SEO Tools Google Ranking is a collection of SEO tools that are useful for users who want to know more about the rankings of their websites.

Seo Tools Google Ranking

Link Whisper internal links reporting

As a marketer or SEO expert, you definitely want to accomplish more tasks in less time.

Whether it’s fetching all the meta tags from a domain within minutes or identifying all the crawling issues of a website without manually reviewing each and every URL, tools have always been the savior for savvy marketers. SEO tools help you to complete a set of tasks as fast as possible and with as close to perfection as you can get.

Do you want to boost your website’s traffic?

Take advantage of FLUX DIGITAL RESOURCE seo tools

In this post, I will present a list of awesome paid, freemium (meaning that you need to pay only if you wish to use extra features) and free SEO tools to improve your Google ranking.

Here are 20 top SEO tools that will improve your ranking, categorized by (click the link to jump down):

  • Paid SEO Tools
  • Freemium SEO Tools
  • Free SEO Tools

Free Trial: Test Drive Semrush for Free. Semrush is an all-in-one online visibility and content marketing suite of tools that can help you boost your search rankings. Click here to start your free trial!

1) Ahrefs (Paid)

Ahrefs is a leading SEO suite that offers a collection of SEO tools to boost the SEO of any domain. It is trusted by leading brands worldwide such as Adobe, Uber and Netflix.

How to Use This Tool

To use Ahrefs, you need to buy a premium subscription or start a 7-days trial.

Once logged in, enter your website address in Site Explorer to get an in-depth analysis of your site with metrics like organic traffic, backlink profile, top-ranking keywords, and traffic value. Also, Ahrefs has one of the largest database of 150 million keywords and 14 trillion links.

Ahrefs content gap

With the help of the Content Gap feature, you can find keywords that your competitors are ranking for but you don’t.

Besides keyword research and competitor analysis, you can also use Ahrefs to find critical SEO issues on your site. Ahrefs’s Site Audit feature scans your website for 100+ SEO issues and provides recommendations to fix them:

Top Features:

  • The Site Explorer helps you get every essential data of any domain, including domain rating, total backlinks, total referring domains, organic keywords, total traffic and traffic value.
  • The Site Audit tool can be used to optimize your on-page SEO, as it checks your website for around 120 technical SEO issues like HTTP errors, content quality, outgoing links, image alt tags, etc.
  • The Keyword Research tool lets you find thousands of keyword ideas with data-driven metrics like search volume, keyword difficulty, SERP overview and CPC.
  • The Content Explorer helps you to find top-performing content in your industry.
  • You can track your keyword positions by using the Rank Tracker tool. It allows you to check keyword ranking across 170 countries with average position and traffic.

Why It’s Useful

Ahrefs is a very useful tool because it comes with a complete SEO toolkit. Whether you need to research keywords or build backlinks, the tool helps you perform all the SEO tasks quickly and accurately. Ahrefs lets you get traffic estimations for the top 10 pages, hence this tool is excellent for performing SEO forecasting.

Freemium SEO Tools

2) Ubersuggest (Freemium)

Ubersuggest is a beginner-friendly SEO tool founded by Neil Patel. The tool provides several easy-to-use features to analyze a domain, research keywords, reverse-engineer competitors, uncover backlink data, and perform other essential SEO tasks.

How to Use This Tool

Log in to the tool and enter any domain or keyword to get data. You can select your preferred target location from the available options.

This tool returns the number of organic keywords on which the domain ranks, the monthly organic traffic, the domain authority, and total backlinks. It also shows keyword research volume, SEO difficulty, and Cost Per Click.

Top Features:

  • You can use the Keyword Ideas tool to generate lots of low-competition keywords for your website.
  • You can perform competitor keyword analysis to quickly find keywords from the competition.
  • The Content Ideas tool lets you find dozens of winning content topic ideas along with suggested keywords.
  • The Site Audit tool helps you find all the critical SEO errors on your sites like 404, broken internal links, and duplicate content.
  • The Backlink Opportunity tool helps you find hundreds of websites that link to your competitor’s domain but not yours.

Why It’s Useful

Ubersuggest comes with a very simple user interface that allows beginners to use this tool easily. Unlike Semrush and Ahrefs, Ubersuggest is pretty easy to understand and the features are limited. The tool is recommended for small businesses or for personal website analysis.

Dive Deeper: How Zero Search Volume Keywords Can Generate a Ton of Traffic

3) KeywordChef (Freemium)

KeywordChef is a long-tail keyword research tool that helps you find tons of relevant keywords nearly guaranteed to rank. Most of the keyword research tools return irrelevant keyword sets, but KeywordChef finds keywords with clear search intent.

How to Use This Tool

Register for the site and log in to the tool. Then enter your seed keyword and select the type of keyword research you wish to perform.

