Seo Tools For Backlinks

SEO Tools For Backlinks

You’ve probably heard that backlinks are important to SEO. But what are they, exactly? And how does one get them?

Backlinks are links from other websites that point to your site. They tell Google that your site is popular and trustworthy, so when someone searches for a keyword related to your content, Google will list your site higher on their search results page than competitors who don’t have as many backlinks.

But how do you get these coveted links? Well here’s the good news: you don’t have to be a genius at SEO or spend hours every day trying to game the system. You just need to use the right tools!

Seo Tools For Backlinks

1. SE Ranking

SE Ranking is one of my favorite backlink checkers that allows you to check incoming links to your website based on Google Webmaster Tools data. It’s a paid tool (starting at $9 / month) and also includes website audit, rank tracking, keyword research, and competitor rank tracking.

You can generate a detailed link analysis for the following parameters: index / noindex, follow / nofollow, cached / not cached, date discovered, Moz Domain Authority, anchor text, anchor text, Alexa rank, Ahrefs rank, social popularity and more.

From there, you can disavow links and generate a file to submit to Google Webmaster Tools.

2. Sitechecker

Sitechecker is a great backlink tracker for SEO and marketing managers to track and analyze your backlink profile for your website. The tool enables you to keep track of all your backlinks, get notified once any of them will be lost, and will bring them back to life. 

With its easy reports, you can evaluate your link-building strategy and do the best to increase its efficiency. You can reveal the most used anchors by other websites that lead to your website. Moreover, you can check out which landing pages have the most links and figure out how these links affect your website traffic.

3. RankActive

RankActive is a pretty new tool available on the market that helps you discover backlinks in live mode. The tool has a huge in-house backlinks database, and graphs and tables will show which links are good for your SEO and which ones don’t work. The tool provides not only the full list of backlinks with detailed metrics for each one but also shows all lost and gained links.

RankActive enables you to track your competitors’ backlinks to learn more from your competitor’s strategy and improve your SEO campaign. All the data provided by RankActive is available in Excel format. Moreover, you can get your backlink report on your email scheduled and monitor your progress on time.

4. Ahrefs

Ahrefs is one of the best SEO tools to monitor website backlinks. It has a free version where you can monitor 10 backlinks and 2 domains per request. The paid versions start at $99 per month for a complete analysis of the backlink profile: dofollow/nofollow, anchor text, image backlinks, etc.

If you ever get a penalty from Google, it will be a lifesaving tool, giving you an exact percentage of anchor text on your site. Ahrefs’ crawler is currently the only one to detect backlinks in JavaScript besides traditional HTML. It also crawls 4.1 million pages per minute, meaning you’ll be able to see new, broken, and lost backlinks very quickly.

“Ahrefs is the second most active web crawler after Google and they have the best backlink database in the industry,” said David Munoz from Mission Legal Center. “And this is the only tool that does such an awesome job at everything the tools have to offer like keyword research, site explorer, website audit, and many more.”

Thanks to the addition of “link loss” reasons (e.g., 404, noindex, 301, etc.), there’s no need to guess why some backlinks dropped out of your site. Besides analyzing anchor texts, you can also avoid penalties by disavowing suspicious links from the Ahrefs’ dashboard.

5. is an unusual tool that helps you monitor your backlinks. It doesn’t work as a standard backlink monitoring tool but it allows you to consolidate all your links from all your business units. This tool is perfect for small businesses and freelancers.The best thing about it is the ability to store and organize all your data in one place that you can review later on. You can directly import links to Google Sheets using or automate the data transfer by setting up a schedule. To visualize your data, you can even create bar graphs, pie charts, and Venn diagrams.

6. OpenLinkProfiler

OpenLinkProfiler is a great tool that provides up to 200,000 links per report. It has a large and fresh database of links and shows which links are active in the last 90 days.

The free version allows exporting up to 100 backlinks in .csv format. If you want to export more, you can use the paid version. The tool also provides the nature of the linking website and the category of each link. You’ll get the overall idea of backlink influence, anchor page, link date, and more. This information will help you get an overview of the links that lead to your website.

7. RankSignals

RankSignals is another free tool that helps you find competitor’s backlinks and traffic sources to build up your link-building strategy. Using this tool, you can get a number of dofollow and nofollow links and a number of unique domains leading to your site.

It shows not only the PR of the site and the link anchor text but other parameters like PageRank, Alexa Rank, social signals, and unique backlinks. Find out all bad, spammy links and have the option to disavow them.

8. BuzzSumo

BuzzSumo is one of the most popular backlink checkers that helps you track the backlinks of your website and your competitors. The tool allows you to monitor not only keywords and domain names, but also see the highest-ranking pages and see who is pointing to these pages.Using this tool, you will get notifications about new links and build good relationships with those new sites. “The tool is perfect for getting organic growth with quality backlinks,” says Saitej Makhijani from “This insight allows you to optimize your marketing strategy to generate more links for pages that don’t perform well.

Monitor Backlinks is one of the most popular and recent SEO tools to track link profiles. You can check out up to 10 results without registering. If you want to get more results, the paid tool starts at $25. The tool provides the overview of a domain, SEO metrics, keyword rankings, anchor text reports, and lets you disavow low-quality links.

