Seo Tools For Shopify

SEO Tools for Shopify

Shopify is a platform that allows you to set up your own online store. It’s a great way to sell products and services, but it can be difficult to rank in search engines. That’s where the SEO tools come in!

This guide will walk you through how to use these tools, as well as teach you some basic SEO practices so that your site will get found by customers when they’re browsing search engines.

Seo Tools For Shopify

Top SEO apps for Shopify can help your store appear more often and higher in organic search, and offer a better experience for customers.

Top 10 Shopify SEO Apps & Tools to Supercharge Organic Rankings

Setting up and optimizing a Shopify store is faster than ever, thanks to the creation of SEO apps and tools that easily integrate with this popular ecommerce platform.

Studies have shown that the first organic search result in Google will average a 28.5% click-through rate (CTR). The second position search result drops to a 15% CTR, with each additional ranking showing a smaller CTR from there.

Appearing near the top of search engine result pages is essential if you want your Shopify store and products to be chosen by motivated shoppers.

In this column, you’ll find SEO tools and apps that can help you better position your business in search, regardless of the size of your company or budget.

Shopify SEO

Shopify SEO involves incorporating keywords throughout headlines, meta descriptions, landing pages, and internal links. It also includes technical SEO elements such as page speed, schema markup, rich snippets, and site architecture.

Since most ecommerce businesses have hundreds or even thousands of products, optimizing manually can be overwhelming.

Good SEO for Shopify begins with choosing the right theme, then implementing tools and apps to assist.

Whether you are a beginner at SEO or a professional, many SEO apps can act as an extension of your team and will increase your capabilities and capacity for optimization.

Here are 10 SEO Shopify apps and tools you’ll want to check out.

10 Shopify SEO Apps & Tools

1. Plugin SEO

Price: Free Package, 14-day Free Trial, Advanced $20/Month Package

Overview: Plugin SEO offers an all-in-one solution that helps you organize all of your SEO optimizations, helps you track search rankings, and can help you implement the proper recommendations to drive more relevant traffic to your website.

Features include:

  • Templates to edit meta descriptions and title tags.
  • 404 error page notifications.
  • Keyword research tool.
  • Integrates with Google Search Console.
  • Rich snippets.
  • Schema Markup.
  • SEO health report.

One specific feature that greatly benefits your organization is Plugin SEO’s unique templates, which allow you to update thousands of products or pages within minutes.

This one tool will save your organization hours of manual labor.

The other feature worth highlighting is the JSON-LD Structured Data/Schema Markup tool. This allows users to access an up-to-date schema markup tool for rich snippets.

It further supports price, product availability, breadcrumb lists, site links, and product schema.

Your organization can have a periodic SEO scan performed to help you identify areas of weakness and look for specific edits to implement in future optimizations.

2. Reload SEO

Price: $14.95/month, 14-day free trial

Overview: Reload SEO enables shop owners to review competitor content analyses as well as a detailed overview of the top 10 pages that rank for your specified keyword.

SEO is all about striking a competitive edge over your competitor, and there is no better way to make yourself known than to dominate the search engine result pages.

This application offers a report that highlights what types of content are being published by your competitors. It produces a list of recommendations to help your company compete.

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While the other tools offered by this app may seem lackluster when it comes to competitor intel, Reload SEO offers a feisty spying capability that is extremely beneficial to outranking your competitor.

3. Tiny IMG SEO Image Optimizer

Price: Free Edition (Additional Charges Optional)

Overview: Another app that should be added to your SEO Shopify toolbelt is Tiny IMG SEO Image Optimizer.

Your brand aesthetic is sensational, and your images are eye-catching. But when your visual assets are not properly optimized, you run the risk of significantly harming your site’s searchability and usability.

Tiny IMG will help reduce image load speeds that contribute to your overall site speed.

Pairing your efforts to optimize for organic traffic with a visual optimization strategy will open the door to more potential buyers.

The application uses an algorithm to compress images by 70% while retaining the quality of your image.

You can choose how you would like your images compressed, and it offers a backup so you can restore your data at any time.

4. Schema Plus for SEO

Price: $14.99/month. 7-day free trial.

Overview: Schema Plus for SEO offers advanced markup code that will help your site’s webpages get indexed quicker and more efficiently.

Designed with the algorithm in mind, this app utilizes code to help search bots understand your webpages more efficiently. This creates a more streamlined optimization system.