There are several types of keyword research to choose from:

  • Wildcard searches
  • Question keyword searches
  • Keywords starting with “best”
  • Comparison keywords
  • Keywords starting with “How to”
  • Keywords starting with “Most”
  • Alternative keyword suggestions
  • Keywords containing “ideas”

Now click on the search icon and the tool will share some sample keywords from the search. You have to spend some credits to view the complete search results:

The tool gives you 1,000 credits for free, and after you’ve used them, you can buy more credits.

Top Features:

  • The tool quickly finds quality keywords that are easy to rank for along with the search volume.
  • You can use the wildcard search to automatically find relevant keyword opportunities related to your seed keyword. For example, you can add “*” with keywords for a wildcard search like “best * for frozen” or “can you cook * in the oven” and KeywordChef will show you relevant search terms with “best” or “can you cook” terms.
  • The tool performs real-time SERP analysis to find forms and other user-generated content that you can easily rank for.
  • You can also find question keywords that are very useful for ranking for voice search keywords.

Why It’s Useful

KeywordChef comes with useful filters that allow you to find keywords that are uncovered or hidden. Every SEO wants to find keywords that are easy to rank for and KeywordChef helps to identify keyword opportunities where you can rank fast.

Moreover, you don’t need to pay a monthly fee to use the tool; just buy credits for as little as $20 to restart your research after the free 1,000 credits are finished.

Dive Deeper: Why You Should Use Long-Tail Keywords in Your SEO Campaign

4) Link Whisper (Freemium)

Link Whisper is a useful SEO tool that helps you improve your site’s internal linking. It is a WordPress plugin to speed up the internal linking process in order to rank better in the SERPs. The tool is easy to install and comes with powerful features.

How to Use This Tool

Install the tool on your WordPress blog by downloading the plugin and activating it.

After you install it, it will offer internal linking suggestions automatically while you write your article. The suggestions you get are powered by artificial intelligence and are based on your existing blog posts as well as the relevancy of the article that you are editing.

For example, if you are writing content on “best SEO tools,” then Link Whisper will provide link suggestions for various anchor texts that are similar to the topic.

Link Whisper also helps you find pages with fewer or no internal links so that you can add internal links to these pages to boost search traffic. By using its Auto-Linking feature, you can build internal links on your choice of keywords. It is the best part of this tool as it helps you optimize your internal links according to your target anchors.

With its powerful internal linking report, you can quickly identify the number of internal links, orphaned posts, and 404 errors in your content and help you fix them:

Top Features:

  • The tool has an option where you can enter your target keyword and it will suggest the most relevant internal links.
  • Link Whisper can be used to see traffic data like impressions, clicks, average position and CTR after you connect your Google Search Console account.
  • If you own multiple sites in the same niche, then you can use this tool to get internal linking suggestions between sites.
  • With a clean and clear dashboard, you can quickly check which pages need internal links.
  • The tool helps you identify old or orphaned pages that don’t have any internal links.

Why It’s Useful

Internal links are crucial because they help Google understand your content and rank your site better in search results. Internal links also tell Google which pages of your site are important. Hence, if you want to improve your site’s internal linking structure, then Link Whisper is a must-have tool.

Free Trial: Test Drive Semrush for Free. Semrush is an all-in-one online visibility and content marketing suite of tools that can help you boost your search rankings. Click here to start your free trial!

5) XML Sitemaps Generator (Freemium)

As defined by Google, “A sitemap is a file where you provide information about the pages, videos and other files on your site, and the relationships between them. Search engines like Google read this file to more intelligently crawl your site.

A sitemap tells the crawler which files you think are important in your site, and also provides valuable information about these files.”

Having a sitemap is another way to have a highly indexable website. This tool allows you to create a sitemap for your website with both XML and HTML variants.

How to Use This Tool

Just enter the full URL of your website and the tool will start generating the sitemap:

XML sitemaps SG

Top Features:

  • You can get your sitemap ready quickly without the need for any registration.
  • The tool emails you the generated sitemap so that you can put it on your site at a later time.
  • The results include the number of pages, broken links, XML file content and the link to the sitemap file.

Why It’s Useful

Sitemaps helps to improve the crawlability of a website. With the help of XML Sitemaps, you can create separate versions of HTML and XML sitemaps that is beneficial for both the user and the search engines.

Premium Version

You can create a sitemap for up to 500 pages in the free version. If you have a large site, then you need to purchase the premium version for $3.49 per month. This will let you create a sitemap for an unlimited number of pages.

6) SEO Site Checkup (Freemium)

SEO Site Checkup lets you instantly analyze SEO issues, understand your competitor’s SEO profile and generate reports that you can act upon.

How to Use This Tool

Simply enter the URL of your website and click on “Checkup!”. The tool will analyze the URL and provide a score out of 100. The greater the score, the better your website is in terms of SEO.

Top Features:

  • The tool checks the on-page factors of the website, like meta tags and keyword usage.
  • It checks the speed and security of your website.
  • It conducts a mobile design check which helps to see whether the site is mobile friendly or not.
  • It also conducts structured data test, 404 pages test and canonical tag test.

