Technical analysis is the study of past price movements in an attempt to forecast future price movements. It is a way of determining the future direction of a security based on past prices and trading volume. Technical analysis can be used by investors, traders or speculators to decide when to enter or exit a trade, as well as when to adjust their positions in an effort to maximize profits.
All analysts have their own personal preferences when it comes to apps for technical analysis. The following are some of the most popular apps:

Table of Contents
Best Apps For Technical Analysis
StockEdge is an app which helps the traders and investors in Indian stock market make better decisions by providing them with analytics, visualizations, and alerts on their mobile.
Free Download
Age rating:Everyone
Category:Not available
Publisher:Kredent Infoedge Private Limited
Size:Not available
Genre:Not available
Vivek Bajaj null
by Vivek Bajaj null
reviewed on February 12, 2019
An app by professional market participants helping retail traders and investors to become truly independent. The app processes 1 billion data to come More
Surbhi Lohia null
by Surbhi Lohia null
reviewed on February 12, 2019
It is one of the best and user-friendly app for traders and investors. A Must have for everyone participating in the stock market.
Smita Mohta null
by Smita Mohta null
reviewed on February 12, 2019
This gives us insight not only in technical analysis but has option to put many analysis in one platform with fundamental parameters too
2.Yahoo Finance
Yahoo! Finance is an investment portfolio tool that finds all the financial information you need with intuitive navigation. It also compares stocks with interactive full-screen charts. You can also sign to view and edit your Web portfolio on the go.
Yahoo Finance
Yahoo Finance
Free Download
Age rating:Not available
Category:Not available
Publisher:Not available
Size:Not available
Genre:Not available
Amber Chen
by Amber Chen
reviewed on March 14, 2019
Didn’t like this at all. I need more than one choice to make it a good solution. We don’t all like the same things some of us need choice to pick what will work better for me.
3.Moneycontrol Markets on Mobile
Moneycontrol is an Android application that offers you a complete overview of the indian stock market with live TV in English, Hindi and Gujarati.
Moneycontrol Markets on Mobile
Moneycontrol Markets on Mobile
Age rating:Everyone
Size:8.81 MB
Genre:Not available
by Shirley Oliver
reviewed on March 14, 2019
This app is really easy to use to track the indian stock market. It has features that are simple and while it does need some improvements, it gets the More
Manjul Patel null
by Manjul Patel null
reviewed on September 12, 2019
This app is really helpful for trading.
Melissa Barnett
by Melissa Barnett
reviewed on March 22, 2018
Its ok for an app, you get the needed information but if your a high end investor there are definetly better and more indepth apps out there
FrontPage is a finance app developed by Crowdware Labs for Android devices. The app is a social network for India’s Share and Stock Market and users can discuss stocks with others and discover new trades with a curated feed.
Free Download
Website:Not Available
Age rating:Not available
Category:Not available
Publisher:Not available
Size:Not available
Genre:Not available
Avijit Sharma null
by Avijit Sharma null
reviewed on April 17, 2019
Real-time discussion platform for Indian markets. Lots of people posting their technical analysis and trade views.
AdvisoryMandi is a free mobile application which claims to be India’s most trusted stock market advisory marketplace. Through this app, you can also follow your advisers and apply their trading decisions.
Free Download
Website:Not Available
Age rating:Not available
Category:Not available
Publisher:Not available
Size:Not available
Genre:Not available
ishaant singh
by ishaant singh
reviewed on January 17, 2019
It is better to get the advice or ideas from the experts. If you get advice from the sebi authorized financial advisors, then it will be great and is a best place to find 250 advisors in a single place. it is redefining the way fina More
JStock provides you stock market information and helps you to develop your investment strategy. It supports 29 world stock markets and allows you to build and manage your portfolio.
Free Download
Age rating:Everyone
Publisher:Yocto Enterprise
Size:6.50 MB
Genre:Not available
Andy Ma
by Andy Ma
reviewed on March 14, 2019
This just seems like your basic investing app. It does nothing new or different to differentiate itself from a crowded field.
