Seo Tools Anti Plagiarism

Plagiarism is a serious problem that affects a lot of writers. It can be difficult to avoid, but there are several tools available to help you keep your writing original and unique.

Seo Tools Anti Plagiarism

The plagiarism checker free utility offered on SmallSEOTools’ is second to none due to the advantages it provides to its users. From students to teachers, researchers, writers, publishers, and bloggers, everyone can gain the top benefits of SmallSEOTools’ plagiarism detector, which include the following:

Quick and Hassle-Free

The plagiarism checker online tool available on this platform is a super-fast utility that generates results within a matter of seconds. For using this plagiarism detector, the users won’t have to follow any convoluted procedure. The user-friendly interface of this facility makes the process to check plagiarism free from all kinds of intricacies.

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Multi-Platform Supportive

Our plagiarism detector is a web-based tool that can be accessed through any kind of device. You won’t have to install a plugin or software for checking duplication with this plagiarism checker online utility.

Whether you have an Android, iOS, Windows, Linux, or Mac device, you can easily access our online plagiarism remover and figure out the instances of plagiarism in a couple of clicks. All you need to check plagiarism online on SmallSEOTools is to connect your device with a stable internet connection.

Free of Cost

There are no costs involved with the usage of SmallSEOTools’ duplicate content checker. The users aren’t asked to pay a single penny for the consumption of this online plagiarism check service. No matter how many pieces of text you need to check for plagiarism, you can use this plagiarism detector as many times as you desire without facing any restriction or paying any charges.

Find Matching Sources

When it comes to detecting plagiarism, everybody desires to know about the links from where their text matches. The best free plagiarism checker by SmallSEOTools not only detects the plagiarized portions of your text but also provides you with a list of sources from where your entered text is matching. If you want to keep the list of matching sources as evidence, you can download the plagiarism scan report for free with a single click.


A list of key features:

1. Billions of web pages

This tool has the ability to check plagiarism by matching your content against billions of webpages on the Internet. Once you upload your content, it will automatically run it against every existing content on the web within seconds, making it the most sophisticated yet fastest plagiarism scanner you’ll ever come across in your lifetime.

2. Automatic rewriting feature

It has an option for automatically rewriting the content you run on it in just one click. If your content contains plagiarized work, all you have to do is click on the rewrite option and you’ll be taken to our auto-paraphrasing tool, where your content will be updated immediately. This is a built-in feature available right inside the tool for absolutely free.

3. Multiple document formats

Our similarity checker allows you to upload different formats of documents including .doc, .docx, .txt, .tex, .rtf, .odt, and .pdf. This means it does not matter what format your content takes, as long as it is digital, our tool will do the rest of the work.

4. URL integration

With this free online plagiarism test tool, not only are you able to upload different formats of documents, you can also check plagiarism via a website URL. Simply enter the webpage URL and click the “Check Plagiarism” button and you’re good to go.

5. Reporting option

Our anti-plagiarism engine comes with a reporting option which allows you to download a report of the plagiarism search you run. This means you now have some sort of evidence to send across to the relevant parties and a record to keep. Awesome!

6. Sharing option

How about an option for sharing the plagiarism report generated? Would you like that right INSIDE the tool, too? Well, we got you covered!

7. Multiple languages

This feature allows you to check plagiarism on documents in other languages other than English. So whether your content is written in русский, 日本語, italiano, français, Português, Español, Deutsche, 中文, our tool can speak your language.

8. Cloud compatibility

Live in the cloud? Our originality checker is able to check content from the cloud, including Google Drive and Dropbox. Simply choose where your content lives in the cloud and pick the particular piece of document you want to run, and our copyright checker will do the rest.

9. Local storage

If your content is rather local, living in a file within your computer, then you can upload it directly from the local storage.

10. Percentage gauges

Once you’ve uploaded your content and clicked to check for plagiarism, our duplication checker will show you, in percentages, the levels of both plagiarized and unique content in the document. For example, it’ll let you know that 82% of the content is unique while 18% is plagiarized.

11. A list-based, sentence-wise result

The tool does not stop at showing you the percentage levels of plagiarized and unique content. It also shows you, in a list format for easy detection, both plagiarized (if any) and unique areas of the content piece, sentence-by-sentence. Plagiarized sentences are shown in red while the unique ones are shown in green for your convenience.

12. Highlighted document view

With just one click, you can also see the result in a document view, where the whole content is displayed in one document and the plagiarized materials are highlighted in red.

13. Ability to view matched results

Right within the tool, you can view the external content that matches the red sentences in your document. Plus, the URL of the external webpage is added for a quick and easy examination of the content.

