Small SEO Tools Serp Checker is a tool that lets you check the position of your pages in Google. It’s really simple to use. All you need to do is enter your domain or URL and then click the “Check Position” button and our tool will do the rest. It will fetch your page and then analyze it to find out where it ranks on Google, Bing, Yahoo, Ask and AOL.
The main aim of this tool is to give you an idea of how well your page is performing on search engines by tracking its position in search engine result pages (SERPs). This tool can help you keep track of your website’s performance over time and make necessary changes if it’s not doing too well.
This tool has been designed specifically for SEO professionals so they can track their websites’ rankings in real-time as they work on optimizing them. You can also use this tool if you’re a webmaster who wants to monitor his or her site’s performance without having to manually visit each search engine every day or week.
A lot of people are not aware that there are many different types of SERP checkers available online today which all have different features depending on what kind of information they provide back to users after analyzing their website’s SEO status
Small Seo Tools Serp Checker
All Squarespace sites are built for clean indexing by search engines, but the content you add to your site and how you present it plays a big role in how well people can find you. As you prepare to publish your site, go through the list below to ensure your site is optimized for search engines and visitors alike.
For more in-depth explanations of SEO best practices, visit Increasing your site’s visibility to search engines. If you want hands-on help, you can hire a vetted Squarespace Expert to build your site with SEO in mind.
Tip: Register for our Growing Your Audience webinar where we’ll teach you about Squarespace’s built-in marketing, SEO, and analytics tools. You’ll learn SEO basics, strategies to build and engage your audience, and how to track your marketing efforts.
Before publishing
Before publishing your site, optimize it for search engines.
Site information
- Add a site title – Even if you’re using a logo, you should add a site title, as the text may be Indexed by search engines. We recommend you keep the title under 60 characters and include one or more keywords.
- Add a site description – Add a short (50-300 characters), relevant, readable description of your site to your SEO site description. This text may appear below your site title in search results, depending on what your visitors are searching for.
- Add SEO descriptions – Ensure each page on your site has a unique SEO description. The text should be short and readable (50-300 characters), and describe the content of the page. You can also add SEO descriptions to individual blog posts, products, and events.
- Check your page and title formats – Control how your page titles appear in browser tabs, social shares, and search engine results. You can set this for page titles, the homepage, and collection items (such as blog posts or products).
Site design
- Add a browser icon – Your site’s browser icon or favicon gives visibility to your site’s brand. The icon may appear in search results, browser tabs, and elsewhere on the web.
- Add social sharing images – Social sharing images display on social media when you or someone else shares your site. Add one to represent your whole site, one for each page individually, and one for each blog post, product, and event.
- Create a custom 404 page – Customize the 404 page with links to some of the popular or important areas of your site. This encourages visitors who encounter a broken link to stay on your site, rather than immediately going back to search results.
- Review your content – Ensure you’ve followed our content best practices for all pages on your site.
Domain and URL setup
- Connect a custom domain – Using a custom domain (rather than the built-in URL) strengthens your brand and makes it easier for potential customers to find you in search results.
- Connect to social media – Set up social sharing to link to your social media profiles, push content as you publish it, and encourage people to share your pages.
- Ensure SSL is enabled – Confirm your SSL panel is set to the Secure setting. Sites without SSL may be penalized.
- Check URL slugs – It’s best to have URLs that reflect the content of the page. If you save a blog post, product, or event before adding a title, the URL slug will be a random string of characters. Check the slugs for each page and item on your site, and change any that don’t use real words.
- Choose your blog post URL format – If you’re blogging, choose how your blog post URLs are automatically created. While you can choose any options that fit your needs, we recommend you always include the post’s title.
Location information
- Add your location – Your site has a better chance of appearing in searches for your area if Google and your customers can confirm your location. If you have a business with a physical location, we recommend you create a Contact Us page with your address and a map.
- Publish your location online – Create and manage online listings for your business’ physical location, serviced areas, and hours of operation. If you already have a Google My Business listing, connect it to your site and manage your information through Squarespace.
