Pagerank Checker Small Seo Tools

Pagerank Checker is a tool that helps you to check your website’s pagerank. It is very easy to use and you can check your site’s pagerank in just one click.

Pagerank Checker is a tool that will help you to check your website’s pagerank in just one click. It has been designed to be fast and easy to use.

Pagerank Checker Small Seo Tools

Page Rank Checker - Check Google Web Page Ranking Now

sing the PR Checker Tool is a breeze- simply enter the URL of a web page and click the big green button that says “Check Page Rank”. It’s how to use this tool to its’ fullest potential that might surprise you!

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FYI- each page on your website will have a different Page Rank. Cool, huh?

So when you enter the URL addresses, don’t stick to the home page ( because all you’ll get is the Site Page Rank and that’s almost a waste of a perfectly good tool!

To find out which of the pages on your website have the highest value, enter multiple URLs!!!

Here is an example of how the Page Rank varies between your Site and Pages:

As you can see, the Site PR for (which is basically the home page) is 4. However, the Google PageRank Checker Tool (page) has a higher PR(5) which means this tool has more authority back links. In other words, this is one of the most valuable Pages.

  This is a powerful tool… use it well!

If you plan on purchasing advertising or buying a “used” website, this free Page Rank Checker can help you make an informed decision. Or if you’re researching the impact of your website, be sure to check the value of each individual web page… including blog posts.

Look at the difference here:

The picture above shows that has a measly PR1, but the $5 Article Challenge ( and the Article Spinning ( blog post are valuable pages with a PR4. You wouldn’t know that if you only checked for Site PR!

Example: If you are checking for the Page Rank of “” be sure to also check:


My Results Are Red! What Does That Mean?

The Page Rank Checker on Small SEO Tools offers advanced insight not commonly found with other free PR checkers. The red results let you know when a Page Rank is fake, or false.

You see, some shady individuals will use a variety of methods to create a “spoof” Page Rank. You can use this tool to check the validity of a website before you buy it, or buy advertising, and save yourself from getting scammed.

Look at this example:

Now if you were to research the domain above you might be pleased to see it has a Page Rank of 5, which means it could actually be worth the $249.

That is, unless you dig a little deeper:

The red PR results let you know that a Page Rank is fake, not real. Please click here to learn more about how- and why- this would happen.

In a nutshell, most tools will show you just a Page Rank and you could still be suckered into wasting your money on a scam. However, Small SEO Tools provides a color scheme to identify the Fake PR from True PR, offering you peace of mind.

About Google Page Rank

Page Rank (named after Larry Page) is a link analysis algorithm used by Google that measures how many links point to a website or page, and more importantly the quality or importance of the sites that provide those links. It uses a numerical scale, with 0 being the least important and 10 being the most important.

In an attempt to “cheat the system”, some website owners have tried to purchase links back to their website hoping for a higher Page Rank. However, those low quality links can have a negative impact and result in a lower Google Page Rank. In addition, a website may be penalized or blocked from search results, giving priority to websites and web pages that have quality linkbacks and content that is valuable to humans.

If your Page Rank Test results are lower than you’d like them to be, you might want to use this Bantck Link Check tool to determine the Page Rank (value) of sites that are linking to your website or page, then further examining the value of each individual link with this Link Analysis tool. Also, you can use this Backlink Maker tool to create valuable (high PR) linkbacks.Page Rank is only updated 2 to 3 times a year, so the best policy is to put your best foot forward with value link building and quality content, and then run this test on a quarterly basis to see if there are any changes.

google page rank calculator

Google's PageRank - Calculator - Search engine optimization services and  articles, inc.

With a whopping 85+ percent market share, Google Search currently dominates the search engine market, making the worldwide market share of search engines rather lopsided.

As a search engine, Google has billions of webpages in its indexing system. For it to be able to appropriately rank each of these pages, it does use a mathematical algorithm called PageRank (or PR for short).

Given that PageRank plays an important role in how Google ranks websites, it’s always a good thing to find out the PR of your website and even that of your competition to know where you stand, so that you are better equipped to navigate your webpages to the top of search engine results pages (SERPs).

So how can you check your PageRank?

Initially, Google made PageRank scores public with the help of a calculator-tool called “Toolbar.” The tool typically used to show PR scores in a logarithmic scale right in the user’s browser.

Google Toolbar used to be updated 3 to four times a year, however, with time, Google started to reduce support for Toolbar. And then finally on April 15, 2016, the search giant officially folded Toolbar PageRank Data and removed it from the public, making it a secret sauce of its ranking mechanisms.

Although PageRank is no more public, it still exists. And it’s being used by Google as a ranking signal for search rankings.

That is why we have created Google PR Checker, a tool with which you can use to check the PageRank of any website on the Internet. We will talk more about this tool, but first let’s see what PageRank is and why it matters.

