Seo Tools For Amazon

As an Amazon seller, you know that the product listing is an essential part of your business. You need to make sure it’s optimized for search engines and potential customers. This requires a lot of research, keyword research, and testing—and you’re probably already doing it.

But what if there were a tool that would help you with this? One that could do the heavy lifting for you? That would streamline your process, while also saving time and money?

Well, there is! We’re excited to introduce our new [product name], which will give you access to all the tools you need to optimize your listings on Amazon.

Seo Tools For Amazon

As with Google, YouTube, and many other places on the internet, if you want your products to rank well on Amazon, you need to ensure that you follow good SEO practices. There are many Amazon SEAO tools and services that you can use to help you.

Amazon is much more than just an eCommerce store. It acts as a marketplace, and you can sell your goods via the platform. However, you often face fierce competition as a seller. And despite the potential size of an Amazon audience, nobody will buy your goods if they can’t see them. 

Amazon calls its search engine A9. If you want to succeed on Amazon, you have to ensure that A9 knows of your existence and that you play by the algorithm’s rules. A9 does evolve, and luckily, most of the developers of most of the tools and services we reference here regularly update their apps to reflect A9’s changes.

1. Helium 10

Amazon Keyword ResearchInput a seed keyword or ASIN to uncover thousands of competitive and relevant search termsBy keywordsProduct ASINGet keywords

Helium 10 offers various tools related to product research, keyword research, listing optimization, operations, analytics, and marketing. The most relevant tools for Amazon SEO are their Cerebro, Magnet, and Misspellinator keyword research tools, and their Frankenstein, Scribbles, Index Checker, and Listing Analyzer listing optimization tools, along with their Portals landing page builder. In addition, Helium 10 offers a free Amazon keyword research tool.

With Helium 10’s free Amazon keyword research tool, you begin by inputting a seed keyword or ASIN. The tool will suggest thousands of competitive and relevant search terms that you can use to optimize your listing or reveal your competitors’ keyword strategy with a reverse ASIN search.

2. Seller App

sellerapp amazon seo tool

Seller App includes a range of tools covering marketing, sales, and operations to supercharge your Amazon business.  Some of these revolve around keyword research, keyword tracking, and PPC analysis.

You can use their Amazon keyword tracker to discover your listing’s rank for given keywords. Improve your optimization strategies by focusing on keywords that matter. It includes essential metrics like page rank, position, change in position, and search visibility. It will help you perceive the impact of any changes that you make in your Amazon SEO strategies immediately and observe the difference in your listings’ position over time.

3. Seller Labs PRO

seo tool for amazon

Seller Labs PRO (Product Revenue Optimization) is a platform that allows you to manage your business with a comprehensive Amazon seller software designed to maximize profits and drive growth. With Seller Labs PRO, you can manage and monitor your sales, reviews, and profitability all in one place.

Amazon sellers can use Seller Lab PRO’s Keyword Performance Center to supercharge their business with real data and sell more. You can expand your related keyword lists, track top performers, and see the keywords with the highest ranking based on search volume, estimated sales, and CPC. You can follow as many keywords and products as you want.

4. AMZScout

search engine optimization for amazon

AMZScout includes multiple Amazon product research tools. They claim their Full plan offers everything you need to find and launch products, create listings, track performance, and much more. You can spy on your competitors, monitoring their sales, pricing, keywords they use, and even their stock levels.

AMZScout keyword tools give you all the keywords needed to make an attractive product listing and run a PPC campaign. Use perfect listing and a PPC campaign to reach top search results on Amazon and boost sales up to 400%.

5. Keyword Tool for Amazon

keyword and seo tool for amazon

This is a tool that does precisely what it says. Keyword Tool uses Amazon autocomplete (or search suggestion feature) to generate many relevant keywords that you can use for Amazon listing keyword optimization or other purposes. It can help buyers find your products more easily.

