Best Apps For Stroke Recovery 2020

Stroke is the fifth leading cause of death in the United States. It’s also one of the most common neurological conditions that can affect people of all ages and backgrounds.

Because stroke can leave someone unable to speak, walk, or perform basic everyday tasks, it’s important that stroke survivors find ways to recover from their injuries. This can be a long and difficult process, but there are many apps available that can help make it easier for patients to return to their daily lives after a stroke.

Here are some of our favorite apps for stroke recovery

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The Best Apps to Help With Stroke Recovery - Saebo

Best Apps For Stroke Recovery 2020

Did you find this article while searching for advice for stroke survivors to make the most out of their recovery? I’ll share some information that I hope will be helpful.

As you know, it is important to maintain healthy habits to prevent a future stroke. Even though many people know the importance of stroke management, they may feel they don’t know how to undertake the process. So today, I’m going to introduce 5 apps that can help you manage your stroke continuously.

Best 5 apps for stroke survivors
5 Apps for Stroke Survivors to faster recover
Calm – Meditation app
Rehabit – Recovery habit change app
Medisafe – Medication reminder app
Cozi – Family organizer app
Peak – Brain training app

  1. Calm – Meditation app

meditation app calm
After a stroke, you may experience sudden emotional changes or sleep poorly. Many experts say that we should try to accept and control the emotional changes, and make adjustments to our lifestyle and environment to achieve better sleep. One of the best ways to control emotional change is to meditate. Meditation allows you to control anxiety and refocus your energy.

Calm is a top-performing app for Sleep, Meditation and Relaxation. This app has over 50 million downloads and over 700,000 5-star reviews. It was also honored to be an Apple BEST OF 2018 award winner, Apple’s App of the Year 2017, Google Play Editor’s Choice 2018, and was named by the Center for Humane Technology as “the world’s happiest app”.

The main functions of Calm:

Meditate (Learn the life-changing skill of meditation)
Sleep (Get more restful sleep and wake up feeling refreshed)
Music (Exclusive music to help you focus, relax, and sleep)

Calm Price: Free, or a paid premium subscription of $14.99/month, $69.99/year, or $399.99/lifetime.
Download: iOS / Android

  1. Rehabit – Recovery habit change app


There’s a lot to take care of after a stroke, but are you at a loss where to start? Rehabit is a comprehensive wellness and stroke recovery program, incorporating a decade of Neofect’s rehabilitation expertise and extensive research on health and wellness.

Our engaging and life-changing materials are based on rehabilitation strategies that facilitate neuroplasticity, helping you to make brain changes that will allow you to return to your routines and get your life back on track.


1) Lasting habit changes: Rehabit explains the how and why behind stroke recovery tips, making it easy and satisfying to adopt healthy habits into your lifestyle.

2) Everything you need to create your own recovery habits: Get easy-to-read daily articles and educational material on stroke rehab, behavioral health, lifestyle, nutrition, mindfulness, and more.

3) Comprehensive video exercises: Maximize your recovery with daily video tutorials and professional exercise demonstrations Exercise content is tailored to your capabilities to help you stay focused, consistent, and successful.

4) Track and analyze your daily progress: Rehabit will help guide you to stay on track with your personal wellness goals.

Rehabit Price: Free, or VIP subscription of $19.99/monthly plan, $49.99/3 month plan, $69.99/6 month plan, $99.99/Annual Plan

  • Basic rehab content (Limited articles, exercises, and videos)
  • Daily missions
  • Upgrade to the VIP Plan to Jump-Start Recovery

Rehabit offers a free plan including a limited selection of educational content. Subscribers can maximize their experience with the VIP plan, providing unlimited reading and video content, customized daily missions, and regular evaluations and progress reports.

Download: iOS / Android

  1. Medisafe – Medication reminder app

medication reminder app, medisafe
With Medisafe, you get personalized reminders for each of your medications and vital drug interaction warnings. You can stay connected to your caregivers through real-time missed medication alerts.

The main features:

Med and Refill Reminders: Be notified when your prescriptions are running low so you are never without your meds.
Drug Interaction Warnings: Get an alert whenever any of your prescribed medications should not be taken together (US only).
Price: Free or paid premium plan for $4.99 a month or $39.99 a year.
Download: iOS / Android

  1. Cozi – Family organizer app

organizer app, cozi

It is also important to maintain a strong social network with family and friends after stroke. It’s even better if your social network is supportive of your recovery journey and helps you stay on task during your daily routine!

Cozi is the must-have organizer for families. It helps coordinate and communicate everyone’s schedules and activities, track grocery lists, manage to do lists, plan ahead for dinner, and keep the whole family on the same page.

Price: Free
Download : iOS / Android

  1. Peak – Brain training app

brain training app, Peak
As a stroke survivor, you are understandably focused on improving the quality of your daily life. Another important part of any recovery program is brain training to restore and enhance cognitive function. To boost your thinking skills, try the brain training workouts offered in the popular Peak app.