With improved indexing, your site can be seen by more quality leads and potentially drive more revenue.

This tool will also add rich content to your site, so your descriptions and reviews will be condensed and displayed on Google search pages.

5. SEO Images King

Price: Free Edition, Small Shops Edition – $7.99/month, Medium Shops Edition – $12.99/month, Large Shops Edition – $18.99/month

Overview: If you are looking for a tool that will not only help you optimize images but can help you with alt text, product meta titles, and JSON LD optimization, SEO Images King will certainly help your organization.

The app is offered in four different editions, so select the package that fits your business needs.

Depending on the package you choose, you may be able to access bulk optimization capabilities that will enable your team to optimize hundreds of images in minutes. This will free up your team to focus on additional business operations.

Paid editions can also unlock up to 100,000 images for use.

6. SEOMetriks Marketing Tools

Price: $7.99/month

Overview: SEOMetriks Marketing Tools offers an SEO checklist that will help you improve your keyword rankings.

Through a strategic partnership with Majestic, MOZ, and Semrush, SEOMetriks is able to use their data to guide its recommendations.

This means that its recommendations are based on more than 370 global and local search engine data structures.

This tool will schedule SEO site rankings a complete backlink analysis. It has competitor analysis tools that allow you to assess how successful they are in terms of traffic and keyword rankings.

What makes this app unique from other SEO tools is the ability to track how well your organization is doing on social platforms including Facebook, Pinterest, and Linkedin.

7. Fire AMP

Price: $7.99/month

Overview: Fire AMP is a tool designed to help Shopify sites reduce site speed using Google’s AMP storing arrangement. AMP is an acronym for Accelerated Mobile Pages, and this technology is primarily focused on speeding up websites and helping to decrease your bounce rate.

The tool uses AMP HTML, AMP Javascript, and AMP cache to help improve your Shopify store’s onsite experience.

This can lead to increased conversion rates and potentially higher rankings in SERPs.

8. SEO HTML Sitemap

Price: $3/month

Overview: The SEO HTML Sitemap application will create an HTML sitemap that updates every hour. This means as you update products or content, your sitemap will reflect the changes.

An up-to-date sitemap contains a full breakdown of all available links in your Shopify store.

This tool will help your organization optimize for search, as sitemaps are used to help users navigate your site, as well as search bots.

Search engines won’t choose your webpage as the best answer for a shopper’s query if they can’t easily find and access it.

Broken pages are also reported with this tool so you can ensure your site is 404 error-free.

9. SEO JSON‑LD Boost by Verge

Price: Free

Overview: The SEO JSON-LD Boost app is a free tool that will help you improve search queries and add JSON-LD information to pages automatically without altering your layout records.

JSON-LD is linked data that encodes your website data and makes it easier for search engines to understand what they are presented.

This leads to search engines rewarding your site with more favorable search rankings.

The app currently supports landing pages, product pages, collection pages, and blog content.

10. Automizely Page Builder

Price: Free

Overview: Regardless of whether you are a beginner or an advanced web developer, Automizely Page Builder can help you build landing pages that are specifically designed with conversion and SEO in mind.

Your landing page is the first impression your customer has when they visit your online store. Designing a page that is properly optimized can drive increased CTRs and decreased bounce rates.

The tool will help your organization optimize for UX/UI, reduce page speeds, and create mobile responsive landing pages.

Bonus: Yoast SEO for Shopify

Price: $29/month, 14-day free trial

Overview:  Yoast, a recognized name in SEO for WordPress, has released a powerful search optimization app for Shopify users. Yoast SEO for Shopify offers real-time readability and SEO analysis to help optimize your product pages and blog posts.

It will help you optimize product pages and blog posts for related keyword phrases, synonyms of keyword phrases, and different forms of your keyword phrases in 27 languages.

This app will also automatically add the appropriate structured data to your content, increasing the likelihood that your products will display rich results in Google Shopping and search results.

best seo app for shopify

SEO Manager

7-day free trial

The Shopify SEO Manager app is a great Shopify tool to increase your store rankings and is arguably the best SEO app for Shopify due to its vast variety of exclusive features. It allows you to create custom meta tags, titles, keywords, as well as descriptions of your website. On top of that, it will give you relevant feedback on how those categories are performing on a global scale.

