Biology is the study of living organisms, including their structure, function, development, evolution, distribution and classification. It is a highly diverse scientific discipline that incorporates knowledge from the biological sciences, natural sciences and engineering.
Biology takes a systematic approach to the study of life. This involves studying the structure, function and development of all forms of life. Biology can be divided into subdisciplines such as cell biology, molecular biology and microbiology.
The best apps for biology are those that will help you learn about different species of animals or plants in a fun way. These apps are not only educational but also entertaining for children and adults alike!
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Biology Apps
With the increasing use of smartphones and tablets, there are a number of biology apps that students can access and make use of. Whether a student is simply learning the basics or a student wants to know more about botany, microbiology, zoology or genetics, below list of biology apps is available for download that can help them understand the concepts in an easy and effective manner.
Some apps aim to help students learn the basic biology concepts while some are focused on the more specific ones. Some biology apps are even played as games as they serve as fun ways to learn concepts.
Check out the list of the best Biology apps that can be helpful for teachers and students as they learn about biology.
- Curiscope
Curiscope is a popular biology app that features the 3D model of the different organs in the human body. This app is ideal for supporting STEM activities, for younger students wishing to explore the human body as well as GCSE wishing to revise Biology. It’s one of the most innovative and engaging ways for everyone from curious middle schoolers to revising teenagers to learn about Biology. In this app, you can touch each organ (i.e, brain, heart, lungs, stomach, liver, etc.) to see more information and detailed morphological descriptions.
Price: Free
Devices: iOS and Android
- Science Practical Simulator
Science Practical Simulator is an engaging educational app that allows both the modelling and completion of science practical activities in a safe and innovative way. The app covers a vast range of experiments typically taught in Biology such as Micro-Biology, Food Tests, Osmosis, Photosynthesis and so on.
Price: Free
Devices: iOS and Android
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ixplain GCSE Biology
- ixplain GCSE Biology
This is for any student of GCSE Biology who wants to challenge their learning, whether its to prove they know it all or to help them know it all. In this app you’ll find all the key terms in the syllabus with their meanings along with video clips to help explain those tricky concepts. Then put yourself to the test – find out what you know and prove you’ve mastered every topic.
Price: Free
Devices: iOS and Android
Animal 4D+
- Animal 4D+
Invite and make friends with animals round the globe to your home with Animals4D. It enables kids to experience the wildlife in life-size like never before.Animals4D is packed with amazing features like “SpellMe”, which helps kids to spell & pronounce the name of the animals right. It also has an innovative feature like “AboutMe”, help kids to know about the animal’s life style and class.Cool, Angry, Attack are the exclusive features in which animal’s express different moods.
Price: Free
Devices: Android
Human Body
- Human Body
This brilliant interactive app is a great way to teach your child about the human body and its different systems, helping them discover what we’re made of and how our bodies work. The app lets kids get a peek inside the body with seven models that highlight important structures such as bones, lymph nodes, the heart, and the intestines.
Price: Free
Devices: iOS
Frog Dissection
- Frog Dissection
Everyone is curious what the lies beyond the skin. Frogs have been a long time model of understanding the function, position and relative size of organs, tissues, and systems. This is an excellent use of touch-driven educational activity that also happens to be odorless and environmentally sensitive. This app might be used instead of a frog dissection lab or as a pre-lab preparation exercise. It gives students an appreciation of the layers of a frog’s tissue in a system approach to anatomy and function. Students drive a scalpel or scissors with their fingertips, ‘lift’ tissues or organs out of the way, and spin organs around while the narrator explains what they are seeing on the screen. Frog Dissection is best for high school biology students.
Price: Free
Devices: iOS
- Microbiology
Microbiology is an app specifically made for students enrolled in microbiology courses (non-majors). This study app features several review lectures as well as graphics about microbiological principles and techniques.
Price: Free
Devices: Android
Bioanim Complete
- Bioanim Complete
Explore, interact and learn about a wide range of biological processes and human organs with Bioanim Complete. This is an app that takes fully advantage of tablet technology by giving the learner free reign to visualise and grasp difficult concepts at a pace they choose to take.
Price: Free
Devices: iOS and Android
3D Brain
- 3D Brain
3D Brain is basically an interactive 3D brain map, or precisely, a collection of 29 individual maps showing different structures of the human brain, supported by information and reference links. The app is perfect for medical students, researchers, and educators in psychology and biology, as well as physicians treating brain disorders who might find it useful for patient education.
Price: Free
Available: Android, iOS
Visual Anatomy
- Visual Anatomy
Visual Anatomy is a reference app that teaches students about human anatomy and physiology. Students can learn the names and functions of human organs and other structures, as well as terminology and locations related to surface anatomy. Diagrams help students visualize locations of internal body structures, and being able to tap and read about a structure is extremely convenient. The app includes lots of interactive content for students to learn, but most of it is nicely organized by body system.
