Best Apps For Ideas

Nowadays, as we can see there are hundreds of photos on the internet. And a lot of apps had been developed to do more interesting with those photos. However, it would be hard for everyone to find a best option with so many apps in Google play or App store. Therefore, I decide to make a blog to share the best apps and make this post have practical value.

101 Best App Ideas That Could Change The World in 2022

Best Apps For Ideas

  1. Todoist
    This app is great for listing all that stuff you’ve got to do. If you think of a great solution to the laundry room chaos, you can whip out this little sucker and list out all of the tasks needed to accomplish your vision. This app allows you to assign a priority level to the task, schedule it for a specific completion date, and add notes to any one task. Take that burst of energy from your moment of inspiration and immediately translate it into actionable steps.


  1. Evernote
    Evernote is a note taking program. This app enables you to quickly write down, either in handwriting or traditional typing, whatever ideas strike you. Just open up a new note, throw those award winning ideas down, pop the note in the most relevant notebook and BAM inspiration captured. You can add tags to your notes to make it easier to find exactly what you are looking for later on. This program also comes with handwriting recognition technology. So, all of your handwritten notes instantly become searchable. Additionally, you can snap pics, add links, and set reminders to notes.


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  1. Feedly
    This RSS reader is a great way to organize all your online reading. Rather than traveling to the website to each of your favorite blogs, you can collect them all in RSS format on your Feedly account. The interface is simple and you can easily share and save articles you find particularly inspirational. Combine this information collection tool with Evernote and you can tag those inspirational articles and connect them up to your relevant work.


  1. Pocket
    This Google chrome browser extension and mobile app allows users to grab any online content and save it for later. This is an awesome feature if you are browsing the web at work and you just don’t have time to check out that interesting video, like the most inspirational TED talks found here, at this precise moment. Just throw it into your Pocket and you can check it out when you’ve got more time.

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  1. SimpleMind
    This Android app is a great way to map out your most inspirational ideas. If you are a visual learner, this is a great way to easily see your web of ideas and exactly how they connect together. You can customize the experience with various connection and node designs.

Simple Mind

  1. Ember
    This tool allows you to save screenshots, snap webpages, draw directly onto images, and it even syncs with Dropbox. One advantage Ember has over Evernote is its drawing tools. As you draw directly onto images, the program automatically detects the presence of any basic shapes such as boxes or circles. The program than converts your hand drawing to the computer generated shape.


  1. A Novel Idea
    Perfect for those who love telling stories, this app allows the user to plot your story and record your inspiration anywhere. You can play around with rearranging scenes, developing characters, and quickly see key elements of your story. This little app is fantastic for everyone from professional writers to those composing a creative piece for their teachers.

A Novel Idea

  1. Autodesk Sketchbook
    This professional grade drawing app is great for both generating and capturing inspiration. Sometimes the best way to loosen up our minds is through a little creative expression. With this app you can easily unleash your creativity. The excellent range of tools and color options allows you to create whatever your heart desires. Even if your artistic skills remain at stick figure expert, you can express your most recent inspiration visually.

Unique app ideas

  1. Augmented reality app that helps you design your room
    There are many things to consider when purchasing furniture for your home. One of the most important considerations is where you’ll want it placed and what kind will best suit both functions as well aesthetically? The AR app allows users not only to take photos with their phones but also to place 3D models into virtual spaces which can be viewed from all angles allowing them to see, how an item would look in any room or setting without actually having to buy it! Users have teamed up between this technology-powered design tool/shopping site combo so they may order online directly through its interface while viewing pictures before making purchase decisions – no more scrolling endlessly on YouTube, watch cat videos instead.
  2. Scan and convert to pdf app
    Rather than going to a shop to get your documents to scan and then converting them into pdf. A scan and save it to pdf app can help you keep important records such as receipts, documents, report cards, notes, whiteboards etc., on your mobile securely. This app permits you to quickly scan your documents in high quality and store or send them as multipage PDF or JPEG files.
  3. Health check-up and food planner app
    This app checks your health day by day and suggests you proper meals that you should consume in order to remain healthy. It connects you to the numerous healthy-recipes that are provided by professional chef-bloggers. You can set your content to be provided as per your health situation, for e.g. if you are heart patient, you’ll be recommended recipes made of ingredients that are heart-healthy. The app can partner with groceries to deliver healthy items online directly from the app.
  4. Railway tracking app
    Citizens of metropolitan cities are heavily dependent on trains to get to their destination. It can be incredibly disruptive if the trains are late and you have no way of knowing if you should wait or consider an alternative way of getting to your destination. A railway tracking app can give you the exact time of where the train is, so if you have an emergency and the train is late you can take a bus or a taxi.
  5. Language learning app
    The language learning app that helps users with some beginner lessons on different languages in one of the most brilliant app ideas for 2022. The app can have different levels of difficulty with the first level being alphabets and basic letters to the advanced level containing full-fledged conversations. The app can enable voice so the learners know how words are pronounced.
  6. Voice translation app
    One of the primary concern of travelling abroad is not knowing the language of the country and the struggle of trying to communicate with the natives. An app that can translate your voice will be a revolutionary way to communicate for travellers. The words can be spoken to the phone which will be translated to their desired language. The app must also work both ways where other languages can be translated to your language in real-time.
  7. Bike servicing app
    A door-step bike servicing platform and application which will use technology for the convenience of two-wheeler owners by providing them a transparent connection with high-quality vehicle maintenance providers. The platform can provide assisted door-step pick-up and drop, an in-built inventory management system that enables reduction of waiting-time, smarter stock allocation, an order management system etc.


