Best Free Javascript Editor For Mac

Getting Started With The Best Free Javascript Editor For Mac

JavaScript is an easy-to-learn programming language that’s used to create dynamic web pages. JavaScript lets you add interactivity to a static web page by allowing you to respond to user actions such as mouse clicks and form input.

Working in a JavaScript editor has become increasingly popular because it can help you avoid some common mistakes when you’re writing and editing code.

Are there any good free Javascript editors for Mac?

Yes, but you’ll need to understand why they are better than their competitors before you decide which one is right for you.

Best Free Javascript Editor For Mac

1. Brackets:

Brackets Editor

A free, modern and open source editor, maintained by Adobe. It is a lightweight yet powerful text editor. Brackets’ unique “Extract” feature basically allows the user to grab font, measurements, colors, gradients, etc., from a PSD file into a clean CSS ready for web usage. Its other main feature, i.e. “Inline Editor”, gives the independence of opening a window into the code you want the most. This consumes time as well as looks more user-friendly. It is absolutely free and can be used on other platforms like Windows and Linux.

2. Atom:

atom Editor

GitHub, being a worldwide choice for development sites in recent years, maintains a tool named Atom. Though it is the new one to join the army of excellent text editors, still it has managed to be in the eyes of the developers and make a strong mark. It has a massive user-submitted package library which includes a file system browser, multiple panes and snippets, fuzzy search, quick code folding and a lot more. It works on OSX 10.8 or later. It is free tool also designed for Windows 7 & 8 and Linux.

3. Sublime Text:

Sublime Text Editor

If it is a flexible, powerful, lightning-fast programming text editor what you are looking for, then Sublime text is the best out of the lot for you. It provides probably the best interface and has one of the search engines out there. Powerful shortcuts and tools are the key features of Sublime Text. It also has a regent plugin API, making it highly customizable to suit the needs of almost anyone. Although, the full version of the tool is paid, yet the free evaluation period is virtually unlimited, which can be enjoyed for as long as you like. It is available on all the three platforms, i.e. Mac OSX, Windows, and Linux.

4. BBEdit:

BBEdit text Editor

BBEdit by Bare Bones has been in the market for over 20 years. It provides numerous pro level features for creating, editing and manipulating text. Its old age doesn’t mean that it is not capable of keeping pace with the newborns in the market. It is still a fast, advanced and a popular one among the users. It allows commanding files, folders, texts and servers all within one software. Recent updates in the application have added text suggestions which come helpful in reading the document. All this comes at a price of $49.99, which is worth this kind of beauty.

5. UltraEdit:

UltraEdit text editor

A part of the family of IDM Computer Solutions, UltraEdit can be used to edit JavaScript, HTML, PHP, C/C++ or any other programming language. The key features of this tool include syntax highlighting, column/block editing, file/data sorting, etc. it is available at a price of $79.95/year.

6. TextMate:

textmate mac editor

This is a tool which has been pride for Apple since a long time. TextMate basically puts forward the use of UNIX command console in a neat and easy to use GUI. Features like search and replace within project, auto-indentation, column selection, word completion from current document, dynamic outlines, regular expression support, etc., are provided in this tool. XCode projects can also be built in the tool as it provides full XCode support. It is a free application.

7. MacVim:

MacVim Text Editor For Mac OS X

The tool for the pros at text editing is without any doubt, MacVim. Due to its high-tech nature, the app is pretty difficult to understand for the newbies, but if you really want to cling on to text editing, this is the “chosen one” for you. The most unique thing about this software is its bringing of standard OS X keyboard shortcuts, lessening the learning curve quite a bit. There are transparent backgrounds and full-screen mode for distraction-free coding. It is available for all the platforms and comes free at hand.

We know that there are many text editing tools and applications out in the market. But the above are the ones which we’ve liked and thought that our readers would believe the same.

best javascript editor online

1. StackBlitz

This IDE is quite similar to the VSCode editor, so if you are familiar with VSCode, you should go for StackBlitz when using an online code editor. It is fast, secure, and has IntelliSense.

StackBlitz allows you to import any NPM package. The code editor takes care of dependencies, hot reloading, and compiling automatically while you type. This editor also gives you the option to do offline editing. Moreover, you can Drag & Drop files and folders into the editor.

All applications on StackBlitz get automatically deployed on their server. While using StackBlitz, you can share your projects with just one click. It has support for five different workspaces:

  • JavaScript
  • React
  • AngularJS
  • Ignite UI
  • KendoReact

2. CodePen

CodePen is an open-source online code editor which is used to test and showcase user-created front-end code. CodePen allows you to see other people’s projects and understand how the code is actually working.

CodePen gives you all the tools that are required for collaboration, experimentation, and sharing your code. You can just start coding without any setup.

3. JS Fiddle

JS Fiddle is super easy to use and has a very user-friendly and intuitive UI. JS FIddle wasn’t made to be a full-fledged web development environment. This code editor is only for prototyping, making demos, live code collaborations, bug reporting for GitHub issues, and presenting code answers on Stack Overflow.

4. Code Sandbox

Code sandbox is optimized for frameworks such as Vue, React, Angular, and so many more. It is integrated with Github, which enables you to export or import repos from Github directly. Like StackBlitzCode Sandbox also allows you to use any public npm packages.

Code Sandbox features live collaboration along with VSCode integration.

5. AWS Cloud9

Cloud9 is a cloud-based IDE built by Amazon Web Services, which supports multiple programming languages such as JavaScript with Node.js, C, C++, PHP, Ruby, Python, etc.

Cloud9 provides all the tools that are necessary to develop large-scale software. It is very straightforward and can be easily integrated into the AWS ecosystem. It allows you to work from anywhere, which increases productivity.


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