Best Apps For Writing Letters

The best apps for writing letters are available on a variety of devices, including your phone and tablet, and you can use them whether you’re running iOS or Android.

Writing letters can be such a drag. It’s hard to sit down and put your thoughts on paper, especially when you’re feeling busy. That’s why we’ve compiled the best apps for writing letters – so you don’t have to!

Best Apps For Writing Letters

10 Best Writing Apps for iOS and Android

We’re now at the stage where many people can write and publish articles directly from their phones or tablets. With larger screens for phones and great external keyboard support on tablets, there really hasn’t been a better time to start writing on your mobile devices.

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Here are the best writing apps for iOS and Android according to us. Most of them also support markdown, which is something every writer should be aware of. Whether you’re working on your novel, or just preparing reports for the office, you’ll want to check out these apps because they are a big step up over the default notepad style apps.

1) iA Writer (iOS, Android)
iA Writer is one of the most well-known writing apps available, and for good reason. It looks great and works brilliantly across iOS and Android. While the Android version is a little behind in terms of features, it is still a good writing app for the platform.

The iOS app has extra features, such as syntax highlighting, which allows you to see adjectives, nouns, adverbs, verbs, or conjunctions in the document highlighted and much more. The iOS app also has full support for iOS 9 specific features like split screen. I’d say the Android version is more of a beta compared to the iOS version at this point, but regardless of your platform, iA Writer is a good choice.

Download iA Writer for Android (Rs. 70) | iA Writer for iOS (Rs. 1,200)

2) JotterPad (Android)
JotterPad is well designed and has a boatload of features that make it one of the better writing apps out there. It sports a Material Design look and has export options to PDF and DOCX. It even supports Markdown. The app is free to download but many of these features are behind a one time in app purchase of Rs. 350 to unlock Creative Mode.

The great use of design and the smooth operation of JotterPad make even the free version a good option is you’re looking for a scratchpad that works great on Android. The full featured version is even better, and can measure up to most of the other apps on the list for some serious writing.

Download JotterPad (Free)

3) Editorial (iOS)
Editorial is one of the most powerful apps that exists today, without even narrowing this to writing apps. It does everything that a good writing app should do, and so much more, with support for workflows and an intuitive and powerful interface.

Editorial has robust Dropbox sync, with version support and a healthy workflow community online that can make exporting and even publishing from the app a cinch. Editorial is the perfect combination of a great interface that adapts to your needs. Editorial is professional grade software that’s a little expensive, but well worth your money.

Download Editorial (Rs. 620)

4) Monospace Writer BETA (Android)
While it is currently in beta, Monospace is a nice barebones writing app. I like the dark theme a lot. One interesting feature is the ability to organise with hashtags instead of folders. The current version supports Dropbox sync as well.

Download Monospace Writer BETA (Free)

5) Drafts 4 (iOS)
While Drafts can be used as a proper writing app, its best use is for quick entry of your thoughts, to use elsewhere later. Drafts also lets you send text to tons of services and apps. Think of it as the best scratch pad available for writers.

It also has an Apple Watch app to view your Drafts inbox and it supports split screen on iPad. One of the best things about the app is the customisable bar above the keyboard for Markdown shortcuts.

Download Drafts 4 (Rs. 620)

6) Microsoft Word (iOS, Android)
I never thought I’d recommend using Microsoft Word over many writing apps because it has always felt too bloated. Recently Microsoft has been improving the iOS and Android apps with each update and now Word has become a good overall writing app.

The iPad app even supports iOS 9 specific features. Dropbox integration being added was a surprise and things like that along with a nicely thought out interface make Word a great app.

Download Microsoft Word for iOS | Microsoft Word for Android (Free)

7) Write (iOS)
Write’s flagship feature is a cursor nub (similar to what you see on some Lenovo laptops, in the middle of the keyboard) . This can be used to accurately place the cursor while typing. Write also supports tons of sharing services, passcode lock, granular interface control, and more.

Download Write for iPhone or Write for iPad (Rs. 120)

8) Ulysses (iPad)
If I had to pick one single app on iPad that has the best overall writing experience, I’d pick Ulysses. It may not have as many features as the super power user apps but it looks amazing and does the job brilliantly. It is iPad only, but a must have for the platform.

It is mind blowing how many great things are crammed into this app. Markup, images, footnotes, links and comments are all supported, and you can export PDFs, Web pages, ebooks, or Word documents. A clean, distraction free interface, three panel layout, and customisation for the colour palette are just some of the features that make it a great app to use for writing.