14. One-click comparison feature

After the results are in, you can click on the “Compare” button on any red (plagiarized) line to go to Google and compare that particular content with similar ones already published on the web. Great for finding where the plagiarized content is coming from.

15. Exclude Specific URL

If you don’t want to detect plagiarism for a specific URL? Simply Insert that URL in the Exclude URL box and that’ll be done for you automatically, Copied (plagiarized) content from that URL won’t be countered as plagiarism.

16. Plagiarism Checker API

If you want to develop a real-time multitasking plagiarism detection system, incorporated into your website, then we have your back. The Plagiarism Checker API offers you a great API integration solution. This completely eliminates the need to check each and every article for every student individually and saves you hours upon hours of work and headache.

You can check plagiarism for multiple essays, thesis or assignments of your students in just one click. This also works great for big websites who accept dozens of articles from contributors frequently.

17. Plagiarism Checker WordPress Plugin

The Small SEO Tools Plagiarism Checker also has its version of WordPress plugin for checking plagiarism. With it, you don’t need to waste precious time copying and pasting the whole content of your post. Simply install the plugin, and whenever you are working on a new post or page content, click on the “Check Plagiarism” button and the plugin will automatically start checking the full content, sentence-by-sentence.

You can also compare plagiarized content within the plugin by clicking on sentences. With this plugin, you don’t have to worry about your content being stolen or the search engines penalizing your site for content duplication.

Importance of Plagiarism detection

Whether you know it or not, plagiarism does affect you in some way. It doesn’t matter whether you’re the content creator or the one who consumes the content, plagiarism affects us all.

As a content creator (writer, author, researcher, student, freelancer, blogger, social media manager, etc. It’s no news that you should be regularly checking to be sure that nobody is copying your content without your permission or giving you credit.

But much more than that, you also have to always run your content on a plagiarism detection tool before publishing or submitting it to be sure that your work does not contain plagiarism.

Why? Because plagiarism is an act of academic dishonesty, a breach of journalistic ethics, and above all, a publishing crime.

As such, you don’t want to fall victim. If your work contains plagiarized content, whether intentionally or by ignorance, you stand to face serious penalties including:

  • Legal actions
  • Monetary restitution and fines
  • Damaged reputation

This is not to mention other consequences like SEO content duplication penalties and lowered rankings, lost trust, possible academic sanctions, and more.

Now, on the other end of the spectrum, as a content consumer or user (reader, professor or teacher who vets students’ work, client of freelance writers, etc.), it is equally important to check for plagiarism before accepting or taking action on any content you come across or submitted to you.

And that is why we created the Plagiarism Checker by Small SEO Tools.

This tool is carefully designed to help you easily and quickly detect plagiarism in any digital text-based content.

It is used and trusted by millions of people all around the world and can easily boast of being the single most sophisticated, feature-rich, user-friendly content checker online.

Yet, we decided to make it 100% free.


Would you like to see all these features for yourself? Start using the tool right now. It is 100% FREE.

This premium-level online tool is extremely easy to use, reliable and provides amazingly accurate results. It is useful for checking plagiarism irrespective of whether your content is an academic work, blog post, ebook, news article, term paper, landing page content, website page content, social media content, email newsletter, and so on.

Built by our dedicated in-house team of highly talented developers, the Plagiarism Checker delivers results super fast. In fact, you can expect results in as little as 0.83 second for 1,000 words per search.

We respect user privacy, and hence do not save your content in our system. Once the tool is done running the plagiarism check on your content, it automatically deletes it from our system immediately.

Go to the Plagiarism Checker page to learn more about the tool and also learn how to use it.

most effective seo techniques

1. Keyword targeting

Keywords are phrases that are commonly searched for on Google, Bing, etc. and they are a crucial part of determining your website’s rankings. Use the right amount of keywords in the right places and in time you’ll see your pages climb up the leaderboards.

SEO strategy 2021 keywords

Keywords that a car dealership may be researching (using our Free Keyword Tool).

Keyword strategy has changed a lot over the years, it used to just be stuff as many in there as possible, but lots of content then became spammy and sites were ultimately penalized by Google’s algorithms. These days, you need to do your keyword research, use a wide variety of keywords, and fit them in naturally. Google gets smarter by the day, so they’ll make you work for it.

For more help with keywords, check out:

  • How to Rank for a Keyword in 10 Steps
  • The 18 Best Keyword Research Tools for Every Need
  • How to Find Long-Tail Keywords

2. Metadata

You can think of metadata almost as your shop window. Your meta title and meta description are the first things a user sees in the SERP which influences whether or not they click.

