Majestic Marketing Seo Tools

Majestic is a UK-based SEO backlink checker that gives you the most comprehensive link intelligence data on the web, with instant access.

Majestic monitors billions of web pages and tens of millions of websites to bring you the freshest, most up-to-date backlink data in the world. Our team of brilliant engineers are constantly updating and improving our web crawler and infrastructure so that it’s better than ever.

Majestic Marketing Seo Tools

Worlds Best Backlink Checker

I’m going to put that claim to the test a little bit later.

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But for now, I did want to point out that Majestic is first and foremost a link building tool.

With that out of the way, let’s take a look at’s key features.

Site Explorer Summary

The Site Explorer summary is where you get a high-level overview of a website’s link profile.

Site Explorer – Summary

On this page you can see a laundry list of metrics on the website you just analyzed, including:

  • Trust Flow
  • Citation Flow
  • Topical Trust Flow
  • External Backlinks
  • Referring Domains
  • Referring IP Addresses
  • Crawled URLs
  • Indexed URLs
  • And more

In other words: this page is designed for you to scan a site’s link profile and see key link metrics (like Trust Flow).

And if you choose “subdomain”, “Path” or “URL”, from the dropdown menu, you can get detailed link data on a specific page.

Site Explorer – Dropdown Subdomain

Topics Report

The “Topics” report is Majestic’s way of figuring out what a website is all about.

Site Explorer – Topics

What’s interesting about this feature is that they don’t determine your site’s topic based on the content that you publish. Instead, it’s based on where you get your backlinks from.

Topics Are Based On Where You Get Your Backlinks From

For example, Backlinko is a marketing blog. And most of my backlinks come from sites in the “Computers / Internet / Web Design and Development” and “Business / Marketing and Advertising” niches.

Backlinko Backlink Niches

This is an interesting feature that I haven’t seen in any other link building tool.

And I actually think there’s something to it. Google probably uses the websites that link to you to figure out what your site is about. And to figure out your authority on that topic.

For example, let’s say that your site is about health and fitness. And you get most of your links from other health and fitness websites.

Well, to search engines like Google, this confirms that your site is about that topic. And that you’re a respected authority in that niche.

So yeah, I’ve tried pretty much every SEO tool under the sun. And this is a unique feature that only Majestic SEO seems to have.

Referring Domains

Referring domains is similar to any other backlink analysis tool. It’s a list of domains that are linking to your website.

Referring Domains List

You can also sort the results by Trust Flow, Citation Flow, Top level domain and more.

Referring Domains Sorting

And if you click on the linked number under “backlinks”, you can see the exact pages that are linking to you.

Referring Domains – Backlink Pages

One thing that kind of tripped me up was the “backlinks” number itself. Does this mean the backlinks that site has overall? Or the number of times they’ve linked to you?

You won’t find many helpful explanations as you use the tool (I’ll show you a bunch of examples in this Majestic SEO review).

Either way, this data is questionable at best. For example, take a look at this website that’s linking to me.

Matthew Barby Website

According to Majestic, that domain either has 327,599 backlinks. Or has linked to me 327,599 times.

No matter how you look at it, that number makes no sense. That blog is very well respected. But I know for a fact that it doesn’t have 300k+ backlinks (which is A LOT). And there’s no way they’ve linked to my site 327 thousand times.

So yeah, referring domains is a standard feature in any link building tool. But I was a little bit confused by some of the referring domain numbers that I came across in Majestic.

Again, this isn’t much different than what you’d find in Moz Pro or Ahrefs. It’s basically a breakdown of a website’s backlink profile.

Backlinks Report

Just like with the referring domains report, you can sort and filter the results 100+ different ways.

For example, you can sort the list to ONLY look at backlinks with high or low Trust Flow. Or look at deleted backlinks to get an idea of a site’s backlink history.

Backlinks Report – Trust Flow Sorting

And like most SEO tools, you can download all of this data as a CSV or Excel spreadsheet.

Besides the Trust Flow and Majestic’s other proprietary “Flow Metrics” , I should point out that they also report on the number of external links on each page that’s linking to you.

Report – The Number Of External Links

Which IS unique.

This is important because many people believe that a backlink on a page with 5 external links is better than one with 150. That’s because the page with 150 external links will “leak” more PageRank.

I’m not 100% sold on this idea. But again, this is a unique little feature that I’ve only seen in Majestic. So I did want to point that out.

Context Report

This one took me a little while to figure out. It’s not super clear how to use this feature at first glance.

