How Best Seo Tools For Etsy

The best SEO tools for Etsy is the one that helps you create more visibility to your products and shop. From keyword research, competitive research, product listing optimization, monitoring analytics and other similar services, you can find them all here in one place! Find the most reliable search marketing services offered by experts around the world for better ranking and global exposure.

How Best Seo Tools For Etsy

Etsy SEO: 5 Things to Help You Get Noticed on Etsy - Blog - Printful

It’s fair to say that the number one question I get asked every week in my Instagram DMs or emails is about Etsy SEO, & specifically, how to find the best keywords to use. It seems to be what a lot of Etsy sellers are spending hours & hours trying to figure out.

If that’s you then keep reading to learn about my top 5 Etsy SEO Keyword Tools to help you find keywords that buyers are using so that you can get seen in the Etsy search results.

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In this video I share my Top 5 Etsy SEO Keyword Tools to find the best keywords to use in your Etsy shop & listings.⭐️ MENTIONED IN THIS VIDEO:▸ FREE ETSY SE…—Find-the-Best-Keywords-for-your-Etsy-Shop–Listings-egtogq?wmode=opaque

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Now, before I get started, I just want to remind you that keywords are great at getting your listing shown to the right potential buyers but you also need to make sure your listings are awesome at showcasing your product, & more importantly, addressing your buyer’s objections.

If you need help with all things Etsy SEO then check out my brand new freebie ‘Your First 1000 Etsy Sales’ which gives you my Etsy SEO A.U.T.O Sales Roadmap.

Even if you have over 1000 Etsy sales but you know your SEO isn’t great, then this roadmap will help you too. My Etsy shop has been 100% Etsy SEO for years now, no social media or Pinterest traffic, just SEO! That’s how powerful it is if you get it right.

Etsy SEO Tool #1: Google Search Results [FREE]

You can find great keyword suggestions if you type into google a short search phrase relating to what you sell, such as beach jewellery, & then scroll down to the very bottom of the page where you’ll see a section called ‘searches related to beach jewellery’ you’ll find more keywords that people are using.

For instance, the other searches shown are ‘boho beach jewellery’, ‘jewelry to wear on the beach’, ‘shell jewellery’, ‘mens beach jewellery’ & ‘ocean jewellery’.

If you type in a few specific search phrases you already know work, you can quickly find lots more to try.

Etsy SEO Tool #2: Pinterest Search Results [FREE]

Another free tool to use is Pinterest. When you type into their search bar a short search phrase, you’ll find a list along the top of the results page with other words that people use.

Using beach jewellery as an example again, extra keywords that come up in the Pinterest results were: ‘summer’, ‘boho’, ‘resin’, ‘necklace’, ‘box’, ‘silver’, ‘mens’, ‘gold’ & ‘beads’.

So again, just like Google, if you type in a few specific search phrases you already know your potential buyers are using, you can quickly find lots more words to try in your Etsy listings.

Etsy SEO Tool #3: Ubersuggest [FREE – limited use]

Neil Patel is the genius when it comes to Google SEO & he’s also created a specific SEO keyword tool called Ubersuggest. Now because it’s not Etsy specific & focusses on all the SEO factors for Google (which is like 1000% more than what Etsy use) there’s a lot of information to shift through to find what will help you but further down the page you’ll see a list of keyword ideas or suggestions based on the short search phrase you’ve entered.

So Ubersuggest displayed these keywords as suggestions based on ‘beach jewellery’. ‘Jewellery for beach’, ‘beach glass jewellery’, ‘beach themed jewellery’ & lots more.

Etsy SEO Tool #4: Erank [FREE – limited use & data / PRO version available]

Erank is my favourite Etsy SEO tool. It’s what I personally use for all my Etsy listings & it’s what I teach my students to use within my Etsy SEO course, Handmade Superstar Seller.

Why is Erank my favourite tool? Well it’s simply because it uses Etsy specific data so you can make sure you’re picking the right keywords to use on Etsy itself. It shows you how many people are searching on Etsy per month using those keywords, how many people buy using those keywords & the number of competing listings also using that keyword.

Their free account is great to start off with but if you want access to their full data you’ll need to upgrade to a pro account which is about £8.50/$10 per month. Here’s a little secret though. You don’t actually need to subscribe every month to find keywords for your listings. Inside my Etsy SEO course, Handmade Superstar Seller, I teach you how to find all the keywords you’ll ever need in just 30 days!

Etsy SEO Tool #5: Marmalead [Paid version only]

This is another Etsy specific tool. Some people prefer it to Erank, I personally didn’t. I tried it & it was ok but it’s a lot more expensive than Erank (about $29) & you’re only really paying for a nicer display – the data is pretty much the same.

So it’s not one I use myself but it’s a good tool to check out to see if you like it or not

how best seo tools for etsy ads

While these metrics may seem impossible to influence, there are strategies to raise your ranking in the Etsy search. By optimizing these 10 Etsy SEO areas, you could improve your overall store ranking, potentially gaining increased visibility and reach for your listings. 

Be Thoughtful About Your Shop Name

Your store name becomes the title for your store page, which is visible in SERPs. When crafting this all-important shop title, ensure what you sell is clear to consumers.

If your name is too whimsical, for instance, consumers may bypass your products in search of better-defined pastures.

