Best Free Ide For Web Development

Easy and user-friendly web development has been a hot topic of discussion for some time now, with new platforms and frameworks appearing every year.

Here are the best free IDEs for web development that we’ve found so far.

Best Free Ide For Web Development

This list focuses on the most popular, powerful, feature-rich, and as a result, the best IDE options.

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1. Visual Studio

Which is the best IDE for web development? Visual Studio is certainly toward the top of the list.

The Visual Studio IDE is one of the most popular and best IDE web development options available. It uses AI to learn from your edits as you code so it can finish your sentences – er, lines of code.

On top of that, you can collaborate with your team, live, when you’re editing and debugging. You can also share servers, terminals, and comments.

Visual Studio supports web, mobile, app, and game development, ASP.NET, Python, Node.js, C++, Unity as well as support for Azure.

You can also create development environments in the cloud and a lot more while being available for Windows, Mac, Android, iOS, web, and in the cloud.

2. IntelliJ IDEA

One of the best IDE for web development, IntelliJ IDEA.

IntelliJ IDEA  is certainly one of the best IDE for Java. It focuses on features to help you be as productive as possible without cluttering up the GUI.

It indexes your code to give you relevant suggestions, and to complete your code for you. IntelliJ IDEA also automates several tasks that would otherwise be annoyingly repetitive.

It’s all that and a bag of chips, er, computer chips because it has an amazing out-of-the-box experience and doesn’t just have to be used for Java.

While it’s focused on it, it’s still great for SQL, JPQL, HTML, JavaScript, and other languages including when you inject a language into a string literal. You still get all the benefits of this IDE.

3. Aptana Studio 3

The Aptana Studio 3 website, which is one of the best IDE web development options.

Aptana Studio 3 is one of the best IDE web development options available and it’s also open source.

You can customize the GUI, it has a built-in terminal, Git integration, a debugger as well as a deployment wizard. Autocomplete is also available for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

4. PyCharm

PyCharm IDE website

PyCharm is primarily one of the best IDE for Python, but the premium version also supports other languages for web development.

It checks for errors as you code and also has autocomplete. It has a sleek, minimal GUI for uncluttered development, and also checks the quality of your code to make sure it’s up to snuff.

5. PhpStorm

PhpStorm IDE website

PhpStorm is another option to consider for one of the best IDE for web development. It’s focused on PHP, but front-end languages are also fully supported including HTML 5, CSS, Sass, Less, JavaScript, and more.

It also includes support for major software to create websites such as WordPress, Drupal, Joomla!, Laravek, and others.

It’s easy to navigate, has code autocomplete, debugging and testing tools as well as quick (and safe) refactoring.

6. WebStorm

WebStorm IDE website

WebStorm is on the list as one of the best IDE for web development because it’s excellent for JavaScript. It includes not only code autocompletion and live error-detection, but it also has a debugger, unit testing, and many integrations such as Git, GitHub, Mercurial, and others.

It loads quickly on startup and can automate many tedious tasks for increased productivity.

7. NetBeans

What is an IDE that's perfect for web development? NetBeans.

You can’t have a list of the best IDE for web development without including NetBeans. It’s among one of the most popular options for the best IDE because it’s a no-nonsense software for Java, JavaScript, PHP, HTML 5, CSS, and more.

It also helps you create bug-free websites by highlighting code not just syntactically, but also semantically. It also has a lot of powerful refactoring tools while being open source.

8. Eclipse

Eclipse IDE website

This article also wouldn’t be complete without mentioning Eclipse. It’s an open-source and community-driven IDE for Javascript, mainly, but there are tools, for example, HTML, CSS.

Its contributors include Google, Netflix, Facebook, GE, and Walmart. So, you can be sure you’re getting one of the best IDE for web development.

9. RubyMine

RubyMine IDE website

RubyMine is focused on Ruby and Ruby on Rails, but it’s also tailored for JavaScript, CSS, Sass, Less, and more. It has syntax and error-highlighting, code completion, an advanced search for any class, file, or symbol, and fast navigation, to name just a few of the features.

10. Komodo IDE

komodo IDE website

Komodo IDE  is one of the best IDE for web development, but it’s a premium option. It has a lot of features including autocomplete, visual debugger, unit testing, add-ons, team collaboration, project management tools, and more.

It supports Git, Mercurial, Subversion, CVS, Perforce, and Bazaar as well as all programming languages.

best free ide for python


  • IDLE (Integrated Development and Learning Environment) is a default editor that accompanies Python
  • This IDE is suitable for beginner level developers
  • The IDLE tool can be used on Mac OS, Windows, and Linux
  • Price: Free

Most notable features of IDLE include:

  • Ability to search for multiple files
  • Interactive interpreter with syntax highlighting, and error and i/o messages
  • Smart indenting, along with basic text editor features
  • A very capable debugger

Image Source: Stack overflow

2. PyCharm

  • PyCharm is a widely used Python IDE created by JetBrains
  • This IDE is suitable for professional developers and facilitates the development of large Python projects
  • Price: Freemium

The most notable features of PyCharm include:

  • Support for JavaScript, CSS, and TypeScript
  • Smart code navigation
  • Quick and safe code refactoring
  • Support features like accessing databases directly from the IDE

3. Visual Studio Code

  • Visual Studio Code is an open-source (and free) IDE created by Microsoft. It finds great use for Python development
  • VS Code is lightweight and comes with powerful features that only some of the paid IDEs offer
  • Price: Free

The most notable features of Visual Studio Code include:

  • One of the best smart code completion is based on various factors
  • Git integration
  • Code debugging within the editor
  • It provides an extension to add additional features like code linting, themes, and other services

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4. Sublime Text 3

  • Sublime Text is a very popular code editor. It supports many languages, including Python
  • It is highly customizable and also offers fast development speeds and reliability
  • Price: Free

The most notable features of Sublime Text 3 include:

  • Syntax highlighting
  • Custom user commands for using the IDE
  • Efficient project directory management
  • It supports additional packages for the web and scientific Python development

5. Atom

  • Atom is an open-source code editor by Github and supports Python development
  • Atom is similar to Sublime Text and provides almost the same features emphasis on speed and usability
  • Price: Free

The most notable features of Atom include:

  • Support for a large number of plugins
  • Smart autocompletion
  • Supports custom commands for the user to interact with the editor
  • Support for cross-platform development


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