Autopilot AIO is an all-in-one SEO software that includes everything you need to work on your web projects. It includes powerful and unique features such as Rank Tracker, Spinner, Link Cloaker and more. If you are looking for a complete SEO or social media software package, this is the right product for you.


Welcome to today’s podcast, where I’m joined by a man I’ve met a few years ago, in Chang Mai, we met, I think. So it is none other than the man behind SEO Autopilot. I nearly got that pronunciation wrong. It’s Elias Livadaras. I was more worried about the pronunciation of your name Elias, but welcome. Thank you very much for coming on and hopefully sharing great words of wisdom with us. But it was Chang Mai we met, is that right?

Chang Mai SEO Conference, for anyone who’s looking for a good conference, go out there. But yeah, so Elias, you’re Athens in Greece and you are the man behind the SEO Autopilot tool. So, obviously it’s great to get someone like you on, who owns the software, who understands automation. And I think for any of our listeners out there, this is going to be an interesting topic as to what we can actually automate or what we can actually do with SEO Autopilot. So, a couple of quick questions about the tool in general, first and foremost Elias, is what’s the background behind it? What’s your background? How did this all start?

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Background of Elias

Contents [hide]

Welcome to today’s podcast, where I’m joined by a man I’ve met a few years ago, in Chang Mai, we met, I think. So it is none other than the man behind SEO Autopilot. I nearly got that pronunciation wrong. It’s Elias Livadaras. I was more worried about the pronunciation of your name Elias, but welcome. Thank you very much for coming on and hopefully sharing great words of wisdom with us. But it was Chang Mai we met, is that right?

Chang Mai SEO Conference, for anyone who’s looking for a good conference, go out there. But yeah, so Elias, you’re Athens in Greece and you are the man behind the SEO Autopilot tool. So, obviously it’s great to get someone like you on, who owns the software, who understands automation. And I think for any of our listeners out there, this is going to be an interesting topic as to what we can actually automate or what we can actually do with SEO Autopilot. So, a couple of quick questions about the tool in general, first and foremost Elias, is what’s the background behind it? What’s your background? How did this all start?

Background of Elias
Contents [hide]

1 Background of Elias
2 So how long has SEO Autopilot been on the market for, for everyone to buy?
3 Using SEO AP for GMB’s
4 Overview of SEO Autopilot
5 Campaign Wizard on SEO Autopilot
6 Advanced Campaign Creation

Yeah, so I’ve been doing SEO for the past 12 years. Of course back then, there weren’t so many tools that an SEO could use to automate the SEO procedure. That means that for example, if you had to create 1000 backlinks, you had to create 1000 accounts, you had to solve 1000 Captchas, you have to verify 1000 emails and stuff like this. So, that takes a ton of time, as you may understand.

So, there were some tools that, they were on the market after some point that they were more popular. They were more popular back then because things were a little bit different in the SEO industry. You could just throw a couple of links in, you ranked like crazy. But now, with the algorithm changes, it is extremely difficult to rank websites just with a couple of links. You need to focus on quality. So anyway, all those tools back then were exactly what they said. They were link building tools. They just allowed you to build links. They were great, they worked great, and they were solving the time management issue. Okay. You were extremely fast. You could build thousands of backlinks in no time, and that worked. However, now that SEO, it’s much different, has changed a lot. The market needed SEO software, not just a link building tool, not just a tool that will help you get thousands of backlinks. The market, the SEO industry needed a tool that actually can help you acquire high quality backlinks from high authority sources. And this is where the idea of SEO Autopilot began because I was using those automated tools. However, the problem was that they were focused as a programmer perspective, not as an SEO perspective. So as an SEO expert, I wanted to use a tool, I wanted to have a tool in my hands that it is based on the SEO perspective.

So, I was lucky enough, I was extremely lucky enough to find two of the best programmers in the world, in my opinion. And they were living just two blocks from my house, from where I live. It was amazing because everything, the God of luck, was giving me signs that you must do it. Okay. So I had the idea, I had the knowledge and my guys, my partners, they put together all the magic and we have created SEO Autopilot.

So how long has SEO Autopilot been on the market for, for everyone to buy?

How, how long it is on the market?

It’s two and a half years now.

Two and a half years. Because, this is just a personal opinion of mine and I might be completely wrong with that, but not that many people in the UK have probably heard of SEO Autopilot. I think is one of those tools that is not out there as much as it probably should be. I’m flabbergasted there it’s not as much as it … and I might be wrong with that statement, but it’s just that, where I talk, I’ve never heard anyone ever mention it as one of their tools, which is baffling given some of the absolutely amazing stuff that the tool does, which is obviously why we want to talk about it today. But was there a different target audience? Were you more focused on Europe or Asia? Or am I wrong? Are there a lot of UK users of this tool?

