Seo Tools For %Content Writing

Content writing is an integral part of any SEO strategy. It’s also one of the most important factors that contribute to a successful website.

But what if you don’t know how to write good content? What if you don’t know where to start? What if you don’t know what kind of content will help your business grow and succeed online?

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

In this blog post, we’ll talk about some seo tools for content writing. We’ll examine how they can help your business grow and succeed online, and how they can make your life easier as a content writer.

Seo Tools For %Content Writing

Google uses a complex algorithm with hundreds of weighted factors to index and rank web pages according to their relevance to any given keyword. Digital marketers use empirical testing to learn about Google’s algorithm and understand how to create content that ranks. Based on this understanding, they create and follow best practices for writing content that is more likely to rank highly on Google search results. This process is known as search engine optimization (SEO), and it’s an essential part of every digital marketer’s toolkit.

Without the best content writing tools for SEO, writing optimized content can be a lengthy and tedious task. To help you save a lot of time and labor, we’re publishing our list of the ten best content writing tools for SEO. These tools fit in at different stages of the content creation process, but each one has the potential to positively impact your business by saving you time and effort and improving your engagement with readers.

Why You Need Content Writing Tools for SEO

Take a look at our on-page SEO checklist and you’ll see just how many different on-page factors can influence search engine optimization.

Digital marketers need to make data-driven decisions about which keywords to target, how long each blog post should be, and what should be included in the content. In addition to spelling and grammar, content needs to be accessible to its target audience, easy to trust and easy to find. That means optimizing things like URLs and meta-tags.

With the right content writing tools for SEO, digital marketers can automate many of these requirements. In other cases, SEO tools can significantly cut down on the amount of time it takes to perform optimization tasks.

Here’s our top-ten list of tools and how they can fit into your content creation process.

Google Search Console

The Google Search Console is Google’s own tool that helps you improve your rankings in the search engine results pages. The console includes tools that measure the performance of your website, including page load times that impact SEO. You can monitor your website’s position on Google search results, including which of your pages are ranking for specific keywords. You can also see how many impressions and how many clicks your pages have gotten in the search engine results pages.

Google Search Console is a critical tool for all webmasters. It provides much-needed transparency into how your pages are performing and can help determine which content you should optimize or what keywords you should target next.

google search console

Pricing: Free for all website owners.

Google Keyword Planner

Most digital marketers use either the Google Keyword Planner or a paid version with better features for keyword research. Still, this is one of the best free tools for doing basic keyword targeting research. The keyword planner offers two main features:

  1. Discover new or related keywords – You can type in any keyword to see a list of related keywords along with their search volume and other related metrics. This makes it easy to find new keywords to target for SEO.
  2. Get search volume and forecasts – You can monitor trends to identify search terms or keywords that are becoming more popular.
google keyword planner

Pricing: Free for anyone with a Google Ads account. If you need a quick guide, you can check out this resource: How to Create a Google Ads Account.


WordStream offers a stripped-down version of Google’s keyword planner that’s free and easy to use. Just type in a keyword of your choice, pick an industry and type in your location. Then click the big orange button and you’ll get a list of keywords along with their search volumes on Google and Bing, and the average CPC for each keyword on each ad network.

wordstream content tool

Pricing: WordStream’s keyword research tool is free to use.


SEMrush is one of the most popular and useful tools for digital marketers of all stripes. Their monthly subscription package includes 40 different tools that help with SEO, PPC and social media management. Marketers can use SEMrush to analyze backlinks, conduct keyword research, analyze the performance and traffic of their own website or those of their competitors and discover new markets, niches and opportunities. There’s also a site auditing utility that can help with some of the more technical aspects of website SEO.

semrush content tool

Pricing: Some features available for free, paid subscriptions start at $99.95 monthly.


BuzzSumo is an analytical tool that helps marketers find out what kind of content people are sharing across many different platforms. You can enter a website to easily identify their most successful pieces of content. You can analyze trends over the past day, the past month, or the past year. You can filter by author or by platform and Buzz Sumo even supports negative keywords to help you pinpoint the data you’re looking for.

BuzzSumo helps you efficiently analyze and benchmark your content against the competition while staying on top of new trends.

buzzsumo content tool

Pricing: Starts at $79 per month for unlimited searches.

Answer the Public

Type any keyword into this free online tool and you’ll get an extensive visualization of questions people have asked on Google using your keyword. This tool connects with one of the biggest recent additions to the Google search pages: Snippets.

On some search results pages, Google now displays Snippets. A snippet is a tab near the top of the page that highlights a common question related to the target keyword. When a user clicks on the snippet, Google connects them to a web page that answers that question explicitly. Being featured in a Snippet is a great way to generate organic traffic because Snippets are always near the top of the page.

With Answer the Public, marketers can write highly targeted articles that directly address questions that they know are being typed into search. This makes it more likely that their articles will be featured in Google Snippets.

answer the public content tool

Pricing: Three searches per day for free, unlimited searches starting at $99 monthly.

Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO is a WordPress plug-in that gives you real-time feedback as you optimize your blog posts using WordPress. The plug-in acts like a built-in checklist tool that prompts you to complete on-page SEO tasks for each blog post that you create. Yoast SEO provides feedback on your page optimizations in real-time, makes suggestions for improvement and helps you manage all the details when doing on-page SEO with WordPress.

yoast content tool

Image Source:

Pricing: The basic version of Yoast SEO is free. Yoast SEO premium starts at $89 monthly for a single-website license, but you can save money by purchasing multiple licenses for multiple sites at the same time.

