Best Apps For Tracking Followers On Instagram

If you’re one of the millions of people using Instagram, chances are that you’re interested in tracking the growth and performance of your account.

In this post, we’ll go over the best apps for tracking followers on Instagram. We’ll also give you some tips on how to increase your following organically—without resorting to buying fake followers.

Instagram Followers App: 28 Safe & Free Apps

Best Apps For Tracking Followers On Instagram

If you’re trying to appeal to your audience and grow your Instagram following, learning from your followers could be the key to success. While Instagram itself does offer analytics about how your followers engage with your posts, you have to have a Business Account to access these. But that’s not your only option — there are also several third-party apps you can use to track followers’ Instagram activity.

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Before it was removed for being too complicated and a little creepy, you could check Instagram’s Following Activity Tab to find out which posts and accounts your individual followers were liking and following. Instagram Insights, which is available for business accounts, offers more in-depth information by giving you a breakdown of your interactions, reach, and impressions. This can really help if you put out a lot of sponsored or paid content and want to see how it’s doing. A Business Account also allows you to see the overall stats for the gender, age, and location of followers and other users that are interacting with your posts.

If you don’t want to convert yours to a Business Account, there are apps you can download that let you in on your followers’ activity trends, as well as information about how much they’re interacting with your posts. These features usually come included in apps that help you check who’s unfollowed you. All you have to do is download them, give them permission to access your account, and let them do the rest of the work.

Here are seven apps to use to track your followers’ Instagram activity:

Followers Track for Instagram!
Followers Track for Instagram! lets you see who’s unfollowed you and who interacts most with your po…
Syeda Khaula Saad/Bustle
The Followers Track for Instagram! app allows you to see who follows you, who unfollows you, and who interacts with your posts. Through this information, the app also shows you who your most and least active followers are, based on who likes and comments on your posts the most and least. Plus, the app lets you see which accounts you’re following that don’t follow you back and vice versa. This can help you decide whether or not to keep certain accounts in your Following list.

Tracking Instagram Followers
Tracking Instagram Followers lets you in on a lot of information regarding your followers. Aside from main tools that help you track unfollowers, the app also shows you which of your followers are inactive, which users like or comment on your posts without following you, and which followers interact with you the most. Additionally, the app gives you other analytic information like which of your tags is the most popular, what timings are the best to post on your feed, and even what timings are best to put up a Story.

Reports+ for Instagram
Reports+ For Instagram helps you track your followers’ activity with all sorts of interactive graphs…
Syeda Khaula Saad/Bustle
Reports+ for Instagram lays out an impressive amount of information about your followers. The app advertises “over 30 insights about your followers,” including which followers are your “best” and “worst,” based on how many likes or comments they give you. It also breaks down your account growth in charts that track the followers you’ve gained and the interactions your posts have over time.

Followers Pro – For Instagram
Followers Pro – For Instagram claims to be the “fastest and most accurate Instagram analytics app” and uses official Instagram Application Programing Interface (API) for information. Plus, with a 4.7 out of 5-star rating on the Apple App Store, it seems like a good choice. The app gives you information about your followers as other tracking apps do, and it also gives you a list of your “Secret Admirers” which are accounts that interact with almost all of your content, even if they’re not following you. On top of that, the app comes with a few extra tools such as one that helps you plan and schedule posts based on your followers’ activity trends.

Followers Track, for Instagram
Followers Track, for Instagram allows users to see their one-on-one interactions with specific follo…
Syeda Khaula Saad/Bustle
Followers Track, for Instagram allows you to stay updated on your relationship with your followers. The app lets you see one-on-one interactions with followers, including how many likes and comments you two have given each other. You can also analyze two of your posts side by side and see which followers liked one photo and not the other. On top of all of this, you can do other things like use the app to repost Stories or determine what hours on Instagram are the best for a chance at interaction from your followers.

Iconosquare is an insight analytic app for both Instagram and Facebook. Aside from giving you information about which followers like your posts the most, the app also tells you the average number of likes and comments you receive per post, as well as the growth of your followers over time. And, if you want to boost the likes and followers on your account using other social media accounts or sites, you can use the app to embed your Instagram account to other places.

Followers Master for Instagram
Followers Master for Instagram allows you to see how many profile views you’ve had.
Syeda Khaula Saad/Bustle
Followers Master for Instagram is another option for you if you want an app that’ll give you basic information about your recent followers and unfollowers, admirers, and most engaged users. The app is simple and straight-forward to use, and lets you stay in-tune with which accounts are helping your growth by interacting with your posts the most. Plus, the app gives you updates on your insights that you can use to improve your profile engagement.

