Free Seo Tools For WordPress Header Image

In this blog post, I’m going to share with you my favorite free SEO tools for WordPress header image.

SEO is one of the most important parts of your website and it’s something that many people don’t think about when they’re building their websites. There are a lot of different things that need to be done in order for your site to rank high in the search engines, but one of those things is having an optimized header image. Your header image is what will show up at the top of your page as you scroll down, so if it isn’t optimized properly then it could hurt your SEO rankings.

There are lots of different ways to optimize your header image, but today I’m going to share with you some of my favorite free SEO tools for WordPress header images.

12 Top Free SEO and Content Marketing Tools for WordPress

Free Seo Tools For WordPress Header Image

Social media platforms may restrict organic growth to favor paid advertisements or even disappear altogether, but Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one strategy you can always rely on! The free SEO tools listed in this guide will help you optimize your WordPress site in a variety of ways.

The good news is that there’s no need to heed the call of snake-oil SEO salesmen, especially when there are so many outstanding free SEO tools that can have a positive impact on your rankings – as long as you’re willing to take a little time to learn their ins and outs.

In this post, we’ve assembled a collection of seven free SEO tools for WordPress (and otherwise) to help improve your Google rankings, including our advice on how they can help you climb the ladder to the very top of search queries. Let’s get started!

Best free SEO tools for WordPress

1. Pingdom Speed Test

A screenshot of the Pingdom homepage.

Pingdom Speed Test is a simple tool that enables you to measure exactly how long your site takes to load – down to the millisecond. Just enter the URL of the site you want to test, pick one of the available server locations, then sit back for a few seconds while it produces a detailed report.

Aside from load speeds, Pingdom will also compare how your site stacks up against their database and archived tests, and provide you with a list of performance insights you can put into action to improve your metrics:

A list of performance insights to boost your Google rankings.

Now, you might not care too much about how fast your site loads as long as it’s quick enough, but search engines do. So, if you want to boost your Google rankings, even shaving a couple of milliseconds off your page speed might just be the ticket to get there.

As far as WordPress goes, there are lots of ways to help improve your page speed times, and we recently covered ten of them in a two-part series: 5 Quick Wins to Speed Up WordPress Load Times and 5 More Quick Wins to Speed Up Your WordPress.

2. KWFinder

KWFinder allows you to search for detailed information about specific keywords. All you need to do is enter a seed keyword into the search bar, click “Find Keywords”, and wait a few seconds for KWFinder to calculate your results.

KWFinder reports show you how popular the keyword you’re searching for is, how the popularity of that keyword has changed over time, and related keywords you might want to consider:

Each keyword listed is also given a “Keyword Difficulty” or “KD” rating. This is calculated from Link Profile Strength using a system created by Mangools, the creator of KWFinder. Keywords are rated on a scale of 0-100, with 0 being the least difficult and 100 being the most difficult. The KD is highlighted in red, yellow, or green, so you can see which keywords are easy to rank for at a glance.

KWFinder does offer premium plans, but visitors to the KWFinder site can search for two keywords per day without signing up. You can also register for a free plan with up to five keyword searches per day. This is more than enough to suit the needs of most small business websites.

3. Chrome DevTools

A screenshot of the Chrome Developer Tools homepage.

The Chrome DevTools is a suite of web development and debugging tools built right into the Chrome browser. They include an elements panel (which enables you to manipulate your site’s CSS and see how the changes look in real time), a console that provides you with real-time diagnostics, and a networks section with insights regarding your site’s performance, among many others.

However, our primary interest lies with the Chrome DevTools dedicated to providing page performance and loading speed insights. To gain access to these free SEO tools you must first install Google Chrome, then head to the site you’ll be testing. Right-click anywhere on the page, select the Inspect option, and once there, click on the Network tab. Finally, press the F5 key to begin your first test:

A screenshot of the Chrome Developer tools Network tab.

Once the test is complete, you’ll be presented with a list of every single request made to the site and how long it took to complete, as well as an overall loading time. This list will show you which elements need to be optimized, but the usual suspects tend to be images, CSS, and JavaScript. We covered image optimization in a previous article, and both CSS and JavaScript can be easily dealt with too, by pressing a suitable plugin into service.

4. Alexa

Free SEO Tools - Alexa homepage

When referring to Alexa, we must make a distinction between its free Site Overview service and its premium marketing stack, which only offers a short free trial period. Since we’re talking about free SEO tools, we’ll be focusing on the former and how it can help you improve your Google rankings.

