Best Marketing Tools For Startups

Starting a new business is an exciting time. You are finally doing something you’ve always wanted to do, and you’re being your own boss. However, the first few months of a new business can be tough. But getting the word out about your new business doesn’t have to be as hard as it seems.

With the help of these best marketing tools for startups, you’ll be able to spread the word about your new business without breaking the bank.

Best Marketing Tools For Startups

1. Google Analytics  

Data is crucial in your marketing strategy. While many data analytics tools come with a hefty price tag, Google Analytics comes free, making it our first pick. Powerful enough to give you insights into where traffic on your website comes from, what they do there, and much more, Google Analytics is one tool every startup should have in their toolbox.

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Google Analytics is one tool every startup should have in their toolbox

Source: Google

So why is data important in marketing? Data helps you understand your target audience better, which gives insight into what types of marketing campaigns will perform best. These days, people consume content on a variety of devices, so you’ll need to know which devices are most used by your target audience. Then, you can put more emphasis on those platforms.

Seasoned marketers will tell you that data has the power to greatly increase the return on investment (ROI) on your marketing. A good example of this: Mumzworld saw a 300 percent ROI on their ad spend thanks to insights from Google Analytics. Need we say more?

2. Hotjar

A leaking sales funnel can be frustrating. After all, it takes time, effort, and money to build one so it has to convert, right?

Plug those leaks with Hotjar. Like Google analytics, it’s a web analytics tool. But Hotjar goes further–it gives you data on activities visitors take on your website, like clicks and scrolls. You get insights into how users are interacting and, most importantly, where they drop off.

Hotjar goes further by giving you data on every click, scroll, and any other activity that visitors take on your website.

Source: Hotjar

While Hotjar is a paid tool, it’s affordable–pricing starts at $89/month for websites with up to 20,000 visitors a day. Not ready to commit? You can sign up for a 15-day trial. But if you’ve got a bit of money to spare, Hotjar is one of the best marketing channels to invest in. 

3. Emma

Email boasts of ROIs of up to 4400%. Effective as this marketing platform is, it’s also affordable, particularly if you opt for a platform like Emma.

When it comes to marketing, no channel can outperform email when it comes to generating a good ROI. Email boasts of ROIs of up to 4400%.

Source: Emma

Emma is a powerful email marketing tool that allows you to easily build an email list, connect to your audience on a personal level, and execute effective campaigns. With its ease of use and powerful features (like advanced segmentation and analytics tools), you can be up and running in no time. Emma’s high deliverability rates also ensure that the chances of your emails landing in the right inbox are close to 100%. Other features include:

  • Emma HQ: Emma HQ allows for approval and monitoring of email campaigns across multiple locations. 
  • An analytics dashboard: Get insight into how people interact with your emails.
  • A/B testing: Send the best email by split testing different elements of your emails and amalgamating the ones that perform best.
  • Landing page builder: Build landing pages as easily as you would compose an email with Emma’s drag-and-drop landing page builder.

If there’s one thing you need to help you push your startup off the ground, it’s a targeted audience that you can pitch your product to. Email is the best platform to help you do that as it gives you direct access to your ideal customers. That’s why Emma ranks high on this list of the best marketing tools for startups.

4. KWFinder

Content marketing is another necessary (and cost-effective) marketing strategy. Content marketing simply means producing content to help people find you and your product online. To achieve your desired results, you need to conduct keyword research. This helps you learn what your ideal customers type into search bars when looking for the solution you provide.

This is where KWFinder comes in.

This is where KWFinder comes in.

Source: KWFinder

KWFinder not only gives you keywords you should aim to rank for, but it also gives you insights into where your competitors rank with those terms. 

Armed with that knowledge, you can create an effective content calendar and write high-ranking content that drives traffic to your website and boosts your bottom line.

5. Leadpages

Building high-converting landing pages is essential to growing your business. If designed and built well, a landing page can be the best lead generation tool. Leadpages is an easy-to-use landing page builder with hundreds of well-designed and optimized templates to choose from.

