Programming Apps For Pc

Programming is an extremely important part of the tech industry. Companies rely on it to create apps, websites, and other tools that make their businesses run smoothly. While some programmers have the skills to create these things by themselves, most need to work in teams or with other developers to get the job done.

There are a lot of different programming languages used around the world today—and each one has its own unique pros and cons. But there are a few common elements that appear in almost every language: variables, functions, loops, and conditionals. These four elements form the foundation for all programming languages in existence today—and they’re what you’ll learn about in this article!

Programming Apps For Pc

Development tools come in dozens of forms, including compilers, linkers, assemblers, debuggers, and performance analysis tools. The right tool can significantly increase your productivity and help you easily maintain the project’s workflow.

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One of the most basic programming software is the source code editor, which is used ubiquitously and continuously. It is basically a text editor program designed for writing and editing programming code.

Code editor can either be a standalone application or built into a web browser or integrated development environment (IDE). Since there are literally hundreds of Code Editors available in the market, it is difficult for developers to choose one.

To make this job easier, we have gathered a few best programming software that can speed up your coding process while offering plenty of useful features.

14. Eclipse


  • Great framework for building Java applications
  • Includes plenty of debugging options
  • Supports various build systems such as CMAKE
  • Easy to get standard plugins from the marketplace


  • It consumes a lot of RAM
  • Sometimes it crashes on loading big projects

Price: Free
Platform: Linux, macOS, Windows

Eclipse is an IDE that supports an extensible plug-in system for customizing the environment. Although it is primarily used for developing Java applications, you can use it to write apps in other programming languages as well (via plug-ins).

It checks compile-time errors while writing the code. And since it provides suggestions and has a great online community to help users, you can increase your pace of coding with this tool.

Eclipse manages multiple files and projects efficiently and supports a broad range of file formats with type-specific syntax formatting. It provides connectors for multiple databases and supports common DB access methods. Moreover, project integration into GIT is virtually seamless.

13. Geany


  • Lightweight and fast
  • Comes with a built-in plugin manager
  • Code completion and syntax highlighting
  • Extensive file-type support


  • Not as advanced as some other text editors
  • Windows version doesn’t properly support 2-byte characters such as Japanese and Chinese

Price: Free
Platform: Linux, macOS, Windows

Geany is an open-source, lightweight text editor, specifically designed to have short load times and limited dependencies on external libraries or separate packages.

It supports many programming and markup languages, including C, C#, C++, PHP, HTML, CSS JavaScript, Python, Perl, Haskell, and Pascal. Other common filetypes like Diff-output, SQL files, and ini-style config files are also supported.

Unlike other code editors, you don’t have to search through numerous syntax styles just to be able to change the used font. And since it features Real Syntax Parsing (not just coloring), it can display inner classes and methods in source code.

12. gedit


  • The UI is clean and minimal
  • Customizable theme
  • Multi-monitor editing and syntax highlighting
  • Available on all systems that use Gnome
  • Full support for internationalized text (UTF-8)


  • It misses many important features, including auto-complete for several languages

Price: Free
Platform: Linux, macOS, Windows

gedit is a lightweight yet powerful general-purpose text editor of the GNOME desktop environment. As per the philosophy of the GNOME project, it has a clean and simple GUI for editing source code and structured text like markup languages.

In addition to syntax highlighting for various programming languages, it also comes with spell checking features and all other basic options like Goto line, find and replace.

The tool could run fast on low-end PCs: it uses little memory and CPU resources while reading very large logs.

11. Brackets


  • Live preview system
  • Supports drag and drop
  • Supports Adobe PSD content
  • Vim-style editing is already built in the text editor
  • It is being actively maintained and developed


  • Lacks full screen and split-screen support
  • The shortcuts aren’t robust

Price: Free
Platform: Linux, macOS, Windows

Brackets is an open-source code editor developed by Adobe Systems. It primarily focuses on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript editing functionality.

The Live Preview pushes your code edits instantly to the browser to display an updated webpage as you modify the code. Another useful feature called Split-Screen enables you to easily work on CSS and actual code at the same time.

Brackets has a decent library of extensions such as prefixer that analyses your code and auto prefix CSS selectors. It is still relatively small in the text editor arena, but because of plenty of customization options and extensibility via plugins, implementing code feels effortless.

