Chrome Extension For Screen Sharing

What Is a Screen Sharing Chrome Extension?

Screen sharing is a technology that allows you to share your screen with another person. Often, this type of service is used for software demonstrations or training purposes. You can also use it to share and collaborate on projects with someone in real-time.

A screen sharing Chrome extension allows you to share your screen directly from your browser. When you install the extension, it will automatically add a button to your toolbar. This allows you to start and stop sharing sessions whenever you want without having to leave the page you are visiting. Additionally, since it is an extension and not a website, there is no need to log in or create an account.

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Chrome Extension For Screen Sharing

Have you ever needed to quickly share your screen on Google Chrome? Then you should install a Chrome screen share extension. There are various Google Chrome extensions that let you share your screen through video and audio calling, screenshots, or screen recordings. These include both paid and free Chrome screen share extensions.

Of course, it would be time-consuming and frustrating to scroll through page after page in the Google Chrome web store in order to find the best Chrome screen share app for your needs. Fortunately, we’ve done the hard work for you and created this list of the best Chrome video share extensions. This list includes five Chrome extensions: CrankWheel Screen Sharing, Droplr, Dead Simple Screen Sharing, StoryXpress, and Linkchat. Though most of these software include other downloadable screen sharing apps, their Chrome screen share extensions provide the quickest and easiest way to share your screen with others from the Google Chrome web browser.

Top 5 Google Chrome Screen Share Extensions

  1. CrankWheel Screen Sharing
    crankwheel screen sharing screen recorder tab and sharing options
    CrankWheel Screen Sharing is perfect for quickly sharing your screen with customers on either mobile or computer devices. You can start a conference with CrankWheel and show your customers either a portion of your screen or the full screen. You can even grant the viewer remote control of the screen for better collaboration! The screen share that you begin can be shared with others via a private link.

CrankWheel’s free Chrome screen share app comes with an unlimited number of users on the account and 15 meetings per month with up to 30 viewers. Paid plans start at $89/month and higher meeting and viewer limits. In all, CrankWheel is a great Chrome screen share extension for sales teams and customer service representatives.

  1. Droplr
    droplr screencast application with white computer in the background
    Droplr is a screenshot and screen recorder app that can be used as a Chrome screen share extension. After you take a screen capture, it is automatically saved to the Droplr cloud. You can share it with others by pasting a short link that will direct the recipient to the file in the cloud. They can view your screen capture directly in the cloud, no download necessary! The Droplr Chrome extension also lets you view your last 5 drops and manage their privacy, self-destruct options, and annotations.

Droplr’s Chrome screen share extension is great for businesses and freelance workers who need to quickly share their screen with a client and explain the capture with mark-up tools or audio. It’s an especially good tool for graphic designers, customer service agents, and IT professionals. Droplr pricing begins at $6/user/mo.

  1. Dead Simple Screen Sharing
    dead simple screen sharing invite participants screen with chat on the right side
    Dead Simple Screen Sharing offers a free Chrome extension that will get you started with screen sharing in a matter of seconds. Simply click on the extension to open up an audio/video conferencing room with screen sharing. You can add others to this room by sending them a URL link or inviting them by email. Up to 4 participants can join a meeting room at a time. All participants can also use text chat to communicate with one another if they can’t use audio or video.
  2. StoryXpress
    annotating a live video about “next month goals” with a red pen
    StoryXpress offers a free Chrome extension with webcam and audio. You can create an unlimited number of screen recordings under 10 minutes in length, though only the last 10 are accessible by viewers. You can send videos as a video thumbnail over Gmail, Twitter, and Facebook or upload videos directly to YouTube. If you need to edit your videos to explain information, you can add annotations with the video drawing tool.

You can access more features with StoryXpress’ paid plans, including a desktop app with more video editing tools (blurring, custom outro, etc.), team folders, more integrations, and custom CTAs. However, the free Chrome screen share extension is still enough for basic screen sharing over video. It is a solid choice for businesses and individuals alike.

  1. Linkchat
    linkchat webpage icon with two screen recorder icons and a chat bubble on the right
    Linkchat’s Google screen share extension offers video conferencing with screen sharing and calendar invites. With Linkchat, you can open an online video conference room, perfect for product demos, group work, and webinars. The platform also includes audio, video, and text chat. You can start Linkchat meetings from the Chrome extension, share your screen, and add Linkchat appointments to your favorite digital calendar app.

