Nickname For Social Media Tools

Nickname for Social Media Tools

The best way to find a catchy nickname for your social media tools is to brainstorm. Get together with your team and make a list of things that come to mind when you think about the tool. This can be anything from the tool’s name or what it does to the way it looks or feels.

Once you have a list, start looking for patterns in the words on your list. If there are certain words that keep coming up, those are probably good candidates for nicknames. When choosing a name, try to choose something short and sweet— it will make it easier to remember, and you’ll be able to type it faster!

Nickname For Social Media Tools

1. Instagram

Instagram is one of the favorite social networks because of its social storytelling simplicity. From fun personal accounts.

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like Small Chalk and Adam Padilla – to corporate brands, it connects more immediately and deeply with people than any other platform. I still haven’t forgiven them for introducing an algorithm. (Chronological was so much more in line with the ethos of the platform.)

An image showing a screenshot of Ann Handley's Instagram account.

2. Twitter

I use social media as almost a pure response vehicle. And I won’t start any new social media app, platform, or tool until I’m 100% committed to it. My goal with Twitter is to keep in touch and communicate my appreciation to those people that support me. Once I built an audience on those platforms, my goals and execution changed.

An image of Joe Pulizzi's Killing Marketing Twitter account.

3. Buffer

Buffer. Three reasons. (1) You can install a browser widget that lets you Buffer any page or image you come across to be sent immediately or later. (2) Its Content Inbox: I can enter the URL of a favorite blog and Buffer instantly creates a huge list of tweets from that blog. (3) The company is transparent. I don’t expect every company to publish what they earn vs. what they pay people the way Buffer does, but it’s a warm-and-fuzzy approach to helping disconnected folks like moi see the humans behind a software company.

An image showing Buffer's website.

4. BuzzSumo

With BuzzSumo you can see what is hot in your space on social media and what isn’t. From there you can craft ideas on the type of blog posts you should write to generate traffic and leads. The best part about BuzzSumo is it shows who has shared the content so you can reach out to those influencers and ask them to share your content as well.

An image showing a screenshot of Most Shared blog posts via BuzzSumo.

5. Animoto

Native video is the top-reaching post type on Facebook and gets three times the engagement of link posts and two times that of photo posts. I love using Animoto’s gorgeous templates, themes, and stock music. Its marketing builder tool also makes it super-duper easy to add text overlays – vital for sound-off autoplay videos in the Facebook newsfeed because 80% of video ads on Facebook are watched with sound off.

6. Moz’s Fresh Web Explorer

Next to BuzzSumo – and without sounding biased – my favorite tool is Moz’s Keyword Explorer brand mention feature. It’s great for setting up mention alerts as well as finding content to share socially through keyword notifications. The mention authority feature works directly with Moz’s page and domain authority metrics and helps sort through all the noise you normally get with catch-all monitoring tools.

An image showing a screenshot showing the results of Moz's Fresh Web Explorer Mention Authority Feature.

7. Tweeps Map

The problem with a lot of marketing these days is that it’s not laser targeted and is far too broad. I use Tweeps Map because it gives me a visual representation of where my followers are geographically. I can then run targeting to followers from specific areas and make sure that the content is relevant and valuable for those followers.

An image showing a map of Brian Evans followers using the Tweet Maps tool.

8. Sumo

Sumo is a hybrid tool that’s a bit like a Swiss Army knife. It’s helped me thrive and survive in the wilds of the digital world by creating social-sharing buttons – onsite, SMS, Flipboard, and WhatsApp – and tracking my social counts on blog posts. The feature I really love is its Welcome Mat: a pop-up that captures emails. In less than 12 months, it’s collected over 40,000 email subscribers.

9. Tailwind

Tailwind has been a lifesaver over the years, allowing my team to work more quickly and efficiently when posting to Pinterest. It’s a scheduling app on steroids, helping you to choose not only when to post for maximum engagement but also what might go viral thanks to their pixel-matching technology and image recognition capabilities. You can seamlessly measure pin virality and repost that content to continue to grow your following on the platform.

10. Elevate

I like to keep things simple and streamlined: Less is more. The tool I use religiously is Elevate: LinkedIn’s employee advocacy tool. I use it to share, organize, and measure all the content I post across my main three social accounts: LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. I share daily from Elevate and track engagements.”


Social Media app Name Generator

According to the latest statistics, about 57% of the global population is on social media and spends an average of 145 minutes on these platforms daily. For generation Z, this number is 4.5 hours a day.This shows that the question isn’t whether you can get people to use your platform, but whether you can make them stay and consistently take up a slice of that daily user pie.

YouTube and Facebook still dominate the online landscape overall, but young adults mostly hang out on Instagram, Snapchat, and the merely 5-year-old TikTok.

The success of a social media network is largely dependent on whether they can start trending early on and create a snowball effect with more users drawing in their immediate network. But this word-of-mouth phenomenon can only take off if your brand name is an absolute winner.

It doesn’t just need to convince users, but investors as well who can beef up your early-stage marketing efforts. A whopping 82% of investors say name recognition is an important factor for them when deciding on a brand to invest in.

To help you name your new social media platform, we recommend you try our free Social Media Business Name Generator above. This handy tool will give you plenty of creative ideas to use for your naming process to make sure you zero in on the best one.

We’ve also gathered the best advice on naming your social media business in this article, where we share some name ideas, analyze the names of the most successful platforms, and give you a step-by-step strategy to create your own


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