Drip Email Marketing Software

We’ve been using Drip Email Marketing Software for awhile now, and we just can’t help but rave about it.

It’s really hard to find a good email marketing software that works for you, but Drip is different. It’s easy to use, the UI is beautiful and intuitive, and… it just works! And the information it provides about your email campaigns on its dashboard is invaluable. For example, you can see how many people are opening your emails, clicking links inside your emails, or unsubscribing from your list with ease.

We think you should give it a try if you haven’t already.

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3 Email Drip Campaign Examples and Best Practices for E-commerce

Drip Email Marketing Software

Automated email campaigns—AKA drip email campaigns—can save you endless repetitive work and remove the potential for human error. You set it up once, and then any customer who takes a specified action will get a series of emails, in the exact order and cadence you specified. The drip email app does all the work for you.

Take your drip email app to the next level with automation
Automate your campaigns
With the right drip email software—which might just be one of your current email marketing tools—you can create brilliantly timed and fully personalized emails. I’ve been using email marketing apps for years, so to narrow things down for you, I considered and tested dozens of drip campaign software options to find the best. Here they are.

The best apps for sending email drip campaigns
Mailchimp for free drip email campaign software

Flodesk for large lists and simple drip campaigns

ConvertKit for solopreneurs

ActiveCampaign for live chat and advanced drip automations

Omnisend for eCommerce drip campaigns

Klaviyo for optimizing drip email campaigns through A/B testing

What is a drip campaign?
An email drip campaign is a series of automated emails that sends out to your email list subscribers, based on a specific set of predetermined parameters. These automations can be as simple or complex as you need them to be.

An example of a simpler drip email sequence is a free email course: someone signs up for the course on your website and receives daily emails with the course content written inside.

Other drip automations, like an abandoned email cart sequence that reminds people to come back and complete their purchase, are more complex since they require a few more considerations to run properly. Not only do you have to consider what might incentivize people to return and finish shopping (a picture of the item in the cart? a limited time coupon code?), but you’ll also have to include exit goals that will ensure the emails don’t continue to send once the order has been placed.

Note: We’re partial to the term “drip campaign,” but this marketing tactic goes by many names, including automated email campaigns, lifecycle emails, autoresponders, and marketing automation.

How to pick an email marketing app to send drip emails
How we evaluate and test apps
All of our best apps roundups are written by humans who’ve spent much of their careers using, testing, and writing about software. We spend dozens of hours researching and testing apps, using each app as it’s intended to be used and evaluating it against the criteria we set for the category. We’re never paid for placement in our articles from any app or for links to any site—we value the trust readers put in us to offer authentic evaluations of the categories and apps we review. For more details on our process, read the full rundown of how we select apps to feature on the Zapier blog.

I’ve been using email marketing apps for the past eight years, and it continues to impress me when I see how many great options are available—and accessible—for every type of email marketing need. If you want to use drip marketing automation to optimize your funnels, you’ll need to choose between a number of really strong options, from tools that “just” send emails to full-featured CRMs with marketing automation that happen to include drip email features.

To give you a head start in finding the best solution to fit your email marketing needs, I spent several days testing a few of the best drip email marketing apps, many of which I use in my day-to-day work as a content marketer.

I signed up for each drip app, configured an opt-in form, integrated with my website, and started building a test list of subscribers. Then, I created a welcome drip automation that would send out whenever the opt-in form was submitted, which allowed me to not only test the setup features, but also get to see what kind of data and tracking analytics were available.

This research took me down a few rabbit holes and allowed me to identify the strongest standout features of each tool. In addition to those unique aspects, all the apps on this list offer at least the following features:

Email personalization, so you can create a more intimate experience for your list subscribers. (“Hey you” might be a… fine way to begin an email, but using the subscriber’s first name is really powerful.)

Segmentation, so the emails are only sent to relevant subscribers. At the most basic level, this might look like a four-email welcome series to new subscribers. More advanced segmentation techniques use tags to identify subsets of subscribers who’ve purchased a specific product, clicked a link in an email, and so on.

