Best Seo Software Free

Whether you’re a seasoned copywriter or just getting started, sometimes you need some help coming up with the right words to fill your content. We’ve got you covered. Check out our new blog post on the most effective SEO software to help you better understand the ins and outs of SEO in your content creation.

Best Seo Software Free

1. Answer The Public

Find 150+ keyword ideas in seconds.

Most SEO tools get their data from the same place: The Google Keyword Planner.

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Answer the Public is different.

This awesome tool finds questions that people ask on forums, blogs and on social media.

And it turns those questions into awesome keywords:

Answer The Public – "keto diet"

Best Feature: “Vs. Keywords”

You’d be surprised how many people search for “X vs. Y” keywords in Google.

(For example: “iPhone vs. Android” or “SEMRush vs. Ahrefs”.)

And Answer the Public has a section of the results dedicated to “Vs. Keywords”.

Answer The Public – "keto diet" – Versus section

This brings us to the 2nd tool on our list…

2. Woorank’s SEO & Website Analysis Tool

Get a list of SEO improvements in seconds.

This is a very handy Chrome extension.

First, you get an overall SEO score.

Then, the tool shows you EXACTLY how to improve your site’s on-page and off-page SEO.

WooRank – Chrome extension

Best Feature: “Marketing Checklist”

Most SEO tools only tell you about problems… not solutions.

But with Woorank you get a detailed SEO checklist that you can use to fix any issues that you run into.

WooRank – Marketing checklist

And now it’s time for our next free SEO tool…

3. Animalz Revive

Improve and update old content.

Animalz Revive helps you find older content on your site that needs an update, an upgrade… or both.

Before this tool, you had to manually comb through your Google Analytics account to find these pages.Which was a giant pain.

Fortunately, this tool tells you exactly which articles on your site need the most attention.

Animalz Revive Advice

Best Feature: “Traffic Loss Since Peak (Views)”

This feature lets you know exactly how many visitors that a piece of outdated content is costing you.

Animalz Revive

4. CanIRank

Quickly answer the question: “Can I rank for this keyword?”.

CanIRank is a super-detailed keyword difficulty tool.

And unlike most free SEO tools, CanIRank doesn’t give you generic advice like:

“This keyword is really competitive”
“This keyword has low competition”

Instead, it tells you whether or not YOU can rank for that keyword.


Very cool.

Best Feature: “How can you better target this keyword?”

CanIRank isn’t just for sizing up the first-page competition.

It also gives you suggestions that can help you rank for a specific term.

CanIRank – Keyword probability

5. Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test

Get your site ready for Google’s Mobile-first Indexing.

You might have heard that Google recently made a big change to its algorithm.

(This change is officially called “Mobile-First Indexing”.)

The bottom line is this:

If your site isn’t optimized for mobile devices, you’re in big trouble.

Fortunately, you don’t need a full-time developer to make your site mobile-friendly. All you need to do is run your site through the Mobile-Friendly Test tool.

And it tells you whether or not Google considers your site mobile-friendly.

Google's mobile friendly test

Best Feature: “Page loading issues”

This feature shows you how you can improve your site’s code. That way, Google’s mobile crawler can find and index all of the resources on your site.

Mobile-Friendly Test – Issues

best seo tools for beginners

You can never see too many lists of free tools if you’re just starting out in SEO. Tools are crucial to practicing SEO and grasping a better understanding of how the industry works, but many of them are very expensive. As a beginner, it is not necessary to start by buying a tool that costs a lot of money. Once you know what you’re looking for and know what you’re doing, then you can move on to something advanced. For now, the free SEO tools out there will absolutely get the job done. In fact, many are surprised at just how many quality tools SEO professionals give out for free. Below are some of the top choices for beginners:

  1. Google Analytics. A great tool to get you started. Even the most advanced professional who make SEO a full-time job are using Google Analytics. It might be confusing at first, but it will help any beginner get a sense of what is measured (website traffic, conversions, audience, etc.) and therefore what is important.
  2. AdWords Keyword Tool. Completing keyword research is an incredibly important aspect of SEO (you have to know what and where to optimize, after all). This tool will show you the competition, global monthly searches, and local monthly searches for every keyword you try. Even the most advanced SEO professionals turn to this tool for their research.
  3. Open Site Explorer. This tool will help you find link opportunities through competitor backlink research. The tool comes from SEOmoz and helps you determine if you can earn the same links that your competitors have earned (not to mention do a little bit of snooping).
  4. SEO by Yoast. This is my favorite SEO plugin to install on a website. It helps walk you through the different steps of SEO to make sure that you’re optimizing each and every webpage. This works best when you’re focusing on optimizing the content on your website.
  5. PageRank Status. You can download a free browser extension to help you see the PageRank of every webpage you visit. This will help beginners get a sense of where the website ranks on Google (it doesn’t always mean that one website is better quality than another, but it does mean it is more established). This is a great way to find authoritative link building opportunities. You can see SEO stats, site info, page info and page speed all by just clicking on the plugin.
  6. Google Webmaster Tools. Every SEO professional has a Google Webmaster Tools account, so the sooner beginners get on board, the better. The tool allows you to monitor the indexing of your website, keyword clicks, sitemaps, and lists of links (external as well as internal) to you site.
  7. Bing Webmaster Tools. You can’t forget that Bing is still the number three search engine out there, so optimizing for it is important even if you’re a beginner. Bing has a few different features than Google Webmaster Tools, but for the most part it serves the same purpose—giving you insight as to the number of clicks, links, indexing, etc.


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