Seo Tools Site Analysis

SEO Tools Site Analysis is a simple, easy-to-use site analysis tool that allows you to conduct an SEO audit of your website. The audit provides you with information on how well your site is optimized for search engines and helps you identify things that can be improved upon.

Seo Tools Site Analysis

These tools are free to use, but you might find a paid option that has more features. We’ve shared some of the best features in each tool as well as how you can get the most out of them for your SEO strategy.

1. HubSpot Website Grader

SEO Tool: HubSpot Website Grader

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Do you want to boost your website’s traffic?

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The goal of marketing is to generate traffic and qualified leads via the company’s website. That’s why, as marketers, we need to understand exactly what we can do to improve the SEO of that website.

With HubSpot’s Website Grader, simply enter the URL of your website to automatically receive a report card with actionable insights about your SEO efforts. From there, you can sign up for the HubSpot Academy SEO course that teaches you how to improve your website’s SEO, user experience (UX), and more.

With the HubSpot Website Grader, you can:

  • Website performance: Learn about your website’s performance in seconds, and identify specific performance issues and receive clear, actionable feedback on how you can fix them.
  • On-demand support: Receive how-to education on how you can improve your website.
  • Improve specific website issues: Gain access to a five-lesson HubSpot Academy course on Website Optimization so you can understand how to improve upon your website’s specific problem areas.
  • Optimize for mobile: Discover how to optimize your website for mobile.
  • Boost web security: Learn how you can implement website security best practices.
  • Enhance the user experience: Personalize your website’s UX to create a delightful experience for users.

2. Google Search Console

SEO Tool: Google Search Console

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Google Search Console has a number of tools available to help you appear in the SERPs for the search terms and phrases your target audience is looking for.

If you’re the owner of a business or an SEO on your marketing team, Search Console can help you conduct an initial SEO analysis from scratch or update your existing SEO strategy with fresh keywords. Google Search Console monitors, debugs, and optimizes your website — and you don’t need to know how to code to benefit from this tool.

Here are some examples of website elements Google Search Console will teach you about and help you optimize:

  • Keywords: Learn about the keywords your webpages are currently ranking for.
  • Crawl Errors: Identify any crawl errors that exist on your website.
  • Mobile Responsiveness: Understand how mobile-friendly your website is and discover opportunities to improve the mobile experience for your users.
  • Google Index: See how many of your web pages are in Google’s Index (if they aren’t in Google’s index, you can use the tool’s URL Inspection Tool to submit a page for indexing).
  • Analytics and Metrics: The website-related metrics that matter most to you, like clicks, impressions, average click-through rate (CTR), and average position.

3. Google Analytics

SEO Tool: Google Analytics

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Although Google Analytics has a paid version, the free version of the product can help you manage your website’s SEO — this is especially true if you pair Google Analytics with Google Search Console. In doing so, all of your website’s SEO data will be centrally located and compiled, and you can use queries to identify areas for improvement with the keywords and phrases that you want your website and web pages to rank for.

Other ways that you can use the free version of Google Analytics to understand and improve your SEO are:

  • Filtering your referral traffic: Get rid of the traffic that has the potential of ruining SEO reports, such as fake traffic.
  • Compare organic versus non-organic website traffic: Understand where your visitors are coming from and optimize those channels to increase traffic.
  • Determine engagement metrics: Use Site Content Reports to determine engagement metrics on each web page, engagement for the directories and pages on your website, page exit metrics, as well as acquisition, behavior, and conversion of landing pages.
  • Review the Multi-Channel Report’s Assisted Conversions feature: Identify which of your channels led to the most conversions and the value they bring to your business.

4. UpCity Free SEO Report Card

SEO Tool: UpCity Free SEO Report

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The Free SEO Report Card by UpCity lets you analyze your website to determine how it stacks up against the competition.

In exchange for your email address and a few data points, SEO Report Card will serve up a report that covers the following:

  • Rank Analysis: A snapshot of where your website ranks on the most popular search engines.
  • Link Building: A detailed account of the number of websites that link back to your site.
  • On-Site Analysis: A look at how successful you were in incorporating your main keyword throughout your site.
  • Website Accessibility: Information about your site’s load time and accessibility.
  • Trust Metrics: An overview of your site’s level of trust or authority.
  • Current Indexing: An indication of how many of your site pages have been indexed.

5. Internet Marketing Ninjas

SEO Tool: Internet Marketing Ninjas

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Internet Marketing Ninjas is an SEO-focused company with a variety of free tools you can use to compare your website against the competition, optimize web pages for certain keywords, generate meta tags, and increase organic traffic to your website.