Analytics, so you know what’s working and where you can improve. Most of the tools on this list include basic analytics like open rates. Some offer more advanced options, like A/B testing capabilities, email list health, and more.

Affordability, because you don’t need to break the bank to get results. All the apps on this list have a reasonable starting price point, and most charge by the number of subscribers. This is where you’ll have to do your own research to see if your #1 pick will still make sense financially as you increase your email list size.

Integrations that allow you to link your email drip campaign software with the other tech tools in your stack. This allows you to fine-tune your email sending strategy and reduces the manual work involved.

Best free drip email campaign software
A screenshot of Mailchimp, our pick for the best free drip email campaign software
Many email marketing apps offer a free option for small lists, to give you the opportunity to onboard and start building your lists before having to pay. But these free tiers are typically very limited in the number of subscribers you’re allowed to have or the number of emails you’re allowed to send, as well as the features that you have access to without paying.

This is where Mailchimp stands out, with a free plan that allows up to 2,000 subscribers, with up to 10,000 monthly emails. The number of monthly emails is especially important when you’re sending out welcome emails to new subscribers along with frequent newsletters.

Mailchimp has been a big name in the email marketing industry for a while, and it continues to deliver well on its features. You’ll find everything from the basic email sending and automations to more unique options like sending out postcards, and the Creative Assistant, which auto-creates branded marketing graphics based on your website’s imagery. All these features are starting to cramp Mailchimp’s “for beginners” style, but the navigation is still pretty straightforward, so you can quickly jump from reviewing your audience to creating new opt-in forms or landing pages and setting up your drip campaigns.

Keep in mind that the free version of Mailchimp limits you to a one-step automation. That’s great for automating your welcome email and other similar drips, but you’ll have to upgrade to a paid plan if you want to take advantage of their full automation builder with multi-step drip campaigns that include time delays, conditionals, and more. When you do decide to upgrade, the cost increases based on the number of subscribers you have. But the other apps on this list that offer a free plan only allow 500 emails/month (Omnisend and Klaviyo) or don’t offer drip at all on the free plan (ConvertKit). So while the limitation of one-step automations isn’t ideal, it’s still much more generous than any other free plan for drip functionality.

Since Mailchimp integrates with Zapier, you can shave off the manual work hours by automating tasks like adding new form submissions or leads to your email list.

Subscribe new Facebook Lead Ad leads to a Mailchimp list
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Facebook Lead Ads, Mailchimp
Facebook Lead Ads + Mailchimp
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Create Mailchimp subscribers from new Typeform responses
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Mailchimp, Typeform
Mailchimp + Typeform
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Mailchimp price: Free for up to 2,000 subscribers and 10,000 monthly emails. Paid plans begin at $11/month with 500 contacts.

Best drip email software for large lists and simple drip campaigns
A screenshot of Flodesk, our pick for the best drip email software for large lists and simple drip campaigns
If you have a larger list size or want more than one-step automations, Flodesk is a great Mailchimp alternative. You pay a single monthly fee (currently $38) no matter how many people are on your list or how many emails you send per month. If budget is your primary concern, that’s more affordable than scaling with Mailchimp.

Flodesk is a standout example of an app that was designed for sending simple, beautiful emails with minimal effort. There’s no complex interface and no steep learning curve. The moment you log in, you’re met with a minimalist view and four self-explanatory menu items to choose from: Emails, Forms, Workflows, and Audience. The Emails option is for one-off emails (like a weekly newsletter). All drip campaigns are set up inside the Workflows tab.

Flodesk has a small number of pre-built drip templates for you to choose from, from a welcome sequence to a lead magnet delivery sequence. Or you can start with a blank canvas and create your own campaign from scratch. The minimal interface continues inside the workflow builder, which might be exactly what you’re looking for. Fundamental capabilities like time-releasing a drip sequence are totally doable, as is segmenting a subscriber based on whether or not they open and click into your emails.

And, when you integrate Flodesk with Zapier, you can do things like update Flodesk subscribers from WooCommerce orders (if you’re using WordPress), or add new Facebook leads as subscribers.

