Best Programming Language To Learn 2020

There are tons of programming languages out there, and it may seem like it’s impossible to decide which one is right for you. But don’t worry—we’ve got your back!

In this post, we’ll walk through the best programming languages you should learn in 2020.* The first step is to decide what kind of developer you’d like to be: some people like building websites, while others prefer creating games. So let’s take a look at each category.

Before deciding on a language, it helps to figure out what kind of programmer you want to be in future.

Best Programming Language To Learn 2020

1.  Python

Python continues to be one of the best programming languages every developer should learn this year. The language is easy-to-learn and offers a clean and well-structured code, making it powerful enough to build a decent web application. 

Python can be used for web and desktop applications, GUI-based desktop applications, machine learning, data science, and network servers. The programming language enjoys immense community support and offers several open-source libraries, frameworks, and modules that make application development a cakewalk.

For instance, Python offers Django and Flask, popular libraries for web development and TensorFlow, Keras, and SciPy for data science applications. 

Though Python has been around for a while, it makes sense to learn this language in 2020 as it can help you get a job or a freelance project quickly, thereby accelerating your career growth. 

2.  Kotlin

Kotlin is a general-purpose programming language with type inference. It is designed to be completely interoperable with Java. Moreover, from the time Android announced it as its first language, Kotlin offers features that developers ask for. It effortlessly combines object-oriented and functional programming features within it.


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The effortless interoperation between Java and Kotlin makes Android development faster and enjoyable. Since Kotlin addresses the major issues surfaced in Java, several Java apps are rewritten in Kotlin. For instance, brands like Coursera and Pinterest have already moved to Kotlin due to strong tooling support.  

As most businesses move to Kotlin, Google is bound to promote this language more than Java. Hence, Kotlin has a strong future in the Android app development ecosystem.

Kotlin is an easy-to-learn, open-source, and swift language for Android app development that removes any adoption-related barriers. You can use it for Android development, web development, desktop development, and server-side development. Therefore, it’s a must-learn language for programmers and Android app developers in 2020. 

3.  Java

Java is celebrating its 24th birthday this year and has been one of the most popular programming languages used for developing server-side applications. Java is a practical choice for  developing Android apps as it can be used to create highly functional programs and platforms. 

This object-oriented programming language does not require a specific hardware infrastructure, is easily manageable, and has a good level of security. Moreover, it is easier to learn Java in comparison to languages such as C and C++. No wonder, nearly 90 percent of Fortune 500 firms rely on Java for their desktop applications and backend development projects. 


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Despite its industry age, the Java is incredibly stable and not heading for retirement anytime soon. This makes Java one of the most desirable languages among programmers in 2020. 

4.  JavaScript/ NodeJS

JavaScript (also known as NodeJS) is a popular language among developers who need to work on server-side and client-side programming. It is compatible with several other programming languages, allowing you to create animations, set up buttons, and manage multimedia. 

Owing to its high speed and regular annual updates, JavaScript is an ultimate hit in the IT domain. Reputed firms like Netflix, Uber, PayPal, and several startups use JavaScript to create dynamic web pages that are secure and fast. In fact, the 2018 Developer Skills Report by HackerRank shares that JavaScript is the top programming skill required by companies today. 

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JavaScript is omnipresent in today’s digital environment. Hence, learning this language makes complete sense. 

5.  TypeScript

TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript is an object-oriented language that was introduced to extend the capabilities of JS. The language makes it easy for developers to write and maintain codes. TypeScript offers a complete description of each component of the code and can be used for developing large applications with a strict syntax and fewer errors. 

Further, it is well-structured and easy to learn. Its extended toolbox makes application development quick. Owing to the benefits it offers, TypeScript is expected to supercede JS in 2020, making it one of the most sought-after programming languages in the future. 

6.  Go

Go is fairly a new system-level programming language that has a focused vocabulary and simple scoping rules. It blends the best aspects of functional programming and object-oriented styles. Go is the fastest-growing language on Github, meant to replace languages like Java and C++. 

A Stack Overflow survey reveals that Go is the fifth most preferred language among developers today. This is because, Go solves issues like slow compilation and execution in large distributed software systems. 

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This speed advantage has made Go a critical component of cloud infrastructure. So, if you are planning to work in a serverless ecosystem, Go is the language for you. 

7.  Swift

Swift is a general-purpose compiled programming language developed by Apple that offers developers a simple and cohesive syntax. It is deeply influenced by Python and Ruby that’s fast, secure, and easy-to-learn. Owning to its versatility and practical applications, Swift has replaced Objective-C as the main language for Apple-related applications. 

Further, since Swift is promoted by Apple, its popularity and community support is increasing. In fact, a study of the top 110 apps on the app store showed that 42 percent of apps are already using Swift. 