Keyword Density Checker

Keyword density is an important factor that search engines like Google use to rank web pages. Digital marketers know that the Google Search algorithm looks at the density of keywords to understand the relevance of each piece of content. For each blog post, it is important to ensure that the target keyword is mentioned a sufficient number of times within the text. At the same time, excessive mentions of the keyword (a practice known as keyword stuffing) are discouraged.

This simple keyword density checker makes it easy to figure out how many times each keyword is mentioned in your article. You can paste in the text of your article and you’ll receive a list of the most frequently occurring one-word, two-word and three-word keywords in your article. For most content pieces, digital marketers aim for a keyword density of 2-5% for the target keyword.

keyword density checker tool

Pricing: The keyword density checker is just one of over 75 free SEO tools offered by the team at PrePostSEO. Visitors to the website can perform a total of 500 queries per month across all tools. To unlock more searches, users can purchase a premium plan starting at $50/year for 50,000 annual searches.


Read-able is a useful tool for ensuring that your content is accessible for your target audience. When you paste your article into Read-able, it uses a proprietary algorithm to assign your content a grade level that corresponds to how easy it is to read and understand.

The average North American reads at an around an eighth-grade level, so if that’s your target audience, Read-Able will help you write clear and concise sentences that are easier for a wide range of readers to understand. If your target audience is college-educated, it’s okay to use longer words and complex sentences to convey meaning. Read-Able is all about matching the level of your writing with the reading level of your target audience to provide the best experience for readers.

readable content tool

Pricing: Read-able offers a free version of its tool that checks reading level, grammar and spelling. The PRO version is available starting at $4/month and includes features like edit suggestions, error highlighting, additional reports and the ability to score emails and additional file formats.

Grammarly Premium

Google checks your website for spelling and grammar. A website whose content contains many spelling errors is less likely to rank highly on search engines. Grammarly makes it easy to create content that is grammatically correct and free of spelling errors. You can add the tool to your browser and use it when composing emails, social media updates or a blog post.

grammarly content tool

Pricing: Grammarly Premium starts at just $11.66 per month when you purchase a one-year subscription. The premium version offers more corrections and an anti-plagiarism feature to help ensure your content is truly unique.


From keyword research to checking spelling and grammar, our 10 best content writing tools cover every step in the content creation process. We hope you can put some of these tools to work and start saving time and effort when you’re writing content for organic search. If you’re in need of additional assistance, our SaaS SEO agency can help you scale your content. Book an intro call today to see how.

seo writing assistant

SEO Writing Assistant
Content optimization on the go based on your top 10 rivals in Google rankings. Check your content for SEO friendliness and originality online — adjust your copy’s readability and tone of voice.

Start for Free

Optimize Your Content for User Intent and Search Engines
A good piece of content meets the needs of your audience and is highly visible online. To make sure your copy complies with both requirements before publication, you have to take into account various parameters. Using SEO Writing Assistant, all you have to do is type your target keywords for a copy to get a list of actionable SEO recommendations.

Enrich your text with recommended keywords
Include semantically related keywords in your copy to make it comply with what a reader expects from your content.
Make sure you don’t overuse certain keywords
The tool will inform you if any keyword you target is used too frequently in your text.
Take care of alt attributes
You’ll be reminded to add alt attributes to your images.
Ensure your links are not broken
The tool warns you if any broken links are detected in your text.
SEO Writing Assistant helps you to make sure that, before publication, your text is perfectly structured for target keywords to satisfy user intent, and is written in an SEO-friendly style to comply with search engine guidelines. All the recommendations and analysis are based on your top 10 rivals in Google rankings for your target keywords.

All these metrics are interactive, which means they alter on a live basis depending on changes you make in your copy.

Fine-tune Your Content’s Readability
Readability is the ease with which a reader can understand a written text. The more readable a piece of content is, the more likely a user is to read through the entire text.

The SEO Writing Assistant algorithm is based on the Flesch reading-ease score formula and helps you:

Adjust your copy’s readability
The tool analyzes your copy’s complexity, compares it to an average score for your top 10 rivals in Google rankings and assigns a readability score to target.
Get recommendation on word count
SEO Writing Assistant sets you a goal according to the average word count of your rivals’ content and calculates the approximate reading time of your copy.
Optimize your title
The tool warns you about the absence of a title and will advise whether it complies with Google’s guidelines.
Make sure your copy is easy to read
SEO Writing Assistant identifies hard to read sentences, long words, and paragraphs in your copy.
If your copy’s readability digresses from the target, think about how the language should be changed to make it more readable for your audience.

Maintain Your Brand’s Tone of Voice in Each Content Piece
A brand’s tone of voice is extremely important when it comes to creating content and communicating with your audience online. And the key is consistency.

SEO Writing Assistant helps you to make sure that every content piece complies with your overall brand voice. Select the preferable tone of voice goal — casual, neutral or formal — or let our algorithm identify it.

Not only can you see where your text lies on this scale, but you can also see your most casual and most formal sentences that stand out from the overall text, so you can modify them to suit the overall tone of the piece.

The Tone of Voice feature is powered by a machine-learning algorithm and thousands of human-rated pieces of text.

Check Your Content for Originality with Plagiarism Checker
Original content is the key to attracting reader’s attention. Unique content brings value to your audience, helps your brand stand out from your competition and ranks higher.

Original content is the key to attracting readers’ attention.
In the effort to create it, content marketers face two challenges:

finding a unique angle for popular and well-covered topics
making sure content written by freelance writers is original
The Plagiarism checker feature detects the total percentage of copied words in your text and identifies original sources of content from across the internet.

This feature is available for all languages and is extremely useful if you want to check your own content for originality or monitor the work of your freelance or in-house copywriters.

Google Docs Add-on
Share SEO recommendations for your copy in Google Docs with your colleagues


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