If you have an iPhone, then you probably like using it as much as possible. From navigating to texting and all the apps that are out there, you can get a lot done through your iPhone 4. Blogging is one of the newest things available on iPhones and other smartphones—it allows individuals to share their thoughts, questions and answers and ideas in a way that was never before possible. The Best Apps For iPhone 4 have great uses for everything from blogging to everyday living.
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Best Apps For Iphone 4
Loopt lets those you know track your whereabouts
screenshot of Loopt iPhone app special deal from Blowfish
Here’s an app that takes advantage of the new background/multitasking capabilities, but it might creep people out. Loopt is a mobile social network that encourages users to share their location. With the new iOS you can be tracked by your selected group of friends as you move from place to place. You can also get an update pushed to you if a friend comes within a block of you. That way you can go hang out, or run as fast as possible to get away.
iTunes link
Real Racing is sharper than ever
real racing
Real Racing made the graphics better to exploit the “retina display”. It also took advantage of the gyroscope which is new to the iPhone to add a third axis point for tilting and controlling the game. It costs $4.99.
iTunes link
TomTom can guide you in the background as you use other apps
TomTom updated its app to take advantage of the iOS multitasking. It will run in the background spitting out directions. It’s relatively expensive at $49.99, but if you need a navigation app, this could be a solution.
iTunes link
Twitter is delivering the sharpest 140 characters you’ll ever see
Twitter on an iPhone
Twitter immediately took advantage of the “retina display” to make a uber-sharp app that looks good, and acts responsively. Tweets send in the background if you send a tweet and then leave the app, too.
iTunes link
Tap Tap revenge 3 is ready to party
tap tap
Tapulous super popular game has multitasking support so you can tap tap tap to your favorite songs, pause the game to answer an email or blast a tweet, then return to the game. It’s free and addictive.
iTunes link
Truphone give you calls and IMs in the background
Even though Skype was on stage when Steve Jobs announced iOS4, Truphone is featured in the App Store, and beat Skype to the punch. Truphone is a VoIP application that runs in the background. It gives users free calls to Skype, Truphone, and Google Talk users.
iTunes link
Dropbox will let you sync files.
dropbox app screenshot
One of the best applications for syncing documents and files from iPhone to iPad to your computer has been updated to take advantage of fast switching and other tricks from iOS 4.
iTunes Link
BONUS: Quordy is our favorite word game out there
We don’t know if Quordy updated itself for iPhone 4, but when we looked at it on our new iPhone 4 it looked awesome. We played a game right next to someone using Quordy on an iPhone 3G. It blew it away. It’s a great Boggle-like word game.
Iphone 4 compatible apps 2020
You may be able to download and install previously purchased apps (perhaps you have deleted them). This can mean two different things. So, there are two different ways you can try to do this. I explain them below:
- If you previously purchased the app, you can redownload and reinstall the last compatible version. Here is how:
First, make sure that you are signed in with the Apple ID that you used to buy the app originally.
Open the App Store app on your device.
Find the Purchased tab and My Purchases. Here you can see all the apps you have installed previously.
For iOS 11 and later, tap on the Today tab at the bottom, then tap on your user account icon near the top-right corner of the screen. Tap Purchased, then My Purchases.
Find the app you want to install
Tap the iCloud icon
A popup will appear, and you will be asked: “Download an older version of this app? The current version requires iOS X.X or later, but you can download the last compatible version.” Simply tap Download.
The download will commence.
Download an older version of this app
- Ok, you may think that #1 above does not work because you have never downloaded the particular app that you want to install. Then how can you do that? If this is the case, you can buy the app on a newer device and then find and download it on your older device. Here is how you can do this:
You need to have a newer iOS device (if you do not have one, you can borrow one from a friend).
Make sure that you’re signed in to iCloud with the same Apple ID on both devices. (If you are borrowing a device from a friend, your friend needs to log out first. Your friend may want to make a backup of the information that they stored in iCloud.)
On the new device, launch the App Store and find the app, and download and install.
Now get your old device where you want to install the app. On your old device, go to the App Store, then Purchased.
For iOS 11 and later, tap on the Today tab at the bottom, then tap on your user account icon near the top-right corner of the screen. Tap Purchased, then My Purchases.
You will see the app there because you just purchased it. If you do not see it yet, just wait.
Then tap the iCloud icon to download the app.
The download will start.
Note that these methods may not work for all apps. This only works if the developer of the app has not deleted it from Apple’s App servers. Furthermore, since you are downloading an older version of the app, it is highly likely that not all features of the (newer version of the) app are available. Lastly, this app may now require more resources than your device can handle. Thus this new app could cause your device to crash or freeze.
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