Komodo Web Design Software

Komodo Web Design Software

Komodo is an easy-to-use, drag and drop web design software. It’s ideal for beginners, as well as experienced developers who want to quickly create a website without the need for coding. Komodo is designed for people of all skill levels to take their designs from concept to a fully functioning website that’s ready to be published.

Komodo Web Design Software

Editing HTML and CSS code can be done with nothing but a simple text editor. However, if you’d like to take your programming skills (and output) to the next level, it’s worth looking into an integrated development environment or IDE.

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A bare-bones IDE will allow you to code, edit, test, and debug. However, an advanced IDE, like the ones listed here, will offer many features that will enhance your programming experiences like automation, visualization, and customization.

Best Web Development IDE

Here is the list of best web development IDE:

1. Visual Studio Code

Deemed the best JavaScript IDE for Windows, Mac, and Linux by TMS Outsource and voted the most popular in a 2018 survey by the State of JS, Visual Studio Code is a powerful source code editor that comes with a range of tools for JavaScript development. The IDE comes with built-in support for JavaScript, TypeScript, and Node.js. It also has plenty of extensions for other languages (such as C++, C#, Python, and PHP). Developed by Windows, Visual Studio Code is great for new programmers as it explains everything from HTML tags to syntax and error handling.

Features include:

  • Syntax highlighting
  • Autocomplete with IntelliSense based on variable types
  • Function definitions
  • Imported modules
  • The ability to debug code from the
  • Custom hotkeys
  • Templates and boilerplates
  • Integrating with GitHub
  • Intellisense, which provides smart completions based on variable types
  • Customizable themes

2. Atom by GitHub

Atom is a fantastic IDE for JavaScript programming. Because it’s created by GitHub, it means that there is a thriving community to turn to if you run into any issues. It works with Mac, Windows, and Linux and ships with a package manager for installing new packages. The app is highly customizable, but can also be used well without configuring or customizing anything.https://imasdk.googleapis.com/js/core/bridge3.512.0_en.html#goog_1000501146

Features include:

  • Find, preview, and replace text as you type in a file across all projects
  • Easily browse and open files and projects in one window
  • Teletype tool – enables collaboration with other developers from within the editor
  • Very customizable/hackable
  • Package manager

3. Sublime Text 3

Sublime Text 3 is a flexible, free IDE for Windows, Mac, and Linux. It supports a number of different programming and markup languages, including Python, C, HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. The interface is known to be clutter-free and fast.

Features include:

  • Code autocompletion – snippets and macros
  • Can be tweaked to boost productivity
  • Enhanced pane management
  • Go to definition
  • Go to symbol
  • Multiple selections
  • Command palette
  • Split editing
  • Instant project switch
  • Customizable key bindings, menus, snippets, and more

4. PyCharm

PyCharm is a decent free IDE for web development in a number of languages, including Python, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, Node.js, and more. The IDE is compatible with Mac, Windows, and Linux and has a paid sister software you can purchase if you’d like something more reliable. According to some users, the free version of PyCharm can be buggy, especially the autocomplete feature.

Features include:

  • Easy integration with Git, Mercurial, and SVN
  • Customizable interface with VIM emulation
  • JavaScript, Python, and Django debuggers,
  • Supports Google App Engine

5. IntelliJ IDEA

IntelliJ IDEA is a Java-centric IDE that is designed to maximize productivity. One of the best features of this IDE is its ability to automatically add handy tools that are relevant to the context. As well as supporting Java languages, it supports HTML, PHP, Python, Ruby, and more. It’s free but has a paid counterpart with a fuller suite of development tools.

Features include:

  • Test runner UI
  • Code coverage
  • Git integration
  • Supports multiple build systems
  • Extensive database editor and UML designer
  • Supports Google App Engine, Grails, GWT
  • Deployment and debugging tools for most application servers
  • Intelligent text editors for HTML, CSS, and Java
  • Integrated version control
  • Automates repetitive programming tasks
  • Advanced code completion
  • Built-in static code analyzers

6. PHPStorm

PHPStorm is a great coding environment for those who work with PHP frameworks like WordPress, Drupal, Magento, and others. It has an interface that is both great to look at and easy-to-use. It’s compatible with Mac, Windows, and Linux and supports a number of different front-end programming languages like HTML5, CSS, JavaScript and more. The IDE can be customized with themes and extensions to enhance your programming experience.

Features include

  • Visual debugger
  • Automatic code completion
  • Error highlighting
  • Remote deployment
  • Databases/SQL
  • HTML, CSS, and JavaScript editor
  • Command-line tools
  • Smart code navigator
  • Refactoring and debugging tools
  • Docker
  • REST Client
  • Composer
  • Unit testing

7. Webstorm

Webstorm is a slick IDE that’s feature-rich and user-friendly. It’s designed to produce state-of-the-art web apps and supports languages like HTML, JavaScript, CSS, React, and more. The IDE is compatible with Mac, Windows, and Linux.

