This is a blog introducing a Google Chrome extension for web developers. This blog post contains a link to download the extension and tutorials explaining how to install it and use it.
Table of Contents
google chrome extension for web developer
If you’re a developer, you will likely already have a collection of favourite Chrome extensions you use on a daily basis. Extensions that make life easier, make you more productive or perform an essential task better than a dedicated tool. This list may build on that collection.
As the vast majority of us use Chrome, it makes sense to consider Chrome extensions. Other browsers are available but Chrome is used by 64.4% of internet users. While it isn’t big on privacy, it certainly aces productivity!
We polled our own team and asked every dev we know for their list of Chrome developer extensions they use regularly or would suggest. What follows is a curated list of the best Chrome extensions for developers around right now.
These may not be the most popular extensions but they have been tried, tested and not found wanting by the Astra team!Table Of Contents
- The Best Chrome Extensions for Web Developers
- 1. Githunt
- 2. WhatFont
- 3. Fonts Ninja
- 4. ColorPick Eyedropper
- 5. Window Resizer
- 6. BrowserStack
- 7. CSS Viewer
- 8. Lorem Ipsum Generator
- 9. Corporate Ipsum
- 10. Ghostery
The Best Chrome Extensions for Web Developers
As development has several specialities, we have divided our list into two. One part containing tools useful for web developers and the second tools for generalist developers.
There’s sure to be something here you could use!
1. Githunt

Githunt is useful if you spend a lot of time on GitHub looking for new projects to work on. Rather than depending on GitHub’s trending projects feed, this Chrome developer extension brings it to the fore by highlighting all trending projects in a new tab area in your browser.
You can search projects in different languages, read a brief project description and the number of current open issues. You can then simply select the project within the tab to go to the project and inspect further. It’s a very useful little extension if you like contributing to new projects.
4,000+ users
Rating: 3/5 for answer a need in a narrow nicheGet Started with Githunt

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2. WhatFont

WhatFont is a very useful Chrome extension for developers who need to identify fonts used on web pages. It’s fast, effective and identifies individual fonts within a page in seconds. It also identifies the family, size, weight and colour. All within a small popup window in the browser.
WhatFont is ideal for web developers who like to collect examples of great pages they might want to emulate in the future. It’s small, doesn’t use many resources and well worth using. It hasn’t been updated in a while but still works perfectly.
1,000,000+ users
Rating: 3.5/5 for usabilityGet Started with WhatFont
3. Fonts Ninja

Fonts Ninja works in a similar way to WhatFont to identify fonts within a web page. It’s a useful alternative if WhatFont isn’t working out for you for any reason. It works in much the same but has a smaller interface. Otherwise, the two extensions look and feel very similar.
Install the extension and you should see a small green ninja icon in your toolbar. Open a web page in Chrome, select the icon and hover over a font you want to identify. You should see a page overview popup and an individual popup over the highlighted font. Simple but very effective.
300,000+ users
Rating: 3.5/5 for usabilityGet Started with Fonts Ninja
4. ColorPick Eyedropper

ColorPick Eyedropper is a very neat zoomed selector for web pages. It’s a useful Chrome developer extension because it can quickly identify any colour on any web page and zooms in so you can even select a border 1px wide. While you may not use it every day, it’s an excellent tool to keep on hand.
Once you install ColorPick Eyedropper, you simply select the colour wheel icon to activate it. Your cursor will change to a crosshair, highlight the section you want to identify and you should see the RGB values and the hex appear on the right of the screen.
1,000,000+ users
Rating: 3.5/5 for usability, zero for UX designGet Started with ColorPick Eyedropper
5. Window Resizer

Window Resizer is an incredibly useful Chrome extension for web developers. It’s simple but very effective, especially when working with responsive designs or apps. It installs into Chrome and will resize any screen you’re working on to a range of popular screen sizes.
Most common sizes are covered, mobile, tablet, desktop and the emulation seems very accurate. The guys here use Window Resizer a lot and rate it highly. That’s good enough for us!
600,000+ users
Rating: 4.5/5 for usability and simplicityGet Started with Window Resizer
6. BrowserStack

BrowserStack is another exceptionally useful Chrome extension for web developers. Like Window Resizer, this extension allows you to test your work for responsiveness. Rather than different screen sizes, this extension lets you test with different browsers.
Install the extension, open your page in Chrome, select BrowserStack and select a device option from the tab. The page will then be rendered using an emulation of a browser on that device. Simply but very effective. You do need a BrowserStack account for it to work properly though.
100,000+ users
Rating: 3/5 usability is high, the requirement for an account is a definite mark against it.Get Started with BrowserStack
7. CSS Viewer

CSS Viewer is another simple but very effective Chrome extension for web developers. As its name implies, this addon shows you the CSS properties of a given page wherever you hover your mouse. A small popup window appears showing you the CSS data that makes up the element you’re pointing at.
This is a very smart extension that makes short work of identifying key CSS properties anywhere you point your mouse.
100,000+ users
Rating: 4/5 for simplicity and ease of useGet Started with CSS Viewer
8. Lorem Ipsum Generator

Lorem Ipsum Generator is one of the best Chrome extensions full stop. It does what its name suggests it does. It generates filler text for demo websites and does it well.
Simply install the extension, select it within a page, tell it how much Lorem Ipsum copy you want to generate and copy it from the window. Paste it into your page and you’re done.
20,000+ users
Rating 4/5 for ease of useGet Started with Lorem Ipsum Generator
9. Corporate Ipsum