Alexa keeps track of your site’s global and countrywide rank using its own algorithms alongside historical data, which enables you to see how your performance progresses over time. The Site Overview also breaks down the countries your visitors are coming from, which is useful from a geo-targeting perspective:

A screenshot of the breakdown of visitors per region.

Most importantly, you’ll be shown a rough outline of your top performing keywords in search engines. Using this data, you can decipher the content that’s performing well, then use the information to either schedule more related posts for your WordPress blog, reinforce low performers with better content, or simply retire shoddy keywords.

5. Google Keyword Planner

A screenshot of the Google Keyword Planner homepage.

The Google Keyword Planner enables you to obtain search volume data and historical trends for the keywords you choose, analyze how much competition there is for them, and dissect information on related keywords organized according to relevance:

An example of the Google Keyword Planner in action.

With this data in hand, you can quickly select highly performing keywords and build your WordPress posts around them. These keywords can also be used in conjunction with the Yoast SEO plugin to help improve your Google rankings.

6. Google Trends

A screenshot from the Google Trends homepage.

Google Trends is a powerful free SEO tool all by itself, but it shines when used alongside the Google Keyword Planner.

While the planner enables you to identify potential future keywords for your content, this tool provides you with hard data concerning keyword interest using Google’s vast database of search histories. You can even use Google Trends to compare interest in multiple keywords at once, and break down the regions for which they’re most relevant:

A comparison between two searches using Google Trends.

Historical trends can be an influential factor when determining the viability of keywords. For example, did you know that interest in WordPress themes usually peaks each year around January and February? A savvy WordPress blogger would heed this data and schedule a theme roundup around that time.

7. Keywords Everywhere

Keywords Everywhere is a free extension for Chrome and Firefox that integrates directly with Google Search, Google Analytics, eBay, and other major websites to show you keyword information in real time. For the purposes of this article, we’ll focus on how Keywords Everywhere integrates with Google Search.

Every time you search for something on Google, Keywords Everywhere will present you with two lists of keywords: one list of automatically-generated relevant keywords and a list of keywords also searched for by people googling the same thing. Search volumes, CPC (Cost-Per-Click), and Competition levels are also displayed.

Keywords Everywhere is particularly great for anyone who manages a WordPress blog because you can use it to generate ideas for Focus Keywords. This makes it easier for you to choose SEO-friendly article ideas at the outset, rather than trying to force an ill-fitting keyword onto an idea you’ve already written about.

Conclusion on the top free SEO tools

To boost your Google rankings, you’ll need patience and perseverance. You won’t see results overnight, even if you’re doing everything correctly. That being said, if you arm yourself with these free SEO tools – and have a willingness to see the job through and choose the right keywords – reaching that coveted first-page spot might only be a matter of time. Let’s recap the seven tools:

  1. Pingdom Speed Test: For analyzing your site’s speed.
  2. KWFinder: An easy way to assess how difficult it will be to rank for keywords you’re interested in, and what alternative keywords might be easier to rank for.
  3. Chrome DevTools: For obtaining more detailed performance data.
  4. Alexa: Great for all-round ranking and keyword information.
  5. Google Keyword Planner: A great tool for researching keywords.
  6. Google Trends: A simple tool to refine your keywords using historical trends.
  7. Keywords Everywhere: A great tool for finding keywords naturally as you surf the web.

best free seo plugin for wordpress 2022

The best free SEO plugins for WordPress (2022 edition). Download these WordPress plugins to improve SEO and thus improve the website performance.

  1. Yoast SEO
    Yoast SEO is the #1 WordPress SEO plugin. Content & SEO analysis with invaluable tools to write SEO-friendly texts. For each post, the snippet preview shows you how your post or page will look in the search results – even on mobile. Yoast SEO Premium even has social media previews.

It integrates with Google Search Console p- enables to see how your site performs in the search engines and fix crawl errors. Yoast SEO does everything in its power to please both visitors and search engine spiders.

It enables the most advanced XML Sitemaps functionality and set canonical URLs to avoid duplicate content.

