry. There are so many apps you can use in your one-iPad classroom. That’s why I’ve made a list of 20 amazing educational apps for you. Take a look at these one ipad classroom ideas!
20 apps for the single-iPad classroom
Before you start using these apps, it’s useful to know how to project your iPad’s screen on the wall. Take a look at this post to see how you connect your iPad to a projector or a computer.
- Plickers
Plickers is a real-time assessment tool and is both an online tool and a classroom tool. It lets your students share their thoughts in a glance, anonymously. You can see if your students understand your lesson topics. All students get to answer the questions, which makes them participate more.
Using Plickers requires the Plickers app and the Plickers cards. Go to the website to get them.
You ask a multiple choice question and the students answer it by showing the cards. The questions you ask must be inserted on the Plickers website. Each side of a card represents a question letter (A,B,C or D). When all cards are raised, you can simply scan the card with the Plickers app and it will show you what your students answered instantly.
Plickers is a great tool for formative assessment, warm-ups, exit tickets and lesson refreshers.
- ClassDojo
ClassDojo is a free digital reward system in which every student gets evaluated on positive and negative behavior. Not only the teacher has access to ClassDojo, also the students and their parents can access the platform by entering a unique code.
As a teacher, you set up some “behavior tags”. A behavior tag consists of a description and an icon. You can add icons with a description of your own. Choose a description for the positive behavior tags and a description for the negative behavior tags.
Positive behavior gets the value “+1” and negative behavior gets “-1”. The teacher assigns the positive and negative behavior icons to the students.
The fun thing about ClassDojo are their little monsters. Every student is a different monster. It’s very visual and funny! You can assign the tags in front of your class, or you can let them see the weekly overview. That way they see whether they have been good (or bad) this week.
- Classcraft
When you want to manage older students, you can use Classcraft. Classcraft engages students to live by your class rules in an interactive way.
Students can create their own avatars that have special powers at home. They play in groups. If someone ignores a deadline, it may fire back on the whole group. Working together and having respect for each other is very important.
Students can gain different points by playing by the classroom rules. For example: students who help other students receive a certain amount of points. When they have enough points, they can use a power like: the “warrior” can eat in class”. They can also lose those points by not playing by the rules. If they lose all their points they get a sentence like: bring a treat for the whole class or hand in an assignment a day early.
End your week by assigning points to students and let them choose what to do with it.
- BookWidgets
BookWidgets has some great widgets you can use in a traditional classroom with just one tablet or computer.
Use the Randomness widget to pick out students or to give students random exercises. Use your own imagination because you can decide what content to put in it. Click here to see an example.
You can also use the Flashcard widget. Project your iPad screen and let your students practice the words, one by one. Take a look at this example.
Another fun widget to use in front of your class is Hangman. Let your students guess the letters of a difficult term they just learned. If they found the word, they have to explain what it means. Here’s an example. Dutch students have to guess some animals in English.
I can go on and on about widgets that are suited for a single iPad classroom, because there are so many. The last one I want to show you is the Image viewer. Sometimes you want to show your students an image with a lot of important details on it, but you can’t zoom in enough. Just use the Image viewer. Zoom and pan around and let your students discover the image. Check out this example of a construction site.
Take a look at the widgets library for some examples and start creating your own widgets!
- Evernote Scannable
This great app allows you to use your iPad as a document scanner. It automatically detects documents or notes of any size and offers enhancement options.
As it has a lot of other good features, I would use it in a single iPad classroom to share examples with students via the projector. You can, for instance, instantly show student work that is very good or encourage student’s reasoning about questions that seemed complicated.
- Stage
Stage lets you create, collaborate, and demonstrate. Combine your camera with an interactive whiteboard so you can freehand sketch over live video or images, create Madden-style demo videos and get creative by inserting pictures, shapes, text and labels.
Record videos or screen capture images and save them directly to your device’s photo library.
To be more specific: use Stage to scan student work, books or worksheets. Then start annotating them in front of class while you are projecting your iPad screen. It’s a bit like Evernote Scannable, but with a live annotation tool.
- Ibrainstorm
Use this app to create an interactive whiteboard, suited for brainstorming. The purpose of this app is to encourage students to capture and share their creative minds.
Let students use your iPad one by one to write and add notes to the board. You can start from scratch, or they can choose one of the 13 background templates. You can even brainstorm about how to put football players on the field!
- Classroom Screen
This web browser app is just heaven! It has everything you need on just one screen.
Show students the time by adding it to the screen or add a timer to limit your students’ working time. You can even add a traffic light and choose if the light is green, orange or red. That way, students know if they are too loud or if they have to keep quiet or not. Try to give your own meaning to the traffic light.