Yeah. Look, by using SEO Autopilot, what the tool basically does, as we said, is to help you acquire high-quality backlinks exactly on SEO Autopilot. So, the way the tool works is, it is working for all search engines. Okay. So, that means that it can be used by literally by anyone, literally by anyone that has a website. It does not matter if he wants to promote the website in the UK, or Germany or in the United States. It is based on, it’s on every search engine. So, okay even for Baidu or Yandex. I’m not talking about Bing because for Bing it’s like a kindergarten if I’m not mistaken. Okay. That ran only one campaign and your ranking Bing. It’s obvious, it is super easy with SEO Autopilot.

Using SEO AP for GMB’s

We have a three hours webinar at our YouTube channel which is focused on local SEO and local Google GMB. For example, if you want to rank a website on a Google map listings it’s super easy to do it. If you want to rank on Google again, it is super easy. So yeah, it is a basically it can be used by anyone that has a website and about the country of promotion. Exactly. It is super easy to rank on local maps.

Yeah. So, one thing that I’d love you to do, if you don’t mind, is … I know your tool, it’s not just a link building tool, you can pretty much do any type of SEO, implement any SEO strategy you want, using SEO Autopilot, but I’d love you to share your dashboard and just show us a couple of basic things that people are using your tool for. That would be amazing, just to see what the dashboard looks like and then obviously to see some of the simple and easy things to implement right off the bat.

Overview of SEO Autopilot

All right, so this is the main dashboard of SEO Autopilot. You can see there are some major tabs over there. The accounts tabs, the profiles, the settings, the reporting system. Okay. The diagram editor and the campaign wizard. So, the accounts are basically the place where SEO Autopilot stores all account credentials that are being created by the tool. The profiles are the emails that SEO Autopilot will use in order to create those accounts. The emails and to make the mail verification process. Now, on the settings, there are some general settings about the display for submission. Some email verification delays. Of course, you can use proxies. We recommend using US-based dedicated proxies with SEO Autopilot. Dedicated proxies work best. Now, there are some third party APIs that someone can use like a Captcha solver, a spinner, content source and indexing services. The reporting is one of our great features because if for example, somebody sells gigs, she can run a campaign and then just export the links and white label them, put his logo or his website and send them directly to his clients.

There is the diagram editor which, is in my opinion, one of the most important features on SEO Autopilot because here, you can create your own strategy if you don’t want to use already created strategy. You can create your own diagram and you can implement your own strategy. However, there are a lot of pre-made diagrams and strategies here that, all right according to your project, according to the competition of your needs, you can use them and have great results.

Campaign Wizard on SEO Autopilot

In this point, I want to tell your audience that there are two possible ways to create the campaign. Either with the campaign wizard, which is extremely fast. In three minutes, you can create an advanced campaign and you can start getting backlinks in no time. Okay. With the wizard, we separate website types as a new website, middle-aged websites, and established websites. Then, you click next, you select your strategy. Okay, When I mean strategy, I mean the diagram that you want to use. Basically the link sources that you want to get high-quality backlinks. Let’s say that you choose this one. Here, you put your money aside, your keywords, select the account profiles, the content you need. If you want to use multimedia stuff like images and videos, on the options you just select how many days you want the software to run, or if you want an instant posting, and that’s it. You click okay, you click save and you’re done.

Advanced Campaign Creation

However, there is the advanced campaign creation. You give a company name, for example, you select your diagram. For example, let us select this one, the Medusa. We click on next, and this is the advanced dashboard. Here you put your money aside, and this is where SEO Autopilot is different from other software. So basically here, you can select which types of keywords of anchor text you want to use. You know that anchor text, the diversity is super essential in SEO for many reasons. The basic reason is that always when we do link profile creation, always we want our keywords, our link profile to be created in a supernatural way. It means that then our links, our anchors must be diversified. So here, we select our primary keywords, the percentage of our primary keywords. For example, if we want to work on a 10% keyword density, we’ll put primary keywords, 10. All right, so that means that every 100 keywords, 10 of them will be our targeted keywords, which will be super safe on our campaign and on our link profile creation.

About the generic keywords, I click here, more info, visit the website, you can put it to 20%, whatever. The branded keywords, you can use of course your branded keywords, for a partial match or LSIs, or those kinds of keywords. You can also tell the software to use a specific percentage for your campaign. And on the bottom here, there are the link variations, which means that you can select plain URLs. The plain URLs are the naked URLs or the clickable links. It is only the link without an anchor.domain with anchor means that from your money site list that you place here, the software will have the domain as anchor but it will link to an inner page of your website. And the text URLs, which is what it says. If it’s a URL but in a text format, it is great for diversity.

