Seo Tools For Blogspot

Are you looking for the best SEO tools to use on Blogspot?

We have compiled a list of the top free and paid tools that will help you optimize your blog, get more traffic, and grow your brand.

The first step in optimizing your blog is to make sure you’re writing high-quality content. This means that you want to make sure that your posts are unique, relevant, and engaging. You also want to make sure that your posts are properly optimized for search engines so that when people search for keywords related to your blog content, they find it easily.

There are many different types of SEO tools out there but today we’ll be focusing on those specifically designed for use with Blogspot blogs.

Seo Tools For Blogspot

In the digital world, online presence matters more than big productions and huge investments in paid ads.

Well, money always helps. But doing your SEO right is what makes any strategy worth its price.

So, it doesn’t matter how much you have to invest, with good SEO tools and intelligence is possible to climb the ranks and put your company’s website at the top of the search results.

But which ones to use? We listed the 14 best SEO tools to improve your blog’s performance and use Content Marketing to amplify your visibility online. 

Keep reading!

1. SEOCrawler


When any professional plans the company’s SEO strategy, they need to follow a logical path from building a structure, producing content, and analyzing data.

It is a cycle that rewards those who never stop improving. So let’s give you an idea of some of the best tools in each stage of that process.

We start with on-page SEO. The right tags, the right experience, and speed can help a lot when Google is analyzing your blog for ranking it and keeping visitors around longer.

SEOCrawler is a full suite for Search Engine Optimization, but its brightest points are its Site Auditor function.

The tool can automatically analyze your site in search of technical problems like bad titles, missing tags, and broken links.

Then it shows you a report so you can address them and avoid dropping positions on Google — or move up quicker.

SEOCrawler is free to try, so you can see for yourself if its benefits will give you the return you expect from paid plans.

2. Keyword Explorer

After on-page SEO is sorted, a blog needs content to fill it and find the right audience. Then we go to the planning stage of this strategy.

Your main work will be finding keywords relevant for your buyer persona and generating more interest.

Keyword searching is all about understanding what your buyer persona is searching for and offering high-quality content about it. The purpose of Content Marketing is to educate the lead until he’s ready to purchase from you.

For that to be done, it is important to discover the relevant keywords and their volume of search. 

Keyword Explorer, by Moz, analyzes keywords, suggests similar (but better) options, and even predicts performance when using each one.

The feature allows you to do 10 searches for free per month. The Pro paid version integrates it with a lot of other tools to complete an SEO strategy.


3. Google Keyword Planner

Google Keyword Planner
Source: Ahrefs

And if you are going for search results data, why not get it right from the source? 

Google has its own tool to explore and analyze performance from keywords.

The catch is that the Keyword Planner is focused on Google Ads, a paid service. But if you are already investing in that other side of an online presence, you can use it to help you write the right content.

4. Yoast SEO

With the best keywords found, what will make them work for you is producing good content. And there are some tools to help you here too.

Google will always value unique, relevant, well-structured content — posts, videos, images, and the combination of all of them.

If your blog uses WordPress, you have at your disposal one of the best, most used SEO tools in the world for writing and publishing online.

Yoast SEO is a plugin that helps you write more attractive texts, but not only that. It can check for keyword usage and its variations, readability, and internal linking.

But not only inside the text content itself, it can also boost your content improving indexation, telling Google what your page is really about, and even giving content insights based on what you have already written.

The free version will give you the core features to start, but Yoast Pro is not expensive and can give you great SEO returns. 

5. Copyscape

Copyscape is not an SEO tool (it is actually a plagiarism checker), but it is really useful to boost your position on Google.

When going for more popular keywords, your content will have to compete with many people and companies. Even if not deliberate, it is common that some of those texts seem very similar.

Google rewards unique and relevant pieces when there is a lot of the same subject online to be read. So, even the free version of Copyscape can help you analyze and compare how your content will perform when published.

6. Google My Business

Google My Business

If the company going for an online presence is a physical shop or a restaurant, it can’t be just digital. You have to attract people to where you are.

In this case, local SEO is the main strategy for CMOs and marketing teams. And no other tool is better for that then Google My Business.

With it, you can create an official profile for your company that is shown as an informative card when someone searches for businesses close to them.

You can have contact information, photos, posts, opinions, all embedded in a Google search. When your brand comes first, it will begin to convert a lot more people in your area.
If you want to know how to set up and optimize your Google My Business account, read our guide about it!

7. Google Analytics

After finding the right keywords, writing great content, and publishing it, your job is only starting. 

SEO is an ever-improving game. 