Here are some examples of the free Internet Marketing Ninja SEO tools you can take advantage of:

  • Broken link tool: Identify broken links and redirects and use the site crawl feature to generate an XML sitemap of your website.
  • Image metadata: See all of your page links (external, internal, etc.) on your web pages to review what’s working well and what’s broken or needs an update.
  • On-page optimization tool: Use this to evaluate your web page content, meta information, and internal links.
  • Side-by-side comparison: Compare the SEO of your web pages versus a competitor’s web pages.
  • Page load time: Analyze page-load time and how long each component of a web page takes to fully display.

6. Bing Webmaster

SEO Tool: Bing Webmaster

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Microsoft Bing Webmaster gives you access to many tools that offer insight into your website such as reporting, diagnostic, and SEO tools. The SEO tools that you can use for free have the power to help you analyze your website, manage backlinks, and review keywords to ensure your site is well-optimized for organic search.

Here are some of the other things you can do with Bing Webmaster’s SEO tools:

  • See backlink profiles: Learn about your backlink profile to understand referring pages, domains, and anchor links.
  • Perform keyword research: Determine which keywords and phrases your audience is searching for as well as the search volumes of those keywords and phrases.
  • Use the site scanning feature: Crawl your website and identify technical SEO errors.
  • Get SEO reports: Review any errors that are on your website and individual site pages.

7. Google Trends

SEO Tool: Google Trends

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Traditional SEO tools like the ones we’ve already discussed are great for conducting research and audits when your business is already established. But what if you’re starting a new business venture and want to know what popular industries, topics, and ideas people are exploring? Google Trends is a great place to explore untapped potential that can yield a large keyword landscape for your website.

You’ll want to note that Google Trends isn’t where you’ll get granular data. This tool performs best when you use it as a compass to set a direction for your SEO strategy, and then pair those insights with a more robust software like HubSpot’s SEO Marketing Tool.

Here’s what you should look for in Google Trends:

  • Trends: Look for trends in specific countries or regions of the world.
  • Popular topics: Find popular people and long tail keywords related to them.
  • Comparisons: Compare and contrast trends over time.

8. Seolyzer

SEO Tool: Seolyzer

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Seolyzer is a free site crawling, log analysis, and SEO tool that helps you determine how search engines like Google view your website. Seolyzer pulls information that crawling bots leave in your server’s log files while browsing your site to identify and create your SEO KPIs. The tool also identifies error codes, redirects, and page speed performance.

Additionally, Seolyzer can help you:

  • Monitor SEO issues: Identify poor response time, error messages, and crawl volume so you can resolve them before serious damage is done.
  • Manage your unique KPIs: Analyze page performance, crawl volume, HTTP status codes, active and new pages, and desktop versus mobile responsiveness.
  • Segment web pages: Determine what your most crawled pages are.
  • Compare web pages: See what Google deems as the most important to the pages that are crucial to your business’s bottom line.
  • Measure SEO impact: Understand the impact of your SEO efforts on a page-by-page basis or by the category of the page.

9. SEOquake

SEO Tool: SEOquake

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SEOquake is a Google Chrome extension that automatically checks a web page’s SEO parameters quickly for free. This includes on-page SEO audits, internal and external link reviews, real-time URL and domain comparison, and data file export.

Other things you can use SEOquake for are:

  • Link Analysis: Get a detailed description of how all of your links are doing — including URLs, anchor text, and other link types — with the tools Link Examiner feature.
  • Focus on metrics that matter: Adjust the SEOquake reports you receive to display only the parameters and metrics that you care about.
  • Audit your website’s SEO: Identify any SEO-related issues that would be findable by search engines.
  • Share your findings with stakeholders: Export the results of your SEO analysis into an adjustable and shareable report.

10. Seobility

SEO Tool: Seobility

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Seobility is a free SEO-checker tool. With it, you can test your website’s level of compliance with today’s SEO guidelines. By simply entering your URL, your site will be analyzed and you’ll receive tips on how you can better optimize your website.

In addition to a detailed SEO audit of your website, you’ll gain access to 1,000 subpage audits, email reporting and alerts, and keyword monitoring.

Here are some more advantages of using Seobility:

  • Find technical errors: Resolve on-page SEO issues quickly to recover lost traffic and prevent future traffic dips.
  • Accurate SEO scoring: Receive an SEO score that accounts for various website factors including meta-information, page quality, link structure, and more.
  • Meta information analysis: Understand the specific SEO issues with your meta information such as meta titles/ descriptions, meta tags, and invalid or incorrect domain names or page URLs.
  • Optimization opportunities: Identify areas for improvement regarding your page speed and quality (related to text, duplicate content, responsive design, and alt attributes for content).
  • Link structure suggestions: Understand how your page and link structure can be improved by getting data about your headers, internal links, and incorrect anchor text.
  • Server error fixes: Identify specific server errors related to any redirects, HTTP headers, or CSS and Javascript files.

best seo audit tool

10 Best Technical SEO Audit Tools
Google Search Console
google search console technical seo tool

Overview: Google Search Console is a free tool offered by Google that allows marketers, web developers or website administrators to easily monitor their presence in the Google search results.