Advanced Campaign Creation

However, there is the advanced campaign creation. You give a company name, for example, you select your diagram. For example, let us select this one, the Medusa. We click on next, and this is the advanced dashboard. Here you put your money aside, and this is where SEO Autopilot is different from other software. So basically here, you can select which types of keywords of anchor text you want to use. You know that anchor text, the diversity is super essential in SEO for many reasons. The basic reason is that always when we do link profile creation, always we want our keywords, our link profile to be created in a supernatural way. It means that then our links, our anchors must be diversified. So here, we select our primary keywords, the percentage of our primary keywords. For example, if we want to work on a 10% keyword density, we’ll put primary keywords, 10. All right, so that means that every 100 keywords, 10 of them will be our targeted keywords, which will be super safe on our campaign and on our link profile creation.

About the generic keywords, I click here, more info, visit the website, you can put it to 20%, whatever. The branded keywords, you can use of course your branded keywords, for a partial match or LSIs, or those kinds of keywords. You can also tell the software to use a specific percentage for your campaign. And on the bottom here, there are the link variations, which means that you can select plain URLs. The plain URLs are the naked URLs or the clickable links. It is only the link without an anchor.domain with anchor means that from your money site list that you place here, the software will have the domain as anchor but it will link to an inner page of your website. And the text URLs, which is what it says. If it’s a URL but in a text format, it is great for diversity.

Of course, you can use all of them at the same time, so it’s a campaign you create. Your link profile will be super, super diversified and as you move on to your campaigns and to your link profile creation, you can start increasing the percentages of your targeted keywords, which means that your rankings will be faster, but your overall link profile will be safer and will be more natural. Another great feature is the link matching feature. For example, let us place here. Let’s say that this is our money site and we have also an inner page, and we have a keyword one. Our homepage is optimized for keyword one and our inner page is optimized for keyword two. So okay, what we can do here on SEO Autopilot is to select the link matching and tell the software that for our homepage, you will use only keyword one and for example, generic keywords. Okay, and for the second the URL you select only keyword two. So this feature is a present only on SEO Autopilot and this is one of the most important features that you can’t find it in any other SEO software. The anchor text diversity, the link diversity.

Also, there is a feature, the authority links feature, that if you place your any keyword there, then SEO Autopilot will add an extra backlink to an authority source like CNN, Huffington post, New York times. That means that you give value to your posts. Either those are all web tool platforms, or web tool profiles, or PDF uploads, or whatever you choose.

You can see here for example on the web tools, SEO Autopilot supports all major web tools like WordPress. I mean, you can see that all properties that you can get backlinks from are of high domain authority.

Okay. In this point, it’s a link group and when we mean by link group we mean link sources that you can get backlinks. Okay. Web tools are one link source. Authority links, it is another link source. Authority links are like profile links on super high authority websites, MySpace. Okay, social bookmarking, high quality. Social bookmarking, not low quality. I wouldn’t say that, but I would say lower DA, like a below 15 are all those social book markings. PDF uploads, Edu websites, Wiki websites, forum profiles, web tool profiles that are at least 10 to 11 different link sources that someone can acquire high quality backlinks on SEO Autopilot.

I’ve got one other question before you came off of that. If you go back a bit, there was another button next to the link matching button that said video ranking. I would like to know what that is what it does.

Also, there is a feature, the authority links feature, that if you place your any keyword there, then SEO Autopilot will add an extra backlink to an authority source like CNN, Huffington post, New York times. That means that you give value to your posts. Either those are all web tool platforms, or web tool profiles, or PDF uploads, or whatever you choose.

You can see here for example on the web tools, SEO Autopilot supports all major web tools like WordPress. I mean, you can see that all properties that you can get backlinks from are of high domain authority.

Okay. In this point, it’s a link group and when we mean by link group we mean link sources that you can get backlinks. Okay. Web tools are one link source. Authority links, it is another link source. Authority links are like profile links on super high authority websites, MySpace. Okay, social bookmarking, high quality. Social bookmarking, not low quality. I wouldn’t say that, but I would say lower DA, like a below 15 are all those social book markings. PDF uploads, Edu websites, Wiki websites, forum profiles, web tool profiles that are at least 10 to 11 different link sources that someone can acquire high quality backlinks on SEO Autopilot.

I’ve got one other question before you came off of that. If you go back a bit, there was another button next to the link matching button that said video ranking. I would like to know what that is what it does.


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