  1. WordPress SEO Plugin – Rank Math
    The Swiss Army Knife of WordPress SEO. Rank Math helps you get ranked higher by making your website SEO-friendly and your content worthy of featured Position. Rank Math gives you a competitive edge with its powerful and easy-to-use features. Whether you are a novice or an SEO veteran, Rank Math can take your SEO game to the next level. Rank Math will assess your website on 40 SEO factors.

Rank Math practically configures itself. Rank Math features a step-by-step installation and configuration wizard that sets up SEO for WordPress perfectly.

Upon installation, Rank Math verifies your site’s settings and recommends the ideal settings for best performance. The step-by-step wizard then sets up your site’s SEO, social profiles, webmaster profiles and other SEO settings.

Rank Math is designed to present the right information to you at the right time. The simple, but powerful user-interface highlights important information about your posts alongside the post itself. Using this information, you can improve your post’s SEO instantaneously.

Rank Math also features advanced snippet previews. You can preview how your post will appear in the SERPs, preview rich snippets, and even preview how your post will look when shared on social media.

It also comes with Google Webmaster Central Integration [in progress] which helps you track keyword rankings and Search Engine Errors. You can see the keywords which you rank for, your sitemap status, and indexing issues. It also comes with rich snippet support, automated image SEO, Google Crawl errors and contextual help {tooltips, notices, help tabs, etc}.

  1. All in One SEO Pack
    The most popular plugin for managing WordPress SEO and Open Graph social meta. Use All in One SEO Pack to optimize your WordPress site for SEO. It’s easy and works out of the box for beginners, and has advanced features and an API for developers.

Features – All in One SEO Pack

XML Sitemap support – submit your sitemap to Google and Bing and improve your SEO
Image XML Sitemap submitted to Google and Bing to improve your Image SEO
Google AMP support (Accelerated Mobile Pages)
Google Analytics support
Support for SEO on Custom Post Types
Advanced Canonical URLs
Redirect attachment pages to parent post
Automatically notifies search engines like Google and Bing about changes to your site
Built-in API so other plugins/themes can access and extend functionality
ONLY free plugin to provide SEO Integration for e-Commerce sites, including WooCommerce
Nonce Security built into All in One SEO Pack
Automatically optimizes your titles for Google and other search engines
Generates META tags automatically
Avoids the typical duplicate content found on WordPress blogs
For beginners, you don’t even have to look at the options, it works out-of-the-box. Just install.
For advanced users, you can fine-tune everything to optimize your SEO
You can override any title and set any META description and any META keywords you want.
Compatibility with many other plugins
Translated into 57 languages
PHP 7 100% Compatible

  1. SEOPress
    SEOPress is a powerful plugin to optimize your SEO, boost your traffic, improve social sharing, build custom HTML and XML Sitemaps, create optimized breadcrumbs, add schemas / Google Structured data types, manage redirections 301 and so much more.

SEOPress Free Features

Installation wizard to quickly setup your site
Titles (with dyanmic variables: custom fields, terms taxonomie…)
Meta descriptions (with dynamic variables too)
Open Graph Data
Google Knowledge Graph
Google Analytics with downloads tracking, custom dimensions, ip anonymization, remarketing, demographics and interest reporting, cross-domain tracking…
Twitter Card
Canonical URL
Meta robots (noindex, nofollow, noodp, noimageindex, noarchive, nosnippet)
Build your custom XML Sitemap to improve search indexing.
Image XML Sitemaps to improve search indexing for Google Images.
Build your custom HTML Sitemap to enhanced navigation for visitors and improve search indexing.
Link your social media accounts to your site.
Redirections in post, pages, custom post types
Remove stop words (english, french, spanish, german, italian, portuguese, swedish)
Remove /category/ in URLs
Remove ?replytocom to avoid duplicate content
Redirect attachment pages to post parent
Import / Export settings from site to site.
Import posts and terms metadata from Yoast SEO
W3C check
Content analysis

  1. SEOPressor
    SEOPressor gathers the most essential SEO intelligence of your website and present them in one place.

You can gain important insights to your website’s SEO health with crystal clear clarity.

With an improved On-Page SEO analysis, one can rank better with advanced Google-emulating algorithm. Formulated based on big data analysis – 3 billion rows of data to be exact and thousands of ranking pages. This is the most advanced and comprehensive analysis. SEOPressor gives you instant feedback and optimization suggestions to improve your On-Page SEO signals. It also keeps you on the safe side by preventing unnatural & over-optimization.