10. NetBeans


  • Easy to use and very efficient in code development
  • Supports multiple programming languages
  • Includes static analysis tool and batch code analyzer
  • Perfect for creating test scripts for automation testing


  • Consumes more RAM as compared to other IDEs
  • Sometimes it gets really slow when you compile and run programs

Price: Free
Platform: Linux, macOS, Windows

NetBeans is an open-source IDE that allows you to quickly develop mobile, desktop, and web apps with Java, C/C++, PHP, and more. Applications are developed from a group of modular software components called ‘modules.’

The tool doesn’t require any licensing and is quite easy to work on. You can indent code effortlessly: just define rules for the indentation of code in every language, and it will follow accordingly. You can also compare code across different files to know the differences between the code of different developers.

NetBeans integrates seamlessly with several web application servers such as GlassFish and Tomcat. It also works well with version control tools like GIT.

9. Vim


  • Works in terminal over SSHWorks in terminal over SSH
  • Includes multiple distinct editing modes
  • Supports tons of plugins/add-ons
  • Includes an interactive tutorial for beginners


  • Steep learning curve
  • UI looks outdated

Price: Free
Platform: Unix, Linux, macOS, Windows

Vim is open-source software designed for use both from a command-line interface and as a standalone tool in a GUI. It features automatic syntax and conversion to HTML, error list, set compiler, and automatic correction.

For better visualization, you can either change the size of the windows or split them horizontally/vertically. It has many commands to do typical things with the keyboard instead of the mouse. This increases your speed by at least two times.

Although it looks like a basic plain text editor, it’s a great productivity tool with tons of useful plugins. In the Stack Overflow developer survey (2019), Vim was the fifth most popular development environment.

8. TextMate



  • Its lightweight footprint makes it fast to load and use
  • Features an extensive library of plugins
  • Multi-line select and editing
  • Version control shows which files and lines have been changed recently


  • UI Seems a bit outdated
  • No block tabbing facility left or right

Price: Free
Platform: macOS

TextMate is a lightweight GUI text editor specifically designed for macOS. It features recordable macros, declarative customizations, folding sections, shell integration, and an extensive library of plugins.

It allows you to swap a piece of code and turn commonly used pieces of code into snippets with ease. Repetitive tasks can be eliminated with macros: either record a scratch macro for immediate replay or save them for repeated use.

It’s very beginner-friendly, and formatting can be extremely helpful in writing and debugging code.

7. Emacs


  • Content-aware editing modes
  • UI is highly customizable
  • Comprehensive documentation, including tutorials for beginners
  • Full Unicode support for almost all human scripts


  • There is a bit of a learning curve at the beginning
  • Shortcut key combinations seem odd

Price: Free
Platform: Linux, macOS, Windows

Emacs is a customizable and extensible text editor capable of achieving whatever the user wishes. It is packed with more than 10,000 built-in commands, which can be combined with macros to automate work.

Emacs features content-aware editing modes, full Unicode supports for almost all scripts, and the complete ecosystem of functionality beyond text editing, including news and mail reader, calendar, debugger interface, and project planner.

The tool is extensible with Lisp extensions, so you can get all the new benefits of modern IDEs like syntax highlighting, code-complete, static checking, and more by installing plug-ins.

6. AWS Cloud9


  • Interface is very simple and easy to use
  • Instantly run and maintain Lambda functions
  • Share code with team members in real-time
  • Integrates very well with other AWS tools


  • Doesn’t contain shortcut keys
  • Long setup process

Price: Free | $2.05 for 90-hour usage
Platform: Online IDE

AWS Cloud9 allows you to write, run, and debug source code with just a web browser. You don’t need to install files or configure the development machine to start new projects. It is packed with all the important tools required for popular programming languages.

The platform lets you define resources, debug, and switch between remote and local execution of serverless apps. You can also share your projects and pair code, and track your team’s inputs in real-time.

The fully-featured editor comes with a built-in terminal and image editor, collaborative editing, and chat feature so you can communicate with your team without having to leave the IDE.

5. IntelliJ IDEA


  • Great dark theme
  • Auto suggestions/completion
  • Plenty of configuration options
  • Good code analyzer for evaluating code execution and error detection
  • Seamless connectivity with third-party tools, such as Git


  • Indexing process sometimes can take a long time
  • Uses significant amount of system resources

Price: Free | $49.9 per month
Platform: Linux, macOS, Windows

Written in Java, IntelliJ IDEA integrates hundreds of features and tweaks that make programming easier. Smart code completion for a large variety of languages, support for the microservices framework, and built-in developer tools such as version control and terminal make this tool special.

Ranging from frontend JavaScript applications to backend Java, IntelliJ IDEA has proved itself to be one of the most versatile IDEs out there.