You can opt between a free version of the tool or a paid version, Keyword Tool Pro. The Pro version provides on average two times more Amazon keywords in comparison to the free version. It also gives you access to other useful features to make your keyword research process much easier and faster.

6. Sonar – Free Amazon Keyword Tool

free amazon seo tool

Sonar is Sellics’ free Amazon keyword tool. It helps Amazon sellers, vendors, and agencies find all relevant keywords for their businesses, increase product listing visibility, and improve Amazon SEO. It selects from more than 180 million keywords generated by real Amazon shoppers in multiple languages. The tool only includes keywords for which the ASIN is ranking on the first page of Amazon search results at the time of the most recent database update.

The Sonar Amazon keyword tool can also identify and track competitors’ keywords with a reverse ASIN lookup. 

7. MerchantWords

MerchantWords offers a suite of tools and services designed to grow your business on Amazon. You can select from their Silver, Gold, or Platinum plans, with the higher plans offering more tools and capabilities. MerchantWords data comes directly from the Amazon autocomplete search bar. They capture search trends as they happen, so you can see how shoppers search for products around the world.

One of MerchantWords’ reports is a Digital Shelf diagnostic report. You can use this to uncover new and unused keyword opportunities for SEO and PPC. It can help you understand your market reach, how your ASIN ranks among others in its category, as well as the top-ranking keywords you share – or might be missing. You can see the titles, images, and key performance indicators for your closest competitors.

8. Keyword Inspector

Keyword Inspector is a suite of individual tools to help Amazon Sellers gain an advantage over their competition. Each tool is separate, but you can rely on multiple tools at once to help you find/sell/optimize more products faster on Amazon.

The main tools in Keyword Inspector are:

  • Reverse ASIN Keyword Tool
  • KIPRT (Keyword Inspectors Product Research Tool)
  • Keyword Trends Tool
  • Indexation Tester
  • Free Amazon Keyword Tool for Suggested Keywords
  • Free Amazon Search Terms Optimizer Tool

9. Scientific Seller

Scientific Seller claims that you can see as much as a 10% bump in monthly Amazon sales by simply using smarter keyword research software. They offer a free keyword research tool. 

They gather keyword ideas from various sources, including Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI), but if they do not turn out to be Amazon keywords, they filter them out.

Scientific Seller takes pride in having a slow keyword tool. They suggest you run it overnight or even longer. This is because after it finds a few hundred keywords within seconds, it then searches further and further away from the seed keyword, doing thousands of increasingly creative Amazon searches to find related keywords that you would never possibly think of on your own.

10. Jungle Scout

Jungle Scout is an all-in-one platform for selling on Amazon. They have recently expanded their offering by adding Downstream, which measures, manages, and amplifies your advertising presence on Amazon.

You can use the core Jungle Scout product to discover what products are in demand, what keywords will boost your sales, how to automate your inventory and review requests, and more. Instantly validate product ideas as you explore Amazon. Evaluate new opportunities, forecast product sales, and request reviews in one click. 

11. Keyword Tool Dominator

Keyword Tool Dominator is a free keyword tool and keyword research tool for Amazon, Bing search, eBay, Etsy, Google, Walmart, and YouTube. Their Amazon Keyword Tool is used to find the most popular Amazon keywords for product listing for Amazon SEO. Generate the most up-to-date and relevant product keyword list by searching for keywords across 16 Amazon marketplaces.

The Keyword Tool Dominator emulates a real user typing search terms with slight variations repeatedly to find hundreds of keyword suggestions in a very short period. You can find hundreds of great long-tail keyword phrases from just one search term.

12. Viral Launch

Viral Launch is a software suite designed to give your brand the Amazon seller tools needed to scale. It includes tools related to Amazon product research, Amazon competitor tracking, Amazon keyword research, Amazon advertising and PPC, and Amazon keyword tracking.

Viral Launch helps track your most important sales-driving keywords and sponsored ad placements daily, including sending notifications when a keyword’s rank changes. It tracks thousands of keywords for your products so that you always know exactly how shoppers are finding your products in organic and sponsored search results.