Price: Free
Available: iOS
Learn Biology via Videos
- Learn Biology via Videos
This app provides a quick summary of essential concepts in Biology by snack sized chapters to memorize key concepts.
Price: Free
Available: Android
Cell World
- Cell World
Cell World is a popular biology app for Android devices that is comprised of an interactive animation of the inside of a eukaryotic cell. As users navigate around the cell via the navigation controls and basic touchscreen mechanics, they can tap on specific features (such as various organelles, the cytoplasm, and the cytoskeleton) to display the feature’s name and a short description that is displayed at the bottom of the screen. At the same time, users can display a longer description by opening a panel from the side of the screen.
Price: Free
Available: Android, iOS
NHM Evolution
- NHM Evolution
The National History Museum of London’s ‘NHM Evolution’ packages together a quite astounding amount of fossil research and geological information into a very well-presented app. In ‘NHM Evolution’ there are close to 1000 fossils from over 600 million years to explore in rich detail and in a number of different ways.
Price: Free
Available: iOS
Switch Zoo
- Switch Zoo
Switcheroo Zoo is a fun, interactive site where students will enjoy watching animals morph into other animals right before their eyes. Switch Zoo is a fun way to start learning about different animals and their habitats. Switch Zoo is available as website and iOS app for mobile devices.
Price: Free
Available: iOS
Invisible Ear
- Invisible Ear
The InvisibleEar ™ app is a 3D augmented reality app specifically for biogical and medical investigation of the gross anatomy of the ear as well as the structure of the inner ear with particular attention drawn to the perilymph, endolymph of the cochlea and the petrous temporal bone using highly detailed CT data. It is aimed at high school, post 16 and medical students as well as hearing specialists. The user can either buy a 3D printed model or print glyphs that the app then engages with via the 3D AR in order for the user investigate the positive and negative spaces of the particular anatomy of the ear. It is even possible for the glyph source to be obtained from other medical references.
Price: Free
Available: iOS
Whack A Bone
- Whack A Bone
Whack A Bone is a series of educational games that teach kids the major bones of the human body. The Whack a Bone game focuses on the major bones of the body and is a great way to reinforce what your students have previously learned. The game is easy to learn and involves searching for and clicking the correct location of each bone named in the level. We love this quick quirky interactive game for identifying bones within the human body suitable for 10 years of age and above. The game is based on the online game and has a simple layout and great pirate themed graphics. Although the voices and music will drive you mad after a while (you can turn it off) the game is highly addictive and will get your students perfecting the names of the human bones within minutes. It does become a little frustrating that you need to get every answer correct to move onto the next level however, this is great fun! There are many wonderful Whack a bone alternatives available such as: Bone Anatomy 3D and Human Anatomy Atlas.
Price: Free
Available: Android, iOS
Energy for Life
- Energy for Life
Energy for Life is a complete educational application about the vital role of human nutrition. We get the energy necessary to live, the materials necessary for tissue construction and regeneration, and the substances which regulate the body s internal reactions through the role of nutrition. Functions carried out in the digestive, respiratory and circulatory systems. Available in English and Spanish, the app takes the user on with multiple menus and easy navigation. It includes interactive illustrations, games, and animation clips, which allow users to discover an entirely new form of learning.
Price: Free
Available: iOS
A Life Cycle App
- A Life Cycle App
The life cycles app is a great app for Key Stage 2 Science. Each life cycle is illustrated and has both a written and voice over description.The life cycles included are: Life Cycle of a Frog, Phases of the Moon, Life Cycle of a Butterfly, Plant Life Cycle, Pollination and Fertilization, Rock Cycle, Water Cycle, Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Cycle and Oxygen Cycle. This app is a smart and efficient way of demonstrating an often difficult subject.
Price: $2.99
Available: Android
Space Science Investigations: Plant Growth
- Space Science Investigations: Plant Growth
Space Science Investigations: Plant Growth app is a wonderful simulation game that takes kids on a virtual exploration of the International Space Station (ISS) and learn the importance of growing food in space. Parents can talk to their kids about what scientists hope to accomplish in the future, plans to visit Mars, and the challenges and opportunities related to this kind of space exploration.
Price: Free
Available: iOS, Android
- Froggipedia
Froggipedia is one of a host of new ARKit apps that Apple just announced, and it does exactly what you’d expect — use the Apple Pencil stylus to peel the skin off a virtual frog. It’s a little less gruesome, and presumably fewer real frogs have to die.
Price: Free
Available: iOS
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