Features & Benefits: Google search console offers tools and reports that help users diagnose some of the most common technical SEO issues. You can use the console to verify that Google’s web crawlers are able to access all pages on your site, ensure that new pages are being indexed when expected, and receive alerts when Google detects indexing or spam issues on your website. Outside of technical SEO features, the console allows marketers to peruse their website’s entire backlink profile and track all of their keyword ranking positions on the SERPs.

Pricing & Access: Google Search Console is a free service! Just visit the link above and follow the instructions to get started.

gtmetrics technical seo tool

Overview: GTmetrix is a performance analysis and reporting tool that alerts you to technical issues on your website that may impact site speed and user experience. Google is increasingly focusing on user experience as a ranking factor and it’s been shown that improving factors like page loading times can positively impact your search engine rankings.

Features & Benefits: GTmetrix captures performance data from your website, analyzes it using the same rules as Google PageSpeed Insights and Yahoo! Y Slow, then gives you a performance score and an indexed rating that’s relative to other users on the platform. You’ll be able to objectively measure your page speed and see how you compare to other websites. The next step is optimization: GTmetrix helps you visualize how page load times connect to total page size and the total number of requests so you can implement the best strategy to improve user experience for your visitors and climb in the SERPs.

Pricing & Access: A robust free version of this tool is available that lets users monitor up to three URLs with limited access to report filters and additional features. Paid packages start at $14.95/month and include priority access to the analysis server, remote & hourly monitoring, video capture and more diagnostic features.

Screaming Frog
screaming frog technical seo tool

Overview: Screaming Frog is one of the industry leaders in technical SEO auditing, with a customer base that includes Google, Apple, Amazon and Disney. The company’s SEO Spider tool is a website crawler that rapidly analyzes websites of any size and delivers technical SEO recommendations to users.

Features & Benefits: When it comes to technical SEO auditing, a better question about SEO Spider would be: What can’t it do? Use SEO spider to identify broken links on your website, find pages with poorly optimized or missing metadata, generate accurate XML sitemaps that get your pages indexed faster, diagnose and fix broken redirect chains, discover duplicate pages and more.

Pricing & Access: The free version of SEO spider allows users to crawl up to 500 URLs and helps diagnose all of the most common technical SEO issues. The paid version is available for £149/year and offers unlimited URL crawling with additional features like scheduled crawls and integrations with Google Analytics, Search Console, PageSpeed Insights and more.

Page Modified
page modified technical seo tool

Overview: Page Modified is an in-browser crawling tool that captures technical SEO data from your website and presents it in a neat spreadsheet along with insights and optimization tips.

Features & Benefits: Page Modified runs inside the browser and provides the back-end computing resources necessary to scrape your site. The crawler detects technical issues such as broken redirects, problems with internal linking, canonical errors, duplicate content and issues with your XML site-map, but it’s also great for diagnosing on-page SEO issues like empty title tags, pages without an H1 header, pages with missing or poorly optimized meta descriptions and more.

Pricing & Access: There’s a free version available with limited features and paid subscription options starting at just $5/month.

seomator technical seo toolOverview: SEOmator is one of the most powerful technical SEO audit tools available in the marketplace today. While most digital marketing professionals use up to four different marketing tools to audit their SEO performance, SEOmator promises to deliver technical, on-page and off-page SEO auditing in a single platform.

Features & Benefits: SEOmator publishes a lengthy list on its website of all issues that can be detected by their web-based software. The list is divided into 10 categories that cover elements of technical, on-page and off-page SEO:

Crawler Report (Detects technical issues like broken links and redirect chains)
Structured Data (Checks for missing structured data)
HTML Tags (Checks that HTML metatags are present and optimized for website content)
Page Speed (Checks page load speed, a known Google ranking factor connected to user experience)
Internal Links (Audits the number, function and anchor text of links on your website)
Content Quality (Audits content value and accessibility)
Backlinks (Checks whether a page has enough backlinks)
Social Media (Looks at social media mentions and integration on each page)
Multilingual Support (Audits language codes and accessibility for users that speak other languages)
Mobile Usability (Audits for mobile-responsive layout)
This combination of technical, on-page and off-page auditing makes SEOmator a great option for digital marketers who need to audit every part of their SEO – not just the technical aspect.

Pricing & Access: SEOmator’s small business subscription plan starts at $19/month, but there’s also a pay-as-you-go model where you can pay $5 for a complete audit whenever you’d like. For agencies, a paid subscription to SEOmator will allow you to host their unlimited free SEO audit tool on your website.

SEMrush Site Audit
semrush technical seo tool

Overview: SEMrush is one of the world’s most trusted and powerful all-in-one search engine marketing software platforms. The platform delivers its technical SEO auditing capabilities through a single site audit tool that diagnoses over 130 technical and on-page SEO issues.