Linkchat’s free plan runs meetings in-browser that can be accessed by up to 3 participants. Meetings can run for an unlimited amount of time, a feature unheard of in other conferencing apps. You can also select a paid plan, starting at 3 euros/mo (approx. $3.65) to add in more participants, meeting recording, custom branding, and video display settings. Linkchat also offers custom plans specifically for virtual classrooms and webinars. All plans include screen sharing.

Screen Share on Other Devices
Do you need to screen share from a different device or browser? We can help with that. Check out our articles on free screen sharing software, screen sharing websites that let you make calls in-browser (no download necessary), and the top 10 screen sharing apps of 2022. No matter your screen sharing needs, you can check out our how-to guides and find the perfect app or website for you.

If Droplr fits your screen sharing needs, then you can start today with our 3-day free trial. If you’re not yet sold, then feel free to schedule a demo with one of our experts.

google chrome extension for screen sharing

To enable screen sharing on Chrome, you need to add our Chrome extension for screen sharing.

As of v2.6.0, the Agora Web SDK supports screen sharing on Chrome 72 or later without an extension, see Screen sharing without an extension.

Add the screen-sharing extension
Follow these steps to add the screen-sharing extension.

  1. Get the screen-sharing extension
    Download the screen-sharing extension and extract the files from the package. The package includes the following files.
  1. Add your domain name
    Open the manifest.json file in the extension folder, and add the domain name of your web app in the line beginning with “matches”.

For example, if you are running your web app on localhost, add “://localhost/” to the values of “matches”:

“matches”: [“://localhost/“,”://“,”://“,”://“,”://*”]

  1. Load the extension and get the extension ID
    Open your Chrome browser and click More Tools > Extensions in the settings menu of Chrome to open the Extensions page.

Enable Developer mode in the upper-right corner on the Extensions page.

Three buttons appear under the Extensions menu.
Click Load unpacked and select the chrome-extension folder.
Now, you can see the extension ID in Chrome. You need the extensionId to enable screen sharing, see Screen sharing with the Chrome extension.


Upload the screen-sharing extension
Modify the JSON file.

Delete the code that begins with “key” and the , above “key” in the manifest.json file in the extension package:

“manifest_version”: 2,
“minimum_chrome_version”: “34”,
“name”: “Agora Web Screensharing”,
“permissions”: [ “desktopCapture” ],
“short_name”: “Screen sharing for Agora”,
“update_url”: “”,
“version”: “”,

 "background": {
        "persistent": true,
        "scripts": [ "script.js" ]
 "description": "Extension to allow screen sharing in Agora Web Application.",
 "externally_connectable": {
        "matches": ["*://*", "*://*", "*://*"]
 "icons": {
        "128": "128w.png",
        "16": "16w.png",
        "48": "48w.png"
     "default_icon": "16w.png"
 "key": "MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAyRcxkUO0XuAsLqzRMIL+XlNTAgbc4/CtRrC2o7qDHGv6uAjmeS7HiK0hzK4PowsUTi0Y38LLzxju0Zr0IFoz9R5fKQt45rAdViujkuCURI4gFKUn6nOJ1/LjaTXYh02v1qWR17Aih8dc1VkWlBQKcapaH6y0N35i7IHZVWsT+ySXsdS6GDFPZVb1wYhDZRZYbkRYpBVEf11HOX+PkQGO5zhbdjBsp7BPF4L//vRwUxcxmeqgkRgzPAAy99UMsrgh/kbJSzE8XacUET9eYKzT21/ZSkiXEddWWCm2jeRWTrfie6D+c1K4zGFnS47in9timvpkMl5OM7J58wqjK20FiwIDAQAB"

Package the modified Chrome screen-sharing extension and register it in the Google App Store so that your user can download and use it.

On how to publish your extension on the Chrome Web Store, see Publish in the Chrome Web Store.

To enable your customers to directly download and install the extension from your website, see Using Inline Installation. In your app, you also need to register the ID of the extension using the Agora Web SDK.


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