Update contacts in Flodesk from new WooCommerce orders
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Flodesk, WooCommerce
Flodesk + WooCommerce
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Add new Facebook Lead Ad leads as Flodesk subscribers
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Facebook Lead Ads, Flodesk
Facebook Lead Ads + Flodesk
More details
Flodesk price: $38/month

Best drip email software for solopreneurs
A screenshot of ConvertKit, our pick for the best drip email software for solopreneurs
Once you dip your feet into the waters of drip campaigns, you may decide that you’d like to have a little more control over what emails are sent (and when). And while “user-friendly” often translates to “not many features,” ConvertKit has taken the opposite stance: it’s both feature-rich and easy to use.

In their free tier, you can send one-off emails, create landing pages and opt-in forms, and even sell digital products from inside ConvertKit. A paid account unlocks the drip campaign functionality, which ConvertKit calls “sequences.” Sequences are simple email campaigns that are released on a schedule. If you want to create more advanced actions (like segmenting subscribers who take action on your email, or removing them from a sales campaign when they purchase), you’ll need to build an automation on top of your sequence.

This is where you can really let ConvertKit do the heavy lifting for you, since it allows you to customize your automations with delays based on the date (so emails are never sent on the weekends) or deliver different emails based on the subscriber’s location.

When paired with the ability to integrate with Stripe and collect payments, ConvertKit stands out as a great option for solopreneurs who want to deliver exceptional drip campaign experiences without having to patch together a bunch of different tools to run their online business.

For even more functionality, you can integrate ConvertKit with Zapier to do things like automatically tag Calendly or Eventbrite attendees inside ConvertKit (so you can create custom follow-up drip campaigns).

Add tagged subscribers to ConverKit from new Calendly events
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Calendly, ConvertKit
Calendly + ConvertKit
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Add new Eventbrite attendees to ConvertKit tags
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ConvertKit, Eventbrite
ConvertKit + Eventbrite
More details
ConvertKit price: Free for up to 1,000 contacts but no drip functionality. Paid plans with drip functionality start at $9/month.

Best drip email software for live chat and advanced drip automations
A screenshot of ActiveCampaign, our pick for the best drip email software for live chat and advanced drip automations
Drip email tools empower you to target relevant emails to specific groups of people. ActiveCampaign stands out as a feature-rich option that gives you a lot of flexibility in your drip campaigns. The sheer number of options available in the sidebar navigation and campaign builder can be overwhelming at first, but this overwhelm fades quickly with repetition and use. As you become familiar with this tool, it starts feeling more like a treasure trove: with every click revealing something even more helpful for building the drip campaign of your dreams.

To create drip emails, head to the automations builder, where you can automate A/B testing in your emails, sync contact data with other apps via webhook, and even include SMS messages that match your drip emails.

While many options on this list either integrate with a chat app or include their own, ActiveCampaign really stood out with its native live chat feature that plugs into your website or Facebook Messenger, and even allows you to send emails to a subscriber from inside the chat app. It’s a great way to encourage your visitors to connect, build trust, and build your email list, since you can automate email opt-ins through the chat app.

ActiveCampaign also integrates with Zapier, allowing you to do things like turn Typeform form entries into email list subscribers and add Shopify customers to your ActiveCampaign list.

Create ActiveCampaign subscribers from new Typeform form entries
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ActiveCampaign, Typeform
ActiveCampaign + Typeform
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Add new Shopify customers to ActiveCampaign
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ActiveCampaign, Shopify
ActiveCampaign + Shopify
More details
ActiveCampaign price: From $9/month for up to 500 contacts

Best drip email app for eCommerce stores
A screenshot of Omnisend, our pick for the best drip email software for eCommerce stores
With so much noise, distraction, and competition online, it’s far too easy for a consumer to close out of a website before they bother completing an order. Recouping even a small portion of those abandoned carts on your own site can make an enormous difference in your overall revenue. Although many drip email tools do allow you to create basic abandoned cart follow-up campaigns, Omnisend really stands out in its innovative, streamlined approach.