One of the best marketing tools in this regard is Leadpages, an easy to use landing page builder with hundreds of well-designed and optimized templates to choose from.

Source: Leadpages

As a bootstrapped startup founder, you may not have the resources to hire a designer to create your landing page for you. This is where Leadpages comes in. Even without design knowledge, creating something beautiful from scratch is easy. With a great support system (which includes weekly group coaching), you’ll be generating new leads in no time.

And Leadpages does more than landing pages. It comes with loads of other tools–like pop up boxes, tracking and analytics, and more–to help you optimize your online presence. Pricing starts at $25/month, but a free trial is also available.

6.  Hootsuite

Social media marketing is a great way to build buzz around your brand and drive sales. But posting regularly on social platforms your customers frequent can be time-consuming–especially since you have to switch between platforms.

Social media marketing is a great way to build buzz around your brand and drive sales.

Source: Hootsuite

Hootsuite is a great tool that allows you to schedule your posts without having to switch between social media accounts. From one dashboard you can:

  • Publish/schedule posts
  • Monitor all your feeds
  • Like, comment, and share

Hootsuite also integrates with several other marketing tools and gives basic analytics. It stands out as one of the best marketing tools for startups. And the best part is the price: It’s free (although you have to upgrade to access advanced features).   

types of marketing tools

There are several types of marketing tools companies and organizations can choose from. A few of the most common marketing tools include:

  1. Print advertising
  2. Digital marketing
  3. Search engine optimization (SEO)
  4. Social media marketing (SMM)
  5. Press releases (PR)
  6. Commercial advertising
  7. Customer loyalty programs
  8. Brand reputation management
  9. Event marketing
  10. Information gathering

Print advertising

Print advertising is a marketing tool that uses physically printed materials to raise brand awareness and generate customer interest. Print advertising includes materials such as classified ads, billboards, business cards, brochures, direct mail campaigns, catalogs, sales letters, order forms and more. These are some of the most traditional types of marketing tools, however, many of them are still effective. You can even use your print advertising to drive your customers to your digital marketing campaigns by directing them to your website or social media pages.

Digital marketing

The increased use of the Internet by consumers has made it necessary for companies to have a website. There are several roles your company’s website will have as a marketing tool. You can use your company’s website to build brand awareness, educate and inform potential customers, advertise your products and services, communicate with customers, generate leads and make sales. It is also important to make sure your website is optimized for speed, design, function and various platforms such as computers, cellphones and tablets.

Search engine optimization (SEO)

Another marketing tool closely related to your website marketing is search engine optimization, also commonly referred to as SEO. Search engine optimization involves optimizing both the on-site and behind-the-scenes content of your website to rank higher in major search engine results pages (SERPs). Search engine optimization refers only to natural search results rankings, not paid links at the top of the SERP. Effective search engine optimization involves the creation of high-quality content that consumers will find relevant to their search.

The higher your website ranks in the search engine results page algorithms, the more likely your website is to show up on the first couple pages of a keyword search related to your business. Because most consumers only look at the first page of search results, the higher your SEO ranking is, the more effective your website marketing will probably be.

Social media marketing (SMM)

Another type of marketing tool that has become increasingly important is social media marketing. Social media marketing involves using company profiles on social media websites to raise brand awareness, engage with customers and advertise products or services. Social media marketing tools include things such as blogging, micro-blogging, posting, sharing, commenting and bookmarking.

Press releases (PR)

Press releases are advertisements that take the form of a news article or story in a newspaper, magazine or online publication. Many consumers may not realize that these newspaper and magazine articles are often written by businesses or marketing teams and then distributed to several publications for printing.

Commercial advertising

Commercial advertising traditionally refers to paid advertisements that are played on television or over the radio. However, the widespread use of the Internet for marketing has led to paid commercials being played at the beginning of videos posted online and throughout video streaming services.


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