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Coders with little or zero experience can use Swift Playgrounds to learn the language, experiment with complex codes, and work on native iOS and macOS apps. Swift is the premiere coding language that helps developers create iOS apps within a short time. The programming language opens several opportunities for new programmers, allowing them to make it big in the world of app development. 

There is a giant market out there for iOS and you definitely want to be a part of it. If you are eyeing this burgeoning market, Swift is the language you should learn in 2020. 

best programming language to learn to get a job

best programming language for software development

1. Python

Python is the king of a programming language at this moment. There is nothing you cannot do using Python. You can write web apps, create machine learning models, automate tedious tasks, and can even scrap the web using Python.

The biggest strength of Python is the several modules or packages which are freely available. You don’t need to write a lot of code, just search for the right package or library and include them in your project.

When it comes to web development, Python has two remarkable frameworks, Django and Flask. Django is an extensive, full-featured framework, whereas Flask is more minimalistic. It gives you what you need, but you make the rest of the decisions.

Similarly, you have fantastic libraries like Pandas, SciKit-learn, and TensorFlow for machine learning, and the best thing you can write a lot of scripts using Python, which is great for freelancers.

For example, you can write a Python script that can scrap all freelance websites and email you all the gigs you are interested in based upon your preferences.

In short, you should absolutely learn Python, if you want to do freelancing or are interested in getting a job at Google, Microsoft, Facebook or any startup, and if you need a resource to learn Python from scratch, check out The Complete Python bootcamp course on Udemy, my favorite class to learn Python online.

best programming language for beginner for software development

2. JavaScript

This is one of the best programming languages for web developers also known as the king of the web, yes, I am talking about JavaScript. The last decade was a decade of JavaScript, and it became the first programming language to develop full-stack web applications.

When you do freelancing, you don’t have the luxury to get different people for developing frontend and backend; instead, you need to do all, and that’s where JavaScript can help. The same is true with startups and tech companies like Google, Facebook, and Microsoft where you need to shoulder most of the responsibility of your product.

JavaScript allowed you to create both frontends and backend of your application, and that can be a tremendous differentiating factor while developing your project or hiring for startups.

If you want to learn JavaScript and need an excellent resource, I suggest you join The Complete JavaScript Course: Build Real Projects by Jonas Schmedtmann on Udemy.

best programming language for web developers

It’s my favorite course and offers project-based learning where you learn by developing a project of your own, the best way to learn.

3. PHP

A lot of people bash PHP, and it’s very unfortunate because it is a great language, and almost half of the web is powered by PHP. It’s simple, and you can quickly deploy PHP scripts just about anywhere. Many freelancing jobs are about creating websites using WordPress, which is built using PHP.

If you know PHP, you can do all those gigs. PHP is seriously great for freelancers that need to get things quickly. It may not be the best choice for a large organization, but if you’re freelancing and building personal projects or looking to get a job in startups, PHP can be a great choice.

If you want to learn PHP from scratch and looking for some excellent resources, I suggest checking out this PHP for Beginners — Become a PHP Master course on Udemy. This course will teach you everything you need to become a professional PHP developer with quizzes, projects, and practical exercises.

best programming language for website development

4. Ruby

This is another excellent programming language for people doing freelancing or doing startups for the same reason as PHP, it helps you to get stuff done quickly. If you know Ruby on Rails, you can whip up a full-featured website with a database in just a day or two, which would have taken a week or so in Java.

Ruby is also prevalent in startups. In fact, many successful startups are built using Ruby and Rails like Twitter, Shopify, Github, Groupon, and your own Airbnb.

That’s why if you are working on your own startups or looking to get a job on startup, it makes a lot of sense to learn Ruby, and if you need a resource, this Ruby on Rails MasterClass by Rob Percival and mashrur hossain Mishal is probably the best place to start with.

best programming langauge for web development

4. Swift

Today’s world is the world of smartphones, and if you are not on your customer’s phone, you are losing a lot of money, and that’s why every company, both big and small is investing in their mobile apps.

All the startups need their mobile apps at the time of their website launch, and if you are interested in getting a job as a mobile developer in startups, Swift can be a great choice. Swift is the apple programming language for iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS.

You can build iPhone and iPad apps using Swift. It’s both safe by design and robust. It can also help you in your freelancing gig as there are a lot of jobs for developing and enhancing iOS apps on freelancing websites like Fiverr and Upwork.

All the big companies like Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook also have a lot of mobile applications and they are always in the look of competent programmers to maintain them and develop new applications.

And the last thing, iOS developers make a lot more money than Android developers. If you want to learn Swift and need a resource, I suggest you check out this iOS and Swift 5 Masterclass course by Angela Yu, one of the best instructors to learn Swift online.

best programming language for app development


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