Free Seo Tools For WordPress Plugins

Free SEO Tools for WordPress Plugins

When you’re running a website, there’s a lot to keep track of. You need to make sure that your content is up-to-date and relevant, your site is optimized for search engines, and that you’re complying with the latest regulations. If you’re not already using WordPress plugins to help manage your site, now’s the time to get started!

WordPress has an incredible community of developers who create free plugins that can help you stay on top of your game as a blogger or website owner. The great thing about these plugins is that they’re all free and easy to install—you don’t even need coding skills!

In this article, we’ll show you how to use three free SEO tools for wordpress plugins: Yoast SEO, All In One SEO Pack, and Google Analytics Dashboard for WordPress.

14 Best WordPress SEO Plugins and Tools That You Should Use

Free Seo Tools For WordPress Plugins

Social media platforms may restrict organic growth to favor paid advertisements or even disappear altogether, but Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one strategy you can always rely on! The free SEO tools listed in this guide will help you optimize your WordPress site in a variety of ways.

The good news is that there’s no need to heed the call of snake-oil SEO salesmen, especially when there are so many outstanding free SEO tools that can have a positive impact on your rankings – as long as you’re willing to take a little time to learn their ins and outs.

In this post, we’ve assembled a collection of seven free SEO tools for WordPress (and otherwise) to help improve your Google rankings, including our advice on how they can help you climb the ladder to the very top of search queries. Let’s get started!

Best free SEO tools for WordPress

1. Pingdom Speed Test

A screenshot of the Pingdom homepage.

Pingdom Speed Test is a simple tool that enables you to measure exactly how long your site takes to load – down to the millisecond. Just enter the URL of the site you want to test, pick one of the available server locations, then sit back for a few seconds while it produces a detailed report.

Aside from load speeds, Pingdom will also compare how your site stacks up against their database and archived tests, and provide you with a list of performance insights you can put into action to improve your metrics:

A list of performance insights to boost your Google rankings.

Now, you might not care too much about how fast your site loads as long as it’s quick enough, but search engines do. So, if you want to boost your Google rankings, even shaving a couple of milliseconds off your page speed might just be the ticket to get there.

As far as WordPress goes, there are lots of ways to help improve your page speed times, and we recently covered ten of them in a two-part series: 5 Quick Wins to Speed Up WordPress Load Times and 5 More Quick Wins to Speed Up Your WordPress.

2. KWFinder

KWFinder allows you to search for detailed information about specific keywords. All you need to do is enter a seed keyword into the search bar, click “Find Keywords”, and wait a few seconds for KWFinder to calculate your results.

KWFinder reports show you how popular the keyword you’re searching for is, how the popularity of that keyword has changed over time, and related keywords you might want to consider:

Each keyword listed is also given a “Keyword Difficulty” or “KD” rating. This is calculated from Link Profile Strength using a system created by Mangools, the creator of KWFinder. Keywords are rated on a scale of 0-100, with 0 being the least difficult and 100 being the most difficult. The KD is highlighted in red, yellow, or green, so you can see which keywords are easy to rank for at a glance.

KWFinder does offer premium plans, but visitors to the KWFinder site can search for two keywords per day without signing up. You can also register for a free plan with up to five keyword searches per day. This is more than enough to suit the needs of most small business websites.

3. Chrome DevTools

A screenshot of the Chrome Developer Tools homepage.

The Chrome DevTools is a suite of web development and debugging tools built right into the Chrome browser. They include an elements panel (which enables you to manipulate your site’s CSS and see how the changes look in real time), a console that provides you with real-time diagnostics, and a networks section with insights regarding your site’s performance, among many others.

However, our primary interest lies with the Chrome DevTools dedicated to providing page performance and loading speed insights. To gain access to these free SEO tools you must first install Google Chrome, then head to the site you’ll be testing. Right-click anywhere on the page, select the Inspect option, and once there, click on the Network tab. Finally, press the F5 key to begin your first test:

A screenshot of the Chrome Developer tools Network tab.

Once the test is complete, you’ll be presented with a list of every single request made to the site and how long it took to complete, as well as an overall loading time. This list will show you which elements need to be optimized, but the usual suspects tend to be images, CSS, and JavaScript. We covered image optimization in a previous article, and both CSS and JavaScript can be easily dealt with too, by pressing a suitable plugin into service.