Your Instagram may not grow overnight, but with the proper data and analytics, you can have the necessary information to understand how your followers function and how to increase their engagement with your account.

instagram follower tracker online free

Over time you can build up a large number of followers on Instagram. You may not be in the realms of Selena Gomez or Cristiano, both of whom have over 250 million followers. But it can be difficult for even a casual Instagram user to keep track of who has followed and unfollowed them.

The native Instagram app does not provide easy ways to manage your followers and keep track of who follows and unfollows you. As a result, developers have created many apps to provide an enhanced interface to assist with managing your followers.

Many of these Instagram followers trackers have similar names and almost identical capabilities. Some focus more on Instagram statistics. We have previously looked in more detail at those apps that provide insight into your Instagram analytics.

Most of the apps we look at here are simple (and free). They can make the life of anybody with more than a few followers decidedly more relaxed.

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16 Top Instagram Followers Trackers [+Free Tracking Tool]:

  1. Follower Analyzer (Instagram)
    Follower Analyzer (Instagram)

Follower Analyzer provides you with relevant analytics about your Instagram followers. You can see who has unfollowed you and who is not following you back, track new followers, find mutual friends and view fans. You can view which followers have never liked or commented on your posts and those who have always liked or comment on your friends’ posts. You can see your top liked and top commented statuses, and people who are often tagged in your posts.

An optional premium purchase allows multiple account sign-ins, an unlimited profile analyzer, and removes your ads.

  1. Followers & Unfollowers Analytics for Instagram (WowMaking)
    Followers & Unfollowers Analytics for Instagram (WowMaking)

This app makes following and unfollowing people extremely easy. You can use their insta tracker to find out a range of analytics about your Instagram account. The app includes ads and in-app purchases for the more advanced features.

You can discover your followers and unfollowers, find ghost followers, discover which of your audience is real, rather than mere bots, and learn which of your posts are the most successful.

You can easily monitor and manage the popularity of your posts, examining how your audience reacts to your shared content.

  1. Followers for Instagram! (Component Studios)
    Followers for Instagram! (Component Studios)

You can use Followers for Instagram to discover who has followed and unfollowed you, who isn’t following you back, and who you aren’t following back.

You can access the main features for free, but there are a few in-app purchases, such as showing blocked Instagram followers, deleted comments and likes of your followers, a Perception upgrade pack, an Involvement upgrade pack, and a Monitoring upgrade pack.

It is user-friendly, and you can follow and unfollow people from within the app. You can use it to find and remove any fake followers who have slipped onto your list.

  1. Followers Insights for Instagram (MonoMosaic)
    Followers Insights for Instagram (MonoMosaic)

This is another favorite app, with more than 150,000 people giving it a 5-star rating, with an overall grade of 4.5.

Although you get some features for free, you do have to pay extra for a range of more premium features.

The app allows you to:

Discover the followers you have gained and lost
Learn who has blocked you
Unfollow people who have unfollowed you
Keep track of your most loyal followers
Monitor multiple Instagram accounts
Discover your spies, potential spammers, and inactive users
Shout-out to you best followers
The app does include extensive advertising.

  1. Followers Tools for Instagram (CC Soft)
    Followers Tools for Instagram (CC Soft)

Followers Tools for Instagram provides you with a wealth of information to help you better manage your Instagram account. Like most of the apps covered here, you can get a basic level of functionality for free (although there are ads) and then buy additional capabilities as an add-on.

In the core app, you can follow, unfollow, block and unblock your followers without limits. You can also set it to auto-unfollow with a separate list. You can also keep track of all of your new follows, new followers, lost followers / unfollowers, and lost follows/unfollows. You can also see who you have blocked, as well as who has blocked you.

The app also provides plenty of statistics, such as your total number of posts, likes, comments, followings, and followers, along with trends.

One of the premium features is photo/video analysis. This includes stats about your most and least liked media items according to likes and/or comments.

Another premium feature focuses on user engagement. This provides data on who your most and least active supporters are regarding likes and /or comments. It also offers you a list of ghost followers, who you can quickly unfollow.

  1. FollowMeter for Instagram (BeakerApps)
    FollowMeter for Instagram (BeakerApps)

FollowMeter for Instagram has an attractive interface to help you manage your Instagram followers. It will provide you the following insights for free:

number of followers gained
number of followers lost
number of non-followers
your most and least liked pictures and videos
your total likes
your total comments
your average likes
your average comments
If you make an optional premium purchase, you will be featured in the app’s Discover section, for all of its users to see (and hopefully follow).

  1. Ghost Unfollowers for Instagram & Fake I.G. Clean (Prakash Desai)
    Ghost Unfollowers for Instagram & Fake I.G. Clean (Prakash Desai)

You can use this app to remove your ghost followers – lurkers who remain inactive on Instagram and don’t partake in any engagement. Ghost accounts may be either created by people or social bots. They do nothing to help the performance of your Instagram account. Often scammers generate ghost accounts with fictional profiles.