After publishing
To help surface your site and its content to search engines, we recommend doing the following as soon as your site is published:
- Verify your site with Google Search Console – After you’ve verified your site with Google, you can manage your site’s presence in Google search results and review how visitors find you.
- Request that Google index your site – This asks Google’s bots to review your site and update search results with your new content.
- Verify your site with Bing Webmaster Tools – Verify your site with Bing to manage your site’s presence in Bing and Yahoo search results.
- Connect to Google Analytics – Track visits and other reporting on your site through our built-in integration with Google.
- Enable AMP – If you have a blog, enabling AMP creates a stripped-down version of your site that loads faster on mobile devices.
As your site evolves
As you add or edit content, ensure that your site stays as friendly as possible for search engines.
Optimize new content
- Make updates strategically – Continue optimizing your site by following our content best practices.
- Redirect changed or broken links – If you change the URL slug on a page on your site, create URL redirects to forward visitors who go to the old URL to the correct page.
- Continue updating and adding content – Updating your site often helps search engines view your site as an active site. One way to regularly add content to your site is to start blogging.
Track your site traffic
- Use your site’s analytics tools – Visit your site’s Search keywords panel and other analytics panels, such as Activity log, Popular content, and Traffic, to track changes to your site traffic and search engine ranking.
- Follow Google Analytics – Use our integration with Google Analytics for more visitor tracking and reporting.
Content best practices
As you build your site, keep in mind the following best practices for your content.
Text content
- Use keywords strategically – Include text on your site (including page titles and descriptions) that matches the search terms people use to find sites like yours. For more help, visit Adding keywords for SEO.
- Structure your content – Structure your pages with headings to keep your text skim-friendly and help search engines navigate your content. Visit our tips for more help.
- Add alt text to images – In addition to increasing accessibility for visitors who use assistive screen readers, alt text also helps search engines identify the content of a page.
- Give your images readable file names – Image file names may also be used as alt text. Follow our best practices when creating your image file names.
- Keep your pages nimble – To ensure your site loads well, we recommend keeping images under 500 KB and overall page size under 5 MB.
Pages and collection items
- Add social sharing images and SEO descriptions – As you add new pages to your site, give them social sharing logos and SEO descriptions.
- Add tags and categories – Organize your blog posts, products, gallery images, and other content with tags and categories to help visitors navigate your site.
- Link to your site’s content – Where it’s relevant, use page links to connect the pages on your site to each other.
- Customize URL slugs – As you add pages and collection items, ensure their URLs reflect the content of the page.
Site ranking changes
If you notice a dip in ranking right after optimizing your site, it’s okay. It’s normal to see some fluctuations in your ranking while search engines index your changes.
If your ranking hasn’t gone up after a week or two, check analytics to see if there are site traffic trends that might explain the dip. For example, a change in how other websites link to your site can affect your visibility. You could also consider updating your keywords to target different search terms.
improve seo on squarespace
This guide shows you how to use Squarespace’s SEO-targeting features and other tools to increase your site’s visibility to search engines. For more SEO best practices, visit SEO checklist.
Tip: Register for our Growing Your Audience webinar where we’ll teach you about Squarespace’s built-in marketing, SEO, and analytics tools. You’ll learn SEO basics, strategies to build and engage your audience, and how to track your marketing efforts.
Watch a video
Use search tools to maintain updates
Search engines won’t notice changes to your site instantly. Google and Bing offer search tools to help you manage your site’s search presence. Whenever you make major changes to your site, you can request that a search engine re-index your content by using these services:
- Google Search Console
- Bing Webmaster Tools
Customize page and site titles
Search engines typically prioritize the following content from your site in this order:
- Site title
- SEO titles
- Page titles
- Blog post titles
- Headings
You can set default title formats for the homepage, collections (like blog, products, and event pages), and collection items (like blog posts and events). These titles also appear in browser tabs and search results, so it’s important to write them so they’re friendly to both humans and search bots. To learn more, visit Changing title formats for SEO and browser tabs.
Differentiate SEO titles and navigation titles
Every page in your site has an SEO title and navigation title. You can edit these titles in page settings.
- SEO titles – These appear in search results and browser tabs, and are indexed by search engines. We recommend adding an SEO title for each page. SEO titles are a good place to promote keywords for search engines. You can also add SEO titles for individual collection items, like blog posts, products, and events.
- Navigation titles – These create links in your navigation menus. It’s best to keep these short, like “About” or “Contact.”
To learn more, visit Editing page titles.
Tip: If there’s no SEO title, the page title displays in search results. In version 7.0, page titles appear on your site in some templates. This text will be seen by search engines.
Add keywords strategically
As you add text to your site, include words and phrases that match the search terms people use to find sites like yours. These keywords help search engines display your site as relevant to the people looking for those search terms.
Your keyword strategy depends on your site and the visitors you’re trying to attract, and it’s important to add keywords in a clear, natural way that makes sense to humans.
Structure content with headings
To learn more, visit Adding keywords for SEO.
Use heading text formatting to organize pages. Like titles, search engines typically give headings a higher priority. Clear headings that describe the content that follows make it easier for search engines to detect the major themes of your site. At the same time, they help visitors skim your page and quickly find the information they’re looking for.
As a general rule, you should use headings in descending order to funnel visitors from the broadest information to the most specific. Keep in mind:
- Ensure you’re using heading sizes consistently on the page and across your site.
- When possible, avoid using headings to create formatting effects, such as pull quotes.
- Don’t use the same text for multiple headings.
- Optimize your headings with keywords.
- As long as headings are structured and consistent, you can use the same type of heading multiple times on a page. Refer to the screenshot below for an example.
How you organize your site depends on your content, but here’s one example of a well-structured page:

Add alt text to images
Alt text is text associated with an image. This text displays when people hover over it, and makes your site more accessible.
Search engines use alt text to identify the content of a page, because bots can only read text. By adding alt text to images, search engines understand what the image is and they can include it in relevant searches.
When adding alt text, ensure you follow our alt text best practices.
Add tags and categories
Search engines scan tags and categories to identify what products, blog posts, or gallery images are about. Adding tags and categories that accurately describe the item could help it appear in search results. Tags and categories also help visitors use your site, and appear in your site’s search results.
Tip: Only the collection items above support categories and tags. It’s not possible to add categories and tags to portfolio sub-pages, gallery sections, gallery blocks, or other sets of content.
Start blogging
You can add a blog to any Squarespace site. Blogging regularly helps search engines consider your site active. Even if you’re a business and not a blogger, adding a blog page and updating it regularly with relevant content could benefit your SEO while building your brand.
When adding blog posts, use tags and categories, and structure your posts with Heading 1 and Heading 2 formatting. Squarespace automatically gives blog post titles Heading 1 formatting on all version 7.1 sites and most version 7.0 templates.
As you write blog posts, think about your target audience and what they might be searching for to find a site like yours. Add content that would appeal to them, and optimize the posts with keywords, especially in post titles and headings.
Reduce page loading time
How long it takes for a page to load may affect its ranking in search results. Whenever possible, we recommend reducing your page size for faster loading.
List your physical location
If you’re a business with a physical location, listing your address on your site could help visitors find you in location-based services. There are many places where you can add your location:
- Map blocks
- Business Information Settings
- Text blocks on a contact page
- Text blocks in a footer
Signing up for Google My Business can also help your local search ranking. You can create and manage online listings like Google My Business in the Location management panel.
Add site and page descriptions
You can add SEO descriptions for your site, individual pages, and certain collection items. These descriptions may appear below the title/link in search results, depending on the search terms used.
Visitors read these descriptions to decide if they want to click the result. To make your site inviting, we recommend keeping your descriptions short, relevant, and readable.
To learn more, visit Adding site and page descriptions for SEO.

Ensure SSL is enabled
When SSL is enabled, the custom URL starts with https. This means visitors access every page of your site with a secure connection. Search engines consider SSL important and may penalize sites that don’t have it enabled.
If you’re unsure if SSL is enabled for your site, check the SSL panel and confirm it’s set to the Secure setting.
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