Download Ulysses (Rs. 1200)

9) OmniOutliner 2 (iOS)
While the apps listed above give you a great writing experience, OmniOutliner by Omni Group does so much more. It is your single stop for outlining ideas, organising them, putting them into article form, and more. It lets you create reference nodes for quick access, export in a variety of formats, and has great external keyboard support.

OmniOutliner is not an app for everyone but it does so much that if you have ever needed something like this, there’s nothing that comes close. It is a pro app that is not held back by legacy restrictions.

Download OmniOutliner 2 (Rs. 1850)

10) Hanx Writer (iOS) – Picked by Gadgets 360 Staff
The Gadgets 360 team loves the picks above, be we also had to add one of our favourite apps to this list. Hanx Writer – made by actor Tom Hanks – is not a great writing app in the same way that the others in this list are, but if you’re a fan of typewriters, and want to mail someone a letter that looks typewritten, then this app is a great option. The entire interface is laid out like a typewriter, and you can type away with great animations and audio design.

The actual text editing experience is also like a real typewriter, with the default mode not allowing you to delete text, instead striking it out. The minimal options available actually allow you to focus on your typing, and the clacking sound can be quite soothing while also serving to cut out distractions. It’s free to try, and the paid features just include more typewriter styles, so you definitely don’t have to spend money to enjoy this. The final text can be exported as a PDF, to print or to mail.

free handwriting apps for kindergarten

Best Writing Apps for Kids

By getting kids writing early and often, we prepare them to succeed across all subjects. These are the writing apps for kids that help them practice handwriting, grammar, punctuation, and composition.

These writing apps will spark the creativity in your child while encouraging them to write. Some writing apps help kids to practice writing letters, sight words, and short sentences. Some writing apps help kids with creative writing and constructing stories. Kids learn not only the written alphabet, but also the letters’ names and sounds, and how to write them into short words. Older learners can jump on their next essay project with these apps. These apps and websites help young children along all of the steps of the writing process, including the final stages – publishing and sharing your writing with others.

Encourage your children to build early literacy skills with these best writing apps for Android and iOS.

1. LetterSchool – learn to write letters and numbers

(Android, iPhone, iPad)

Letter School is one of the most popular writing apps to help children learn how to write letters and numbers. This writing app for kids takes children through four steps for each letter of the alphabet (upper case and lower case) as well as numbers 0-9.

Children absolutely love this app. The highly engaging animations and sound effects encourage them to practice their letter and number formation frequently. Kids learn to write letters and numbers as they play four exciting games per letter or number. This writing app for kids will test your children’s knowledge by writing the abc and numbers from memory.

The step-by-step process is really clear and offers excellent support for children. The app gradually increases their independence and understanding of the letter or number being learned. This writing app for kids covers three areas: upper case letters, lower case letters and numbers making it one of the best writing apps for kids.

What device is this app available on?

Android, iPhone and iPad

Download LetterSchool – learn to write letters and numbers

2. iTrace — handwriting for kids

(iPhone, iPad)

iTrace is another highly engaging writing app that doesn’t simply provide letters for kids to trace. Instead, it considers how different kids write. In the parent’s corner, parents can choose from three different letter styles, opt to use cursive letters instead of standard letters, or even turn on left-handed orientation for the lefties using the game. The ability to customize how kids interact with the app helps display its quality and separates it from many of the other letter tracing apps on the market.

iTrace is the perfect app for young learners to practice writing letters, numbers, capitals, lower case, name writing, or writing other words.

Kids write the same letter several times — the only way to develop muscle memory. There are at least 10 unique prizes for each letter. iTrace maintains a history of every attempt made by each player, so parents or teachers can easily review kids’ progress. iTrace is the only app that supports multiple methodologies of letter writing. iTrace is the only app that can be adjusted to the specific needs of left-handed kids with a single switch making it one of the best writing apps for kids.

What device is this app available on?

iPhone and iPad

3. Narrator AR

(Android, iPhone, iPad)

Narrator AR is an Augmented Reality app that supports pre-school writing in a fun and inspiring way and one of the best writing apps for kids. This writing app for kids is suitable for ages 3 to 5 and encourages children to write words and letters with a pen and paper whilst linking this to an exciting AR experience. 

Narrator AR is a free writing app for kids to pick up a pen and practice their writing. The child can choose from the Unicorn (Bimbi) or the Rocket (Klugger). Watch how the chosen character emerges from the page and traces the child’s word using fantastic graphics and sound making it one of the best free apps for kids.

What device is this app available on?