4. Alexa

Free SEO Tools - Alexa homepage

When referring to Alexa, we must make a distinction between its free Site Overview service and its premium marketing stack, which only offers a short free trial period. Since we’re talking about free SEO tools, we’ll be focusing on the former and how it can help you improve your Google rankings.

Alexa keeps track of your site’s global and countrywide rank using its own algorithms alongside historical data, which enables you to see how your performance progresses over time. The Site Overview also breaks down the countries your visitors are coming from, which is useful from a geo-targeting perspective:

A screenshot of the breakdown of visitors per region.

Most importantly, you’ll be shown a rough outline of your top performing keywords in search engines. Using this data, you can decipher the content that’s performing well, then use the information to either schedule more related posts for your WordPress blog, reinforce low performers with better content, or simply retire shoddy keywords.

5. Google Keyword Planner

A screenshot of the Google Keyword Planner homepage.

The Google Keyword Planner enables you to obtain search volume data and historical trends for the keywords you choose, analyze how much competition there is for them, and dissect information on related keywords organized according to relevance:

An example of the Google Keyword Planner in action.

With this data in hand, you can quickly select highly performing keywords and build your WordPress posts around them. These keywords can also be used in conjunction with the Yoast SEO plugin to help improve your Google rankings.

6. Google Trends

A screenshot from the Google Trends homepage.

Google Trends is a powerful free SEO tool all by itself, but it shines when used alongside the Google Keyword Planner.

While the planner enables you to identify potential future keywords for your content, this tool provides you with hard data concerning keyword interest using Google’s vast database of search histories. You can even use Google Trends to compare interest in multiple keywords at once, and break down the regions for which they’re most relevant:

A comparison between two searches using Google Trends.

Historical trends can be an influential factor when determining the viability of keywords. For example, did you know that interest in WordPress themes usually peaks each year around January and February? A savvy WordPress blogger would heed this data and schedule a theme roundup around that time.

7. Keywords Everywhere

Keywords Everywhere is a free extension for Chrome and Firefox that integrates directly with Google Search, Google Analytics, eBay, and other major websites to show you keyword information in real time. For the purposes of this article, we’ll focus on how Keywords Everywhere integrates with Google Search.

Every time you search for something on Google, Keywords Everywhere will present you with two lists of keywords: one list of automatically-generated relevant keywords and a list of keywords also searched for by people googling the same thing. Search volumes, CPC (Cost-Per-Click), and Competition levels are also displayed.

Keywords Everywhere is particularly great for anyone who manages a WordPress blog because you can use it to generate ideas for Focus Keywords. This makes it easier for you to choose SEO-friendly article ideas at the outset, rather than trying to force an ill-fitting keyword onto an idea you’ve already written about.

Conclusion on the top free SEO tools

To boost your Google rankings, you’ll need patience and perseverance. You won’t see results overnight, even if you’re doing everything correctly. That being said, if you arm yourself with these free SEO tools – and have a willingness to see the job through and choose the right keywords – reaching that coveted first-page spot might only be a matter of time. Let’s recap the seven tools:

  1. Pingdom Speed Test: For analyzing your site’s speed.
  2. KWFinder: An easy way to assess how difficult it will be to rank for keywords you’re interested in, and what alternative keywords might be easier to rank for.
  3. Chrome DevTools: For obtaining more detailed performance data.
  4. Alexa: Great for all-round ranking and keyword information.
  5. Google Keyword Planner: A great tool for researching keywords.
  6. Google Trends: A simple tool to refine your keywords using historical trends.
  7. Keywords Everywhere: A great tool for finding keywords naturally as you surf the web.

best seo plugin for wordpress 2022

Are you looking for the best SEO plugin for your WordPress website?

Considering search engines are the top traffic source for most websites, optimizing your site for search engines like Google can help your content rank higher in search results. And as a result, it can significantly grow your business.

In this article, we’ll explain what an SEO plugin is and the best SEO plugins and tools for your WordPress site.

What Is an SEO Plugin?
An SEO plugin is an extension for WordPress websites that allows you to perform WordPress search engine optimization (SEO) tasks. These tasks include editing parts of your website’s code structure, so it’s easier for search engines to crawl and index.