You can use this app to monitor your last 100 posts from followers who don’t interact in any way.

You can also use the app to track and delete your Instagram unfollowers. You can carry our mass unfollows, up to 60 users per hour.

  1. Reports + Followers Analytics for Instagram (Mobile X)
    Reports + Followers Analytics for Instagram (Mobile X)

Reports + offers a range of features to enhance your Instagram experience in its free version. These include:

Key account analytics
Track your follower gains and losses
Track your post-performance
Track engagement
Optimize and schedule your posts
Determine who your best Instagram fans are and which of your friends liked your posts much
Discover your unfollowers
You can gain additional account information if you subscribe to a premium add-on.

  1. Tracker for Instagram Followers & Unfollowers (Quadro Tools)
    Tracker for Instagram Followers & Unfollowers (Quadro Tools)

This app’s name, Tracker for Instagram Followers & Unfollowers, is a good description of what it does. It allows you to find out about the people who follow you (or have recently unfollowed you). Reviews of this app are also polarized – with 878 people giving a 5-star review, but 383, providing a 1-star rating. You will probably want to try it out first before committing to an in-app purchase.

Like most of these apps, you will have to endure ads.

It provides a detailed insta report of your followers, unfollowers, secret admirers, ghost followers, stalkers, likes and analytics. The statistics include details on your popular posts (likes and reposts), followers / unfollowers, comments, likes, profile views, and more.

  1. Unfollow for Instagram – Unfollowers & Fans (Unfollow App)

This is a simple app where you can track people who do not follow you back on Instagram. It also lets you unfollow people, either individually or in batches.

Although this app is more straightforward than many other apps here, it does precisely what it says. You can find your unfollowers, or unfollow people yourself, simply with a few clicks.

  1. Unfollow Users for Instagram (Xiuxin Soft Team)
    Unfollow Users for Instagram (Xiuxin Soft Team)

This is another simple free app that does what it advertises. The home page shows the people who you follow but who do not follow you back. You can unfollow them directly from the app, either one person at a time or in batches of ten.

  1. Unfollowers & Ghost Followers – Follower Insight
    Unfollowers & Ghost Followers – Follower Insight

Unfollowers & Followers Analytics for Instagram is obviously popular with its users, averaging 4.5 on Google Play, with more than 40,000 people giving it a 5-star rating.

It has a comparatively strong feature list, including

Listing your unfollowers, ghost followers, mutual followers, recent unfollowers
The opportunity to be included in a global shout-out
A chance to be part of a media shout-out
Ability to add users to a whitelist
Can follow/unfollow from within the app
The app is free but ad-supported.

  1. Unfollowers & Ghost Followers for Instagram (Follow Cop)
    Unfollowers & Ghost Followers for Instagram (Follow Cop)

Somewhat confusingly this app is listed on Google Play as Unfollowers & Ghost Followers for Instagram but referred to in the page copy (and on the app itself) as Follow Cop.

It aims to be a comprehensive Instagram management tool: “With Follow Cop, be a cop of your Instagram profile.”

It is a free ad-supported app. Its features include:

Your non-followers
Ability to make global shout-outs
Can support up to 3 Instagram accounts
People you don’t follow back
Recent unfollowers
Ghost followers
Can create a whitelist of your favorite users, so you don’t accidentally unfollow them
Your top likers and commenters
Speechless likes
Can unfollow up to 20 people with a single click (with no hourly limits)
Ability to filter fake followers, fake following and mutual followers

  1. Unfollowers for Instagram Lost (Elegant)
    Unfollowers for Instagram Lost (Elegant)

The free Unfollowers for Instagram Lost helps you to find your unfollowers (both nonfollowers and lost followers) on your Instagram account. The app detects and highlights those people you follow who don’t follow you back. You can also set it to highlight the people you forget to follow back.

  1. Tracker for Instagram (Appyfurious LLC)
    Tracker for Instagram (Appyfurious LLC)

Tracker for Instagram allows you to track gained and lost followers. You can monitor how well your posts perform, your most liked posts, as well as your most commented photos and videos.

You can also use Tracker for Instagram to track follower engagement.

Although the app is free, you can pay for premium access ($US9.99 per month) which gives you access to additional insights, such as your most favorite media posts, your “stalkers,” ghost followers, blockers, best likers, and best commenters

It might be worth checking the reviews for the app before you download it, as users are polarized – the most common ratings are five stars and one star.

  1. Who Unfollowed (Webilisim)
    Who Unfollowed (Webilisim)

Who Unfollowed is a free app, but you can pay to promote yourself in the app to all 200,000 users.

You can find who unfollowed you on Instagram for as many accounts as you want. It will also list your recent unfollowers and your ghost followers. It provides you with some customization options so you can personalize it how you want it.

Unlike some of the other apps here, there are no hourly limits. You can unfollow as many people as you choose in one session.


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