Features include:

  • Intelligent code completion
  • Multi-line todos
  • Automatic refactoring
  • Debugger
  • Syntax error detection
  • Unit testing
  • Integration with VCS
  • Cross-platform features
  • Powerful navigation
  • Parameter hints
  • Seamless tool integration
  • Git integration

8. NetBeans

NetBeans is a free, easy-to-use IDE that works well with JavaScript, HTML, PHP, C, and C++. As well as supporting a number of different programming languages, it also is available in English, Brazillian Portuguese, Japanese, Russian, and Simplified Chinese. NetBeans isn’t ideal for those just starting programming, as the package can be tricky to set up.

Features include:

  • Line indentation
  • Word and bracket matching
  • Source code highlighting
  • Code refactoring
  • Coding tips, templates, and generators available
  • Modifiable workspace

9. Komodo Edit

Komodo Edit is a free and open-source counterpart to the paid Komodo IDE. It is a great programming environment for JavaScript which allows you to work with different frameworks and languages. The IDE works well across Mac, Windows, and Linux and is a great way to test the Komodo platform before committing to Komodo IDE.https://98963b9b6dcaabb89fa6e8acf991899b.safeframe.googlesyndication.com/safeframe/1-0-38/html/container.html

Features include:

  • Customizable UI (split view and multi-window editing)
  • Python and PHP code profiling
  • Code collaboration for multi-user editing
  • Autocomplete
  • Refactoring
  • Many available add ons

10. RJ TextEd

Released as freeware, RJ TextEd is a full-featured text and source editor with Unicode support. It supports JavaScript, PHP, ASP, HTML, and CSS.

Features include:

  • Auto-completion
  • Code-folding
  • Column mode
  • Multi-edit and multi-select
  • Document map
  • Annotation bar
  • Advanced sorting
  • ASCII and binary files
  • CSS and HTML wizards
  • Highlighting colors in CSS/SASS/LESS.
  • Advanced color hint that can convert between color formats.
  • Dockable panels.
  • FTP and SFTP client with synchronization.
  • File explorer, text clips, code explorer, project manager.
  • Convert between code pages, Unicode formats and text formats.
  • Unicode and ANSI code page detection.
  • Open/Save UTF-8 encoded files without a signature (BOM).
  • Unicode file paths and file names.
  • HTML validation, format, and repair.
  • Tools available like syntax editor, color picker, charmap

11. Brackets

Created for web designers by web designers (FWDBWD?), Brackets is a powerful, but lightweight editor that comes with a set of great visual tools and preprocessor supports that allow for easy designing in the browser. The open-source project is free of charge and has a thriving community that is always there to lend a hand. The iDE offers live HTML, CSS, and JavaScript coding and supports programming in Perl, Ruby, Java, Python, and many other languages.

Features include:

  • Inline editors
  • Live preview
  • Split view
  • Preprocessor Support
  • Quick edit and Live Highlight with LESS and SCSS files
  • Easy to use UI
  • Integration with Theseus (an open-source JavaScript debugger)
  • Fast automatic code completion feature
  • Plenty of useful extensions available (e.g Autoprefixer, code-folding, markdown preview, smart highlighting, and snippets)

12. AWS Cloud9

Released in 2010, AWS Cloud9 is a proprietary IDE only available to those with an AWS account. AWS Cloud is great for developing JavaScript programs – it also supports development for C, C++, Go, Node.js, Perl, PHP, Python, and Ruby projects.

Features include:

  • An inbuilt terminal that supports npm and basic Unix commands
  • Code completion
  • Real-time language analysis
  • Simultaneous editing
  • Variable/function name refactoring
  • Syntax highlighting
  • Functionality can be extended by using plugins
  • Variety of themes to customize the look of the IDE
  • Tabbed file management
  • Debugger

13. Bluefish

Bluefish is a cross-platform, lightweight IDE that can be used with Windows, macOS, Solaris, and many Linux distros. It supports a variety of different programming languages, including HTML, CSS, Perl, SQL, Ruby, PHP, Python, and more.https://98963b9b6dcaabb89fa6e8acf991899b.safeframe.googlesyndication.com/safeframe/1-0-38/html/container.html

Features include:

  • Syntax highlighting
  • Code auto-completion
  • Auto-recovery
  • Code folding

14. Code::Blocks

Code::Blocks is a lightweight, yet powerful cross-platform IDE which can be used in Windows, Solaris, and various Linux distros. It supports programming in C, C++, PHP, HTML, and JavaScript. The open-source IDE ships with multiple compilers, including GCC, Microsoft Visual C++, Digital Mars, amongst others.

Features include:

  • Code refactoring
  • Syntax highlighting
  • Code folding
  • Auto code completion
  • Customizable – plugins and extension support available

15. Light Table

Light table is a “new” IDE. It has a reactive work surface which enables the creation and exploration of apps and programs. With Light Table, you can move things around, delete clutter, and move information to places you need it the most. The unique IDE runs on Linux, Mac, and Windows.