13. AMZ Tracker

AMZ Tracker features keyword tracking, so you know where your products are ranking for their keywords with one glance. Track your competitor’s products so you can see when they make a change that works. You can quickly identify what’s bringing your conversion rate down and fix it. You can also increase your rankings by bringing traffic off-Amazon to your listing using the Super URL tool.

AMZ Tracker members get access to Deepwords, a long-tail keyword search engine for Amazon sellers. Find super high converting keywords that most keyword tools miss. You can open their Unicorn Smasher Chrome extension on an Amazon search page, and see revenue, number of reviews, quality of the listing, number of sellers, and much more.

14. Keyword Keg

Keyword Keg is a suite of five keyword tools focused solely on keyword research. It allows you to enter a seed topic and get high opportunity long-tail topics in just a few seconds. The five tools are:

  • Find Keywords Tool – you can enter up to 30 seed keywords at one time and get keyword suggestions from 11 APIs
  • Import Keywords Tool – you can use the Import Keywords tool to quickly get metrics for keywords you already have, possibly acquired from another tool like Google Search Console, or competing websites
  • Related Keywords Tool – all the related keywords Google shows at the bottom of the search results page
  • People Also Ask For Keywords Tool (PASF Tool) – all the keywords shown in the “people also ask for” boxes that Google shows when you click a link
  • Merge Words Tool – you enter many keywords and generate multiple combinations from those keywords along with their metrics. This is useful if you have products with different colors and for different people

how to improve seo on amazon

Before we dive into our Amazon SEO tips, it’s important to understand how Amazon ranks products. The way people search on Amazon is different than Google, so there is a slight learning curve.

When people search for products on Amazon, they can only find your products if their search queries match your keywords. This creates a challenge because you must use keywords that your audience uses to find products like yours.

The important thing to note is that Amazon’s A9 algorithm focuses on displaying products first that increase purchase likelihood. The algorithm focuses on two factors: performance and relevance. Performance is based on how well your products sell and relevance is based on how your keyword match the search query.

Therefore, keyword selection is challenging. It isn’t enough to choose the right keywords to get your products to rank. You need to offer products that consumers will want to buy or one that consumers already buy frequently.

Amazon wants to display the products that best fit users’ queries. When you optimize your listings, you need to focus on the buyer’s experience and how you can make it even better.

6 tips for improving your Amazon SEO
If you want your audience to find your products, you need to improve your Amazon rankings. It will help you reach more valuable leads that are interested in your products.

  1. Conduct keyword research
    If you’ve used SEO previously, you probably know about conducting keyword research. With Amazon SEO, keyword research has some similar qualities to traditional SEO, but with a few more buyer-focused attributes.

Just like traditional SEO, you want to focus on long-tail keywords. These are keywords that contain three or more words. When people search for products on Amazon, they use long-tail keywords to find products.

Long-tail keywords will help more interested leads find your product listings. It is important that you focus on all relevant keywords. You don’t want to miss out on potential leads because you didn’t include certain keywords in your Amazon product listings.

To help you figure out the right keywords for your Amazon SEO campaign, you can use a free tool called Sonar. This is an Amazon SEO tool that focuses specifically on keywords that people use on Amazon. It helps you see the search volume for each keyword, which enables you to prioritize them in your Amazon SEO campaign.

Once you select your keywords, you need to integrate them into your listings. You need to use them in places like the product titles and descriptions. This will help your products appear in search results for those keywords.

  1. Manage your reviews
    Reviews are a crucial part of any business. They can be the reason a person buys your products or decides to pass. It is important that you manage product reviews to help improve your Amazon SEO campaign.

For the most part, the products in the top of Amazon’s search results generally have four or more stars. These are products that have great reviews and people enjoy. You want to encourage your audience to leave feedback about their experience with your products.