Also, Google uses what are known as ‘crawlers’ (imagine tiny robot spiders), to scan through websites and collect information that matches search queries. By including keywords in your meta data (including image tags and heading tags) Google can more quickly understand the relevance of your page.

killer seo strategy 2021 meta data

3. Backlinks

As we move into the more technical side of things, another crucial factor in SEO performance is acquiring backlinks. This is when another website links to yours in an article or blog post. Not only does this help you gain what is known as domain authority, but it also directly improves the chances of people clicking through to your website if it appears on other reliable domains.

Seo strategy 2021 link building

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You can earn organic links by simply writing engaging content: the better your work and the more closely you match with a person’s search intent, the more likely others in your industry are to reference your site. This overarching process is known as link-building and while you can simply reach out to other sites to trade links—quid pro quo—there a plenty of other activities that can help speed up this process:

  • Guest blogging.
  • Testimonials.
  • Answering questions on sites like Quora.
  • Creating shareable content such as videos and infographics.
  • Using industry contacts and sharing on social (e.g. LinkedIn).

4. Technical SEO

Carrying on from that, there are various other technical issues in the back end of your site that once addressed, can make a huge difference in your overall SEO results. At the end of the day, if your website’s UX isn’t smooth and accessible, it’s going to be hard for any visitor to do anything significant on your website. For context, over 50% of all online traffic is mobile, so when it comes to things like UX, the technical stuff matters.

Whether it’s ensuring site speeds are quick, removing ‘toxic’ backlinks (links to websites that are deemed irrelevant or untrustworthy etc.), or creating a clear XML sitemap with a clean URL structure, all of these technical SEO tips can be huge when it comes to securing those higher rankings. You don’t want anything to get in the way of SEO doing its job, which is allowing for people to find your website organically.

Are you making SEO mistakes? Get a free SEO audit with the LOCALiQ website grader!

5. SEO metrics

You can’t do effective SEO if you don’t know what “effective” means! You’ll need to have a thorough understanding of SEO metrics in order to measure, analyze, and improve your SEO strategy.

Why is organic traffic and SEO important?

If you’re looking for longevity and cost-effectiveness when it comes to your digital marketing, organic search strategies driven by SEO can’t be beaten. Not only is SEO cheaper than paid advertising but its effects are longer lasting. While PPC campaigns need to be renewed and bidding costs fluctuate, SEO tracking tools use organic data to compile lists of keywords and continue to throw up more content ideas the deeper you dig.

SEO strategy 2021 keywords ideas

Admittedly, SEO can feel like a slow burn at first. Nevertheless, you can start to see serious upturns in your overall traffic and rankings after a few months. Furthermore, the longer you stay at it, the more backlinks and site authority you build, meaning you can go for even bigger and better keywords, and so on and so forth.

Even starting at the other end of the spectrum—targeting long-tail keywords and more detailed variants—especially when it comes to content and specific sub-topics, is an excellent way for SMBs to see results early and build a platform towards momentum. 

Over a third of Google’s total search queries feature four or more words (i.e. long-tail keywords). Not only are these keywords less competitive and therefore easier to rank for, but they can also still drive plenty of cumulative traffic organically.

8 tips to build an effective SEO strategy in 2022

It isn’t always about trying to go for the most popular search terms and expecting to be able to compete with the big fish right out of the gate. It’s about knowing your audience and trying to provide the content, information, and overall service they want/need. With that in mind, here are eight SEO tips that are just as effective now in 2021 as they have always been.

You may also be interested in our epic website audit checklist (with a six-tab Google Sheet) to help you out with your strategy.

1. Write for humans first and search engines second

As mentioned already, the Google algorithm gets smarter by the day and using constant human input, continues to better align with our thinking. That being said, there is no clever loophole or magic formula to outwit a search engine, so don’t bother trying. Write for humans first and search engines second.

Ultimately, your priority should always be to provide your audience with what they are looking for, and that only comes through writing engaging and fundamentally naturalistic content. Anyone can spot a keyword that’s been shoehorned in and stuffing is even more blatant, so fit them in where it makes sense and allow driving keywords to elevate your already informative and valuable content.

2. Use targeted keywords in all the right places

Whilst the motivation should always be humans first, search engines second, the bedrock of this whole process is keywords. Not only do they get to the heart of what visitors and Google are looking for by isolating common search terms, but SEO also drives 1000%+ more traffic than organic social media, which itself dominates over half of all online traffic. So, if keywords are at the heart of SEO, they should be at the heart of everything you do, too.

However, once again, it isn’t about just chucking them in left, right, and center. It all starts with keyword research. Use SEO tools like Google Ads, Ahrefs and even simple on-site search bars to identify broad search intent and your “seed” keywords.