Corporate Ipsum is a popular alternative to the Lorem Ipsum Generator. If your client is more picky about placeholder text or you want to add to the feel of a business website, this is where you come. This Chrome developer extension generates lorem ipsum but with a corporate twist.
It works much like the Lorem Ipsum Generator too. Install the extension, open your page, select the icon and tell it how much copy to generate. Copy and page it into place and move onto the next. It’s a fast, simple way to generate more business-oriented placeholder text.
10,000+ users
Rating 4/5 for ease of use and for filling a specific needGet Started with Corporate Ipsum
10. Ghostery

Chrome is a great browser for many things but privacy is not among them. Ghostery aims to help with that. It’s a privacy extension designed to block intrusive ads, stop tracking, prevent data collection and block all those page elements that slow you down.
While Ghostery doesn’t provide any useful tools for web development, it keeps your browsing experience clean and makes everything faster. Every Chrome user should install Ghostery!
2,000,000+ users
Rating 5/5 for effectiveness
web developer tools
with the number of web dev tools increasing almost daily, finding the best software to get the job done can sometimes feel daunting. To help you out, we’ve created a list of essential tools for frontend development to get you started. If you’re interested in finding out about one in particular, simply select it from the list below.
- Sublime Text
- Chrome Developer Tools
- jQuery
- GitHub
- CodePen
- Angular.js
- Sass
Not keen on reading? Then watch the video below in which Will, one of our course specialists, talks you through the tools.
1. Sublime Text
Let’s start with the basics: a first-rate code editor—one that features a well-designed, super efficient, and ultra speedy user interface. There are several that do this well, but arguably the best (and most popular) is Sublime Text.
Artfully run by a one-man development team, the secret to Sublime’s success lies in the program’s vast array of keyboard shortcuts—such as the ability to perform simultaneous editing (making the same interactive changes to multiple selected areas) as well as quick navigation to files, symbols, and lines. And when you’re spending 8+ hours with your editor each day, those precious few seconds saved for each process really do add up…
You can start coding with Sublime in this free web development tutorial (no sign-up necessary).
2. Chrome Developer Tools
Wouldn’t it be great if you could edit your HTML and CSS in real-time, or debug your JavaScript, all while viewing a thorough performance analysis of your website?
Google’s built-in Chrome Developer Tools let you do just that. Bundled and available in both Chrome and Safari, they allow developers access into the internals of their web application. On top of this, a palette of network tools can help optimize your loading flows, while a timeline gives you a deeper understanding of what the browser is doing at any given moment.
Google release an update every six weeks–so check out their website as well as the Google Developers YouTube channel to keep your skills up-to-date.

3. jQuery
JavaScript has long been considered an essential frontend language by developers, although it’s not without its problems: riddled with browser inconsistencies, its somewhat complicated and unapproachable syntax meant that functionality often suffered.
That was until 2006, when jQuery—a fast, small, cross-platform JavaScript library aimed at simplifying the frontend process—appeared on the scene. By abstracting a lot of the functionality usually left for developers to solve on their own, jQuery allowed greater scope for creating animations, adding plug-ins, or even just navigating documents.
And it’s clearly successful—jQuery was by far the most popular JavaScript library in existence in 2015, with installation on 65% of the top 10 million highest-traffic sites on the web at the time. If this sounds like something you’d like to look into some more, we have a full guide to jQuery vs JavaScript.
4. GitHub
It’s every developer’s worst nightmare—you’re working on a new project feature and you screw up. Enter version control systems (VCS)–and more specifically, GitHub.
By rolling out your project with the service, you can view any changes you’ve made or even go back to your previous state (making pesky mistakes a thing of the past). There are so many reasons why GitHub is vital to developers. The repository hosting service also boasts a rich open-source development community (making collaboration between teams as easy as pie), as well as providing several other components such as bug tracking, feature requests, task management, and wikis for every project.
Many employers will look for finely-honed Git skills, so now’s the perfect time to sign up–plus it’s a great way to get involved and learn from the best with a wide array of open-source projects to work on. If you’re not 100% sure of the differences between Git and GitHub already, make sure you know that first.
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5. CodePen
Despite being around since 2012, the ever-increasing of people learning programming means that 2022 is going to be another bumper year for this tool beloved by the frontend community. There is almost no better way of showcasing your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript snippets, and as a result their embeds are an increasingly common sight across coding resources online.
If you need some proof for just how user-friendly CodePen is, take a look at this very cool airplane-themed feature:
As well as showing off your GitHub profile, CodePen is an incredibly useful tool for those building or overhauling their web developer portfolio. It’s an elegant way of showing off not just the code behind features you’ve built, but also how they are displayed to users as well.

6. AngularJS
HTML is usually the cornerstone of any frontend developer’s toolbox, but it has what many perceive to be a serious flaw: it wasn’t designed to manage dynamic views.
This is where AngularJS, an open-source web framework, comes in. Developed by Google, AngularJS lets you extend your application’s HTML syntax, resulting in a more expressive, readable, and quick to develop environment that could otherwise not have been built with HTML alone.
The project is not without its critics: some feel that this sort of data binding makes for a messy, non-separated code, but we still think it’s an invaluable skill to have in your frontend kit.
7. Sass
Web dev tools that save time are your best friend, and one of the first things you’ll learn about code is that it needs to be DRY (“Don’t Repeat Yourself”). The second thing you’ll probably learn is that CSS is usually not very DRY.
Enter the world of the CSS preprocessor, a tool that will help you write maintainable, future-proof code, all while reducing the amount of CSS you have to write (keeping it DRY).
Perhaps most popular among them is Sass, an eight-year-old open-source project which pretty much defined the genre of modern CSS preprocessors. Although a little tricky to get to grips with initially, Sass’s combination of variables, nesting, and mixins will render simple CSS when compiled, meaning your stylesheets will be more readable and (most importantly) DRY.

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