The SEO Manager is fantastic for those who are just getting started with their SEO know-how, as it provides many pre-made templates to choose from. Additionally, there are loads of helpful suggestions in the app to take your SEO game to the next level. Before launching your tweaks, the SEO Manager allows you to test and preview how your site will perform in the ranking system. This is very useful and you can see what needs fixing on the spot.

The app has a total of 20 features -15 of which are unique and are to be found nowhere else. Apart from testing how your site does in general, the app recently added the option to perform a mobile integration test, as well as ways to fix ‘404 error’ issues. Also, you will find that it is linked with Google Trends. This allows you to see how you can improve your site rankings on the platform. This is an important conduit to get organic traffic to your page.

Amongst the best things in the Shopify SEO Manager is the fact that it gives SEO beginners a whole step by step guide to improve their site. Essentially, you can know nothing of SEO, have zero coding knowledge or marketing experience, and yet manage to create a fully search-optimized Shopify store.

SEO Manager
Image from: seomanager
Google Trends Site Integration
Works with Kit
Integrated Google Search Console Analytics
Local Business structured Data
JSON-LD Data Support
404 Management and Repairs in Real-time
Google Knowledge Graph Support
Free Trial
SEO control of Tag Filtered Collections
Redirect on “Out of Stock”
Mobile Testing
Sitemap Management
Product “Unavailable After” Meta
Google Page Speed Integration
Advanced Meta Settings
Title Templating
Image ALT text issues Scan
Index/No Index
SEO Issues Scan and Suggestions
Edit Titles and Descriptions
Google Result Simulator
Plug In SEO
Free Edition

Plug In SEO Plus – $20/month

7-day free trial

The Plug In SEO Shopify app has two versions that you can choose between. There is a free one, which will suffice if you are a do it yourself type person who is just launching their store and looking to get a basic SEO optimization for your site. Even though free of charge, this plan allows users to check an unlimited amount of pages for SEO issues with its integrated smart analyzer.

The paid edition Plug In SEO Plus is aimed at advanced users who want to hone in on their store’s search engine optimization to suit the higher tier of needs. On top of a hefty feature pack and powerful optimization tools, you will be eligible for premium support from the developers. This includes the option to have custom templates created to fit your store’s needs immaculately, and at no extra charge.

For users who don’t have the time, or will, to deal with optimization, optional expert packages are available at an additional fee. This service will have an expert from the Plug In SEO team come in and take care of your website optimization for you. On top of all that, the company provides a ton of SEO training videos that feature tips and tricks on how to obtain an edge over the competition.

Plug In SEO
Image from: pluginuseful
Structured Data (JSON-LD Schema Markup)
Bulk Edit SEO Data, Product Pages
Constantly Updated As Search Engines Change
Help With Fixing SEO Issues
SEO Meta Title and Meta Description Templating
Fix Headings, Image ALT Tags, Filenames
Google Search Console (Webmaster Tools) Integration
Free Trial
Multilingual SEO
SEO For Special Pages (Collection, Search, Filters, Tags)
Blog Optimizer
Keyword Tools
Fix 404 Broken Links
E-stores are going to make the big bucks this year.
You can do it too.

SPO (SEO Product Optimizer)
Free Lite Edition

Basic Edition – $15.99/month

14-day free trial

The SPO SEO Product Optimizer has two versions, and they both pack a punch. With this Shopify app, even the free version provides a helpful array of tools. These are not limited in numbers as much as in the amount you can use them per month.

Some of the main highlights of the SPO app is that you can research niche keywords and have the app assist you on their best application. A bulk edit feature is integrated to allow for fast link preview editing – excellent for saving time in the long run. Link previews can be altered without having to get into the coding aspect, as the app lays everything out for you – a really useful and beginner-friendly function.

In the free Lite Version, users can avail of 10 suggested keyword analyses and 10 link preview edits per month. The custom link preview is limited to Facebook and Twitter. Support is active for products and the Shopify store only. The paid, Basic Version will get you 100 suggested keyword analyses per month, unlimited link preview edits, rich snippets, and bulk link preview edits for up to a thousand products.

SPO (SEO Product Optimizer)
Image From: www.seo-product-optimizer
Custom Link Previews
Niche Keyword Suggestions
JSON LD, Rich Snippets
Bulk Edit Product Pages, Link Previews
Free Trial
Focus Keyword Insertion
Continuously Added Features
Reload SEO

14-day free trial

Reload SEO is a keyword optimization app that is well suited for beginners and also useful for store owners who are advanced in SEO. Its main standout feature compared to other apps is that it provides you with your Shopify competitors’ content analysis. The truth is that business SEO is not a territory that rewards fair play – it is a numbers game to elevate your store above others. Any competitive edge that one can obtain over other businesses is potential traffic for your Shopify store.

