As an English language learner, one of the most important things you can do is build your vocabulary. The more words you know, the easier it will be to read and understand material in English. Here are some of the best apps for building your vocabulary:
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Best 11 Vocabulary Building Apps for Adults 2021?
by Daniel Abbott — 9 months ago in Mobile Apps 8 min. read2953
Vocabulary apps that enjoy excellent feedback from their users and are best for users. Are you looking for the Best vocabulary apps that will help you improve your lexicon and grammar?
We have compiled a list of the Best vocabulary apps for android and iPhone, as well as resources and a few research-based strategies to help you remember what you’ve learned.
Best Vocabulary apps make learning new words easy and even enjoyable. Vocabulary apps will help you improve your language skills and build your confidence. Some of these apps include playing games to improve your vocabulary and explore language.
Here are the best vocabulary apps
- Vocab1
Vocab1 (view website) is one of the most comprehensive best vocabulary apps available and can wow and overwhelm newcomers at the same time by the sheer size and intensity of the app. There are 142,647 words available.
Vocab1 has a huge database with more than half a billion words that can be used to help you understand the contexts in which they may be used. Learning new words in context is the best thing about Vocab1.
There are 649 expert lists, as well as the ability to create your own wordlists. These lists focus on words that are commonly used in medicine, engineering, and education. There are also word lists that can be used for the SAT, GRE, and TOEFL.
It is also worth noting that Vocab1 uses flashcards and interactive games to teach you, and you can jump between sections whenever you want.
Vocab1 also offers extensive support, including online forums that allow users to communicate with one another. Vocab1 is a great vocabulary app for serious learners.
Review: ★★★★★
Availability: Web | Browser | Mobile.
Pricing: $67
- WordUp
WordUp’s mission is to expand your English vocabulary and WordUp vocabulary app is best for adults. Geeks Ltd, a prestigious software company and the owners of WordUp, came up with an innovative product in many ways.
Learning new words will be easier if learners are exposed to the word in real-life situations. A variety of video clips, including short ones from movies and TV shows, are used to show the usage of a particular word in many contexts.
WordUp’s unique approach is to focus on the 20,000 most used words. WordUp organizes them in order of their usefulness. Learners are encouraged to use the most useful words in everyday conversation and situations by learning them first.
WordUp uses the “spaced repetition” principle to help with retention. Each new word that you learn is repeated several times a day, week, month, and six months later. WordUp will show you the meaning and context if you forget.
WordUp is available for both Android and iOS devices. This vocabulary app is perfect for English speakers of all levels.
Review: ★★★★☆
Availability: App Store | Playstore
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- Magoosh Vocabulary App
Magoosh focuses primarily on test prep apps and Magoosh is the best vocabulary app. Magoosh Vocabulary Builder (available for Android or iOS) is one of the best vocabulary apps that they offer to students who are preparing for GRE, GMAT, and SAT exams.
Magoosh’s vocabulary app is perfect for students who are on the move and may only have a few minutes to learn new words. Expert test prep specialists carefully selected 1200 words that are most likely to be included in the test.
Each word has an audio pronunciation, definition, and example of its use. Beginning learners start at the beginner level and move up to the intermediate or advanced levels.
Learning can be fun, and students will spend more time learning if they have fun. Magoosh Vocabulary Builder app employs a gaming approach. You can compete against other users to unlock new words and worlds, or you can challenge your friends to see who can define the new words better. You can also track your progress.
Review: ★★★★☆
Availability: App Store | Playstore
- Quizlet
Quizlet is more than the best vocabulary app. It’s one of the 50 most popular websites in America and ranks among the top 50. Quizlet has a huge collection of flashcard sets and study guides that help students prepare for a wide range of subjects-related tests such as the SAT and GRE.
The app’s foundation is made up of flashcards, games, and quizzes. Students can choose from seven amazing learning modes. Although space limitations prevent us from describing all of these learning options, students can create teams to compete against one another, choose a flashcard lesson, test their skills with interactive games, and even take a spelling test!
Quizlet, one of the best vocabulary apps, is available for both iOS and Android. The price of Quizlet depends on how many units you want to purchase. Schools have different prices. Teachers can create their own flashcards and users can also contribute to them.
Review: ★★★★★
Platforms: App Store | Playstore
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- Memrise
With more than 42 million users, Memrise is one of the most popular but also best vocabulary apps for language learning, offering thousands of language courses to learn most European, Middle East, and Eastern languages.
However, critics tend to agree that Memrise is best for beginners or those who wish to learn a new language.
Memrise heavily relies on the principles and mnemonics for its courses. However, most courses are contributed by users and do not use the principles of Mnemonics.
Students can choose from flashcards, games, and self-tests when learning. Each course begins by showing you the English word, its translated version, and the most common mnemonic. To ingrain the word, you will see it again in different places.
Memrise has both premium and free plans that can be downloaded from their app store. You can also access Memrise via their website. Memrise alone will not make you fluent. It is, however, a great stepping stone for beginners.
Review: ★★★★☆
Availability: App Store | Playstore
-’s challenge is a way to test your English language skills and learn new words. To determine your mastery level, you will need to create an account. The results are used to determine your level of mastery. New words are then introduced in a gaming format that matches your learning level.’s proprietary technology, AVI (Adaptive Vocabulary instruction), is what makes this app so popular. AVI is able to add everything the user does, creating a personalized learning experience. claims that it is the fastest dictionary in the world. It’s an interactive tool that is amazing. Each word you search will be added to your learning list. You can also submit a list with words you want to learn. is free for students. There are also payment options for teachers and businesses. This app is a great choice for school vocabulary. Alternatively, see our list of language learning apps.