Features & Benefits: Just like SEOmator and other tools that appear on this list, SEMrush covers the full gamut of technical SEO performance concerns when executing a website audit. The key difference between SEMrush and these other tools lies in their dashboarding and reporting capabilities. SEMrush offers thematic reports, custom reports that users can access which are specific to one aspect of technical SEO. There are custom reports for crawlability, site performance and international SEO – just to name a few. The tool also points out the top technical issues impacting performance, which makes it easy for digital marketers to prioritize their optimization workflow.

Pricing & Access: SEMrush lets you audit 100 pages of your website for free and includes all of the main reports and features so you can get a full look at the platform before purchasing. After that, the basic subscription starts at $99.95 per month. SEMrush is an all-in-one tool for marketers, so despite the hefty price tag, there’s a lot of additional value included that goes beyond technical SEO auditing.

Google PageSpeed Insights
google page speed insights tool

Overview: Google PageSpeed Insights is a technical SEO audit tool that focuses on optimizing page speed. Simply enter a URL and Google PageSpeed Insights will analyze its contents and deliver actionable recommendations for making that page load faster.

Features & Benefits: Page loading speed is becoming one of the most important technical SEO factors used by search engines to determine ranking in the SERPs. When pages take a long time to load, visitors are unlikely to stick around and wait for their content to load and more likely to leave the page without interacting. That means poor conversion performance, a higher bounce rate and an underwhelming experience for customers.

One of the great things about this tool is that it measures page speed using field data that it captures whenever someone visits your website on Google Chrome. Field data reflects the experiences of real users accessing your pages on real devices, providing more accurate insight into how your optimizations impact real performance.

Pricing & Access: Google PageSpeed Insights is free to access and use for everyone.

Ahrefs Site Audit Tool
ahrefs technical seo tool

Overview: Ahrefs is competing for the top positions among the best and most trusted all-in-one SEO tools. To its credit, Ahrefs provides one of the most comprehensive and user-friendly technical SEO audit tools you’ll encounter on this list.

Features & Benefits: For starters, Ahrefs runs entirely in the cloud. That means that for the price of your subscription, Ahrefs will provide all the computing resources necessary to execute your audits and other services. The Ahrefs site audit tool automatically detects over 100 technical and on-page SEO issues that could be negatively impacting your rankings in the SERPs. The best part is that these issues are grouped by type and aggregated into reports with full-color charts that you can print and either review with your team or show to customers. The categories used here include performance, HTML tags, social tags, content quality, incoming and outgoing links and broken images or scripts.

Pricing & Access: Subscriptions to Ahrefs start at $99, but there’s a 7-day trial plan that gives you full access with all features for just $7.

deepcrawl technical seo tool

Overview: DeepCrawl is an enterprise-level technical SEO auditing and crawler software with advanced features and customized reporting capabilities.

Features & Benefits: DeepCrawl offers all of the normal functionalities that you should expect from a technical SEO audit tool. You’ll be able to find broken links, test your XML sitemaps, monitor page speed and performance, verify content quality and ensure that your website is structured optimally for search engine crawlers. The best thing about DeepCrawl is its historical data view, which makes it easy to compare audit results over time and see what still needs to be fixed.

Pricing & Access: $14 monthly for a single project, $62 monthly for up to 3 projects and custom packages available on-demand for users that require additional resources.

oncrawl technical seo tool

Overview: The OnCrawl platform features a range of useful SEO and website administration tools, including a log analyzer, search rankings monitor, backlinks tracker and a technical SEO audit tool.

Features & Benefits: There are a few things that set OnCrawl apart from the competition when it comes to technical SEO audit. One is simply capacity: OnCrawl was designed to audit the largest eCommerce website in Europe with over 70 million pages, so there’s no crawl too large or cumbersome for it to manage. Another factor is crawl comparison, which gives users the ability to compare separate crawls and identify technical issues still needing to be resolved.

Beyond that, we loved the attractive visualization and the ability to segment and customize crawls with advanced settings. Digital agencies and enterprise organizations with large websites are in the best position to benefit from everything that OnCrawl offers.

Pricing & Access: The lowest-level subscription plan for OnCrawl costs €49/month and includes up to 100,000 URL crawls per month on a single domain. Larger subscription packages are intended for small teams or agencies with several projects on the go and who need to crawl millions of pages or more on a monthly basis. There’s a free 14-day trial available so you can test out the technical SEO audit tool before purchasing.

Thanks for reading our list of the 10 best technical SEO audit tools!

Now it’s time to start auditing your website and resolving those technical issues that could be negatively impacting your SERP rankings. Need help monitoring the SERP and betting your competition? Book an intro call with the best SaaS SEO agency to see how we can help you succeed.


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