When your audience leaves feedback, there’s a good chance you’ll receive negative reviews. As part of managing your reviews, you need to take the time to respond to negative reviews. It will prevent you from deterring future customers.

Your response to negative reviews allows people to see how you handle negativity. If you address the issues, offer to replace broken or damaged products, and respond to questions, you’ll encourage more people to buy your products. They will feel more confident that your company takes issues seriously and that if they have an issue with your products, they know you will respond.

This will lead to more conversions and positive reviews. It will improve your rankings in Amazon search results.

  1. Optimize your title
    The way you format your title will affect where you appear in the search results. It’s important that you include all vital elements into your title.

The general format for creating a product title is:

[Brand] [Feature] [Material] [ Key Ingredients] [Product Type] [Model Number] [Size] [Package Count] [Color] [Flavor]

This is the general rule of thumb for how to order your title. These categories may not all apply to your products, but you want to use the ones that do. The order of your title impacts how your audience finds your listings, so it is important that you stick to the proper order.

When you optimize your title, you want to place your most relevant keyword first. This ensures that people always see your most important keyword, regardless of how short or long the title appears in the search results. It also helps your listings appear in the most relevant search results.

  1. Follow image guidelines
    Images play a vital role in the purchasing process. People need to see products from different angles to get a better sense of how the products look. It’s a key component to help build confidence and trust with your audience — especially since they can’t physically see the product in front of them.

Amazon encourages you to use product images that are larger than 1000×1000 pixels. This is because they have a zoom feature that allows users to zoom in one images when they are above that dimension. If you want to provide a more positive experience for your audience, you need to use images that are larger than the previously stated dimension.

The ability to zoom in can potentially increase sales for your business. People can look at your products more in-depth and get a better sense of how it looks. It becomes even more beneficial when you post multiple photos with different angles, where an audience can use the different zooming features.

Adding zoomable images doesn’t directly impact your Amazon SEO, but it does improve your conversion rate. When you earn more conversions, you improve your listing’s ranking. It can also help you earn more reviews, which also positively impacts your product listing’s performance.

  1. Consider your price
    Pricing is an important factor for consumers. They want to get the best product for the least amount of money. When you post your product on Amazon, you need to look at how your competitors’ pricing.

If you’re selling your product for $100 and all your competitors have a similar product for $20 – $30, you won’t help your Amazon SEO campaign. In fact, your product list won’t rank because it is too expensive. Your audience will choose a cheaper product that suites their needs.

To have competitive listings, you need to see how your competitors are pricing products similar to yours. This will help you get a better idea of how to price your product and see if your product can even compete amongst the competition.

  1. Use bullet points in product descriptions
    When you post a product, you probably have a lot you want to say about it. After all, you really want to sell your audience on the benefits of your products compared to the competition. When you do this, it is important that you break down your information, so it is manageable for your audience to read.

The best way to do this is to break down your product descriptions into bullet points. It’s an easy way for your audience to digest the information. People like when information is concise and easy to read.

Products with bullet points tend to convert better, too. People read the information more and feel more informed to purchase. This helps improve your Amazon SEO ranking because you earn more conversions.

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Let WebFX help you optimize your SEO ranking on Amazon
Amazon is a great place for you to post your products and help interested leads find your products. If you want to make the most of your Amazon listings, you need to invest in improving your Amazon SEO. At WebFX, we know how to use SEO to improve your product rankings.

When you partner with us, you’ll get a team of 450+ experts that have the skills and experience needed to create effective campaigns. We’re a full-service digital marketing company that specializes in SEO services. Our team knows how to effectively optimize your Amazon listings to help you reach more interested leads.

If you are looking for a company that drives results, look no further. To date, we’ve driven over $3 billion in sales and over 7.8 million leads for our clients. We focus on driving success for our clients first.

Our clients love the work we do for them. We have over 785 client testimonials that attest to the great work we do for our clients. Check them out to see what our clients are saying about partnering with a top SEO company!


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