For example, Etsy seller The House Plant Nursery chose a name that clearly states what a consumer will encounter upon entering their shop.

This technique eliminates confusion and drives the consumer directly to their intended source.

Etsy SEO choose name carefully

Another consideration when choosing your shop name is its length. With character caps on usernames across social media platforms, from 15 on Twitter to 55 on Etsy and Facebook, it’s worth considering a short name that won’t get cut off by these sites.

Include High-Quality Photos

As the adage goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. When it comes to Etsy photographs, it’s arguable that a picture is worth infinitely more.

As an online-only platform, photos need to attract attention, maintain attention, and convert consumers.

According to Etsy, product photos are the deciding factor for purchasing a shop, outweighing price, the cost to ship, and customer reviews. 

Etsy SEO - What Influences Etsy Shoppers to Buy

Etsy allows sellers to add up to ten photos per item, so choose your images wisely. As more users are drawn to pictures, your overall ranking may increase.  

Select Etsy SEO Keywords Carefully

Keywords are the foundation of improving Etsy SEO. Etsy prefers to highlight shops that include direct matches with shoppers’ keywords.

To uncover the best keywords for your shop, think like a buyer.

What would your target customer search for? Which terms would they be most likely to key into the search bar?

After identifying keywords by embodying your target consumer, explore direct competitors’ keywords to ensure all relevant terms have been gathered.

While organic research is a great starting place, using an SEO tool like Ubersuggest helps with in-depth keyword data and provides metrics on backlinks, content ideas, and additional keyword suggestions.

Use keywords in tags, titles, categories, and attributes for a robust Etsy SEO strategy to more effectively match your listings with consumer queries, which could potentially result in increased visibility.

However, don’t overdo it on keywords by jamming titles full of them or other keyword stuffing methods. Etsy is actively working to reduce the visibility of titles stuffed with keywords.

Optimize Your Shop Sections

Shop sections structure products into explorable groups. Potential sections include groupings by size, type, color, etc. These sections appear as links on the left sidebar of the shop.  

In addition to aiding overall shop organization, sections can help improve your Etsy SEO.

Each section functions as an independent location, complete with a unique landing page and title derived from the section name. These individual landing pages supply more opportunities to use your keywords. 

Consider using section titles that double down on keywords, again improving shop organization and the likelihood of appearing early in searches.

Use All Available Tags and Optimize Them 

You can have 13 tags in item descriptions. Use this opportunity to make the most of your keywords.

Each tag has space for 20 characters, so focus on long-tail keywords and think beyond your existing keywords.

Etsy encourages using regional phrases, synonyms, and multi-word phrases when building out tags. However, the platform discourages repetitive tagging, intentional misspellings, multiple languages, and pluralizing keywords.

By optimizing these tags, you can better identify your product, allowing your consumer to find your shop more easily, which can improve your Etsy SEO. 

Update Your Listings Often

When you renew existing Etsy listings, they receive a small boost in the site’s search rankings.

Although this practice isn’t a long-term Etsy SEO solution, it can increase search visibility for more competitive keywords.

By giving your listing an extra boost in periods of high consumer activity (e.g., holidays), you could increase the number of consumers who see your listings.

Gain Backlinks

Backlinks, or inbound links, are links to your store or products from external sites. These are vital to Etsy SEO strategy as they increase search engine confidence in a site.

You can earn backlinks, even if you’re not a well-known brand using these three strategies:

  • Build Your Blog: Blogs can expand your audience, increase your SEO score, build your presence as an industry leader, and help you score quality backlinks. By creating unique, valuable content, others may link to your shop or specific products.
  • Get Social: When sharing links to your blog and shop on Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and other social media channels, you increase the likelihood of reaching new consumers who may backlink to your shop.
  • Reach Out: Identify mediums that would likely feature your shop or your products. These outlets can include blogs, publications, and Instagram accounts. After making this list, start reaching out. Incentivize these individuals to link to your site by offering them a discount or a sample item. 

Create a Seamless Customer Experience

Etsy wants consumers to have an enjoyable shopping experience, which is why the customer and experience score is incorporated into the organization’s search algorithm.  

If shops adhere to Etsy’s policies and have a strong customer service record, they can receive a boost in Etsy SEO.

To help this factor improve your Etsy SEO, complete all sections within your store, paying particular attention to payment, shipping, about, privacy, and returns and exchanges.

Be sure to answer customer service messages quickly and resolve any negative feedback.  

Run Etsy Ads for Your Shop

While word-of-mouth advertising could get you far, running Etsy ads may help get you the rest of the way—while conveniently boosting your Etsy SEO.

Use paid advertising to increase your search reach. When you opt to feature an item as a Promoted Listing, you pay per click for the item to maintain top position in the search results.

Etsy SEO - Paid ads

After increasing visibility and sales through Promoted Listings, start asking for reviews to improve your customer and market experience score and your overall Etsy SEO.


If there’s one take away from this blog, it’s the importance of visibility on Etsy. With your store set up and ready to sell, it’s time to give your products the best chance to be found.

As you begin to build your marketing strategy, enact the above methods to increase your Etsy SEO.

As you optimize your shop and your listings, your search visibility should grow, attracting new consumers and extending your reach across the platform.  


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