The Peak app is a great choice to challenge your brain. You can push your cognitive skills, train hard, and make great use of your time with fun, stimulating games and workouts. The Peak app was honored Best of the year and Editor’s Choice in both AppStore and GooglePlay.

The games are designed to push you hard with short, intense workouts designed around your life. You can challenge the skills that matter to you most with games that test your focus, memory, problem solving, reaction time and more.

Meet Coach, your personal trainer in Peak. The coach will challenge you with new workouts, track your progress, and show you where and how you can improve, keeping you motivated and pushing you further.

Price: Free or paid Premium plan $4.99 per month or $34.99 per year
Download: iOS / Android

So far, we’ve introduced 5 apps that are useful to stroke survivors. As consistent rehabilitation is important for stroke recovery, I encourage you to use the apps above consistently to help boost your stroke recovery. This information is intended for informational purposes, so we advise readers to refer to each website for more information.

best tablet for stroke victims

If you’ve had one stroke, you have about a 25%-35% chance of having a second one. Your doctor will use medication to lower those odds.

They’ll want to make sure you control your high blood pressure. You also may need to start or stay on blood thinners, or take drugs to treat any underlying heart problems.

The exact mix of medication will depend on which types of stroke you had:

Ischemic strokes are caused by a clot in an artery that supplies blood to your brain.
Hemorrhagic strokes happen when you have bleeding inside your brain as a result of a ruptured blood vessel.
Transient ischemic attacks (TIAs) aren’t strokes, but they’re a warning that you could have one later. TIAs don’t last as long as ischemic strokes and go away on their own.
Blood Pressure Drugs
High blood pressure, also called hypertension, is a top cause for both types of stroke. So it’s a good bet you’ll need medication to bring your readings down. Common treatments work in different ways:

Diuretics, sometimes called water pills, help your body flush out extra salt and fluids. You might take them with other blood pressure drugs. Diuretics can lower potassium levels, which can lead to weakness, leg cramps, and fatigue. Eating lots of foods that are high in potassium (like banana, spinach, and sweet potato) may prevent these symptoms. Your doctor may also recommend a potassium supplement if needed.

ACE inhibitors relax and widen your blood vessels. This helps the blood flow more easily.

Beta-blockers stop the effects of a hormone called adrenaline, so your heart beats with less speed and pressure. You usually won’t take these until you’ve tried diuretics or other blood pressure drugs.

Calcium channel blockers help your blood vessels relax and open up by blocking calcium from entering the cells in the heart and blood vessels. They also can slow your heart rate, which lowers blood pressure.

Angiotensin II receptor blockers make it easier for your heart to pump by blocking a chemical that narrows blood vessels.


Anti-Clotting Drugs
If you had an ischemic stroke, you’re almost certain to take a drug to prevent future blood clots.

Surprisingly, you might get this type of medication even if you had a bleeding stroke. Your doctor may recommend this to help prevent an ischemic stroke or a blood clot in the lungs. Your doctor will weigh your personal odds of blood clots vs. bleeding.

Anticoagulants help keep the blood from clotting. They make clots harder to form or slow them from growing. Warfarin and heparin are common examples. There are also medicines called direct oral anticoagulant and these include: Apixaban (Eliquis), dabigatran (Pradaxa), edoxaban (Lixiana, Savaysa), rivaroxaban (Xarelto). Anticoagulants are aggressive drugs. You usually take them if your chance of stroke is high or if you have an irregular heartbeat condition called atrial fibrillation (AFib).

Antiplatelets also prevent clots from forming by keeping cells called platelets from sticking together. Aspirin is the best-known example. You might have to take aspirin or other types of antiplatelets for the rest of your life if you’ve had an ischemic stroke or a TIA.

Both types of anti-clotting drugs raise your chances of bleeding. They also can cause problems for people with ulcers. People on certain blood thinners, such as warfarin (Coumadin, Jantoven), need to be consistent when eating cauliflower, broccoli, and leafy greens because they contain vitamin K, which can make the drug less effective. Eating about the same amount of these foods every day helps keep the levels of medication in the blood stable.

Atrial Fibrillation Drugs
If you have this irregular heartbeat condition, you’re 5 times more likely to have a stroke than other people. AFib makes blood pool in your heart, where clots can form. You usually need to take (or stay on) anti-clotting medications, like aspirin or warfarin. But you also may take drugs to control your heart rate or rhythm.

Heart rate drugs. You take these to keep your heart from beating too quickly. One way is with blood pressure medication, like a beta-blocker or calcium channel blocker. Another choice is digoxin (Cardoxin, Digitek, Lanoxin), which slows the speed of electrical currents as they travel through your heart.

Heart rhythm drugs. Once you restore a normal heartbeat (pulse), you may take drugs to control your heart’s rhythm (like skipped or extra beats). You may need a sodium channel blocker — like quinidine, flecainide (Tambocor), or propafenone (Rythmol) — which slows the heart’s ability to conduct electricity. Potassium channel blockers — like sotalol (Betapace, Sorine) and amiodarone (Cordarone, Pacerone) — work similarly by slowing the electrical signals that cause atrial fibrillation, or AFib.


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