Features include:

  • Embedding anything
  • Customizable
  • PrintIn Watches
  • Inline evaluation
  • Plugin manager
  • Language documentation pane
  • Autocomplete


There are plenty of great IDEs out there for web development. Picking the right one for you comes down to selecting an IDE  that works best with the programming languages you’re most comfortable with.

komodo web design software free

Even though most Web Developers will work using visual tools, there is still the factor of having to do some front-end coding and tooling, and not everything in a web design can be achieved through a visual tool;. However, that seems to be changing rapidly. With that in mind, our post today will focus on the best code editors for web developers, all of which are flexible and easy to configure for most comfortable code writing environment.

Sublime Text

sublime text editor for web designers

Also known as Sublime Editor, this text editor/developer IDE has been a well-known name in the web developer and designer industries. Sublime Text stands out with its versatility and customizability, which allows each user to customize the editor to their own specific needs, whether they’re coding in Java, JavaScript, or C++, Sublime has a lot to offer through the custom plugins option, as well as the ability to install third-party themes that fellow code developers have shared with the community.

Sublime is free for trial, but you will be prompted to purchase the full version once in a while. Remember that the free version doesn’t restrict you from any features, but it’s nice to invest in something that will pay itself back thousand times over.


notepad plus plus code editor for web designers

Notepad++ is the successor of the default Notepad application that many grew up with. It is a lightweight code editor; perfect for web designers, front-end developers, and the like. Notepad++ is simple to use, but advanced enough to understand coding concepts and offer customization options that allow for a more open coding experience.


atom code editor for web designers

Atom is a new code editor from the highly acclaimed open-source community, GitHub. This code editor has attracted many supporters, thanks to its flexible design, great optimization features, and the intense community support that allows users to become a part of the editor itself. A built-in package manager means that all your coding can happen from within the code editor. This saves you time, and in turn, lengthening your periods of productivity. Those who want to write code fast will enjoy the autocomplete feature; it intuitively learns about your coding habits and the language you’re coding in.


Vim is a highly configurable text editor for an efficient text editing. It is an improved version of the Vi editor, distributed with most UNIX systems. Attending a developer conference and coming across someone who doesn’t know about the Vim code editor is going to be a tough thing to achieve. Vim has been around for ages, and anyone who is a religious UNIX user will most likely be using this code editor to develop and design. Although it’s highly sought after, Vim can be a tough cookie to crack when learning all about it. If you enjoy using shortcuts when working on your UNIX system, you will undoubtedly enjoy Vim.


Emacs is the successor to Vim, at least according to those who use it. It is a screen editor, but not an insertion mode editor. Any character typed in Emacs is automatically inserted into the file, unless it includes a command prefix. Many prefer Emacs over the customization options it offer. Although, you might want to try it out for yourself to make sure which one you like the most.

Komodo Edit

komodo edit code editor for web designers

Komodo Edit is the lightweight and open-source alternative to the Komodo IDE. This makes Komodo Edit the perfect solution to web designers who need only a code editor with the basic code development functionality. On the homepage of Komodo Edit, you will see the comparison between the Editor and IDE. However, you have to keep in mind that the IDE will naturally have a lot more features because of how an IDE works. We highly recommend Komodo Edit for designers of any level.

VS Code

vs code editor
VS Code is a trendy code editor that is entirely free of charge and works for an assortment of different intentions. You can start right away, building your next project or refining the existing one with that in mind. VS Code is open source and runs flawlessly everywhere. The user workspace is very friendly, too. It makes sure web designers and developers of all skill levels enjoy the practicality of VS Code through the roof. You can even adjust and modify the editor itself, tailoring it to your liking, so it feels as natural as possible to you.

Some of the features of VS Code are IntelliSense, running and debugging, built-in Git (or working with other SCM providers) and tons of options and possibilities to stretch and customize the tool with extensions.

Light Table

light table code editor
With the many code editors available for web designers, you can easily find the one that resonates with you best. Feel free to try and test a few out first before deciding on the winner. Another alternative that you should not miss is Light Table. It is flexible and extensible to work with just about anything like a charm. Before we continue, you can also peek at the video preview first and go from there. This will give you a better understanding of how Light Table operates first-hand.

Execute new ideas and prototypes speedily, embed anything you wish, make customizations and more, all this with the help from Light Table. The design part of the editor is also very appealing to the eye, so your experience using it will always be a pleasant one.


coda code editor for web designers

If you’re looking for a simple solution towards building websites without any distractions, Coda is likely to be your answer. Coda is the perfect text editor that supports coding syntax, many languages, and other code highlighting options that will make development fun and interesting. Those designers who are more technical will enjoy the in-built MySQL database editor. It gives you an edge over using different tools to develop the same site.


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