7.Stock Watch: BSE / NSE
This application for Android is considered one of the most comprehensive and high rated Indian stock market app. Get live-stock news, analysis and create your own stock watch-lists.
Stock Watch: BSE / NSE
Stock Watch: BSE / NSE
Age rating:Everyone
Publisher:Snapwork Technologies
Size:1.68 MB
Genre:Not available
Sanvi Kadam
by Sanvi Kadam
reviewed on March 14, 2019
I like this, very creative and unique. I think getting news about stocks if you are a investor or someone potentially wanting to know more about it it’s a good idea.
IntelliInvest is a free app specially designed for investors and traders who want to know about the market, their investment profile, and more! Among other things, this easy-to-use tool shows different analysis modules that provide you with an analytic view of investment.
Free Download
Website:Not Available
Age rating:Not available
Category:Not available
Publisher:Not available
Size:Not available
Genre:Not available
Alan Reynolds
by Alan Reynolds
reviewed on September 11, 2019
I don’t really like this application, but I do see the promising potential within it considering all the features that are on it and just everything that’s been given to me with the information that I read up upon on this app.
best stock analysis app for beginners
A stock is basically a share in the ownership of a company. If you buy stocks, you buy a share in the ownership of that particular company.
Traders usually buy stocks in order to increase their wealth. As the value of a company increases, so does the value of its stocks. Investors can earn profits through this.
You can also get shareholder dividends if you own a company’s stocks. Companies usually distribute dividends quarterly. These dividends can be as cash or more shares.
What You Will Learn: [hide]
Stock Trading Apps Review
Frequently Asked Questions
List Of The Top Stock Trading Apps
Comparing The Best Stock Apps
1) Robinhood
2) TD Ameritrade
3) E*Trade
4) Fidelity
5) Ally Invest
6) Charles Schwab
7) Vanguard
8) Webull
9) SoFi
10) Acorns
11) Interactive Brokers
Recommended Reading
Stock Trading Apps Review
Best Stock Trading Apps
If you want to trade in stocks, keep the following points in mind:
Do a thorough study of the market trends.
Take help from a friend who is a frequent investor, or talk to a market expert.
You should know about the tax laws.
Choose a trading app that suits your requirements.
If you want to invest a small amount of money, look for a trading app that has the following features:
Lets you trade with little or no minimum balance.
Do not charge any maintenance fee.
Offers to trade in fractional shares.
And if you want to invest a large amount of money, you should either look for the one with a dedicated advisor. Or if you want to manage your account yourself, then the app should have the proper tools for market analysis.
In this article, we will look into the top features, pros & cons, ratings, and the other details of the best stock trading apps so that you can make your mind on which one to choose.
Pro Tip: The main three features that you should look for in a Stock trading app are:
Minimum required balance
Maintenance fee
Market analysis reports
*And an advisor if you are a beginner or have little time to look after the market.
Facts Check: According to a report posted by Applause on March 05, 2021, the demand for stock trading apps or investments apps has increased from the year 2019 to 2020. The highest increase in demand is observed in Germany, followed by U.S.A., Great Britain, and so on.
report posted by Applause
Frequently Asked Questions
Q #1) What is stock? Explain with example.
Answer: A stock is a (partial) ownership of a company. Companies divide their ownership into numerous shares/equities/stocks so that investors can buy them and become co-owners. As the value of the company increases, so does the value of its stocks, and the investors get benefits from it.
For example, let’s suppose, a company divides its ownership into 1,00,000 shares or stocks. So if you buy 1000 stocks of that company, then you will have 1% ownership of that company.
Q #2) How do you make money from stocks?
Answer: When the value of the stock you had bought goes up, you can sell those stocks at the increased prices and thus earn profit.
You can also get shareholder dividends (a part of the company’s earnings). Companies usually distribute dividends quarterly. These dividends can be as cash or more shares.
Q #3) Is it worth buying 1 share of stock?
Answer: Yes, if you feel like the value of a stock will go up in the near future, then it is better to buy even a share of the stock than to keep the money idle.
Some stock trading apps even offer the feature of buying fractional shares, which enables you to trade with as little as $1.