It is perfect for developers who have had experience with other JetBrains tools. For newbies, the user interface could be confusing as there are too many options and complex features.

4. Xcode


  • Alerts you when you make coding mistake
  • Version editor displays a running timeline of commits
  • Easily search and find anything within the Documentation
  • Server-side bots continuously build, analyze, test, and archive your projects


  • Consumes a lot of system resource, especially when multiple projects are open
  • Can’t handle anything non-native Apple-developed Swift

Price: Free
Platform: macOS

Xcode contains a suite of software development tools that includes most of Apple’s developer documentation and built-in Interface Builder. It is used for developing software for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS.

Xcode and Swift (a multi-paradigm language developed by Apple Inc) together make programming a delightfully live experience. The best thing about Xcode is you can just drag-drop the element, and your design is good to go.

The Interface Builder displays the live rendering of your code, instantly reflecting changes you made in code. Plugins are not that important for this tool: just keep the IDE updated for a seamless experience.

3. Visual Studio

Visual Code Editor


  • More than 20,000 extensions available
  • Full stack web development
  • Integration with Azure DevOps is excellent
  • A strong community of users
  • The tool is updated regularly


  • High system configuration required for smooth operation
  • More expensive than other developing case tools

Price: Free | $45.00 per month
Platform: Windows, macOS

Microsoft Visual Studio is a very powerful tool for creating websites, web services, and mobile applications. It is mostly used by small and midsize businesses to develop computer programs.

The code editor comes with IntelliSense (context-aware code completion feature), code refactoring, and an integrated debugger, which works as both a machine-level debugger and a source-level debugger.

The online community support for this tool is outstanding, and Microsoft continuously keeps the product up to date.

2. Sublime Text

Sublime Text


  • Provides numerous preferences which suits all users’s needs
  • Text highlights are great for debugging
  • Accurate syntax suggestions
  • Shortcuts and Macros improve efficiency


  • Doesn’t autosave documents
  • Often prompts to purchase a new version

Price: Free | $80 per license
Platform: Linux, Windows, macOS

Sublime Text is a sophisticated text editor for prose, code, and markup. It has a minimap on the side that provides a hierarchical view of files and keyboard shortcuts for most actions.

It’s a lightweight software written in C/C++ and Python. It can do a lot more heavy lifting without running into issues. There is a decent command palette that allows for an in-depth utilization of the editor.

Sublime Text allows users to customize every aspect of the tool and write code with speed and efficiency. It also makes it easier to link code to other pages of code. Overall, it does a great job of what it is meant to be.

1. Notepad++


  • Easy file read and write acess
  • Supports more than 60 programming/scripting languages
  • Saves the file automatically
  • Search and replace multiple files in one go


  • Sometimes hangs when dealing with large amount of data

Price: Free
Platform: Windows

Notepad++ is more than an editor: it’s a Notepad replacement that supports many different programming languages. It is written in C++ and uses Win32 and STL, which ensures smaller program size and higher execution speed.

It’s an excellent sidekick for coding projects. You can work on several documents at the same time, thanks to its multi-tab editing feature. The editor makes it easy to inspect files at all stages on embedded software projects, from HEX to C++ source.

In summary, Notepad++ is simply Microsoft Notepad, but on steroid. It does everything better and provides additional features to fulfill all your requirements.

Other Equally Great Programming Software

15. Komodo

Platform: Windows, Linux, macOS

Komodo uses Scintilla and Mozilla codebase. Its powerful editor is equipped with syntax highlighting, code refactoring, autocomplete, and many more features. It supports a wide range of programming languages, including Python, Ruby, SQL, Perl, JavaScript, Go, and PHP. 

The editor comes with a visual debugger that allows you to debug, inspect and test your code. The commercial version also adds a database explorer, code browsing, and support for numerous popular source code control systems.

16. KDevelop

Platform: Windows, Linux, macOS

Built on modern open source technology, KDevelop is capable of handling projects of any size. It has parser backends for OpenCL, Objective-C, JavaScript, C, and C++, with plugins supporting Python, Ruby, and PHP.At the core of the software lies the combination of a smart editor and semantic code analysis, which delivers an enhanced programming experience. It also provides seamless integration with various documentation providers.

17. CodeLite

Platform: Windows, Linux, macOS

CodeLite is specially built for C, C++, JavaScript, and PHP programming languages. It has a very simple and easy-to-use interface. You can configure it to write code in any language.