Every part of Omnisend is structured around the overall revenue generated through your email marketing efforts. A prominent sales dashboard is front and center inside your Omnisend account, with tabs that break down the information into Live View (who’s currently visiting your website), and Advanced Reporting for Campaigns and Workflows. From there, the tools to help your eCommerce business only get cooler.

Every online user is inundated with opt-in forms, which can make it difficult for an eCommerce store to stand out and earn new subscribers. Omnisend not only includes the basic static signup boxes but also dynamic “wheel of fortune” pop-ups that deliver unique coupon codes and discounts to your website visitors.

As you’re building out your email content within the easy-to-use automation builder, you can insert dynamic product content directly from your eCommerce store. So instead of having to upload product images, copy/paste the description, and manually link the images and buttons to lead back to your products, you can simply browse your own site and tell Omnisend which products you’d like to have added to your email content. All you need to do is add a simple line of pre-written code to your website for this feature to work.

With Omnisend’s Zapier integrations, you can further improve your sales process by setting up automations that do things like automatically adding new leads to an email list, or creating Omnisend subscribers from new form submissions.

Send new Sumo subscribers to Omnisend
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Omnisend, Sumo
Omnisend + Sumo
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Create or update Omnisend subscribers from new Leadpages submissions
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Leadpages, Omnisend
Leadpages + Omnisend
More details
Omnisend price: Free for up to 500 emails/month (unlimited list size). Paid plans start at $16/month.

Best drip email software for optimizing email marketing with A/B testing
A screenshot of Klaviyo, our pick for the best drip email software for optimizing email marketing with A/B testing
Once you start automating your email marketing, you have time to step back and really consider what’s working—and what needs to be improved. The problem is that improving your email marketing requires answers to a lot of unknowns. Would changing a subject line increase open rates? Would a different messaging angle result in more sales?

If you want more data to inform your email optimization goals, you might gravitate toward a tool like Klaviyo, which goes above and beyond in helping you see exactly how your emails are performing.

Klaviyo has been a popular option among email marketers for many years, and a quick glimpse inside the tool quickly indicates why. The interface is both clean and functional, with the primary dashboard full of customizable analytics that you can use to monitor your email effectiveness. A sidebar gives you quick access to the various areas within Klaviyo, each one filled with a powerful feature set.

Inside the automation builder, you can opt to view the overall open rates, click-through rates, and bounce rates to monitor the performance of your drip campaigns. But you can also dial in a lot deeper. If you integrate Klaviyo with your website, you can also see data points like where a subscriber went on your site after clicking the link. Yes, you could cobble together the same insights by using various tracking tools and aggregating the information, but it’s a huge time-saver to have Klaviyo do it for you, in a way that’s contextually appropriate for your email marketing efforts.

Overall, Klaviyo is a strong tool that can help you better understand your subscribers and tailor your marketing and sales copy to better fit their preferences.

With Klaviyo’s Zapier integrations, you can alleviate even more manual work by creating automations like adding new Klaviyo subscribers from your QuickBooks contacts or ShipStation orders.

Send new QuickBooks Commerce contacts to Klaviyo
Try it
Klaviyo, QuickBooks Commerce
Klaviyo + QuickBooks Commerce
More details
Create Klaviyo events from new ShipStation orders
Try it
Klaviyo, ShipStation
Klaviyo + ShipStation
More details
Klaviyo price: Free for up to 250 contacts and 500 email sends/month. Paid plans start at $20/month.

Which drip email software should you use?
Whether you simply want a drip campaign that welcomes new subscribers to your email list, or you’re looking for a way to optimize your funnels with personalized automations, there’s a tool for you to get started with drip email marketing.

That tool might be part of the email newsletter app you’ve already been using, or it might be worth switching to a new platform for more features (and better pricing). Either way, there’s a world of opportunity for you to start upleveling the email side of your business.

best drip marketing tools

Tired of sending every email to your clients manually? Want to send personalized mass emails with just 1 mouse click?

You’ve come to the right place.

If you work in sales, you know the importance of effective communication with a client. But it often doesn’t go as planned. Lack of personalization, ineffective subject lines, and random follow-ups — all this can delay or even compromise the deal.