Q #4) What is a good portfolio?
Answer: A good portfolio is one that has a diversified range of assets to minimize the risk involved. Taking into consideration the global climatic problems, a good portfolio can be one that has assets or stocks of companies who carry our environment-friendly practices.
Q #5) How can I invest 500 dollars for a quick return?
Answer: If you want quick returns, you should be ready to take the risk and invest in a volatile stock. But be careful before investing and do the proper research beforehand, to maximize the chances of earning profits.
Q #6) Can you get rich off Robinhood?
Answer: Yes, absolutely. If you do proper research about the stock you are going to buy, then there are high chances of getting rich with Robinhood, as it brings up for you a large section of stocks, fractional shares, and cryptocurrencies to trade-in.
Q #7) What is the best stock trading app for beginners?
Answer: Acorns, SoFi, Vanguard, Charles Schwab, Ally Invest, TD Ameritrade, Robinhood, and Fidelity are the best stock trading apps for beginners.
=>> Contact us to suggest a listing here.
List Of The Top Stock Trading Apps
Here is the list of some popular stock investing apps:
TD Ameritrade
ETrade Fidelity Ally Invest Charles Schwab Vanguard Webull SoFi Acorns Interactive Brokers Comparing The Best Stock Apps Tool Name Best for Price Account Minimum Rating Robinhood Plenty of trading options and an easy to use app Free $0 5/5 stars TD Ameritrade Beginners who want their portfolio managed by experts Free ($25 for broker assisted trading) $0 5/5 stars ETrade Beginners as well as frequent investors. Free $0 4.7/5 stars
Fidelity Long term planning tools Free $0 4.8/5 stars
Ally Invest Beginners Free $0 4.7/5 stars
Stock Trading Apps reviews:
1) Robinhood
Best for plenty of trading options.
Robinhood is a trading app that lets you build a portfolio of your choice with the wide range of tradable options available on the platform. You can start investing with as little as $1.
Top Features:
Invest with as little as $1 with fractional shares.
Trade-in crypto exchanges.
0.30% interest in the uninvested cash.
Commission-free investing in stocks and funds.
No minimum balance is required.
No commission on the trade of stocks.
Fractional shares.
Crypto exchanges.
Easy to use the app.
No trading of mutual funds.
Why you want this app: Robinhood is the most downloaded non-gaming app in the U.S. The reason being the bundle of features that it offers, like crypto exchanges, fractional shares, etc.
Android rating: 3.9/5 stars
Android downloads: 10 million +
iOS rating: 4.1/5 stars
$0 per trade.
Robinhood Gold starts at $5 per month.
Website: Robinhood
2) TD Ameritrade
Best for beginners who want their portfolio managed by experts.
2.TD Ameritrade
TD Ameritrade can be called the best stock app, because of the analysis reports it provides to its users. And the portfolio management by experts can be very helpful for beginners.
Top Features:
No commission on online stock, ETF, and options trades.
Manages your portfolio based on your goals.
Retirement planning.
Get real-time quotes, charts, and analysis reports to build your portfolio.
Commission-free trading.
Educational resources.
Market analysis reports.
The cost of broker-assisted stock trading is a bit high.
Why you want this app: This app gives you real-time market analysis reports, educational resources, and a bundle of stocks to trade in, that too at zero commission fee.
Android rating: 3.2/5 stars
Android downloads: 1 million +
iOS rating: 4.5/5 stars
Price: $0 fee on online trade of stocks.
TD Ameritrade upload pricing
Website: TD Ameritrade
3) E*Trade
Best for beginners as well as frequent investors.
E*Trade is one of the best stock trading apps, which can be an appropriate choice for a beginner as well as a frequent investor. Because it has an automated investing feature, gives market insights, and lets you choose from a list of pre-built portfolios.
Top Features:
Automated investing.
Lets you trade in stocks, bonds, ETFs, mutual funds, options, and more.
Choose from pre-built portfolios.
Tools to educate and guide you before investing.
No commission on trade.
No minimum balance is required.
Plenty of options to invest in.