Reload SEO is feisty in that regard, giving users a detailed overview of the top 10 results for any Google keyword, information on what kind of content is being created by the competition, and recommended tips to beat them for their place in the rankings. It tracks keyword rankings for desktop and mobile in more than 170 countries, making it great for stores with an international market.

Its other functions don’t necessarily reinvent the wheel or offer a wide variety of options, but they cover the basic ground well enough. Reload SEO’s main selling point is its smart spying capability, which is very useful to have in your toolkit.

Reload SEO
Image from: reloadseo
Keyword Research in Shopify
Keyword Tracking
SEO Performance Dashboard
Backlink Analysis
Free Trial
Content Optimization
Shopify Store Monitoring
Competitor Content and Traffic Analysis
Tiny IMG SEO Image Optimizer
Free Edition (Additional Charges Optional)

Once you’ve got the keywords sorted, excelling at your store’s optimization means extending your efforts to the images of your site. It is one thing to have an aesthetic visual branding, but many people forget that the pictures you use for your store will also impact the efficiency of your site. High-quality pictures take a long time to load, and if they are not optimized it can significantly harm your store’s appeal. This might come as a surprise, but if your website takes more than 3 seconds to load, you may be losing as much as half of your potential customers. After putting in all that effort to entice organic traffic to your store, a trivial thing such as loading speed should not be allowed to impact on your success.

The free Tiny IMG SEO Image Optimizer is a great app to sort out the aforementioned issues with just a few clicks. Its intelligent algorithm works to compress your images by 70% without losing any quality. This number is head and shoulders above the competition. It will enhance your website’s loading speeds and keep everything snappy once you’ve caught a customer’s interest. The app lets you choose particular compression methods for your images, optimizes SEO related to your pictures, and provides a month’s worth of backup so you can restore your data should anything happen.

Tiny IMG SEO Image Optimizer
Image from: shopify
Image and Template Optimization
Improves Image-Related SEO (Alt Text, Filenames)
Choice of Image Compression
Best Image File Format Analysis
30-Day Backup
Simple Setup
SEO Optimizer
Free Edition

Pro Edition – 24.99/month

The SEO Optimizer claims to be ahead of its competitors by refreshing the SEO optimization process every day. It constantly monitors Google’s practices and updates the workings of the app accordingly. With many other SEO apps, this would require manual labor, so if a fully automated process is important to you, the SEO Optimizer may be your best bet.

This app combines both text and image optimization to achieve the best results for your store. It should be noted that the free version is a little slim on features, providing only alt-text and image optimization. The Pro edition features complete auto-pilot SEO optimization that includes taking care of meta tags, Google Snippets, fixing broken links, and JSON LD.

SEO Optimizer
Image from: shopify
Auto-Pilot SEO Refreshment
Complete SEO Optimization
Fixes Broken Links
Google Snippets
Auto JSON LD, Rich Snippets
Meta Tag Optimization
Free Edition

Premium Edition – $9.95/month

10-day free trial

The FavSEO app allows Shopify store owners to edit, analyze, and optimize title tags, as well as meta descriptions for products, item collections, and pages, all in one place. This app is a great all-rounder with it’s winning feature being the fact that it ships with a smart function which offers recommendations to enhance the keywords you are already using.

The app will tell you which products are lacking in their SEO functionality and helps in getting them to rank better in various Google services such as the Google Search Console, Google Webmaster Tools, and Google Analytics. If you have any issues when using the FavSEO, live chat support will be there to help.

Some other great functions include the bulk title editor, which allows you to make changes to hundreds of products in one swoop, and the well-outlined dashboard that offers an easy to use layout which is welcoming to novices. The SEO score analyzer, as well as the keyword suggesting features are both available in the free plan. These are the meat and veg’ of features, but if you would like additional functions like sitemap integration and rank tracking, it will set you back $9.95 a month.