Drip email software helps eliminate this risk.

For you, we’ve researched the top effective drip mailing services used by sales reps in 2022. Read on, analyze, and choose the best tool for your business.


What is an email drip campaign tool?
Benefits of drip campaign software
Most popular email drip campaign tools
What to consider while choosing among drip email software?
What is an email drip campaign tool?
An email drip campaign is a sequence of emails automatically sent to your prospect list based on a certain action (for example, when the lead opens an email, clicks a link, books a meeting, etc.).

You set it up once, and after that action is taken, each recipient receives a certain set of emails in the predefined order and with a predefined frequency.

The drip campaign tool gets the whole job done for you!

Benefits of drip campaign software
First off, many businesses underestimate the use of email automation software for building brand awareness. Too bad!

Research suggests that 86% of customers would love to receive emails at least monthly, while 61% prefer getting emails weekly. Not to mention that almost 30% don’t mind receiving emails a few times (!) a week.

Customer email frequency preferences

You’ll never know what’s the best email frequency for you until you test it out. But based on these statistics, sending out emails every week is one of the ways to strengthen your brand.

Use the power of regular mailouts that tackle your leads’ pain points with useful, relevant content. This will help position you as a reliable source of information in your niche and build people’s trust in your future business offers.

Besides, effective drip email software can bring your company to a new level by:

Saving your time and money.
Providing targeted market segmentation and personalization.
Helping you build and nurture strong relationships.
Boosting audience engagement & loyalty.
Helping you convert leads more easily and smoothly.
Re-engaging inactive contacts.
Helping you distribute valuable content.
Establishing your brand awareness.
Helping complete purchases from shoppers who abandon their shopping carts.
Most popular email drip campaign tools
Tl;dr: All right, if you are short of time, you can jump to this table of comparison of email drip campaign tools and discover the winner. 🙂 If you have more questions and a bit of patience, keep reading. We’ll cover it in more detail.

  1. Snov.io
    With this tool, you can build personalized drip email sequences to feel closer to your prospects and more in control of your workflow. It helps save time, automate follow-ups, efficiently organize your outreach, align the teamwork of your sales department, and convert more.


✔️ Complete automation
Once you’ve designed and launched your campaigns, you can keep adding new recipients when you need them, avoiding extra work. And on top of it, you’ll get unlimited campaigns, follow-ups, and sender accounts.

✔️ Intuitive visual drag-&-drop campaign editor

It allows you to easily build custom email campaigns and effectively manage your cold leads.

✔️ Personalization

Thanks to NiftyImages, Hyperise, and Hippo Video integrations, Snov.io allows you to personalize not only the email copy but also the added images and videos. It boosts the reply and engagement rates and helps you convert better.

✔️ Behavioral triggers

The right email will go to the right person based on their actions (opens, URL clicks, or scheduled meetings). It will maximize your email delivery, open and reply rates, and minimize conversion time.

✔️ Template library

Use professionally written effective email templates to launch your campaigns asap.

✔️ API

With a free API method, you can perform actions with prospects lists, campaigns, view statistics, etc.

✔️ Detailed analytics

Track your campaigns’ KPI and other metrics in real-time to know which email performed the best.

✔️ Numerous integrations

Effortlessly connect and sync your workflow with your favorite tools, like Salesforce, Hubspot, Pipedrive, Zapier, Slack, and many more. Snov.io integrations with over 2,000 tools help you streamline all business processes and boost productivity.

✔️ Sales suite

Email Drip Campaigns also come with Email Finder, Email Verifier and a free CRM offered on the same platform. Designed specifically for powerful sales automation, this sales suite allows you to have all the necessary smart sales tools in one place.

$39/month — 5,000 unique recipients
$99/month — 10,000 unique recipients
$189/month — 30,000 unique recipients
$369/month — 50,000 unique recipients
$738/month — 100,000 unique recipients

  1. HubSpot
    With HubSpot, you can put all of your efforts together in one place with its professional sales tools. They will allow you to capture leads and turn them into paying clients, manage your customer base and content, and build beautiful email sequences without the help of designers or coders.