Another great feature is the possibility of using working symbols. Choose the right symbol that suits your lesson situation: collaborating, discussing, whispering or silence.
We’re not done yet. Use the textpad to write text on your screen or the drawing pad to make a sketch. You can turn your whole screen in a drawing pad, or just a little corner.
The best is yet to come… QR codes! Add a QR code to the screen. Of course, your students would need a device at their disposal for this. Just add the website you want to link to, and he will generate another QR code.
It’s also very handy to have a calculator on your screen to do some quick calculations or to pick out a student randomly with the random name picker.
If you want to change the background image, or the language settings, that’s possible too. You can choose between 7 standard languages or add your own translation yourself.
- Keep the score
This web app is amazing for getting your classroom under control. Assign scores to your students in just a few minutes set up.
Students can get scores for answering correctly, handing in homework on time, being nice in class, etc. You choose. They can also lose points for being disrespectful, forgetting their textbook, and so on.
You can also play games with it and make a competition out of your lesson. Beware not to punish your students to fast by withholding points. This might become an issue later on. Students won’t dare to speak up anymore.
- Too noisy
When you want your students to be quiet, you can use the app Too Noisy. Open it on you iPad and make sure your students can see it. You might want to connect your screen to the projector or computer.
Challenge your students to keep the needle of the noise meter out of the red part. This app might come in handy to keep students quiet during group work.
Another way to use it is to help yourself from speaking too loud. If you have to raise your voice, this means that the class is too loud. You can tell your students you won’t speak louder so they know they have to lower the murmuring in order to understand the teacher.
- Classroom timer
There’s not much to tell about this one. It’s a timer. That’s it. Use this app when you want to set a time on your students’ work or when you want to set a time to their thinking process.
The timer looks more fun than the timer in “Classroom Screen”. The apps shows you an alarm clock where time is ticking away.
- Random fact of the day
This is a fun app you can use to kill a dead moment. Just open this app and show it to your students on the big screen.
Talk about the fact with your students. Who didn’t know it and who had already heard of it? Some facts are really funny and some others are very interesting and informative. If you do this the first 3 minutes of every lesson, students will go home with some extra knowledge. They will even explain it to their parents and brag about it. Well, I would!
- Wheel decide
Sometimes it’s very quiet in the classroom when you ask a question. That’s because nobody wants to answer, knows the answer or they are just lazy. On the other hand, you have students that are always raising their hand.
use “Decide Wheel” to randomly pick out students. You can even use it for other difficult decisions or for games.
Change the words on the wheel into names, questions, calculation, terms or translations. Spin the wheel and let students solve the question or calculation.
- 100+ buttons and sounds
If you are the funny teacher, you should really take a look at this app. It’s a sound board with over 100 different sounds.
So how can you use this in your classroom? It’s easy. Use it to encourage your students when they have to do a presentation.
Use the drum roll to announce a winner, the censor when you hear students saying a wrong or bad word, the applause to acknowledge the student’s work and many more.
Choose the best sounds for in the classroom and add them to your favorites. If you trust your students, you can hand over the tablet and let them introduce other students with the sound buttons.
- The Brainstormer
This app isn’t an app that helps you to collaborate on ideas and gives you a solution to brainstorm easily. This app gives you the idea.
Use Brainstormer in art lessons, and language lessons to give students an idea to start from. The app gives them inspiration to start with. Let them write a story, using the Brainstormer app. I’m very curious what the result will be!The app can also help you to pick out a topic for the next writing assignment.
- Tap Roulette
Tap roulette is a very simple app that basically chooses someone by picking a finger.
Students have to put their fingers on the screen. Tap roulette detects them and chooses one. It’s so simple, but your students will love it!
Let students pick out a team leader this way or choose who has to give feedback to another student. There are a lot of decisions to make in a classroom, so this app will be used a lot!
- My rebus
Sometimes it’s hard to come up with some original rebuses. This web app helps you to make a rebus in seconds. Just insert your sentence and it will convert the sentence into a nice rebus. you can even choose the difficulty level!
Use a rebus to spice up your lessons and make it more visual. I always loved to solve them as a kid. I still do!
- WordClouds
Make some nice word clouds with this Wordclouds app. Use it in presentations to visually support text.
Add a file with words or type the words at that moment. Choose between a lot of different sizes so your word cloud can fit any screen beautifully. The web app also helps you to put the words in a chosen shape or colour.
- Mad Libs
If you have a dead moment in class or are an English language teacher, you should definitely try this app out. Project your screen and play this word game with your students.