The software features source browsing, syntax highlighting, code completion, code refactoring, and project management. It supports cscope integration, Subversion integration, and UnitTest++ integration, which is a lightweight unit testing framework for C++.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an IDE?

IDE stands for Integrated Development Environment. It allows developers to consolidate different aspects of writing a program. It enhances developers’ productivity by combining three elements into a single application: editing source code, building executables, and debugging.

Some of the most popular IDEs, such as Eclipse and NetBeans, contain additional features (like refactoring and code search) and include the ability to customize workflows to match a programmer’s needs and preferences.

What is the best coding app for iOS?

While most programmers work on desktops and laptops, few realize that their smartphones can handle large projects too. Today, we have many iPhone and iPad applications that help you write and inspect code from scratch.

  • Swift Playgrounds makes it easy to learn and experiment with code
  • Pythonista is a complete scripting environment for Python
  • Textastic is a versatile text, code, and markup editor.
  • Buffer Editor allows you to develop software, view code, and take notes on the go.
  • Koder Code Editor is a fully-baked development environment with support for over 80 programming languages
What is the best software for developing games

If you are looking for tools to make your own games, you can use GameMaker: Studio, Unity, Stencyl, and Blender. These are the top four game development software for creating both easy and complex games.

programming apps for laptop


Platform: Web

coding apps is a non-profit project dedicated to teaching kids of various ages and ability levels computer programming skills. The main goal of this organization is to present every student with the chance to master coding.

Filled with an impressive number of game-like interactive lessons available in different languages and exclusive videos in which such figures as Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and even former President Barack Obama share their knowledge and opinions on the subject of coding – is truly a great place for getting kids excited about computer sciences and programming.

From app development to game design and website creation – has courses on a variety of topics and stages of coding. Apart from that, the organization also offers App Lab, a tool that makes it easy for kids to create and share their projects.

App Lab is an amazing web-based coding app that in many ways resembles Scratch. It uses the same drag-and-drop interface and a block-based coding system that makes it super easy for kids to develop programs.

In this app, students can design and share simple apps in a matter of seconds. Then they can code in JavaScript with either blocks or text, depending on their preferences or coding skills.

What sets this app apart is its unique option to switch from a drag-and-drop block system to “text mode”. The ability to transition between these two modes and see their text-based code side-by-side with their block-based sequence makes learning to write code easier than ever before.

App Lab also has an asset manager that lets students upload images and sounds they want to use in their coding projects. This opens a whole lot of possibilities that will surely keep students entertained while playing around in App Lab.

2. CodaKid

Platform: Web

CodaKid is an award-winning online kid’s coding school that teaches youngsters computer programming using real coding languages and professional tools. We accomplish this by teaching kids to program drones, create professional-grade video games, build apps, and code Minecraft mods.

With over 500 hours of student projects, CodaKid has several app development courses that educate kids on how to build their own mobile game apps from the ground up, including Game Programming 1 with JavaScript and Game Programming 2 with JavaScript The classes are self-paced and they come with live support from a team of super-friendly, experienced engineers who love working with kids. We now also feature Python programming for kids, Unity3D courses, and even Web Development with HTML/CSS.

CodaKid courses are designed to teach kids how to code and fully comprehend computer programming concepts, such as conditionals, loops, and methods. Youngsters easily master the basics and are able to create their own lines of code and innovate in no time.

We at CodaKid believe that coding is a skill that anyone can learn. Our track record proves that teaching kids to write code can be quite fun and inventive. To us, coding is more than a job skill. It’s an extremely powerful and valuable tool that can transform a child’s imagination into reality.

Teaching your kids to the program doesn’t necessarily mean that you are investing in a future where they’ll be sitting in front of an office computer developing apps for their employer. Coders develop games, create animations, and solve all kinds of problems. Once your kids master the skill – the possibilities are limitless! CodaKid’s main and only mission is to get students to acknowledge the fun side of coding and all the possibilities that come with learning how to successfully communicate with machines!

Since 2014, CodaKid has taught thousands of kids in over 80 countries to code like the pros. We’d like to think that we’re just starting and have plans to do even more in the future. Our camps and courses are unique because they are focused on individual students and small groups. We always encourage self-initiative and nurture kids’ curiosity. That has proven to be the most effective, engaging and fun way to learn.

3. BitsBox

Platform: Web

BitsBox is a fun subscription service that delivers monthly coding projects for kids. Even though the emphasis is on fun, every package has an extremely valuable education side to it. BitsBox projects teach children how to build functioning apps and apps for real devices. The narrative of every project centers around the concepts of free play, imitation, and repetition. BitsBox takes the process of learning to code, for example, in JavaScript, and chops the process in small, digestible chunks, that will surely keep kids engaged.