Monitor Backlinks provides a detailed analysis of each link and domain and quickly reports it to Google Webmaster Tools to disavow links if required. You can also monitor all mentions about your brand that you meet across the web.

“Monitor Backlinks is a great tool for small businesses to detect spammy backlinks and prevent from the Google penalty,” says Gregg Hollander from Hollander Law Firm. “It allows SEO specialists to locate good backlinks that they don’t know about which can generate a lot of traffic.”

10. Mention

Link reclamation is about finding people who have mentioned you without linking to you. Once you’ve found them, you can reach out and ask them to include a link back to your site.

SEO expert Matthew Barby shares his link reclamation process using Mention that complements your backlink strategy:

  • Step 1: monitor brand mentions. Set up alerts by adding keywords related to your brand or products.
  • Step 2: set up notifications or daily email alerts. Check your mentions daily or as they happen.
  • Step 3: checking for links. Out of all your mentions, find articles that mentioned but didn’t link to you. These are the opportunities you want.
  • Step 4: reach out. Contact the author to request a link for the mention. In Matthew’s experience, the success rate is higher if the post is recent. This is why real-time monitoring helps heaps.

organic backlink generator

In the world of search engine optimization, the biggest name gets to sit at the top of the search results. There are many ways to do this, but doing so organically is hard work. It’s tough to use all the elements of a web page to their maximum potential, but when you do, it is that much more rewarding to reap the rewards. Creating reliable backlinks to your site is one of the many ways to do this, especially if you have a new site you want to build up quickly.

Backlinks aren’t a very complicated concept to grasp if you’re new to SEO. They are simply links that lead you from one site to another. If you’ve spent any amount of time on the internet, you will have come across articles linking you to other articles. That’s basically it.

Google Analytics uses backlinks as a measure of how well the site is doing; if there are a high number of backlinks, creators can rejoice, as these sites will get a higher ranking in organic searches.

Why is that? Well, people typically don’t recommend a source of information unless it is valuable and correct. Therefore, a backlink is seen as a vote of confidence that your information is deemed good enough to be shared among more people. The more of these that you have, the more Google will be convinced that your site belongs closer to the top.

So, how do you generate backlinks? We’ll address that next.

What Is a Free Backlink Generator?
A backlink generator is an online tool that lets you add special SEO links to your content by creating them automatically from other websites. It’s simple how this works, really.

The internet contains a plethora of software that checks websites for various characteristics, including:

Quantity of traffic
Web host
IP address
Domain age
Google PageRank
Keyword rankings
Social shares
Security vulnerabilities
In addition, some of these technologies save and index each report that is generated for them. The Sitechecker backlink builder tool automatically generates such reports on these websites, resulting in free PR generation for your website.

Using a Free Backlink Generator (How To Use)
Now that you know what they are, it is time to understand the ins and outs of using this program. Luckily for you, we are providers of this very service.

Step1: Insert Your Domain
First and foremost, you will have to copy the URL of your website and paste it into the bar. Then, press enter.
Sitechecker Backlink generator – check for search engines optimization
Step 2: Results
In a matter of seconds, the search results will appear as a list of links.
Sitechecker Backlink generator: Results
Check Backlinks
You can click on any of these links to see where they lead and learn more about them.
Backlink details
Why Should I Use It?
According to Google’s Andrey Lipattsev, backlinks form the backbone of Google’s ranking requirements for the search signal. This has been the case ever since Google started ranking, and it has continued to this day. So, if you want to reach the top with organic SEO, you will have to take into account the use of backlinks and deal with them properly.

To Increase Your Rating
You have to make sure that all the links that will lead people to your website are of the highest quality possible. This is to ensure maximum exposure. Websites with a lot of strong backlinks will automatically rank higher in search engine results pages.

To Keep the Website Free of Spam Anchors
It is not unheard of to have your competitors intentionally add some bad backlinks to the mix, causing your anchor cloud to become spammy. The best way to respond is to use a disavow tool and to add some trustworthy links that do not contain anchor text.

To Increase the Traffic to Your New Website
When you create a new site, you may not have a large budget to work with. Luckily for you, generating good backlinks is neither expensive nor time-consuming. Many people believe that links are only built for SEO purposes, but backlinks are the most effective way to increase your authority and brand recognition across the internet. Our service gives you high-quality backlinks that are simple and free to use, which will help your site be seen by search engine bots.

To Speed Up New Site Indexing
Usually, it takes Google about 10 weeks to index a new backlink. This is, however, just a general estimate, and it can happen quicker. One way to ensure indexing takes less time is to have proper internal linking as well as backlinking, and our tool allows you to take care of that problem handily.
Backlinks generation is not enough to optimize your site for search engines!

Conduct a full audit to find out and fix all the site level and page level issues on your website.

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Sitechecker rating on crozdeskSitechecker rating on crowdSitechecker rating on capterra
How to Use a Backlink Maker Properly
If you want to reach the top of Google search results, you won’t be able to do this by relying on just one tool. Combine it with additional tools to broaden the scope of your link-building strategy.

A backlink Maker is the fastest and most efficient solution for new websites to obtain their first backlinks in a matter of seconds.
Backlink Checker is an effective tool for discovering organic backlinks that have linked to your expanding website.
Backlink Tracker is a fantastic tool for determining which of your backlinks have the greatest impact on your rank in search results.


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