✔️ Wide choice of free and paid email templates.

✔️ Email personalization to improve open rate and CTR.

✔️ Unlimited email tracking that lets you know when a recipient opens an email or clicks a link in it.

✔️ Scheduled email sending based on the user behavior.

✔️ Zapier and other integrations to set up additional automation.

✔️ HubSpot mobile app.

✔️ Smart send feature that suggests the best send time for each prospect.

$600/month for 5,000 sequences, 500 email sends/user/day. Besides, Hubspot offers a bunch of free CRM, marketing, sales, service, and operations tools you can access regardless of what plan you are on.

If you don’t need follow-ups and email sequences but just a tool to send emails with, you can use one of HubSpot Marketing plans that start from $50/month for 2,000 email sends.

  1. Woodpecker
    This email automation platform positions itself as a personal AI assistant that helps lead gen, sales, and recruitment professionals get the most out of their cold email campaigns. Woodpecker saves time spent on outreach and turning cold leads into loyal clients.


✔️Follow-up Automation that allows you to use email templates, schedule follow-ups, set triggers, detect replies, set auto-replies, etc.

✔️ Email Personalization. Send emails one by one with the desired frequency, use custom fields and snippets, and send emails from MS Exchange, Gmail, or Office 365 to give them a human look.

✔️ Email Analytics and Reports: open, bounce, click-through, and reply rates.

✔️ Email Integrations: Pipedrive, Zapier, and more.

$49/month — 50 contacts daily
$54/month — 200 contacts daily
$59/month — unlimited contacts daily
You can have 2 months for free if you get an annual plan. Woodpecker also has a free trial. For 14 days, you get full access to all the features and can send up to 150 cold emails for free.

  1. Reply
    Reply.io is a sales outreach automation platform that helps businesses streamline one-to-many communication, generate more leads, attract new clients, and grow income faster. With this toolset, you can automate email outreach, social interactions, calls, and tasks according to your sales plan.


✔️ Out-of-the-box email templates and multichannel sequences that help users accelerate the launch of campaigns.

✔️ AI features such as Email Sorting into six default folders to focus on the hottest leads, Email Quality Check, and Email Assistant to create effective email copy.

✔️ CRM integrations, rich API, and the power of Zapier to automatically sync data and keep CRM records up to date.

Reply.io paid plans start at $70 per user per month and have 3 pricing categories: Individual, Business, and Enterprise, where Enterprise is the custom plan that can be specifically created for large businesses.

Individual and Business categories include 3 plans each, depending on the number of team users or contacts you want to reach per month. For example, an Individual plan will cost you:

$70/month per user — 1,000 contacts
$90/month per user — 3,000 contacts
$120/month per user — unlimited contacts
You get 20% off when you pay per year. Besides, Reply offers a 14-day free trial.

  1. Klenty
    Klenty is a sales engagement platform that helps teams create an automated sales outreach process, accelerate it, and reach sales goals. With it, you can send personalized sales emails, automate your follow-ups, and fill your CRM with warm deals.


✔️ Liquid Templates to dynamically personalize text for every recipient and adjust your message based on day, time, and other lead data.

✔️ Custom Placeholders (employee name, industry, gender, etc.) that help users personalize emails and make them more engaging.

✔️ Automatic reaction-based follow-ups targeted at boosting reply rates. They allow sending different email copies to recipients based on how they reacted to your previous message.

✔️ Integrations and analytics.

$55/month per user — Email Cadences, API, Zapier
$85/month per user — Cadence Playbooks, Multichannel Outreach, CRM Integrations
$145/month per user — IP based login restrictions, Monthly customer success review, Monthly deliverability reports
You can also try Klenty for free with its 14-day free trial.

  1. FunnelBake
    Funnelbake is an email sending tool that helps automate the outreach, nurturing, and closing process within the sales funnel. With this CRM, you can automate follow-ups, personalize email templates with custom fields, schedule emails to be sent later, and much more!