Image from: bigcommerce
Title/Meta Description Editor
SEO Audit Check of SEO scores
SEO Optimization
Recommended Keywords
Free Trial
Site Rank Tracker
Bulk Title Editor for Product Pages
Sitemap Integration
Live Chat Support
Schema Plus for SEO
Schemaplus Pro Edition – $14.99/month

7-day free trial

Ideally, you want your Shopify SEO app developers to be as well versed in search results as possible. With Schema Plus for SEO, things can’t get much better in that regard. The minds behind this app were none other than former Google software engineers, who set out to deliver the most advanced automatic schema app in the world. This is pure nectar from the source, as far as SEO optimization is concerned.

Schema is not your traditional SEO app but brings more to the table than just basic functions. The app adds an advanced markup code to your website, allowing it to be indexed faster and more efficiently by various search engines. It essentially makes crawlers understand the content of your store better. This translates into more streamlined connectivity to search terms and can bring your site to relevant people with heightened speed.

Additionally, it will add rich content to your site, thereby letting descriptions and product reviews form your store appear in search results. In simpler terms, this means you will see condensed information like 5/5 stars, and how many reviews your store has in the Google search results preview section.

It is the only schema app that reports the content of your reviews to Google. This preview function adds a professional look to your website and is sure to kick it up a notch in terms of trustworthiness. Schema Plus takes one click to install and you’ll be all set to start the enhancement process.

Schema Plus for SEO
Image from: shopify
Automatic Content Markup
Enhanced Site Indexing
Google Integration
Free Trial
Beginner-Friendly Schema Integration
Hands-on Support
Smart SEO
Free Edition

Pro Edition – $4.99/month

The Smart SEO app is an intelligent helper that ensures your meta tags and alt tags are all in good shape. It comes with a variety of templates, and all you need to do is pick one to start increasing your traffic. After choosing, the app will take over the optimization process and get your shop on its way to ranking higher in search engine results.

This app is especially great if you are running a store in multiple languages, as it has a dedicated function to optimize multi-language meta tags. Smart SEO is also pretty great when it comes to sorting out structured data as it applies to Google in particular. The app will generate JSON-LD data for each product, without you having to be well versed in the pertaining coding languages, JavaScript and Liquid. On top of that, it will manage your sitemap support, and regularly scan your website to find broken links, along with fixing issues automatically.

It claims that it can reduce your SEO optimization time by 80%, and the reviews seem to be glowing concerning its ease of use. The free plan will give you the ability to optimize meta tags, alt tags, use the sitemap support, and fix broken backlinks too. For 4.99/month, you can unlock adding microdata and other advanced capabilities.

Smart SEO
Image from: shopify
On-Site SEO Optimization
Multi-Language Meta Tags
Structured Data Generation
Broken Link Management
Sitemap Integration
Fix 404 Errors
Meta Tags
Alt Tags
SEO Images King
Free Edition

Small Shops Edition – $7.99/month

Medium Shops Edition – $12.99/month

Large Shops Edition – $18.99/month

Don’t be confused by the name – SEO Images King specializes in more than just picture optimization. It is one of the all-rounder Shopify apps with the ability to increase your site traffic via a variety of features.

Coming in four editions, it is suited to cater to small, medium, and large business operations. The app provides alt text, product meta title, and JSON LD optimization for free, but with a catch – products must be updated one by one. Extra capabilities like bulk and automatic optimization come with the paid plans. The paid editions all give users the same extended benefits but differ in how many products in total one is allowed to optimize. Depending on the extended plan choice, you will get 10K, 50K, or 100K images per month.

Additionally, the app uses artificial intelligence to advance your online store and its Google rankings, covering all the necessary SEO territory with up-to-date keywords. It also has nice additional features, like the function to disable right-click on your pictures so they are protected from being stolen.

SEO Images King
Image from: shopify
SEO Scan & Optimization
Keyword Manager
Google Performance Stats
Affiliate Program
Live Chat Support
Bulk Edit Meta Titles, Product Pages, Descriptions
Microdata Manager
Image Optimization
One-Click Store Auto Optimizer
SEO Booster – SEO Marketing
Free Edition

Growth Plan Edition – $18.99/month

7-day free trial

Another one-stop-shop to increase your traffic – the SEO Booster. It is a functional option for SEO beginners, offering all types of optimization at just a few clicks. The app will have your store Google optimized and ready to go in just a few minutes.

SEO Booster’s most formidable feature is that it goes beyond managing your SEO keywords as they apply to general stats, but optimizes them for precise geographical areas. Covering automatic management of alt text, link fixes, and bulk management, the app is a true all-rounder.