Review: ★★★★☆
Platforms: App Store | Playstore
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- Anki
Anki isn’t a vocabulary app per se. Anki is an award-winning app that helps you remember everything. Anki is used by the majority of subscribers to learn new words in many languages and memorize trivia. Anki is free.
The use of flashcards and spaced repetition is a proven way to help people remember facts, figures, and meanings of words.
Flashcards are used to teach new words and facts. Then, you test your memory the next day. You will be asked again if you forget the meaning of a word and tested until you are confident that you have mastered the material.
Anki is multimedia-rich. It uses audio, video, and images to aid you in your memory. It is free to download and use across all platforms. It’s suitable for all ages.
Review: ★★★★☆
Platforms: App Store | Playstore
- The Vocabulary Builder App
Vocabulary Builder is a vocabulary app that aims to improve grammar and expand your understanding of English words. There are more than 4,000 words available, with each word having a definition, audio pronunciation, example usages, synonyms, and antonyms. Flashcards can be used to learn new words and test your knowledge.
There are a surprising number of features available. Users can create their own list of “favorite word” lists, in addition to the ready-to use tools. Comprehensive coverage includes idioms and phrases that show how words are used in context, as well as one-word substitutes.
Multiple, frequent tests will help you determine which words and phrases are your best. You can add words to your “mastered” list, which you can then review later. Vocabulary Builder can be used on any platform at no cost. The best thing about Vocabulary Builder is its offline functionality, making it one my favorite vocabulary apps for commuters.
Review: ★★★★☆
Platforms: Playstore
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- Vocab Genius
Brainscape’s Vocab Genius is another English vocabulary app. It heavily relies on flashcards as well as the principles of repeated repetition. It is currently available in the app store only for the iPhone and iPad. All features can be unlocked with a very modest price after a free trial.
800 flashcards are available that will help you learn the most difficult but most useful English words. Another 300 flashcards are called “word elements” and show common suffixes, prefixes, and roots for the most difficult words. Words that you have already learned are presented at regular intervals to improve retention.
Brainscape asserts that they believe that learning apps with games are unnecessary and that quizzes can be distracting. They believe repetition is the key to learning.
Expect feedback, not games or quizzes. It is a great vocabulary app that you can use to keep track of your progress and has a compact concept.
Review: ★★★★★
Platforms: App Store
- Ultimate Vocabulary Prep for English; GRE
Galvanize, the publishers of Ultimate Vocabulary Prep English, claims that their app is the best-rated vocabulary app in the country. A quick glance at the reviews of users shows that they may be correct.
The app was originally designed to help students pass exams such as the SAT, GRE and TOEFL. However, thousands of people outside the student community use it to improve vocabulary.
Galvanize believes learning should be fun. They combine flashcards and clear images to create a “gamified learning environment” where you must compete with yourself for the opportunity to move up to the next level.
Each word has its definition and context. This angle covers all aspects of the GRE.
The app is completely free but offers many functions and features. You can also use it offline. It is one of the most popular free best vocabulary apps.
Review: ★★★★☆
Platforms: App Store | Playstore
- Vocabador
Vocabador is primarily designed for students who are studying for the SAT and GRE exams. Flashcards contain just over 400 words. The flashcards are very well designed. On one side, the word is displayed with the pronunciation option and the option to flag the word or unflag it. On the other side, you will find the definition, synonyms and antonyms as well as an example of how the word is used within context.
Vocabador employs a gaming approach with wrestling as its main theme. The words are broken down into three groups: light, medium and heavyweight. You can join a tournament to challenge your prowess with 12 other wrestlers. Each match will require you to learn 36 words. After you’ve defeated all the wrestlers you can challenge the Vocabador to the title of Grand Champion.
Vocabador is a modestly priced app, but most critics agree that it is not sufficient to prepare students for the SAT or GRE. If you prefer it sporty and compact, Vocabador could be the best vocabulary app for SAT or GRE.
Review: ★★★★☆
Platforms: App Store
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Best Vocabulary Apps – Review Verdict
Let’s wrap up our review on the best vocabulary apps. There are many benefits to expanding your vocabulary. Your goals should guide you in choosing the right app.
Do you need to prepare for a test? Or do you want to learn more words? Are you more comfortable with structured learning? Or do you prefer to have more control over what words you learn? What amount of time are you willing to invest in learning?
When choosing an app or an essay service, you must consider all these factors. But it’s well worth the effort! Thank you for reading, and happy learning.
Do you know those people who can effortlessly drop the dictionary Words of the Day during casual conversation and sound so charming and smart? We aren’t one of those people. We’d love to be. There’s an app to help you do that.
These best vocabulary apps for adults can help you learn new words and have fun while on the go. Learn more about nine apps that will help you improve your vocabulary, from flashcard quizzes to Scrabble-style games played with friends to flashcard games.
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Best vocabulary apps for android
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Vocabulary building apps for adults
Vocabulary learning app
Daniel Abbott
Daniel Abbott is editor in chief & research analyst at The Next Tech. He is deeply interested in the moral ramifications of new technologies and believes in leveraging the data scientist, research and content enhancement to help build a better world for everyone.
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