Here’s how the service works:

Once you subscribe, BitsBox will start delivering themed packages each month. The packages include toys, play accessories, and nicely illustrated books. Your kid can choose which project they’d like to complete. Next, once they find the one that interests them the most, the instruction directs them towards the official BitsBox site. After they land on the homepage, the students need to type in the code of the app they’re interested in.

coding apps

The site will then run the app on a computer, and they will need to scan the QR code of the app they want to try. At that point, users will be granted access to the projects and all their features. Whatever changes they make on a desktop computer, they will automatically sync on a phone or tablet.

BitsBox is a fun and extremely useful app that approaches learning to code like learning any other human language. This company offers an impressive number of projects that teach coding across different ages and skill levels. They believe that your kid will never get bored with their service because BitsBox offers one of the friendliest and most engaging ways to learn computer programming.

4. CodeCombat

Platform: Web

coding apps

Best suited for older kids, CodeCombat promotes learning of different computer programming syntaxes and structures.

The game is super easy to set up. All the players have to do is create an account, log in and start playing! New players are allowed to skip the tutorials and go straight to the forest where they the actual game starts. Of course, this isn’t really advisable for inexperienced coders. If your kids don’t know the ABCs of coding in their sleep, they should start from the beginning.

The gameplay is quite simple: Once the game starts, the screen is split in two. The right side displays a code editor, while the left brings up a labyrinth. Inside the labyrinth, the players see their character. Using Python, JavaScript, and other programming platforms and languages, players control their on-screen characters. They make them move around, battle and defeat enemies.

Commands have to be typed in correctly in order to move the character. The game rewards clean code and intelligent thinking. If users write messy code or continue to produce robust coding solutions – their warriors will wander aimlessly around until they’re killed.

At first, CodeCombat can be challenging for beginners. But for those who are willing to put in the work – CodeCombat offers a fun learning experience. The levels are well-designed, and the hints actually help players overcome challenges and pick up valuable coding tips.

Levels and missions gradually increase in difficulty, so players are constantly challenged and encouraged to tryout new concepts and improve their coding skills. If they get stuck somewhere along the game, players can turn to the CodeCombat community for help. The no-code policy prevents community members from physically writing lines of code for other players, which is great because your kids won’t be able to cheat their way through the game.

5. KhanAcademy

Platform: Web

Khan Academy is a well-known website and an app where youngsters can learn everything from K-12 math, chemistry, biology, arts, history, to computer science and programming.

The best thing about this app is that it allows full access to Khan Academy’s extensive video library on the go. With over 3000 educational videos available in its repository, the Khan Academy app has a reputation online as a great tool for kids who are interested in expanding their existing knowledge on any number of different subjects.

For aspiring coders over the age of 15- the Khan Academy website is a nice place to start. The site offers multi-hour, self-paced courses in JavaScript, HTML/CSS, and SQL. These courses teach kids how to build graphics, interactive visualization, animations, and more.

The students can quickly pick up where they left off and download videos or entire lists and watch them at their own pace. If you sign up as a coach, the app will notify you every time your student completes a challenge. Once your child passes the starting courses, you can enroll them in other advanced courses.

Everything on Khan Academy is free. All your kids need to start learning is an account. The courses are available to everyone in the world, as long as they have a good enough Internet connection to download the app.

The only real downside to using the Khan Academy app is that it’s limited to just playing videos. The site itself gives students the possibility to test what they’ve learned while watching the videos through exercises and actual coding assignment. With the app, these key features are not accessible.

coding apps

6. Kodable

Platform: iPad App

For those with an iPad, Kodable is an excellent, free app that helps teach kids complex programming procedures. Best of all, the platform makes it portable and easy for children to use on the go. This means you won’t have to map out too much time to deliberately sit down and use it!

Kodable functions with easy, comprehensive lesson plans. These plans are particularly focused on student outcomes, making it easy for teachers to teach students to code without any computer science background required. The coding languages that Kodable will dive into include Python, Javascript, HTML, CSS, Java, and more.

Gameplay with Kodable centers around choosing a character to roll through levels. This character will encounter directional, rotational, color coding, and looping procedures. The levels will grow in difficulty and complexity, so they can match the pace of the student’s learning. That said, there are times when it can get slightly repetitive.

