Best Marketing Communication Tools

Marketing communication is the use of marketing strategies to communicate with target audiences. In this blog, we’ll talk about what marketing communication is, why it’s important, and which tools work best for different types of audiences and messages.

Best Marketing Communication Tools

Top 9 Communication Tools For Marketing To Build Business

Following are the best 18 marketing communication tools to reinforce your brand message and promote sales:

  1. AdvertisingThis is one of the biggest communication tools that marketing teams have. The greatest advantage of this mode is that it can be paid and unpaid, both. Advertising has a wide reach and great for small-scale companies or start-ups that are going low on the marketing budget.Advertising is based on above the line marketing. So, it is ideal for brands that do not have much exposure or a target audience.
  2. Sales promotionThe sales promotion tool is all about promoting your product. It is a great communication tool, particularly because of direct interaction with the customers. One of the benefits of sales promotion is that you can promote the product directly to the consumer effectively and promptly. It builds brand loyalty and helps your brand to flourish.Sales promotion comes in all forms such as free samples, gift vouchers, discounts, deals, etc.
  3. Direct marketingIn today’s world, we regard online marketing as direct marketing. Direct mails to get prospects and lead have more benefits than conventional marketing.Thanks to personalization tools, consumers find direct mails and catalogs easier to process. Moreover, direct online marketing yields a high response rate as compared to traditional marketing. Commercials do not catch much attention but giving access to consumers in receiving messages can definitely change the game.
  4. Email campaignsEmail marketing is another great tactic for marketing communication. Overall, it enables a brand to generate more leads and prospects while driving traffic to their official website. Moreover, this marketing tool is a self-lead-qualifying process.
  5. NewsletterLikewise, newsletters are a great way to nurture prospects and leads. If you have a strong list of recipients, you can send personalized content straight to their inboxes. This tactic enables you to drag them to sales funnel pages. Consequently, keeping them engaged with your brand.
  6. Personal sellingThink of it as a great communication tool in which the salesperson goes to the potential customers himself and promote the product through its benefits and features.While doing so, a salesperson must follow the dynamics of AIDAS. This is a mandatory cycle to follow if you are looking to increase the sales.Even though personal selling requires a lot of hard work, the results are usually positive. So, you can say it’s a long shot but its worth it.
  7. Public relationsWith this tool, you can improve your brand’s image and place in the market. Maintaining public relations with influential people across the industry is a great tool to grow your business.Using this tool at the right time and in front of the right people can help you increase sales dramatically. One of the greatest advantages of this tool is that you do not have to spend much on public PR campaigns as publicity is not a significant part of public relations.
  8. Social mediaSocial media allows the brands to reach a wide base of the target audience while promoting their products and company values through videos, ads, photos, videos, and great content.For example, Tiktok has become a broad platform for brands to reach consumers through video makers.Potential customers, nowadays, love to connect to the brands using social media platforms. Other than that, you can even put up testimonials on these platforms to attract more customers in the long run.
  9. CatalogsThe primary use of catalogs is to announce the launch of a new product. However, the key to success lies in holding a true value proposition. Catalogs, when combined with email marketing are a great way to convey information to your potential and existing customers.
  10. Trade showsTrade shows are becoming more and more popular. With the pandemic going on, online trade shows are becoming a thing now. Many brands are adopting and hosting trade shows to introduce a new product/service.A trade show is a great chance for the customers to meet the brand representative and give valuable feedback.
  11. SeminarsSeminars can make or break your brand in the industry. It is a great tool for you to engage with customers. but how? Well, you can invite a lot of customers so that they can learn about your brand or service. However, seminars are not hosted for product promotion. The main purpose is to give valuable knowledge to improve the brand’s loyalty.
  12. WebinarsWebinars have the potential to establish your brand/company as a thought and successful leader in the industry. In fact, it is an outlet where consumers can learn more about your brand’s values, beliefs, and objectives.
  13. ForumsForums hold great importance when it comes to communication with the consumers. The main benefit of forums is that you can use it to address various on-going issues and topics. Moreover, you can relate the current world affairs to your product and even use them to increase your sales.
  14.  SurveysSurveys are great for getting valuable feedback and improving your business.
  15. Mobile appsCreating a mobile app for your brand to shop online is a great way to reach a wide base of consumers.
  16. PodcastsWith podcasts, you can discuss a new topic or a Fashion trend with the visitors. It helps to keep your customers engaged.
  17. SponsorshipSponsorship can help you reach customers on a global basis. Moreover, it can place you above your competitors in the market.
  18. Interactive marketingEvent-based marketing is a great tool to increase conversions, ultimately leading to more sales. It tends to bring a lot of audience engagement and feedback from valuable customers. Other than that, a successful interactive marketing plan can make you go viral on social media.

marketing communication tools advantages and disadvantages

IMC Tools (Integrated Marketing Communication) Making Business Better

Marketing is the arm of business concerned with communicating with customers, and marketers have a range of communication tools at their disposal to spread marketing messages. Each marketing communication tool features its own strengths and weaknesses, and each is best suited for specific situations, target markets and industries. Understanding the pros and cons of marketing communication tools can help you to craft the ideal marketing strategy for your business and brands.

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The advantages of advertising have allowed it to remain the dominant form of marketing communication for decades. Advertising messages can utilise a range of media, including television, radio, magazines and the Internet. Advertisements can be custom-tailored to a niche audience or designed to appeal to a wide audience.

The cons of advertising continue to grow with each passing year, however. Advertising’s saturation of visible space and sound waves has caused a large number of people to mentally tune out advertising messages or even become offended by the bombardment. Advertising has become so undesirable in consumers’ lives that new technological tools have been created to avoid them.

  • The advantages of advertising have allowed it to remain the dominant form of marketing communication for decades.
  • Advertising’s saturation of visible space and sound waves has caused a large number of people to mentally tune out advertising messages or even become offended by the bombardment.


Public Relations

Public relations tools are a form of one-way marketing communication that informs the public about a company’s philanthropic or socially responsible activities. This can help to garner a positive image in the marketplace and turn consumers into brand champions.

Not all social causes are politically neutral, however, and the wrong public relations move can send a hostile message to specific audiences. For example, consider a company that donates a large sum of money and volunteer labour time to an environmental initiative, then publishes a press release about the activity. Avid human-rights activists may become irate about the fact that the firm chose environmental issues over human rights issues and may boycott the brand because of it.

  • Public relations tools are a form of one-way marketing communication that informs the public about a company’s philanthropic or socially responsible activities.
  • Avid human-rights activists may become irate about the fact that the firm chose environmental issues over human rights issues and may boycott the brand because of it.



Sales often involves face-to-face communication between customers and company representatives. Personal sales processes can create positive impressions in people’s minds and can help customers to find the ideal product to serve their needs.

Sales works as a two-edged sword, however, as negative experiences with salespeople can go just as far to turn a customer away and spread negative word-of-mouth advertising.4

Two-Way Communication

The Internet has opened up new and powerful marketing communication tools that make dynamic, two-way communication possible across vast distances. Social media outlets, blogs and other online communication media can allow companies to communicate directly with customers and solicit valuable feedback on new products and unmet customer needs.

  • The Internet has opened up new and powerful marketing communication tools that make dynamic, two-way communication possible across vast distances.
  • Social media outlets, blogs and other online communication media can allow companies to communicate directly with customers and solicit valuable feedback on new products and unmet customer needs.

The downside to open, two-way communication is that people can just as easily spread negative messages about specific brands online as they can positive or constructive messages. Reading too many negative comments on a company blog, online community or social media outlet can tarnish the company’s reputation and discourage first-time customers.


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