Android, iPhone and iPad

Download Narrator AR

Android iOS

4. LetraKid PRO – Handwriting ABC

(Android, iPhone, iPad)

Letra Kid pro is a writing game for kids with ten writing fonts commonly used in schools and it includes the 3 most popular typefaces used in USA, Canada and UK. The app is aimed at children between 4 to 8 years old and is designed to help them to learn pre-cursive and print block handwriting correctly. Using the app will help the child recognise letters, pronunciation and correct letter formation. The game has different levels of difficulty to help children learn in small steps.

The features include, the language (currently sixteen in total), left or right hand use, fonts (currently 10 including the pre cursive types), level of difficulty (the first level is automatic drawing and then progresses to assisted and then freehand), letter formation (three options; standard, cursive and from top), with or without lines showing and finally a reset button.

What device is this app available on?

iPhone and iPad

Download Letra Kid Pro

5. iWriteWords Lite

(iPhone, iPad)

iWriteWords helps to teach kids how to write the letters of the alphabet, numbers up to 20, and simple words using a dot-to-dot approach. It helps if kids already know how to count and read numbers up to 10 in order to play this game.

Users must sustain their attention, and forge through repeated words, and simple letters, recognizing the fact that the repetition is simply a way of increasing users’ writing fluency and ability to associate words with images. 

For a simple writing app dedicated to enhancing the writing fluency and word recognition of pre-school / kindergarten aged users – it is nearly flawless. A committed and regular use of iWriteWords will ensure young learners are prepared for early grade-level writing and spelling. 

What device is this app available on?

iPhone and iPad

Download iWriteWords

6. Writing Wizard for Kids

(Android, iPhone, iPad)

Writing Wizard – Kids Learn to Write Letters is designed to help children learn how to trace letters and number. The app also includes some letter naming and phonetic sounds. The app allows the children to learn how to write in smaller and longer forms. 

Typically developing learners and those who struggle with fine motor, handwriting and dysgraphia will benefit greatly from this writing app for kids.To keep the kids engaging, Writing Wizard app includes amazing interactive graphics like stars, tiger faces, fun stickers, interactive games and along with sound effects. The app also ses some clearly identifiable letters to communicate meaning, representing some sounds clearly and in sequence.

What device is this app available on?

Android, iPhone and iPad

Download Writing Wizard for Kids

7. Writing Skills [HD]

(Android, iPhone, iPad)

Writing Skills teaches students with the writing process. It covers many different aspects including different types of writing; different types of sentences; subject verb agreement; choosing the right words; punctuation and grammar. This writing app for kids helps kids creating stories and are ready to write words to accompany their ideas. It’s the perfect way to challenge students to get writing daily.

  • Related: Creative Writing Apps

What device is this app available on?

Android, iPhone and iPad

Download Writing Skills now

8. Learn To Write

(iPhone, iPad)

Learn to Write is a fun way for children to learn how to write their letters and numbers, and it’s easy for the teacher to make sure they do it correctly. This unique playback function, found in Learn to Write, saves the child’s writing so you can play it back in real time to see how the child is forming letters and numbers. 

Children learn the proper strokes with the help of an adjustable-speed-animated ball that they can follow and write along with. With each selection of a letter or number, an audio file says the letter to aid in memorizing the alphabet. Over a dozen unique pen styles are available for tracing.

What device is this app available on?

iPhone and iPad

Download Learn to Write

9. Handwriting Without Tears: Wet-Dry-Try for Capitals, Numbers & Lowercase

(iPhone, iPad)

Wet-Dry-Try is one of the best writing apps for kids. Children learn and practice correct formation habits for writing capitals, numbers, and lowercase letters. The app simulates our Slate Chalkboard and Blackboard with Double Lines and helps children learn handwriting skills in the easiest, most efficient way.

Based on the popular Handwriting Without Tears program, Handwriting Without Tears: Wet-Dry-Try Suite for Capitals, Numbers & Lowercase (Classroom edition) the app, is a great supplement to the hands-on resources and workbooks from HWT program. The consistent language used for the last 30 years in HWT will be familiar for many. As part of its multi-sensory experience, the handwriting program also uses a chalkboard and the Wet-Dry-Try method to teach children how to write. This app is a virtual adaptation of this popular handwriting system.

What device is this app available on?

iPhone and iPadDownload Wet-Dry-Try 

10. Diary for Kids

(iPhone, iPad)

iDiary for Kids is an excelling journal-writing app for creative kids ages 5 to 13 to express themselves; make a photo, drawing, and text scrapbook of their day; and create their first address book. iDiary for Kids is an ideal platform for children ages 5-13 to plunge into journaling. Keeping a journal or a diary helps children improve their writing skills, develop their creativity and boost their self-confidence. Kids who want to practice writing and recording the events of their day will love this tool


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