Market analysis reports.
No trade-in cryptocurrencies.
$500 minimum investment required for broker-assisted investing.
Why you want this app: E*Trade is one of the best stock apps. It gives you plenty of choices to invest in, market analysis tools, and automated investing features.
Android rating: 4.6/5 stars
Android downloads: 1 million +
iOS rating: 4.6/5 stars
Price: There is no commission on the online trade of stocks.
ETrade upload pricing
Website: E*Trade
4) Fidelity
Best for long-term planning tools.
Fidelity is one of the top best trading apps, which is loaded with plenty of features for financial planning. You can trade, save, plan and research with the help of this application.
Top Features:
Financial planning for your future needs.
Market insights by a specialists’ team.
Helps you save tax.
Robo advisor.
A dedicated advisor.
24/7 customer service.
No commission on the trade of U.S. stocks and ETFs.
Advisor’s fee is high.
Why you want this app: Fidelity is one of the top 10 most downloaded non-gaming apps in the U.S., which is proof of its usefulness. Fidelity can help you invest while saving taxes at the same time, which is a great plus point.
Android rating: 4.4/5 stars
Android downloads: 1 million +
iOS rating: 4.8/5 stars
Price: Free (for trading in U.S. stocks and ETFs).
Website: Fidelity
5) Ally Invest
Best for beginners.
Ally Invest
Ally Invest lets you invest the way you want. You can either do the investing yourself, by doing the market research, or you can opt for a managed portfolio.
You can choose a portfolio with companies that are environment friendly or choose a portfolio that can save taxes, and much more.
Top Features:
Self-directed investment.
Managed portfolio.
Invest in stocks, mutual funds, bonds, ETFs, options, and margin account.
Choose a portfolio based on your perspectives, for example, a portfolio to optimize tax, or a portfolio with environment-friendly companies, etc.
Suggested reading =>> Best Crypto Tax Software
No commission fee on U.S. stocks and ETFs.
No minimum account balance is required.
No trade-in any international assets.
Why you want this app: Ally Invest is a great platform for investing. You can trade in a large variety of commission-free stocks or get a managed portfolio if you do not have time to monitor the market trends.
Android rating: 3.7/5 stars
Android downloads: 1 million +
iOS rating: 4.7/5 stars
Price: $0 ( On-trade of U.S. stocks and ETFs)
Website: Ally Invest
6) Charles Schwab
Best for beginners as well as advanced traders.
6.Charles Schwab
Charles Schwab is one of the leading stock trading apps, which is loaded with financial products for you to trade in. You can also get educational resources and market analysis tools, to get proper knowledge before investing.
Top Features:
Trade-in stocks, options, bonds, mutual funds, ETFs, and other financial products.
Market insights so that you can do proper research before investing.
A dedicated specialist.
Planning tools.
$0 account minimum.
$0 maintenance fee.
24/7 customer service and 300+ branches.
Educational resources.
Charges high fees for some mutual funds.
Why you want this app: With Charles Schwab, a beginner as well as an advanced trader, both can benefit. The research tools and a dedicated specialist are its plus points.
Android Ratings: 3.2/5 stars
iOS Ratings: 4.8/5 stars
Android Downloads: 1 million +
$0 (On-trade of U.S. stocks and ETFs)
$25 service charge for broker-assisted trades
Website: Charles Schwab
7) Vanguard
Best for planning tools and long-term investments.
Vanguard can be termed as one of the best stock investing apps, which was established in 1975. Over 30 million investors trust Vanguard. It gives you a personal advisor or you can do self-directed investing if you prefer.
Top Features:
A personal advisor and a Robo advisor.
Lets you meet your retirement goals or other savings goals.
Self-directed investing.
Market summary to help you choose the best investment.
Commission-free online stock and ETFs trading.
No minimum balance is required.
3100+ no-transaction-fee mutual funds.
Market research data is reported to be limited
Why you want this app: Vanguard can be a good option for beginners or those who want to do financial planning for their future needs. The planning tools are worth appreciating.