PageRank is a mathematical algorithm that measures the importance and authority of a webpage by counting the quantity and quality of links to that page. It then shows the score of the page on a scale of “0” to “10.”

To give a score, PageRank depends on the number and quality of links from other websites to a page, which serve as a type of “votes.” So basically, the more “votes” a page has and the higher the quality of “voters” (that is, the websites those links are coming from), the greater the page’s PageRank score.

Now, what make PageRank important?

PageRank is important to you as a webmaster because, as stated earlier, it is one of the most essential variables Google uses in determining the positions of websites in its search engine results pages. It helps the search engine determine the most trusted material for a particular query.

One of Google’s overall most important ranking factors of all time is backlinks. By checking the PageRank of your website, you get an idea of the quantity and quality of backlinks your website has, being that Google PR score is often based on backlinks.

Even Google has admitted that PageRank still matters. It just is not public anymore, but it is still a huge factor in ranking.

Google’s Gary Illyes had this to say in a tweet:

“DYK that after 18 years we’re still using PageRank (and 100s of other signals) in ranking?”

And although PageRank is a Google trademark, other search engines use similar techniques to decide how to rank webpages on their search engine listings.

So as a blogger or website owner, knowing your site’s PR lets you know where your site sits so you can better position it to perform better.

Also, if you are planning to purchase an existing website, or want to advertise on a third-party website, knowing the site’s PageRank score will help you make an informed decision.

And you can check the PR score of any website on the Internet with our Google PageRank Checker Tool.

Google PR Checker is a free online tool for finding out the PageRank of any website. It works like a page score calculator, but in a much more helpful way.

PageRank is an independent measure of Google’s perception of the quality, authority, and credibility of an individual web page. Thus, our tool does not depend on any particular search phrase to calculate a page’s PageRank score, but in a more reliable way, it delivers result that meets standards.

But much more than that, Google PageRank Checker (by Small SEO Tools) integrates modern algorithms based on Google’s latest updates and guidelines to deliver an incredibly accurate result.

To boot, our PageRank calculator is extremely easy to use, with a user-friendly interface designed to feel intuitive.

Using our PageRank checking tool is as simple as using the Internet. All you have to do is follow these steps:

Step #1: Be sure you are on this Google PR Checker page (, which is most likely where you are now.

Step #2: Enter the URL of the page you want to check in the space provided.

Step #3: Click on the “Check Page Rank” button.

Immediately, the tool will return the results. We’ve created the tool’s user interface to be so simple that you can easily understand the result even without necessarily being a web search expert.

Our PR checker analyzes not just the PR score of the homepage, but for every other page on the website. Just enter the specific URL and you’re good to go.

After checking your PR, Google PR Checker gives you an option to add a PageRank icon on your website. To add, simply click on the “Add Page Rank Icon On Your Website” button below the result.

Our Google PageRank displays the results in a green bar just as Google used to do with its Toolbar.

Along with the bar, it shows you the score on the scale of 0 to 10, if your result is closer to 10, that means your PR score is good. If the result is closer to 0, that means your PR score isn’t that impressive.

Also, a result may show a red bar instead of green. This color scheme is actually an advanced feature offered by our Google PageRank Checker and it is not commonly found in many other PR checkers.

The red results lets you know when a PageRank is fake or false. The fact is that some individuals do use a variety of shady methods to create a “spoof” PageRank. You can use the color scheme feature our tool offers to check the validity of a website before you buy it, or before you advertise on it and save yourself from getting scammed. If it shows red, it means something is wrong with the site’s authority.

There’s is always room for improving your site’s PageRank, especially if it is closer to 0 than 10.

Let’s see some things you can do to improve your PageRank. These tips will work no matter what your PageRank is today.

First things first, in order to improve your Google PageRank, the first step is to know where your page currently sits. This will give you an idea of where you are and a picture of where you want to go with the score.
Get to understand how PageRank really works. This knowledge is essential for you to clearly see what exactly has to be done to get a result as well as what has gone wrong if the ranks dropped.
Optimize your content and website for Google. Why? Because when you optimize, you subconsciously follow the requirements for higher PageRank score. On how to optimize your content and website for Google, follow our SEO blog.
Build backlinks a lot. The reason is that PageRank score is directly based on the quality and quantity of links to a web page. So you’d want to build as many backlinks as possible. But not just that: the PageRank score of each page depends on the score of the page that links to it. This means to improve your PageRank score much more quickly, it’s better to target websites with high PR score in your link building efforts.
Additionally, you can also use our other SEO tools to improve your Google PageRank and your overall search engine rankings. We run over 120 SEO and content tools, but here are some germane ones for improving PageRank: Backlink Maker, Backlink Checker, Reciprocal Link Checker.


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