You have to gather data, analyze, and find the rights and wrongs that can be addressed now and in the future.

Google Analytics is the world’s best as a full SEO suite. It can show you not only the blog’s performance but also keywords, conversions, traffic sources, and everything you need to guide your strategy.

It is even a great way to know your audience better: when and how they visit your pages, where they are, what content generates more interest, and keep them longer.

8. Google Search Console

Google Search Console is another SEO tool for blogs from the world’s largest search engine and has great value for SEO professionals.

It allows you to track relevant data for blogs, correct errors, and demand faster indexing.

Among the available resources, the ones that ensure highlighting when it comes to blog performance are:

  • Search queries — indicates what searches guided users to your blog.
  • Sitelinks — unwanted links to your blog.
  • Web crawling errors — informs about errors founded in your blog by Google search engine.
SEO tools - Search Console

There are several other resources of Google Search Console, of course. We listed some functions which are part of the SEO professionals’ routine and can help you to guarantee excellent performance on your blog strategy.

9. Stage Analyzer

Stage Analyzer is one of the most complete SEO tools for blogs that will help you to analyze your website’s performance. We can highlight among its resources:

  • SEO tips and optimizations.
  • Technologies’ diagnosis.
  • Traffic estimate.
  • Alexa Rank.
  • Server information.

In addition to checking your site, you can analyze other sites ranking and also which technologies, servers, and frameworks to use.

Thus, it is possible to see which are the main points to improve your website and outmatch your competitors.

Stage Analyzer - SEO Tools

10. SEMrush

SEMrush is a keyword research tool and one of the most famous SEO tools for blogs, even though many bloggers don’t know that.

It is also an excellent resource for monitoring your blog. First, you enter your domain to access essential data in an SEO strategy, such as:

  • Keywords that bring more traffic to your blog.
  • Keywords your content is ranking for.
  • The estimated cost of PPC according to your organic traffic.
  • Number and analysis of backlinks.

Intuitive charts and graphs present all the information collected on the blog. This data visualization model helps to gain valuable insights into the right actions in a Digital Marketing strategy.

SEMrush is not limited to your blog’s data. After all, it is also a competition analysis tool. It displays strategic data from other blogs, which support comparative reports between related domains.


It is possible to compare the number of keywords, traffic, organic positions, among other information, all of them displayed in detail in the user interface.

11. MozBar

MozBar is a browser extension provided by one of the leading companies in SEO software development for marketing in the world.

It gives a score from 0 to 100 for specific domains and pages. So, the higher the grade, the better and more reliable the webpage is.


Moz’s SEO tool for blogs scores your domain based on several factors, such as the number and reliability of backlinks, organic positions, and consistency of blog posts.

In your SEO strategy, it is always important to keep track of that score. But it can also help you to make comparisons between your domain and the ones from your main competitors.

12. Screaming Frog SEO Spider

Screaming Frog SEO Spider is a valuable tool to do a complete SEO audit on your blog. It helps to identify optimization errors on multiple URLs, making it easier for professionals who deal with SEO optimizations every day.

SEO errors can damage the domain and affect the ranking in SERPs. With an SEO tool for blogs, professionals can act more quickly, identifying problems and correcting them automatically before the website is penalized.

Screaming Frog

The free version is available with some feature limitations.

13. Majestic SEO

Majestic SEO is one of the best SEO tools for blogs dedicated to backlink analysis. It has a free version for blog owners and a premium version for marketers who demand more robust information. It is necessary to subscribe to one of the available paid plans to evaluate competitors’ domains.

The tool offers valuable metrics to track. Among the main ones that can help you to analyze your blog’s performance regarding SEO efforts we can mention:

  • Number of backlinks.
  • Main reference domains.
  • Main referenced pages.
  • Main used anchors.

Majestic SEO also evaluates two relevant metrics that help to rank and assess the relevance of a domain on the web. These metrics can also help prioritize link building:

  • Trust Flow — a metric that shows the level of trust and authority that a domain has on the web.
  • Citation Flow — a metric related to the earning link, that is, the number of citations (links) received by a domain on the internet.
majestic seo

14. Google Page Speed Insights

At last, we list Google Page Speed Insights, a very intuitive SEO tool for blogs that aims to evaluate the loading time of a page, just as its name suggests.

As you can imagine, the webpage load-time is a relevant factor for SEO. From the user’s point of view and for search engines, a speed-based web page with the best loading times provides the best experiences for users.

For that reason, loading time and responsiveness are essential for a good SEO strategy. Therefore, you can use Google’s Page Speed Insights to check your blog’s performance and ensure a better user experience for your visitors.

SEO Tools - