Best Apps For Spotify

Spotify is a music streaming service that allows you to listen to your favorite songs, discover new tunes, and create playlists. The app is available on both desktop and mobile devices, but it has a few limitations that may make it difficult for you to enjoy all of its features.

That’s why we’ve put together this list of the best apps for Spotify. These apps have been tested by our team of experts and are guaranteed to improve your music listening experience!

20 best Spotify apps | TechRadar

Best Apps For Spotify

Spotify is already pretty damn good, being one of the best music streaming services around. But there are ways to make Spotify even better, as these awesome web apps show.

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Way back in 2011, Spotify introduced third-party apps to its desktop client. These enabled developers to expand and increase the music service’s functionality, introducing features such as lyrics, tour dates, and artist recommendations.

Then, in February 2015, third-party apps were canceled. Users were predictably furious; Spotify has a bad reputation for removing well-loved features on a whim, and this was seen as yet another example.

Thankfully, there are still some apps that will provide you with similar functionality as the old third-party offerings – though they are accessed via the web rather than through the official Spotify desktop client.

Here are seven of the best Spotify web apps that you need to try today:

  1. Spotlistr
    Spotlistr lets you convert music from YouTube, Reddit, SoundCloud, and into a Spotify playlist. You can also use a text box to search across all the supported services at once.

The two most useful services are arguably Reddit and

If you’re a regular visitor to the various music-based subreddits, you’ll know that posts often attract hundreds of comments in which users will link to songs or suggest artists. Because Spotlistr lets you search subreddits, multireddits, and comments, you can easily pull all these links together into your own playlist.

The tool doubles as a music discovery feature. It’ll let you search for similar tracks, similar artists, or by date range.


  1. Fresh Faces [broken link removed]
    Fresh Faces is a clever tracker that lists all the artists who released their first album on Spotify within a user-specified time frame.

The main page displays the various album covers. Clicking on an album will give you a 30-second preview, and if you click on the star icon in the top left-hand corner of an album you’ll be given useful information about it (including its popularity, the number of followers the artist has, and its release date). Clicking on the arrow in the top right-hand corner of the album art will take you to the track on Spotify itself.

  1. Vidfish
    One area in which Spotify is sorely lacking is the availability of music videos. Music videos are almost as important as the songs themselves these days; integrating them into the app would open up a host of new possibilities.

In the meantime, you’ll have to make do with this third-party app. The best one is currently Vidfish – it’ll create video playlists based on your preferences; they’re perfect for parties and other gatherings.

To use it, just link your Spotify account, drag-and-drop songs into your browser window, and the app will take care of the rest. As an extra bonus, you can also generate random video playlists from YouTube based on genres and artists.

  1. Every Noise at Once
    Spotify categorizes its music into 1,491 genres. So, unless you’re planning to spend all day, every day listening to music, you’ll never get through them all.

Every Noise at Once plots all these genres onto a huge scatter graph, thus making search and discovery much easier. The x-axis moves from dense and atmospheric to spiky and bouncy, the y-axis goes from organic and orchestral to electrical and mechanical.

Click on a genre to be given a quick preview. If you then select >>, you’ll be taken to every artist within that genre. Clicking >> on an artist will take you to their Spotify page.

  1. Sort Your Music
    If you’re a Spotify power user, you’ll be well aware that the service has masses of untapped potential. Some seemingly basic and easy-to-implement features are missing, one of which is playlist sorting.

Yes, you can obviously order your lists by artist or by track title, but more advanced options are missing.

Sort Your Music rectifies this problem. Connect your Spotify account to the service and you’ll be able to sort playlists by eight new categories: beats per minute (BPM), energy, danceability, loudness, valence, length, acoustic, and popularity.

  1. Setify
    Have you ever been to a concert that was so good you wanted to listen to it all over again? Or perhaps the artist sang an unknown song that you’d love to track down?

Setify is the solution.

It doesn’t claim to be 100 percent perfect, but it’ll let you search concerts and gigs by artist, city, or date, then display the set list and convert it into a Spotify playlist. It’ll also inform you if it couldn’t find some songs – either because they were unknown covers or aren’t in the Spotify library.

The number of concerts it follows is surprisingly robust, especially for mainstream bands – though you might start to struggle when it comes to niche artists.

  1. Spotify Shuffler
    Spotify’s Shuffle feature is probably the most frequently criticized part of the entire service. It simply doesn’t work for many people, and it hasn’t for a long, long time. No matter how many songs or artists you put in a playlist, the same tracks will keep cropping up again and again.

It’s absolutely staggering that Spotify has not fixed this, but once again a third-party tool has come to the rescue.

Spotify Shuffler does exactly what you’d expect, reading your playlists and then entirely randomizing them. You won’t hear the same song twice until every entry has been played at least once.

Just log in, hit the Shuffle button, and you’re away.

A Word of Caution
You will find some of these apps need access to your Spotify account via the web API.

Oddly, Spotify does not offer a way to manage these permissions from within its own portal, in fact, it doesn’t even list them (it’s yet another area where it’s been heavily criticized). It means that to revoke permissions, you’ll need to visit each app individually.

If your privacy is important to you, make sure you keep a list of all the apps you grant access to, just in case you ever need to cancel them.

What are Your Favorite Spotify Apps?
I’ve listed seven of the best Spotify web apps, but there are hundreds more out there, with new ones being added all the time.

Perhaps you’ve stumbled across a little gem that performs a vital function, or you’ve found a better alternative to the services I covered?

As always, we would love to hear your suggestions and input. So please leave your feedback and thoughts in the comments box below!

fun spotify websites

We’ve all heard about these so-called Spotify websites, that by logging into them with your Spotify account, you give them access to things such as the content you have recently played, who you follow on Spotify, your top artists, etc.

These websites have been taking over the internet ever since the first version of Spotify Wrapped.

Learning about your own music listening habits has many benefits!

As a guitar player, not only does practicing your instrument helps you as a musician, but also understanding the music you naturally love and listen to the most can give you a very interesting insight to help you shape your own playing style.

Websites such as the ones I’ll mention in just a bit can serve as a fun way to even find new tracks similar to the ones you already enjoy.

These are the best Spotify websites to help you understand your own music tastes and more:

Table of Contents [show]

20 Fun Spotify Websites

  1. Judge My Spotify
    Just My Spotify is also known as ‘How Bad Is Your Spotify?’.

This website is described by its creators as a “satirical project,” and they make it clear that it doesn’t use real artificial intelligence, but a “faux pretentious music-loving AI.”

Judge My Spotify
The way it works is essentially by using the information that Spotify shares with them to then create jokes about your music taste.

In other words, it makes fun of you!

The insights saved in the album, genre, artist, and track data from your Spotify’s most played songs are shown to you one after the other in the form of satire and really accurate and relatable ways.

This project does not save any Spotify data, which is a huge plus considering how important online privacy is nowadays.

As seen on their privacy policy, when you log in with Spotify, the web app will create a one-time code to read your top songs, tracks, and recent playlists.

Once you go away, this access also disappears until you come back.

I for sure recommend this website if you also want to have a quick laugh.

  1. Receiptify
    Simple but to the point! Love that you see your most played songs in a “receipt” form!

Receiptify Spotify website
You can see your top songs in the last month, the last 6 months, and from all time.

It shows you the number of minutes each song is and then the total of the songs at the bottom of the receipt.

I can see this being a cool thing to post on your Instagram story; one of my favorites on this list.

Makes me want to make a playlist out of the most played songs that came up.

  1. Obscurify
    Nooow this one! It is very unique, so far none of the websites are like this one.

Shows you everything you possibly need to know about your listening habits.

Obscurify website screenshot
It shows you your top genres. I got genres I had never even known were a thing. One of them was electropop. So they do get pretty specific, which I like.

Another thing it shows you are your “Obscurity Rating“. Your obscurity rating lets you know how your music compares to others in the country selected. You can select countries from anywhere from the United States to India or Finland.

So is your music more popular or more obscure?

The higher the obscure rating means you don’t listen to songs that are more “popular”.

This website also shows you Your Moods!

Let’s you know if your music has been happier, sadder, or angrier than usual. Will also let you know stuff like the danceability of your music.

Another cool feature is the By the Years section.

‘By the years’ shows you your music taste across the different decades; it lets you know your most played decade!

Obscurify By The Years
Mine was the 2010s, which surprised me.

But my favorite part about this feature is that it tells you your current favorite songs of each decade you listen to and then your all-time favorite songs.

Then at the end, the website recommends new songs and will even create a new Spotify playlist for you filled with recommendations!

  1. Stats for Spotify
    If you just want to know your top songs and artists, then this website is the one for you.

Stats For Spotify
You click Top Tracks or Top Artists and you receive a list of your most played songs or artists from most to least, and your recently played.

    Have you ever wanted to compare your Spotify music tastes to your friends? This website lets you do that and much more.

Music taste with friends on spotify
You can also compare your music tastes to strangers, not just your friends. The website compares the acoustic factors, happiness, energy, and danceability to the United States average.

musictaste space insights
To give you an idea, for happiness my songs were 4% more than the U.S average.

musictaste space insights obscurify
You can also find out what your top genres, artists, and tracks are.

  1. Run BPM
    Run BPM is another Spotify website that lets you see pick a playlist and then you have to filter through the tracks.

You have to pick the amount of energy, happiness, danceability, and range of BPM you want in the songs.

Run bpm spotify
Then you click ‘save playlist’, and it makes a new playlist with songs that fit the filters.

  1. Discover Quickly
    Am I going to use this website every day? Maybeeeee…

discover quickly spotify songs
This might be my favorite on the list because I am ALWAYS looking for new songs.

I love making Spotify playlists or tweaking old ones!

Sometimes that can be time-consuming because you have to listen to almost the whole song to decide if you like it or not.

Discover quickly, let’s you listen to the best parts of the song you’re hearing.

All you have to do is just pick which playlist you want to hear, and when you hover over the album cover and the best part of that song will start playing.

  1. Dubolt
    Dubolt is the website for people who want to find new artists and new songs.

After you link the website to your Spotify, it shows you the artists you have recently listened to.

Or tracks, depending on what setting you have it on.

dubolt new music
You can click just one track or artist, or multiple.

Then the website generates new songs based on what you selected.

If you want an even more specific selection, there are sliders on the right-hand side and you can pick whether you want a more chill song, a slower song, or a more danceable one.

  1. Kaleidosync
    I don’t know if you guys remember those old visualizers in our computers many years ago.

But if you do and you feel as nostalgic as I do when I see this and you just wish you could that with Spotify music well now you can, thanks to Kaleidosync!

visualizer spotify music

  1. SortYourMusic
    SortYourMusic is the perfect name for this website because it does just that… sort your music!

Sort your music
You can sort your music from most energetic to least or from least to most.

On the other hand, you can also do the same with factors such as BPM, danceability, loudness, and much more.


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