Then dig deeper to find more long-tail variants, study competitors to find keyword gaps, and don’t forget to include them in your metadata as well as the anchor text for your links. Lastly, remember not to keyword stuff. Fit them in naturally so as not to disrupt the readability of your copy.

easy guide to keyword research: intent funnel

3. Focus on user experience (UX)

There is nothing worse than having to navigate a site that you can barely use. In fact, after more than a few seconds of frustration, most people don’t bother and Google will struggle to make the best out of it too. Things like dead links, error pages, and messy site structures will all impact what people take away from your website.

Not only do users value a good experience and easy navigation, but this seamlessness also helps Google’s crawlers scan your content and determine your SERP rankings. Use headings and short, easy to read paragraphs, tidy up your sub-folders, and optimize for mobile. All of these things will help to reduce your bounce rate, improve your rankings, and generate better conversion overall.

And now that Core Web Vitals have become a ranking factor via the page experience update, you should be optimizing page speed more than ever.

4. Focus on building relevant links

As mentioned, another key aspect in building domain reputation/site authority is link-building. We’ve already touched upon why outbound/external links are important: you not only enhance the information you are providing but you can receive reciprocal backlinks through outreach, etc.

Furthermore, links are a key ranking factor. Bots/crawlers discover content by following links through to subsequent pages and judging how relevant they are to a search query. This goes for internal linking as well, so don’t be afraid to link to other useful pages on your site where necessary and where it feels natural. 51% of marketers notice an impact after one to three months of implementing a link-building strategy.

We talk a lot about link building in our 10-step SEO audit—check it out.

5. Format content for Featured Snippets

Featured snippets pretty much rule SERPs these days. It’s likely that you’re familiar with them even if you haven’t heard the term before. They are the highlighted answer boxes that appear at the top of the pages for most search queries. If you manage to earn a featured snippet, you’re doing something right.

There are certain formatting and stylistic choices you can make to up your chances of landing a featured snippet: bullet points, numbered lists, infographics and answering question-based searches directly, to name a few.

Whilst there is data that shows snippets don’t always result in direct clicks, as the search query is answered in the Google preview itself, over 19% of SERPs have featured snippets and counting. They are great for raising brand awareness and getting your name out there. Therefore, the clicks will still come.

Seo strategy 2021 featured snippet

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6. Remove anything that slows down your site

Once again, it can’t be overstated how simple it is to get the technical stuff right in order for your website and specific content to speak for itself. Whether you’re writing informative blogs, selling a product/service, or simply pointing someone in the right direction, your site needs to be quick, accessible, and easy to use.

These days, people expect instant information and instant results. If your site takes an age to load, they’ll simply move on.

There are a number of ways you can improve site speed and the overall smoothness of your UX: delete old/defunct plugins, clean up your code, optimize and compress your images, make sure your sub-folders flow and make sense, and use tools like Google Page Speed Insights or GTmetrix to continue monitoring in the future.

7. Pay attention to Google algorithm updates

We’ve briefly touched on this already but Google gets smarter and more intuitive by the day. The core updates and tweaks to the algorithm are constant and often unexpected, with sites either benefitting or being penalized for how closely they adhere to the most recent update.

killer seo strategy 2021 core algorithm update

Rankings and penalties are determined by a variety of factors: accessibility, speed, excessive advertising or spammy content, etc.

Whilst it can’t always be avoided, there are a few easy steps you can take to stay in touching distance. Firstly, subscribe to industry websites and forums to keep track of recent/impending updates.

Google’s Search Console Community is a good start – and make sure to closely track your traffic using services like Google Analytics and SEMrush to see where updates may have occurred, so you can then adjust accordingly.

8. Improve existing content & add missing subtopics

Lastly, you need to remember that there is no real finish line when it comes to your SEO strategy. Constant updates and battling with your competitors means that there’s always work to be done, not to mention that you can still improve on what you’ve done already.

If you haven’t been using SEO properly already, going back and updating content with keywords, backlinks, and better readability is a great way to get started. You can even ensure that pages that have been performing better maintain traffic growth or build upon that standard by regularly updating them.

Circling back to your keyword research, this is a great opportunity to use these phrases and competitor analysis as the basis for a long-term content plan. Each keyword should branch off into a plethora of others and with that comes more ideas for content.

Rather than writing, say, one piece of a specific topic, make it a ‘cornerstone’ article from which a number of other more specific ones spawn. A proper content audit can be done using tools like SEMrush and Yoast; adding and updating old content can double your traffic —just try to make it as evergreen as possible and be sure to use that internal and external linking we talked about.


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