The purpose is to let your students fill in the blanks in a sentence that is given. You’ll see that they will be creating very funny stories that way. Mister Phil N. DeBlanks helps you to fill in the blanks. Got it? 🙂
- TED-ed
TED-Ed is TED’s youth and education initiative. TED-Ed wants to celebrate the ideas of teachers and students around the world. Everything they do is with only one goal: supporting learning.
They produce a growing library of original animated videos and providing an international platform for teachers to create their own interactive lessons.
TED-Ed has grown from an idea worth spreading into an award-winning education platform that serves millions of teachers and students around the world every week.
What I love about TED-Ed videos is that they explain things I never even thought about and are actually great to show your students!
These were my top picks for the classroom with just one device. All those apps are suited for an iPad, and most of them also work on Android. I hope you have some inspiration now to use that iPad in your classroom more often.
best ipad apps for high school teachers
Summary: Would you like to turn classroom’s iPads into recordable whiteboards enabling peer-to-peer teaching and collaboration? What about sharing positive feedback with your students while their parents can check their child’s school progress? The following list of 18 Free iPad Apps will make your teaching life easier!
The list below consists of 18 Free iPad Apps that every teacher and school administrator should have. Have a look at the following list and find the Best Free iPad Apps you need to make your teaching life easier!
18 Free Education iPad Apps for Teachers and School Administrators
- Ask3 – free
Ask3 is a TechSmith experiment in turning a class of individuals into a high-performing team. Ask3 turns classroom iPads into recordable whiteboards enabling peer-to-peer teaching and collaboration. While anyone can use Ask3, we are seeking input from teachers focused on team-building and student - Chirp – free
Chirp is a magical new way to share your stuff – using sound. Chirp ‘sings’ information from one iPhone to another. Share photos, links, notes and more: all from your built-in iPhone speaker. What will you chirp? Chirp lets you send information over the air to anyone running the app near you. Use the app to send or receive pictures from your camera, and share with everyone in the room. Chirp is the super-simple way to share that everyone’s talking about – download it now. - ClassDojo for Teachers – free
ClassDojo helps teachers improve behavior in their classrooms quickly and easily. It captures and generates data on behavior that teachers can share with parents and administrators. Teachers can use this app to give their students positive behavior feedback and manage their classes, while parents can check on their child’s progress at school. Beautiful reports and easy classroom management are all built in – and everything syncs across all of your devices! - Doodle Buddy – Paint, Draw, Scribble, Sketch – free with ads
Doodle Buddy Gold is the most fun you can have with your finger! Finger paint with your favorite colors and drop in playful stamps. Connect with a friend to draw together over the Internet. What makes Doodle Buddy so special? Funny sounds paired with stamps are a blast! Doodle and stamp all over your own pictures. Scribble inside fun stencils to draw perfect shapes. Get more stencils with Doodle Bucks! Text Tool with resizable text and four fonts. Post your doodles on your Facebook page. Draw with other users on the same WiFi network. You may also find useful Best Practices for Teachers Using Facebook. - Educreations Interactive Whiteboard – free
Educreations turns your iPad into a recordable whiteboard. Creating a great video tutorial is as simple as touching, tapping and talking. Explain a math formula… Create an animated lesson… Add commentary to your photos… Diagram a sports play… With voice recording, realistic digital ink, photos and text, and simple sharing through email, Facebook or Twitter, now you can broadcast your ideas from anywhere. - Find My iPhone – free
If you misplace your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, or Mac, the Find My iPhone app will let you use another iOS device to find it and protect your data. Simply install this free app on another iOS device, open it, and sign in with your Apple ID. Find My iPhone will help you locate your missing device on a map, play a sound, display a message, remotely lock your device, or erase all the data on it. If the iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch you want to locate is running iOS 6 or later, Find My iPhone also includes Lost Mode. Lost Mode locks your missing device with a 4-digit passcode and can display a contact phone number right on the lock screen. And while in Lost Mode, your device will keep track of where it has been and display its recent location history when you check in with the Find My iPhone app. Please note that Find My iPhone must be enabled in the iCloud settings on your device for you to locate it with this app.
