Korea is an increasingly popular destination for foreign language learners and travelers. With over 50 million speakers worldwide, the Korean language is easier to learn than you might think! This is why we have created the following list of the best Korean learning apps available for Android or iPhones. See below for reviews of each app, along with links to download or purchase them on iTunes or Google Play.
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Best Apps For Learning Korean Reddit
Japan is a living language, with a culture deeply rooted in its long history. Learning Japanese is not only educational, but also life-changing. Whether you are living in Japan or want to go on vacation and want to understand what the locals are saying, learning Japanese gives you the opportunity to connect with people in a meaningful way and appreciate their culture on a completely new level.
26 Best Japanese Learning Apps for iOS and Android in 2022 | FluentU Japanese
Best Apps For Learning Japanese Reddit
Most of these are fun and interesting but can wear you very quickly. For me Duolingo and Memrise were great to begin with but they’re not that great at keeping me interested in this subject. (See my previous post about being worn out by Memrise) but after a few months of hit and misses i have finally found the apps that work for me.
I definitely recommend them but I’m aware that they don’t work for everyone.
The first app that has help me substantially to progress in grammar has been Bunpo.
For me grammar has been difficult to grasp with all the particles and formal and informal really throwing me out of the loop. But this app really broke it down to perfectly edible pieces for me. It explains what each particle means and how to use them properly and it does this in a very simple to understand fashion. It also goes in categories ranging from n5-n1 to progressively improve. One of the features that I have yet to use but is definitely a plus is the “ask a question” function. If you’re stumped you can ask one of the team members a question and with time they will help you out.
If you want to improve your foundation in grammar then this app definitely will help you out.
Benkyō This app is great to learn vocab. Simple quick and easy and has a very easy review system. The furigana gets a little wonky at time but it’s the app I use the most for vocabulary.
Japanese Dictionary
Super easy and fun dictionary I use everyday. Throughout my day I’m think of sentences I can use or say in Japanese and this app helps me find all the right words and even gives examples on using the words properly. 10/10 would recommend to have this one on your phone.
Easy Japanese News
This an app to read daily news from Japan. The news is written in Japanese (obviously) but it has it’s corresponding furigana and even highlights the different parts of speech in each sentence. (Verbs, nouns, adjectives, etc)
In any case these apps have help me finally leave the difficult beginner stage of learning a language. My progress has improved tremendously as I can now watch anime and listen to music and understand at least 40-60% of what is said were as 2 months ago I couldn’t understand squat. Lol.
Also final parting tips,
Don’t give up.
There are days when you will lose motivation and that’s okay and normal. If you feel overwhelmed from studying and learning or listening, take a day off or two.
Play a game, watch movies and when you’re ready jump back into it.
Dont discourage yourself on accident by comparing yourself to others
This happened to me in the beginning and it sucked. I would see people post videos like “oh I learned to speak Japanese in 8 months now I passed my n1 test” and I would feel stupid because I didn’t feel I was progressing. But I realized something about myself and others. Everyone is different I work, Im married, I run a business. And the people that learn languages in short amount of time do that for a living, so it’s natural for them to move more quickly in their language learning journey.
Best app to speak japanese reddit
So, for Android users (sorry Apple) I have always used Obenkyo which teaches you hiragana, katakana, kanji, vocabulary, numbers and some grammar although I don’t really like the latter in this app. It is a really good app to start since you can hide the content you haven’t learned yet and practice it in a writing and/or reading quiz. So you can learn how to draw in the good stroke order kanji and kana with this, which really helped me.
Also, for every level (although pure beginners would find it a bit hard I think), I use the app TangoRisto to practice reading japanese. It is an app that shares Japanese news from the NHK website. You can click on different kanji and other words in the text to see its translation and learn some vocabulary. There are also furigana and translation available. I think it’s a good app to learn vocabulary for beginners and to practice reading and grammatical points for intermediate and advanced.
Anyway, have you guys got any good apps to learn Japanese? I need some help to learn grammar as well, always have been struggling with it for some reasons.
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