Context Report

But my take is that this is essentially a VERY deep breakdown of each individual link in a site’s link profile.

Underneath the link itself, you can see a series of tags.

Context Report Tags

These tags tell you whether or not the link is new/old, dofollow/follow, how many other external links are on the page, and more.

That wasn’t what really threw me off. That’s all pretty straightforward stuff.

What I didn’t understand at first was their “Link Density charts”.

Link Density Charts

So after reading about them, I was able to kind of understand them.

Basically: they’re a way to visualize WHERE a link is on a webpage.

For example, you can see that this page has a lot of links at the top and bottom of the page.

Link Density Chart – Lots Of Links At Top Of Page

There aren’t many links at all in the middle of the page.

Link Density Chart – Not Many Links In Middle Of Page

The link to my site is inside of that thin area (it’s highlighted with a green box):

Link Density Chart – Link To Backlinko

This tells you that my link isn’t packed in with a bunch of other internal or external links. That’s something you’d see on a resource page or on a directory.

Instead, the link is an editorial link inside of content.

And if you look at the actual page, that’s what’s happening.

There are a bunch of links in the sites navigation.

Websites CA – Navigation Links

Very few in the middle (here’s mine).

Websites CA – Backlinko Link

And then a bunch more internal links in the footer.

Websites CA – Footer Links

Is this feature cool? Definitely. I’m not exactly sure what the use case is for it. But again, this is yet another Majestic SEO feature that I haven’t seen in any other tool.

There’s not much to say here. This is a list of recent links that a site built.

New Links

And links that were lost.

Lost Links

Anchor Text Breakdown

Here’s where you can see the most common anchor text that people use when they link to a domain or specific page.

Anchor Text

Again, you’ll find this kind of thing in any link building tool.

But I do like the giant word cloud. It makes it easy to see which terms tend to show up most in a site’s anchor text profile.

My only nitpicky feedback here is that it would be nice to get a % breakdown of each term.

Yes, they give you a detailed anchor text list.

Anchor Text Highlight

But you can’t quickly scan the list to say: “OK, 50% of the links use this term in the anchor text”.

This is something that you DO get in the Site Explorer summary report.

Anchor Text – Summary Report

But oddly enough, you get LESS anchor text data on the actual “anchor text” tag.

Go figure.

Seeing an exact percentage of a site’s anchor text breakdown on the “anchor text” report isn’t a huge deal. But it’s yet another sign that Majestic’s UX is completely broken (more on that later).

Pages Report

These are the pages on a website with the most backlinks.

Pages Report

If you use Ahrefs, this is called “Best by links”. In SEMrush, they call it “Indexed Pages”.

But they all work the same way: it’s a quick way to see which pages have the most backlinks, referring domains or overall link authority.

As the name suggests, this is Majestic’s list of websites that are closely related to the one that you’re analyzing.

Related Sites

And I have to say: this is scary accurate.

When I analyzed Backlinko, it literally listed out the same sites that come to mind whenever I think of other sites in my niche.

Related Sites Highlight

If you’re familiar at all with the SEO space you’ll recognize those sites. And you’ll probably agree that they’re VERY closely related.

I’ve seen a few other tools (like SimilarWeb) try to bubble up “related sites”.

Similar Web Related Sites

And they all do a decent job. But I was legit impressed with the list of related sites that Majestic came up with here.

I tried out a few other websites in different niches to make sure that this wasn’t a fluke. The results weren’t as strong as when I looked at Backinko. But they were still pretty solid.

Nerd Fitness – Related Sites

Compare Domains

Here’s where you can view the link metrics of 2-5 different sites side-by-side.

Compare Domains

This isn’t a groundbreaking feature or anything. And it’s a feature that most other link analysis tools have. But it is a helpful feature that’s done well.

Tucked inside of “Compare Domains” is something called “Clique Hunter”.

Compare Domains – Clique Hunter

Clique Hunter shows you domains that link to all of the sites that you just compared. Not just one.

Why is this helpful?

It’s simple: if a site links to ONE of your competitors, it’s a sign that they might link to you too. But if that same site links to four competing sites, they’re MUCH more likely to send a link your way.

For example, here’s what I see when I compare my main SEO competitors.

Clique Hunter – Backlinko Competition

If I was running a link building campaign, one of my first steps would be to figure out how I could also get backlinks from the sites on this list.

Keyword Checker

I’ve been working in the SEO field full-time for over 7 years. And I honestly don’t 100% understand what this feature is or how to get the most out of it.