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- GoClass- free
GoClass is a cloud-based teaching and learning platform designed for connected mobile devices in the classroom to enhance the classroom experience by enabling teachers to connect students with lesson plans and learning media on mobile devices. This App allows you to use several GoClass services and features on Apple iPads, iPhones and iPod Touch devices. If you do not already have a GoClass account, you can set one up for free at the GoClass website. Go Class lesson plans are organized into three distinct sections–Show, Explain & Ask–allowing teachers to populate and organize images, documents, videos, URLs, teacher notes and assessments into a structured sequence of lesson plan elements. - GroupMaker – free
GroupMaker is the best app for quickly creating diverse groups. Organize groups based on gender, performance level, or ethnicity. You can also just randomly mix everyone up into groups of 1-20 depending on your needs. You can organize students by ethnicity, gender, or misc. The misc category can be used to sort by mastery, partial mastery, or non-mastery of contents, or anything else along those lines. The misc category is intended be flexible and opaque in the event it is seen by students. - i-Nigma QR Code, Data Matrix, and 1D Barcode Reader – free
i-nigma turns your camera into a sophisticated barcode reader. Thanks to exceptionally quick and robust scanning, it is regularly ranked as top performer in this category. - iTunes U – free
The iTunes U app gives you access to complete courses from leading universities and other schools — plus the world’s largest digital catalog of free education content — right on your iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch. Whether you’re majoring in molecular biology at a university, taking Spanish in high school, or just interested in European history, you now have a valuable tool to help you learn anytime, anywhere. - Mastery Scan – free
MasteryScan (powered by GradeCam) is an app that allows teachers to scan plain paper bubble sheets right from an iPad! To get started using MasteryScan, you’ll need to create a MasteryConnect account (www.masteryconnect.com – teachers & educators only please). MasteryConnect empowers educators to assess and track mastery of both state and Common Core standards, share common assessments, and connect in an online professional learning community. - Showbie – free
Effortlessly assign, collect, and review student work from anywhere – with Showbie! Showbie makes it easy to collect & review student work on your iPad. Students can: Share files quickly and easily. Express their creativity through various forms of media. Hand in their homework using a computer or mobile device. Showbie also allows teachers to: assign schoolwork digitally, collect student work without printing any paper, review assignments anytime, anywhere. - Teacher Clicker – Socrative – free
Socrative brings smart clickers, student response and ease of use to a whole new level. Engage the entire classroom with educational exercises and games while capturing student results in real-time. Interact with the data to further student understanding in the moment, and review the reports to prepare for future classes. Socrative will even aggregate and grade your pre-made activities! Saving you time, so you can engage more with your students on an individual level. Create a library of activities and share them with your colleagues and learning community. Not a 1:1 school? That’s okay! Have students bring their own devices and join in the learning! - TED – free
The official TED app for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch presents talks from some of the world’s most fascinating people: education radicals, tech geniuses, medical mavericks, business gurus and music legends. Find more than 1,400 TEDTalk videos (with more added each week) on the official TED app — now for both iPad and iPhone. The entire library is at your fingertips to browse at any time, even when you’re not online. Watch TEDTalks with subtitles in over 90 languages directly on your device through our new video player, or use AirPlay to watch them on your home entertainment system. Curate your own playlist. Download full videos to your device and watch them when you’re offline. Listen to an on-demand playlist of TEDTalks audio at any time. - TinyTap, Moments into Games – free
Turn your moments into games! TinyTap is the first user-generated app market that lets anyone create fun educational games from pictures and creative ideas! TinyTap is a free game creation platform that lets parents, teachers and kids create, share and sell personalized educational games! Creating a game is super simple- all you need to do is add photos or images, record questions, trace the answers and you’re ready to play! - Twitter – free
With Twitter, you can watch the world unfold like never before. Get real-time stories, pictures, videos, conversations, ideas, and inspiration all in your timeline. Follow people and your interests to get unfiltered access and unique behind-the-scenes perspectives. Express yourself with photos, videos and comments. Twitter is your global town square. I highly encourage you to read How Can Teachers Effectively Utilize Twitter? - Weather Channel, The – free
With over 200 meteorologists and our ultra-local TruPoint 15-minute forecasting technology, The Weather Channel® helps you plan the best day possible. - Zite – free
Zite is an intelligent magazine that helps you discover interesting things to read. Your Zite is as unique as you are. Zite learns what you like and gets smarter as you use it. Zite analyzes millions of articles each day and brings you the best of your favorite magazines, newspapers, authors, blogs, and videos. Zite also helps you to discover content that you won’t find elsewhere. Zite surfaces fresh voices, different perspectives and unique topics. With more than 40,000 topics to choose from, Zite will guide you to new interests when life gets stale – whether you want recipe ideas, the latest political news or to research an obscure interest. Finally, Zite’s design combines beauty and brains. While Zite is fueled by a powerful discovery engine, we’ve focused on making Zite both clean and simple. You’ll get all the benefit of our powerful technology wrapped in a beautiful design that’s a joy to pick up every day.
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