The reason that this app is great for beginners is in the way that it breaks down complicated topics. It will take key computer science principles and break them up into basic concepts kids can understand. This will help them to build a strong, thorough foundation for the rest of their computer science education.

Kodable also teaches soft skill topics that are relevant to computer science as well as other areas of life. Things like communication and social-emotional skills are critical when it comes to the real world of computer science. Best of all? They are transferable to virtually every other area of life as well, even if computer science doesn’t end up being a student’s ultimate goal and passion.

Through Kodable, students will have the opportunity to choose from over 70 lessons with both on-screen and off-screen activities. Lessons include instructional guidance, vocabulary, and study materials to ensure a student’s success. These plans work well as either a pure computer science focus or as a complement to areas like math, ELA, robotics, and more.

7. codeSpark Academy

Platform: Apple/Android AppVideo Player00:0002:10

There is a reason that codeSpark Academy is an award-winning app – and it’s available for both Apple and Android devices! This is another application with a fantastic, game-like interface that will teach kids to code and keep them enthusiastic about learning.

The great thing about using a fun game to teach kids how to code is that they will forget that they’re even learning! They’ll be too caught up in having fun that they won’t look at it as homework or a chore, but rather a fun activity they can do in place of more tedious and monotonous work.

With codeSpark Academy, kids will learn to code with lovable characters known as ‘The Foos’. Each world they will explore teaches fundamental coding concepts. To learn these concepts, kids use logic and problem-solving skills that will help The Foos complete their necessary tasks. On top of teaching core concepts, kids will also learn to stretch their creativity as they shape and control their story along the way.

This app has a word-free design that makes it fun and appropriate for even young children and pre-readers. By starting kids off this young, they can truly get a jump start with computer science and have a much easier time as topics get more advanced. It also supports independence and autonomy since the puzzles give kids a chance to learn without excessive help from a teacher or parent every step of the way. This is a key part of building confidence and lasting results.

codeSpark introduces a variety of computer science topics that are central to a student’s foundation. This includes everything from sequencing to conditionals. Kids can embark on exciting challenges by learning algorithms that can automate their pet care center or solve math inequalities to explore a hidden temple.

The open play area in the app gives kids a chance to create and code their own games! Upon completion, kids can then share their creations with the community of kid coders. They can even code interactive stories that include custom voice recordings and photos. Best of all? The app contains no advertisements or in-game purchases, so you don’t have to worry about accidental charges from your curious child!

8. Tynker

Platform: iPad App

Another great application designed for the iPad is Tynker. This is a revolutionary app that uses code blocks to teach young kids how to program. It’s another excellent resource for pre-readers and beginners since kids will use visual code blocks that represent more complex coding concepts.

Throughout the game, kids will progress through vital coding languages like Python and JavaScript as they play through over 2,000 interest-driven activities. They solve engaging, story-based challenges that will gradually introduce new concepts that will build a strong foundation for their computer science education.

Tynker has a number of apps to choose from, making it possible to create a collection if a child is entertained and interested. There is Tynker, Tynker Junior, and Mod Creator that kids can download and use to code, create, and mod on a tablet. Being able to use the program on an on-the-go device makes it fantastic for kids who are already busy with school and activities.

The coding lessons in Tynker guide kids along a path where they will periodically earn badges as rewards for their hard work. Lessons include interactive modules, mini-games, projects, and puzzles that will teach kids the basics of computer science. Essentially, kids will solve the puzzles and tasks presented in the form of a buggy code that they will have to figure out how to fix.

9. Lightbot

Platform: Android/Apple App

Lightbot is a coding game for kids

Lastly, we have one more app for both Apple and Android. While it may seem that LightBot is intended solely for beginners, it is actually a great resource that grows with the user. The further you level up, the more you realize the game is a great logic activity for more advanced players as well.

Lightbot is a challenging programming puzzle that teaches students the logic of coding through basic concepts. As you provide guidance for the robot to help him light all the blue tiles, you are actually being introduced to coding basics. The commands are fairly simple, but throughout the game, you encounter some of the computer programming terminologies, like loops and conditionals.

Students will be provided with brief instructions at the start of a level that make it easy to follow without distracting complications. Completing one level will unlock the next one, so students are motivated to keep achieving and learning so as to unlock more exciting challenges.

The increasing difficulty of the levels makes this a great resource for kids of all ages. Young beginners and more advanced teenagers alike can solve puzzles and learn vital skills like sequencing, overloading, procedures, recursive loops, and conditionals. Millions of kids are already using this app, and there is a reason for its popularity!


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