From what I understand, Majestic is trying to estimate search volume based on how often terms appear on pages.

Keyword Checker Explained

But I could be wrong.

For example, when I searched for “keto diet”, Majestic tells me that this keyword gets 67 searches per month.

Keto Diet Search Volume

What? According to every other keyword tool out there (and common sense), this keyword gets searched thousands of times every month.

Keto Diet – SEMrush Search Volume

In my opinion, Keyword Checker is a great example of one of Majestic SEO’s biggest flaws:

It’s an interesting feature that’s poorly-explained. And may not even work.

Moving on…

Majestic SEO Flow Metrics: Trust Flow, Citation Flow and More

No Majestic SEO review would be complete without a breakdown of their proprietary link metrics.

So let me quickly outline them here:

Trust Flow: The Trust Flow Metric is Majestic’s version of TrustRank. It’s basically how many links a site gets from a set of hand-picked “seed sites”. And from links that have links from those seed sites. I do think Google uses something similar (but MUCH more advanced) in their algorithm. So there might be something to it.

Citation Flow: This is basically Domain Authority. So if you get a lot of backlinks from authority sites, this number will go up.

Topical Trust Flow: Here’s where Majestic breaks down the type of websites that you get links from. Needless to say, you want backlinks from authoritative domains. But you also want links from related sites. And this metric helps you figure out what types of sites are linking to you.

I wanted to quickly compare Majestic’s link data to three Majestic SEO alternatives: Ahrefs, SEMrush and Moz Pro.

For this quick comparison, I looked at how many referring domains and backlinks that each tool found for my website,

Here are the results:

ToolTotal BacklinksTotal Referring Domains
Majestic SEO64,849,23350,712
Moz Pro634,50023,994

I ran the same analysis again. This time on a huge site in the health niche.

ToolTotal BacklinksTotal Referring Domains
Majestic SEO57,228,004351,090
Moz Pro9,500,000169,900

Obviously, I can’t draw any firm conclusions from an analysis of two websites.

But based on this very small test, Majestic SEO looks to be competitive with the other major backlink checker tools. But it’s not necessarily any better at finding backlinks. And I seriously doubt their claim of having the biggest backlink index on the planet.

Majestic SEO Support

So far this Majestic SEO review has focused 100% on features.

That said: I also wanted to give Majestic’s support a shot. I usually ping support a few times when I first sign up for a tool. Just to figure out how to get the most out of it. Or to get some clarity on what a metric really means.

And I end up judging the tool partly based on their level of support.

So I thought it was worth testing out Majestic’s support for this review.

For this test, I sent this message over to their support.

Message To Support

And 53 minutes later, I received this:

Majestic Customer Support

What a helpful reply! The agent actually used my own website as the example. So I know that this wasn’t a generic response from some template. Overall, he did a great and thorough job of answering my question.

So based on this one ticket, I’d have to give Majestic an A+ for support.

Majestic SEO Pricing

Here’s how Majestic’s monthly pricing breakdown:

Majestic – Pricing

Unless you want API access, you’re looking at two different plans: Lite ($49.99/month) and Pro ($99.99/month).

Overall, these plans are MUCH cheaper than Majestic’s two main competitors: Ahrefs and SEMrush.

Ahrefs and SEMrush both start at 99$/month.

So at the end of the day, Majestic SEO’s Lite plan is 50% cheaper than Ahrefs and and SEMrush.

bulk trust flow checker

Each webpage that has a clickable link to your website is what you would refer to as a backlink. The quantity and quality of websites linking to your website is the primary metric used by search engines to rank your website.

Think of it as voting. Each webpage that links to your website is voting for your site. Websites like, or government/education websites which have a high authority have a bigger vote. The text that is linked (also known as anchor text), and the topic of the webpage linking to your site are also considered for determining which keywords your website should show up for in search results.

This metric is so important in SEO that Majestic, Moz, SEM Rush, and Alexa all attempt to count or estimate how many backlinks a website has. When comparing the backlink counts from each of these sources you can normally take the largest number, our Maximum Backlink Count does this for you.

Domain Backlinks refers to the total amount of backlinks to an entire websites domain name.

Referring Domains refers to the total amount of domain names that contain a backlinks to the site.

To grow your backlinks quickly and easily you we recommend BrandPush which offers 200 high domain authority backlinks for under $1 per link, or find a backlinks gig on Fiverr

Trust Flow

Trust flow refers to the number of trustworthy quality backlinks your site has. It is a rating of the quality and relevance of backlinks to any given website, hence its “Trustworthiness”.