For instance, you can:

Edit your meta description and title tag to tell search engines what your content is about.
Optimize your social media metadata to show details of your content on social media platforms.
Add canonical tags to specific pages to prevent duplicate content issues.
Find internal linking opportunities.
And more.
In contrast, an SEO tool provides you with alerts and data about your site’s overall health. As such, they can help you find opportunities to improve your SEO and weaknesses that prevent you from ranking.

Can I Use 2 SEO Plugins?

Many people ask, can you use more than 1 SEO plugin on your WordPress website?

The answer is no. You should only install 1 SEO plugin on your website. Using multiple SEO plugins can cause plugin conflicts, usability issues and impact your site’s performance.

That being said, you can use SEO tools to monitor your optimization efforts.

For example, you can install the All in One SEO WordPress plugin to improve your content and use SEMRush to look for ranking opportunities.

What Are the Best SEO Plugins and Tools?
With the above information in mind, let’s look at the best SEO plugins and tools to improve your WordPress website.

Table Of Contents

  1. All in One SEO for WordPress
  2. SEMRush
  3. Google Search Console
  4. Yoast SEO
  5. Google Keyword Planner
  6. Ahrefs
  7. MonsterInsights
  8. SEOPress
  9. WP Rocket
  10. Rank Math
  11. Schema Pro
  13. Redirection
  14. Answer the Public
  15. SEOquake
  16. Google PageSpeed Insights
  17. Broken Link Checker
  18. All in One SEO for WordPress
    All in One SEO best WordPress seo plugin
    All in One SEO for WordPress (AIOSEO) is the best SEO plugin on the market. With over 2 million users, it’s the most user-friendly SEO toolkit that allows you to improve your search rankings without configuring any complicated settings.

The getting started wizard makes it easy to choose the best SEO settings for your business type. And its TruSEO on-page analysis shows a handy checklist for optimizing your posts and pages.

The checklist includes a meta tag generator for your SEO title and meta descriptions that uses dynamic values like:

Current year
Custom fields
Author info
This means you don’t need to update a post to change the SEO title.

Plus, AIOSEO integrates with Semrush, so you can easily discover and rank for additional keywords that you might not have known about.

AIOSEO also has rich snippet schema markup, XML sitemaps with advanced controls, SEO health checks, and other helpful features to improve your search engine visibility.

For social media, it can add Open Graph metadata. This allows you to choose the thumbnails that show when your posts are shared on social channels like Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

eCommerce websites can also take advantage of AIOSEO’s WooCommerce SEO tools. This allows you to perform:

Individual product page optimization
Product image SEO
Dynamic optimization
And more
If you’re more familiar with SEO, you can use AIOSEO’s advanced features to control your RSS feeds, Google News sitemaps, Video SEO, and much more.

Plus, business owners can configure the SEO options for user roles. This means you can manage access to vital SEO features without giving every user complete control of your website.

With all of the above in mind, All in One SEO is the most user-friendly and comprehensive WordPress SEO plugin available. It’s an excellent choice for all types of websites and removes the need to install multiple WordPress plugins.

  1. SEMRush
    SEMRush best SEO tool
    SEMRush is the best SEO tool for marketers, bloggers, and business websites of any size. It offers a comprehensive toolkit to increase your website traffic and grow your business easily.

You can use SEMRush to find search terms and organic keyword opportunities that your website can rank for. It also allows you to research your competitors to see which terms they rank for and how you can improve your content to beat them.

With the built-in SEO Writing Assistant, you can compare your blog posts and pages to the top 10 sites ranking for your chosen keyword.

It then offers suggestions like:

Relevant words and phrases to include
How many links to include
The readability of your content
The tone of voice score
As a result, you can craft compelling, SEO-friendly content to compete with the top search results.

You can also use SEMRush’s position tracking feature to monitor your website’s daily rankings for a set of keywords. It has tons of features like tagging, sorting, filtering, and exporting reports that make it easy for you to find exactly what you’re looking for in your website’s SEO.

  1. Google Search Console
    Google Search Console SEO tool
    Goole Search Console is a free SEO tool from Google that allows website owners to monitor their website’s visibility in Google search results.

Search Console tells you when Google cannot crawl and index your web pages. And it offers tips and guidance to fix crawl errors yourself.