✔️ Powerful integration of Gmail, Amazon SES, and SMTP servers.

✔️ Easy-to-use Flow Builder to design campaigns, send emails, and automate follow-ups.

✔️ Triggers to customize your campaigns.

✔️ Personalization feature that allows boosting response rates.

✔️ Profound analytics that lets you track all your campaigns: the time your emails are sent, delivered, opened, read, and replied to.

✔️ Smart Inbox that checks your email for replies from your leads.

$9/month per seat — 2,500 Contacts with advance inbox
$19/month per seat — Unlimited Contacts with Multiple Signature
$39/month per seat — Unlimited Contacts with 2-way Email Sync
$59//month per seat — Unlimited Contacts with Custom On-Demand Template
All Funnelbake plans include a 14-day free trial.

  1. MailShake
    Mailshake is a sales engagement tool for advanced sales teams. With its help, you can send personalized cold emails and arrange tasks to engage with contacts via phone or social media platforms. This can all be done in one sequence, and you can see it all on one dashboard.


✔️ Email personalization, automated follow-ups, mail merge copy, and proven email templates.

✔️ Detailed statistics: clicks, opens, and replies.

✔️ A/B testing feature that lets users test the best performing copy before sending mass mailouts.

✔️ Real-time copy analysis that helps avoid spam filters and promotion tabs, as well as boosts your email open and reply rates.

✔️ Numerous integrations to connect the tool with your favorite third-party CRM solutions.

$59/month per user — 5,000 recipients per campaign
$99/month per user — 10,000 recipients per campaign
MailShake offers no free trial, it takes payment upfront. However, it offers a 30-day full refund if you don’t like the service.

What to consider while choosing among drip email software?
Of course, to choose the best tool you need to know your company goals, priorities, target audience, budget, size of the team that will be using the tool, and many other internal business factors.

But we also suggest paying attention to the combination of features that influence conversion and the platform’s price.

The price/quality ratio remains the most important factor while choosing the tool for email drip campaigns. Some companies offer countless features at a high price. Some offer a limited set of email tools for small teams. And others manage to balance the feature/price ratio and offer flexible individual plans.

Check out the detailed price comparison and choose the toolkit that suits your business needs in the best way.

Besides, the existence of a freemium plan with its specific amount of free services/credits/recipients is also a decisive factor. Keep it in mind when testing a platform before purchasing it.

Email personalization and lead segmentation
This feature usually helps you build more friendly and trustful relations with your list of leads. It’s a secret key to boosting the open, click, and reply rates of your email campaigns.

Check our article to learn more about how to use personalization and segmentation to grow conversions.

Comprehensive statistics help you keep an eye on what’s working in your campaigns and what you can improve. Monitor your open rates, CTR, and other indicators to A/B test and strengthen your email campaigns.

This feature allows you to connect your drip email service to other online business instruments, enhances your mailing strategy, and reduces manual work to a minimum. The more integrations, the more freedom you have.

Drip tools need to have an API for integrating email functionality into other software applications or websites, depending on your business needs. For example, Snov.io offers a free API to perform actions with prospect lists, view statistics, etc.

No matter how simple the tool might be, there will always be questions arising now and then, and Customer Support service is the best place to get answers to those questions. Besides, the most frequently asked questions can be commented on in detail in the Video Guide, Knowledgebase, and FAQ sections.

Additional tools and features
If your SaaS provider gives you a strictly defined number of features only, think twice before buying their plan. Great service will offer you additional tools, features, solutions, flexible and tailored pricing plans, dedicated customer care, and an overall feeling of comfort and growth.

If you still hesitate about which drip tool to choose, read other businesses’ feedback on email tools of your choice. It can be presented in different formats: as a testimonials section, a detailed article, a video interview, etc. Read/watch and pick the tool that best suits your company’s needs.

Wrapping it up
Selecting an email drip service is a tedious and time-consuming process. We hope our article has helped you get a glimpse of the tools available on the market. We wish you smooth campaigns, easy conversions, and loyal clients.

And if you need some help with email drip campaigns, let us know — we’ll be here for you!


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