Android Ratings: 1.7/5 stars
iOS Ratings: 4.7/5 stars
Android Downloads: 1 million +
Free (For online trading in stocks).
$25 for broker-assisted trading.
The annual fee for a digital advisor is 0.15% of the assets under management.
The annual fee for a personal advisor is 0.30% of the assets under management.
Website: Vanguard
8) Webull
Best for active traders who want to trade in stocks as well as cryptocurrencies.
Webull is a stock trading app with other features, including trade in cryptocurrencies, options, ADRs, options, and ETFs. They charge you a $0 commission on trading and give you market analysis reports so that you can invest wisely.
Top Features:
Analytics tools to help you in investing.
Lets you invest in stocks, options, ADRs, and ETFs.
Tradition, Roth, or Rollover IRA accounts.
Trade-in cryptocurrencies.
$0 commission on trading.
No minimum balance is required.
Availability of crypto exchanges.
No mutual funds.
Why you want this app: Webull is one of the most popular stock trading apps in the U.S., which lets you trade in several stocks, ETFs, ADRs, options, and cryptocurrencies.
Android rating: 4.4/5 stars
Android downloads: 10 million +
iOS rating: 4.7/5 stars
$0 commission for trade in stocks, ETFs, and options listed on U.S. exchanges.
Fees Charged By Regulatory Agencies & Exchanges:
Webull pricing
Website: Webull
9) SoFi
Best for beginners or people who face a lack of time problems to keep up with the market conditions.
SoFi is a family of 2 million + members and is a great platform for beginners in the line of investing. The automated investing feature, fractional shares, and trading in cryptocurrencies are all the features that a new investor needs.
Top Features:
Lets you invest in stocks, ETFs, or cryptocurrencies.
Grants loans on low-interest rates.
Automated investing.
Fractional shares, crypto exchanges, and retirement accounts.
Automated investing can be beneficial for beginners, and people have less time to analyze the market.
No management fee.
No minimum balance is required.
Fractional shares.
$10 minimum balance required for trading in cryptocurrencies
Why you want this app: SoFi is one of the best stock apps for beginners. It offers an automated investing feature and lets you buy fractional shares, which can be quite helpful for beginners.
Android rating: 4.4/5 stars
Android downloads: 1 million +
iOS rating: 4.8/5 stars
Price: $0 commission for trade in stocks, ETFs, and options listed on U.S. exchanges
Website: SoFi
10) Acorns
Best for building environment-friendly portfolios.
Acorns is a leading investment services provider having about 9 million investors connected with it. Acorns lets you invest, save, plan and learn, all at the same time.
Top Features:
Educational resources.
Portfolios built and rebalanced by experts.
Environment-friendly portfolio.
Retirement planning.
Automated investing.
No minimum balance is required.
Educational resources.
$1 – $5 monthly fees.
Why you want this app: The biggest plus point of Acorns is the feature of letting you build a portfolio with stocks of environment-friendly companies. The educational resources and other features are also up to the mark.
Android rating: 4.4/5 stars
Android Downloads: 5 million +
iOS rating: 4.7/5 stars
Price: There is a free trial for 30 days. Price plans are as follows:
Lite: $1 per month
Personal: $3 per month
Family: $5 per month
Website: Acorns
11) Interactive Brokers
Best for advanced investors.
11.Interactive Brokers
Interactive Brokers is an investment platform for advanced investors, which gives its services to around 1.33 million clients. The app lets you invest in international stocks, bonds, and much more.
Top Features:
Lets you invest in international stocks, bonds, currencies, options, futures, and funds.
Market analysis reports.
Fractional shares.
Robo advisor.
Helps you choose stocks of companies that practice environment-friendly processes.
Fractional shares.
$0 commission on the trade of U.S. stocks.
No minimum balance is required.
The web version is reported to be complicated to work with.
Why you want this app: The market analysis feature, availability of a large number of investment options, checking whether the companies who are offering their stocks, practice environment-friendly norms or not, are some of the plus points of the application.
Android Ratings: 3.3/5 stars
iOS Ratings: 3/5 stars
Android Downloads: 1 million +
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