The most important aspect of Google Search Console is it shows the keywords your website is currently ranking for, their average position, impressions, anchor text, and more. With this data, you can find keywords to rank higher in search results by optimizing your website content.

You can even use the data to come up with relevant new blog post ideas.

  1. Yoast SEO
    yoast WordPress seo plugin
    Yoast SEO is another top WordPress SEO plugin that lets you optimize your WordPress website for search engines.

This plugin allows you to easily add SEO descriptions and titles to your website’s posts and pages. And it even lets you add Open Graph information and social media images to your WordPress content.

With the Yoast SEO plugin, you can automatically generate XML sitemaps to make it easier for search engines to crawl your content. You can also import SEO data from other SEO plugins you’ve used previously.

  1. Google Keyword Planner
    Google keyword planner seo tool
    Google Keyword Planner is an SEO tool that helps you generate keyword ideas from Google’s own search data. Considering no-one has more insight into what people are searching for than Google, it’s an excellent tool to consider.

This tool is available to Google’s Advertisers for free, and anyone can use it. The primary function is to show advertisers the different keywords they can bid on for their Google Advertisement campaigns.

That said, it also helps them choose the right keywords for their ads by showing search volume estimates, total results, and ranking difficulty.

Even if you’re not an advertiser, you can use Google’s Keyword Planner to find keywords with high search volumes, interest, and the potential to outrank your competitors.

  1. Ahrefs
    Ahrefs best SEO tool
    Ahrefs is a popular SEO tool for bloggers, businesses, and marketers. It’s a viable alternative to SEMRush and offers many similar features and functionality.

With Ahrefs, you can carry out:

Keyword research
Competitor analysis
Backlink research
Monitor keywords rankings
And more
It also has a comprehensive content analysis tool to improve your website content while targeting specific keywords.

Despite the overlap of features, Ahrefs particularly excels at backlink analysis. For example, you can see which websites are linking to your competitors and not you. As a result, you can focus on building partnerships with those sites to get more backlinks.

You can also use Ahrefs to see content that your competitors rank for, and you don’t. With that information, you can create content on those topics to increase your exposure.

Even better, Ahrefs can help you find duplicate content and cannibalization on your website so you can merge and upgrade content to boost your search rankings.

  1. MonsterInsights
    MonsterInsights best WordPresss google analytics plugin
    MonsterInsights is the best Google Analytics plugin for WordPress. It makes it easy to install Google Analytics in WordPress and show easy-to-understand reports right inside your WordPress dashboard.

This plugin tells you where your website visitors come from, what they do on your website, and which content performs best. You can also monitor your eCommerce SEO by looking at your most popular products and seeing where you lose customers.

Considering most beginners rely on their best guess for making marketing decisions, MonsterInsights removes the guesswork by showing the insights you need to improve your sites’ SEO strategy.

  1. SEOPress
    SEOPress popular WordPress SEO plugin
    SEOPress is a popular WordPress SEO plugin that’s both simple and powerful. It has all the features you need from an SEO plugin, such as:

Meta titles
Meta descriptions
Open Graph support
Image and content XML sitemaps
And more
This plugin is easy for beginners to set up and has advanced controls for more experienced WordPress users. As such, it’s comparable to other top SEO plugins when it comes to features and settings.

You’ll also find that SEOPress’s paid version is a lot cheaper than other premium WordPress SEO plugins on the market. Just remember, you only need 1 SEO plugin on your WordPress site.

  1. WP Rocket
    best WordPress caching plugin
    Your site speed is another critical factor for search engine rankings. If your website is slow, chances are you won’t rank as well as your competitors. As such, you should monitor your website speed and performance to ensure it’s not negatively affecting your SEO.

The easiest way to improve your website speed is to install a caching plugin. WP Rocket is the best WordPress caching plugin on the market. It lets you cache your website to boost its performance instantly.

WP Rocket has powerful features, including:

Gzip compression
Page caching
Cache pre-loading
And more
It also allows you to lazy load images, use CDN for WordPress, and DNS pre-fetching to improve page load times further.

  1. Rank Math
    Rank Math top WordPress SEO plugin
    Rank Math is a user-friendly and popular WordPress SEO plugin that allows you to optimize your website for search engines and social media networks. It comes with a beginner-friendly setup wizard to import data from other SEO plugins during the setup process.