  1. Call recording app
    Many victims today suffer from spam and phishing calls. They’re downloading it so when they are getting harassed by these types of criminals on their phone; all you have to do is record them using your own device’s microphone which will then save as an audio file on whatever storage mediums available: cloud service providers’ data centers where recordings may later serve legal purposes such as evidence at trial if needed– providing much relief during stressful situations.
  2. Scan to shop apps
    These type of app will let you scan the items that you find desirable and find them or their closest substitute on online shops so that you can buy them instantly.
  3. Mall navigation map
    A digital mall navigation map stores the digital map of all the shopping malls in the area and can be used to navigate the mall as well as directions leading up to it. It is particularly helpful for larger malls where with the help of the app the user can find the exact store or even status of the restaurant, parking spot or crowdedness of the mall.
  4. Criminal alert app
    Seeing a missing person or a wanted criminals’ face once on the television is difficult to remember. Plus, there is also a chance of meeting a stranger who turns out to be a criminal that you don’t know about. An application idea is such that the app will alert you of criminals in your area- so that you can save a life as well as help in catching a lawbreaker.
  5. Fitness App
    A healthy lifestyle web application targeting health conscious people to track their habits assisted by registered nutritionists, pathologists and health coaches in order to ultimately lower the risk of lifestyle disorders

The application would be equipped with several charts that help the user manage their overall health- like weight, sugar, heart rate, blood pressure etc. User is also equipped with individual meal charts, lifestyle plans, nutrition plans as per their condition. It will also be integrated with chat facility that allows users to talk with the community as well as health professionals.


  1. Tip Calculator app
    The tip calculator app has features that allow fast bill entry for those dining out with friends or family and have to split the bill. You can calculate the exact percentage of tipping amount from your total bill on the spot and get good service each time you want service from the institution.
  2. Contact tracing app
    A real-time contact tracing app which allows the users to view COVID affected areas and global statistics, this apps are developed to help the government track the contact chain of a user diagnosed with Coronavirus determining source and possible spread of infection.

Governments globally are using these apps in the fight against COVID-19. Take a look at the top contact tracing apps.

  1. Real-time car sharing app
    A real-time car sharing app allows the user to enlist their car and put in the destination as to where they are going. Another user on the app who is going the same way can put in their destination and find the users with cars who are going in the same direction. In the end they can split costs.
  2. Food recommendation app
    A food recommendation/ review app shows suggestions from people who like to explore different restaurants and can be trusted to put out reviews and recommendations of what people can try when they visit so and so eating place.
  3. Parking space finder app
    This app can help people find an available parking spot in a specific location. The app can make use of GPS, webcams, location and real-time parking data in order to find user a free parking space as soon as they want.
  4. Graphical restaurant table reservation
    Do you want to reserve a special corner or central table for your date? reservation apps make this easy. All it takes is choosing the desired seats and time in advance, then booking them on our app!
  5. Virtual study group app
    Students can meet up on a common forum and prepare for their exams along with other students that are studying for the same subject matter. The app can provide them with study material, tools, discussion helps, guides etc.
  6. Language learning app
    More and more people are learning new things for broader life experiences and to enhance their skill-set. You can take advantage by creating an app that can help users learn the A, B, C, Ds of new languages and then progress as per their knowledge level. This new app idea in 2022 can even facilitate audio features for users to learn the correct pronunciation of words.


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