Best Marketing Tools For Real Estate Agents

As a real estate agent, you know how important it is to stay on top of the latest marketing trends and tools. It can seem daunting to keep up with all the different things available out there, so we’ve done some of the work for you. Here are 5 of our favorite marketing tools for real estate agents.

Best Marketing Tools For Real Estate Agents

Each of these tools is an essential component of a successful marketing strategy, and when you get really good at each of them, you’ll find yourself doing a whole lot less work and selling more homes. Sounds good, right? 

Let’s jump in. Our top recommendations for 5 real estate marketing tools that help you sell more homes (with less work) are: 

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  1. A CRM
  2. Social Media
  3. Your Website
  4. Email Marketing
  5. Chatbots

01. A CRM to Manage your Real Estate Marketing Tech Stack

It feels like every time anyone talks about real estate marketing tools, social media is the first suggestion. And I’ll get to social media, but there’s one thing that outranks Facebook and Instagram when it comes to real estate marketing. That’d be a CRM. 

A CRM or customer relationship management software is a tool that brings all of your marketing tools — your email marketing platform, your social media accounts, marketing and sales documents, and workflows — into one place. 

Each of those tools — combined, your tech stack — has a specific and important purpose for your real estate marketing strategy. But, when you’re managing social media in one place, your website in another, and email in yet another, it’s difficult to align your marketing efforts, and harder still just to keep track of what’s posting or sending out when.

A good CRM brings all of those tools into one simple, easy-to-use platform, with the added benefit of tracking every single lead that comes into your real estate development or agency. 

Never drop a warm lead or forget to send an email again. If you’re serious about boosting your real estate marketing strategy, it’s time to get serious about a CRM.

There are a ton of options out there, but we always recommend HubSpot. They offer a free version (not a trial, a totally free version of their CRM), that’s a great way to get started and see how much a CRM can do for you. 

When all of your marketing tools live in one place, it’s so much easier to make the most of all of them. 

02. Social Media

Alright, now that we’ve got the CRM out of the way, let’s get down to what you expected to hear: social media. 

I’ve said it, and so has probably every other content marketer out there. Social media is one of the best marketing tools in any real estate company’s toolbox. 

Platforms like: 

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Houzz
  • Twitter

And more, are great places to get the word out about your real estate development or agency.

Since you’ve probably heard most of this before, I won’t go too in-depth. The gist of it is that social media is an amplification tool. No matter what platform you choose, it’s a way to share homes, new developments, beautiful imagery of your property, and reach a broader audience. 

When you put effort into developing a social media strategy that is consistent and shareable, you’re boosting brand awareness, and getting your name out there to a wider range of potential leads. 

Check out some of these resources if you’re looking for suggestions or advice on beefing up your social media marketing strategy. 

  • Social Media Marketing vs. Social Media Advertising
  • Real Estate Developers: Boosting your Facebook Following
  • Is Instagram an Effective Tool to Grow Your Brand?
  • How Pinterest Can Work Like Houzz for Home Builders

And don’t forget about paid social either. When used properly, it’s a remarkably effective tool that can deliver serious leads for a relatively low expense. 

03. Your Website

Most real estate agencies and developments don’t think of their website as a marketing tool. 

It is. 

If you use your website like the robust marketing tool it is, you can see serious returns. Your website is the only digital space that you actually own. If you optimize it the right way, you’ll begin to pull in more of the right visitors, who ultimately convert to qualified leads, prospects, and then customers.

New call-to-action

How to use your website as a marketing tool? Get started with tactics like: 

  • SEO  — to help your site rank higher for relevant keywords
  • Blogging — to draw in more of the right traffic
  • Content offers — to convert that “right traffic” into qualified leads who are ready to buy

By creating a website that’s optimized for search, and building it out with quality content that answers key questions homebuyers in your area are asking, you’ll start to see your rankings rise. As you rise through the SERP rankings, you’ll see more of the right traffic, which means more of the right leads converting into prospects and then sales. 

04. Email Marketing

Your website and social media platforms are tools that draw in new leads. But what do you do with those leads once you’ve got ’em?

Email marketing is a powerful tool, especially for real estate developers and agencies. If you’ve ever searched for a home on an app like Zillow, you know that once you’ve completed a search, Zillow will keep sending you updates with new homes and properties in that zip code. 

While those updates help you to find a home in your area, they also do a great job of keeping you on Zillow. (Big points for Zillow)

Email marketing can work in much the same way for your real estate development or agency. 

As you collect the email addresses of qualified leads, you can begin to send them targeted emails that keep them engaged. 

  • If you’re a real estate developer, send them updates about new happenings with your development. Have you released new lots? Have just a few properties left? Introducing a brand new development? All of these will keep qualified leads interested and engaged with your company. 
  • If you’re a real estate agency, send prospects newly listed properties that fit their search criteria, or that you think you might be interested in. You can work to segment your email lists so you don’t have to manually send out updates but can add new prospects to specific lists that fit their interests. 

Email marketing is one of the best ways to keep new prospects engaged, helping ensure you never lose a lead just because they’re not quite ready to make a decision. 

05. Chatbots

Chatbots are an amazing real estate marketing tool. 


Let’s think about your homebuyers. 

When are they most often actively browsing for homes? While some people might browse on their lunch hour, or on late Friday afternoons when they’re ready to be done with work, the majority of your leads are scrolling through virtual home tours at night and on the weekends. 

And while you like to be available as much as possible, most prospects aren’t going to call you up on a Thursday night at 11pm to ask about a house or property. 

That’s where chatbots come in.

These handy little real estate marketing tools work for you 24/7, helping you engage with leads around the clock — whenever they’re most interested in a home, lot, or property. 

Chatbots work in a few different ways — you can set them up to message you directly, you can give them a few questions to ask, or you can build them out to be fully interactive. 

social media tools for real estate agents

The Best Social Media Tools for Realtors - Real Estate Agent Blog

Luckily, there are plenty of resources to support you as you build this marketing channel. We’ve identified the top 16 social media tools for real estate agents to help reduce the time and stress around social media marketing, advertising, and general presence.

Social Media Tools for Real Estate AgentsMost Useful For
LoomlySocial media scheduling and tracking
TailwindPlanning, promoting, and scheduling posts on social media
IFTTTIntegrating apps and tools to work together for social media marketing
RedditGenerating fresh content ideas and topics
FeedlyFiltering and organizing content
CanvaCreating graphics and amazing social media posts for free
Adobe Creative Cloud ExpressCreating short videos or animated videos from your pictures
PexelsFinding free stock images and videos
VenngageCreating charts, diagrams, and infographics
Magisto EditorCreating professional videos
HootsuitePlanning, scheduling, and managing multiple social media platforms
IconosquareSocial media analytics and monitoring
Artur’InBuilding brand awareness and online presence
JasperAutomating writing tasks
AgorapulseSocial media management and monitoring
BufferAnalyzing and collaborating on content and managing engagement


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