Why It’s Useful

Other than the SEO score of your site, this tool also relays information on how you can fix the analyzed issues pertaining to SEO, such as speed, security and mobile usability. You simply enter your URL to see how your website is currently performing.

Premium Version

The free version allows up to five check-ups in one day, though you must create a free account in order to check more than one website each day. If you need to generate more than 300 reports per month for more than three websites, you’ll need to purchase a paid plan starting at $24.95 a month.

Dive Deeper: 10 Effective SEO Techniques to Drive Organic Traffic in 2022

7) SERPs Rank Checker (Freemium)

It’s essential that you know how each of your pages are performing based on their keywords – and this keyword rank checker can help. You can search for the keyword and domain or the keyword on both Google and Yahoo. You can also see the current ranking depending on the device used.

How to Use This Tool

Simply enter the keyword that you wish to track and the domain name. The tool will automatically check the rankings of the particular domain for the selected keyword.

SERPs keywords report

Top Features:

  • You can easily track the ranking of your website on selected locations without manually checking them on Google and without the use of VPN.
  • SERPs also offers other free tools like Keyword Research Database and Google Location Changer.
  • With the help of the Location Changer, you can track the position of your keywords on several locations.

Why It’s Useful

You can easily track the rankings of keywords without having to manually check them on Google.

Premium Version

With the free version, you can check just one keyword at a time, but for tracking up to 1,000 keywords, you need to purchase the Premium version for $99 a month.

Dive Deeper: My Site’s DR Is 1.2 but My Article Ranks #1 in Google!

8) Siteliner (Freemium)

Duplicate content is the bane to your SEO success, so you need to check your website to see if there are any duplicate pages. This is where Siteliner comes in handy.

How to Use This Tool

Simply input your URL and click “Go.” From there, you’ll see all the pages that have duplicate, common or unique content. This tool will also check for broken links on your site.


Top Features:

  • The tool checks the total number of duplicate pages on your site.
  • It also checks the number of broken links and skipped pages.
  • You can download the report as a PDF file.

Premium Version

Signing up for the premium version is free and allows unlimited monthly checks on up to 25,000 pages. Above that, you need to pay for the tool. Cost is $0.01 for every page scanned.

9) Screaming Frog SEO Spider (Freemium)

Screaming Frog is a desktop program that can be installed locally on any PC. It works as a website crawler and log analyzer for conducting comprehensive technical audits of any website.

How to Use This Tool

You need to download the software by clicking on the download button. Once installed, click on the Screaming Frog icon on your desktop to open the tool.

Enter the URL you wish to crawl and click on start. The tool will automatically crawl and fetch all the data related to the URLs for further review.

pasted image 0 12

Top Features:

  • This tool helps to evaluate onsite SEO factors, including server errors, broken links, duplicate pages and blocked URLs. It also crawls your website to analyze title and meta descriptions, determining required length and relevance.
  • It can also outline whether there are any missing elements. For additional data, the tool integrates with Google Analytics where users are able to generate error reports.

Why It’s Useful

Screaming Frog is extremely useful in fetching a set of URLs and analyzing the important details like the meta tags or broken links. This tool saves a lot of time and helps to improve SEO.

Premium Version

With the free version, the tool has a crawl limit of 500 URLs. If you wish to analyze more than 500 URLs then you need to subscribe to the Premium version priced at £149 (~$195) per year.

Dive Deeper: 4 Types of SEO Analysis & How to Do Them (Step-by-Step)

10) Semrush (Freemium)

Semrush is one of the best SEO software that every marketer must use. It conducts a comprehensive SEO audit and displays the percentage of search traffic and the number of backlinks that a site has. You can even conduct keyword research, topic research and detailed competitive analysis using this tool.

How to Use This Tool

Login to Semrush and enter the domain that you wish to analyze. The tool will quickly analyze the amount of traffic the site receives, the top keywords that are sending that traffic, the total number of backlinks along with the referring domains, and the main organic competitors. Semrush also offers a comprehensive overview on anchor text and link type.


Top Features:

  • This tool enables you to conduct a comprehensive technical site audit.
  • You can conduct a Domain vs. Domain competitive analysis.
  • The backlink analysis tool helps you to dig deeper to analyze the links pointing to any domain.
  • The keyword research tool lets you find the best keywords for your campaign.
  • The content analyzer measures the quality of content on your site and highlights the major issues in it.

Why It’s Useful

Semrush is one of the most popular SEO tools available in the market. If lets you look at each and every aspect of SEO right from keyword research to link building. If you want just one tool to get started, then Semrush should be your first choice.

Premium Version

The free version lets you conduct 10 searches per day. If you need more than that, then you will have to subscribe to the Premium version starting at $99.95 per month.

Free Trial: Test Drive Semrush for Free. Semrush is an all-in-one online visibility and content marketing suite of tools that can help you boost your search rankings. 


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