As an additional stand out feature, the SEO Booster detects duplicate content on your store’s site and fixes related issues swiftly. The free plan will get you SEO scanning, fixing instructions, sitemap integration, bulk image edits, and alt text for 30 products per month.

The paid edition takes things further, allowing users to avail of the automated keyword, broken link management, competitor website diagnosis, unlimited alt texts, and Google Tools. A 7-day trial period will let you test how well the app merges into your workflow.

SEO Booster – SEO Marketing
Image from: shopify
SEO Scan & Suggestions
Google Sitemap
Bulk Image ALT text
Free Trial
Keyword Management
Invalid Link Management
Competitor Traffic and Ranking Analysis
SEO Doctor – Sitemap & Meta
Free Edition

Pro Edition – $18.99/month

5-day free trial

The SEO Doctor will take care of your SEO troubles by identifying issues, fix them for your site to rank higher in search results, as well as boost traffic to your shop. As we are talking about the best Shopify SEO apps out there, it is quite evident that the competition is well stocked with a great number of features. The SEO Doctor is not one to lag behind offering a wide variety of optimization help.

Amongst all the listed top tier apps, their capabilities are going to overlap, and it ends up being a question which app’s workflow you like most. The SEO Doctor takes care of SEO issues, sitemap integration, structured data, 404 error fixes, and image compression. On top of the basic features, the SEO Doctor provides elaborate ways to enhance your website’s loading speeds. Additionally, it can test how your site will perform on mobile devices so you can perfect its appeal on all types of handheld devices. Even though the features are promising there have been some dodgy reviews regarding their support team, so please take this into consideration.

SEO Doctor – Sitemap & Meta
Image from: shopify
ALT and Meta Tag Fixes
Image Compression
Image Renaming
Website Speed Boosting
Real-Time 404 Error Tracking
Broken Link Fixing
Free Trial
Sitemap Submissions
Google Webmaster Tools
Google Knowledge Graph Support
Google Mobile-Friendly Test
SEOMetriks Marketing Tools

SEOMetriks offers users a comprehensive DIY SEO checklist that makes use of 15 tools to achieve the best possible overall optimization results. The developers have a partnership with the acclaimed SEO data giants Majestis, MOS, and SEMrush and make use of their intel in their working process. This opens you up to information of more than 370 global and local search engine data pools that are constantly being monitored and updated.

On top of this exclusive feature, all the standard SEO basics are covered. You will get scheduled SEO site rankings, backlink analyzation, and optimization, as well as the option to spy on competitor sites to see how they are doing in terms of traffic and rankings.

The app is particularly interesting if you work a lot with social media. SEOMetriks will let you track how your brand is doing on social media outlets such as Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, Linkedin, and more. On top of that, you can track the latest buzzwords in your particular niche and immediately apply them to your product catalog.

SEOMetriks Marketing Tools
Image from: shopify
Keyword Research
SEO Analysis
Sitemap Generation
Technical Audit
Link Optimization
Web Buzz Monitoring
Social Engagement Tool
Rank Tracking
Competitor Metrics
Web Analytics
Google Web Search
Great Support
Free Edition

As with most of the best SEO apps for Shopify, AVADA SEO Suite does it all in one package, but best of all – completely for free. It will improve your store’s rankings on a variety of search engines to boost conversion rates, make your website work faster, automatically get the relevant Google Structured Data sorted for you, increase click rate with standardized meta tags, and integrate your data with Google Search Console. Rich snippets will be taken care of, as well as social meta, so you can display your site preview on social channels.

AVADA SEO includes a 404 broken link fixing mechanism, and SEO analysis so you can improve how you place your keywords, product descriptions, and more to increase your Shopify traffic big time. The app is also being upgraded continuously. Currently, a PNG to JPG converter is in the works. Its list of features is certainly impressive, considering that it’s totally free.

This app is a saving grace for those starting out with an e-commerce shop but having no money to spare on Shopify SEO related costs. With the number of features contained, it could easily be presented to you at the high prices being charged by the competitors. Being free, you can’t ask for more. AVADA SEO is also easy to use and highly recommended for anyone starting out with a Shopify store on a budget.

Image from: shopify
SEO Keyword Optimization
Image Tags & Optimization
Google Structured Data
Meta Tags
Bulk Edit Feature
Social Meta
404 Fixes
Page Speed Optimization
Image Compression


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