Best Apps For Adhd Reddit

What apps do you use to keep your life together? : r/ADHD

The internet is full of useful information about ADHD, but it can be hard to find the best apps for adhd reddit. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of our favorite apps that can help you manage your condition, as well as important information about the app itself.

Adhd Focus

Adhd Focus is an app that helps people with adhd stay focused while they’re working or studying. It has many features like timers and calendars that help remind you when it’s time to take breaks and get back on track. You can also set up goals and track how long each task takes you so you know whether or not you’re meeting expectations.

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Mindfulness Meditation For ADHD

This app has 10 different mindfulness meditation exercises designed specifically for people with adhd. These exercises range from breathing exercises to guided meditations, so there’s something for everyone! They’ll teach you how to relax your mind and body so that it’s easier for you to focus on tasks at hand instead of worrying about things going wrong or missing deadlines (or both).

best calendar apps for adhd

The Top 5 Android Apps for Adults with ADHD

Before I was diagnosed with ADD I thought I was the only one who was constantly unfocused, disorganized, and unable to cope with seemingly simple tasks. I thought there was something wrong with me. I constantly felt that I must be lazy, or not ambitious enough, or that I just needed to try harder. Since my diagnosis I have come to understand that while it is something I struggle with, I will not let it control my life. Between my medication and my behavioral therapist I have gained a lot of ground.

In my effort to bring order and balance into my life I began looking for apps that I could use to organize my day. I have tried many, many different apps and finally narrowed it down to five apps that I use on a daily basis.I know how difficult dealing with ADHD can be and since these apps have helped me so much, I wanted to share them with you guys.

  1. Astrid Tasks – By far the best task-oriented app I have ever used. Favorite features: Allows you to share tasks via email or username (if they also use Astrid). Notifies you when tasks you have assigned have been completed and allows both parties to comment on tasks. Notifies you when a task is due and will not clear the notification until you either complete the task or snooze it. The notifications can be annoying, but it doesn’t let you ignore your tasks– which is important for people with ADHD.
  2. Routinely – Routinely is an app for your daily routines (medications, exercise etc.) Favorite Features: Simply click “today” and it marks your routine off. Also, it lets you see how many times that month you accomplished or missed your routine and also has a graph feature as well. Routinely also has a widget feature that shows you how many routines are left for the day.
  3. Mindjet – I have spent my entire life making lists. One of the things I have struggled with is my mind’s inability to focus and tendency to jump all over the place. Enter Mindjet! Mindjet is a mind mapping app and quite possibly my favorite of all the apps I use. It lets my mind jump around and organize my thoughts. I can go back and forth between different subtopics and I don’t even have to worry about running out of room on my paper or ending up with a list that is virtually unreadable.
  4. Evernote – I just downloaded this app and I don’t have a lot of experience with it, but if the entire app is as good as the little I’ve played around with, I know I will love it. The basic premise of Evernote is that it allows you to organize all your notes in one place. You can then access them from your computer and/or any other device you have downloaded the application on. Evernote lets you make written notes of your ideas, to-do’s, meetings etc. You can also store images of receipts or business cards, and even save audio notes! I was especially excited about the audio notes! Sometimes it’s so much easier to be able to think aloud and record my thoughts when my mind feels like it is going 100mph.
  5. Mobile Banking App – I could recommend my mobile banking app, but since not many people use my bank, I doubt it will help. However, if your bank does have a mobile application I suggest downloading it. I struggle with financial responsibility and having access to that information at the touch of my fingers has helped me regain control. Mint is a budget management and good for people whose banks do not have an app.

All of these applications are free, although I believe Astrid, at least, has a premium version that includes widgets you can add to your home screen. If you have adult ADD and find yourself unable to organize your responsibilities, then download and try these applications. I hope they help and give you some piece of mind. Good luck!


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