With this plugin, you can add meta titles, descriptions, and Open Graph metadata to your blog posts. It also allows you to generate XML sitemaps and connect your website to Google Seach Console.

You can even control who can access the plugin features based on user role. While Rank Math is a viable All in One SEO alternative, keep in mind you should only use 1 SEO plugin on your WordPress website.

  1. Schema Pro
    Schema Pro must have WordPress SEO plugin
    Schema Pro is a WordPress plugin that allows you to add rich snippets to your website, so it stands out in search results. They do this by showing star ratings below reviews, prices under products, images next to descriptions, and more right inside the search results.

Many of the best WordPress SEO plugins like All in One SEO already add structured, rich snippet data to your website. Yet, if you need more schema types or want to extend your current SEO plugin’s functionality, Schema Pro is an excellent choice.

Schema Pro is perfectly safe to use with your existing WordPress SEO plugin. This is because it maps the plugin data to Schema Pro fields.

  1. popular SEO tool for keyword research
    Another powerful SEO tool for your website is It’s one of the best free keyword research tools on the market.

With, you can quickly generate keyword ideas by entering a search term or phrase. Then it shows keyword suggestions gathered from Google’s autosuggest feature.

You’ll also see keyword suggestions from Bing, Amazon, YouTube, and more, providing a treasure trove of valuable information. And if you upgrade to their paid plan, you can see search volumes, cost-per-click, and more data for each keyword.

  1. Redirection
    WordPress SEO redirection plugin
    Redirection is a helpful WordPress plugin that lets you set up SEO-friendly redirects on your website. This means you can easily fix 404 errors and keep track of 301 redirections in WordPress.

Broken website links can negatively affect your SEO rankings and provide a poor user experience. So if you’ve had your website for some time, you should check it for broken links and fix them as soon as possible.

Fixing your broken links is relatively straightforward. Once you find one, you can redirect it to the right piece of content or remove the broken link.

  1. Answer the Public
    Answer the public top SEO tool for keyword and LSI research
    Answer the Public is a free SEO tool that helps you create optimized content for your website. Just enter a keyword, and it will show you related words and phrases that people use when searching for that topic in search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo.

You can use these search terms as latent semantic indexing (LSI) keywords in your website content. This ensures your website shows in search results where it should and attracts people who are genuinely interested in what your site offers.

  1. SEOquake
    SEOquake WordPress SEO plugin
    SEOquake is an excellent SEO tool for many website owners. It comes as a web browser add-on for Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Opera, and other browsers.

This tool provides SEO information for any website, including:

Page age
Web page health
Date of the last update
Alexa rank
And more.
It’s also one of the most downloaded browser addons for SEO professionals.

The SEOquake toolbar also shows the same data and search results when typing a keyword. You can use this information to see the competition for different keywords and even download your search results as a CSV file.

  1. Google PageSpeed Insights
    Google PageSpeed insights SEO tool
    As mentioned earlier, your site loading times play a role in how well it ranks in search results. Slow website loading times impact user experience and can increase your website’s bounce rate.

With Google’s PageSpeed Insights tool, you can see how fast your web pages load. If the online tool detects any issues with your speed or performance, it suggests steps for fixing them.

Google PageSpeed Insights works seamlessly with the MonsterInsights Google Analytics plugin. This means you can check your page speeds right inside your WordPress dashboard, removing the need to access multiple tools outside your website.

  1. Broken Link Checker
    Broken link checker Free WordPress SEO plugin
    Our final solution is Broken Link Checker. This free WordPress SEO plugin monitors your website for broken links and helps you fix them easily.

You may not have the time to manually check your content for link issues, so a plugin like this is super-useful. It automatically checks your archive of published WordPress content, notifying you about broken links and images.

Which SEO Plugin is The Best?
After looking at the SEO plugins and tools listed above, you probably want to know which is the best. In our opinion, we believe that:

All in One SEO is the best WordPress SEO plugin
SEMRush is the best WordPress SEO tool
With this plugin and tool, you can create a complete SEO framework for your website, carry out crucial on-page SEO tasks, and monitor your SEO performance in real-time.

We hope this article helped you find the best WordPress SEO plugins and tools for your small business website or blog.

You might also like to see our showcase of the best WordPress landing page plugins to boost your website conversions.


Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below.

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