Building a good TrustFlow is usually harder than building a good citation flow, this is why most websites will have a citation flow that is higher than their trust flow.

TrustFlow is calculated by Majestic. It is a score on a scale between 1 and 100 where moving up the scale gets increasingly harder. Higher Trust Flow is better.

Citation Flow

Citation flow refers to the popularity of a website based purely on the quantity of backlinks without any consideration about the quality of the links.

Website that have a lot of backlinks tend to have a higher Citation Flow. However this does not mean that the website will rank high on search engines as the quality of these links could be bad.

CitationFlow is calculated by Majestic. It is a score on a scale between 1 and 100 where moving up the scale gets increasingly harder. Higher Citation Flow is usually better, however you should also consider the Trust Flow to ensure backlinks this score is measuring are relevant.

Page Authority

Page Authority is an estimation on how well a single webpage may rank on search engines. It is calculated using over 40 factors, one of the primary factors being backlinks to the webpage. A webpage with more backlinks is considered more Authoritive and therefore have a high Page Authority.

Page Authority is calculated by Moz. It is a score on a scale between 1 and 100 where moving up the scale gets increasingly harder. Higher Page Authority is better.

Domain Authority

Domain Authority is an estimation on how well an entire website/domain may rank on search engines. It is calculated using over 40 factors, one of the primary factors being backlinks to the website / domain. A website with more backlinks is considered more Authoritive and therefore have a high Domain Authority.

Domain Authority is calculated by Moz. It is a score on a scale between 1 and 100 where moving up the scale gets increasingly harder. Higher Domain Authority is better.

This is one of the most important website rankings. To improve your websites domain authority you need backlinks from other high domain authority websites. To get more high domain authority backinks we recommend using BrandPush

Moz Rank

Moz Rank is a simplified score out of 10 that estimates how popular a website is, and how high it may rank on search engines. The higher the rank, the higher it may show on Search Engine results.

This ranking is similar to Googles PageRank which is no longer accessible.

Moz Rank is calculated by Moz which is a leader in search engine ranking analysis.

SEM Rush Rank

SEM Rush Rank is an attempt at ranking every website starting from 1 based on the estimated amount of traffic that website is getting from organic search visitors. The lower the rank the more search traffic it should be receiving, and the higher it should be positioned on search engines.

SEM Rush Rank is calculated by SEM Rush which is a leader in search engine ranking analysis.

If you would like more metrics from SEM Rush they offer a free 7 day trial.

Search Engine Traffic

Search Engine Traffic is an estimation of the amount of organic visitors a website receives from search engines each month.

It is calculated by SEM Rush by multiplying the average click-through rate for the positions the domain has by how much monthly search volume each keyword has.

If you would like more metrics from SEM Rush they offer a free 7 day trial.

Alexa Rank

Alexa Rank is a global website ranking system based on website traffic from people using specific plugins, widgets, and services over the last 3 months. It ranks the entire internet with the most visited website in position 1.

It is important to note that each domain shares one rank with all of its subdomains, except for hosting websites such as blogspot and tumblr.

Alexa Rank is calculated by Alexa which is owned by Amazon and is a leader in search engine ranking analysis.

Alexa Country Rank

Alexa Country Rank is a national ranking system based on website traffic from people using specific plugins, widgets, and services over the last 3 months. The selected country is based on which country has visited the website the most. The most visited website from each country has a Alexa Country Rank of 1.

Alexa Country Rank is calculated by Alexa which is owned by Amazon and is a leader in search engine ranking analysis.


Keywords are simply search phrases that people may type into a search engine.

SEM Rush counts the amount of times a website shows in the top 100 search results across their large database of keywords.

To get more keyword in the top 100 search results we recommend targeting low competition or longer keywords, a great free tool for this is Keyword Finder.

Wanna rank higher on Google?

Get published on high domain authority news websites.

Want to learn more

How to guides

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5 Best Traffic Methods

Here are the top 5 traffic sources to help boost your website or blog.

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7 Ways to Increase Ad Clicks

Increase your ad revenue by getting your visitors to click more on links with these 7 easy to implement actions.

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5 Tips to Reduce Bounce Rate

Keep visitors on your site long enough to convert into subscribers or buyers with these 5 tips.Not what you are looking for? See all guides 

 Bulk SEO Checker

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