SEOPressor gathers the most essential SEO intels of your website and presents them all in one place. Skip the need to go through ten different analytics just to see what’s wrong. With SEOPressor, you can now improve the search relevency easily without having to mess with a single line of code. Take full control of how the Internet understands your website today.

With SEOPressor, you will gain complete governance over how search engine crawlers navigate your website. Steer them the way you like for better indexation control.

SEOPressor allows you to effortlessly fix, build, and manage the perfect internal link structure to increase your reader’s retention and reduce bounce rate.

  1. WP Meta SEO – JoomUnited
    WP Meta SEO gives you the control over all your SEO optimization. Bulk SEO content and image SEO, on page content check, 404 and redirect. One of the most useful feature is editing meta information on an existing website. We all know it can be be very long, open each post, edit, close it, open again and almost nobody was doing it. Especially if you need to edit content + image meta.

WP Meta SEO is going to list all posts, pages, custom post types and all images. Type your meta content and fix image size and everything is AJAX saved.

WP Meta SEO plugin, main search engine optimization features

Bulk edit all website meta on a single view
Edit meta in content with live SEO analysis
Fix HTML image resizing in content
Bulk edit image file name and meta
Bulk edit SEO link title
404 errors redirect and internal broken link checker
Add Google Analytics tracking information and display statistics in WordPress
Generate XML and HTML sitemaps
Facebook and Twitter social sharing custom elements per content
Breadcrumb generator
Gutenberg SEO content checker
Download them all.

  1. SEMrush SEO Writing Assistant
    The SEMrush SEO Writing Assistant provides instant recommendations for content optimization based on the qualities of Google’s top 10-ranking pages for your given keywords in a given location. Content professionals, bloggers and marketing experts can check if their texts or the texts of external writers meet various content-quality requirements in just a few clicks.


Overall score – checks the article’s general quality calculated according to metrics such as readability, text length, and target keywords.
Readability score – evaluates your text’s difficulty based on the recommended Flesch-Kincaid reading-ease score. You will get recommendations for sentences and words that need improvement.
Target keywords – shows recommendations regarding the given keywords, their volume and their difficulty.
Recommended keywords – shows semantically related keywords, that should also be added to your text.
Tone of voice – make sure that your writing is consistent with the desired level of formality.
Plagiarism – validate that your writer has submitted original content.
Linking – check your links for possible errors and problems.

  1. W3 Total Cache
    W3 Total Cache (W3TC) improves the SEO and user experience of your site by increasing website performance and reducing load times by leveraging features like content delivery network (CDN) integration and the latest best practices.

W3TC is the only web host agnostic Web Performance Optimization (WPO) framework for WordPress trusted by millions of publishers, web developers, and web hosts worldwide for more than a decade. It is the total performance solution for optimizing your WordPress Website.

W3 Total Cache can help you gain improvements in search engine result page rankings, especially for mobile-friendly websites and sites that use SSL (at least 10x improvement in overall site performance). It enables an improved conversion rates and “site performance” which affect your site’s rank on with reduced page load time: increased visitor time on site; visitors view more pages.

The plugin comes with Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) support, Secure Socket Layer (SSL) support and WP-CLI support for cache purging, query string updating, and more.

  1. Google Analytics Dashboard by MonsterInsights
    MonsterInsights is the most popular Google Analytics plugin for WordPress. MonsterInsights allow you to enable all advanced Google analytics tracking features with just a few clicks. MonsterInsights comes with a Google Analytics Dashboard for WordPress that shows you actionable analytics reports right inside your WordPress dashboard. We have created customized reports that eliminates the fluff and only show you the stats that matter.

The plugin creates customized Google Analytics reports, such as Audience Report, Behavior Report, Content Report, Ecommerce Report, Forms Report, Search Console Report and Custom Dimensions Report.

The plugin also comes with EU compliance addon which helps make Google Analytics GDPR compliance easier for business owners.

  1. Google XML Sitemaps
    Use this plugin to greatly improve SEO to create special XML sitemaps which will help search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo and to better index your site.

With such a sitemap, it’s much easier for the crawlers to see the complete structure of your site and retrieve it more efficiently. The plugin supports all kinds of WordPress generated pages as well as custom URLs. Additionally it notifies all major search engines every time you create a post about the new content.

Google XML Sitemaps plugin generates a sitemap for search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. It also automatically updates the sitemap whenever new content is published.


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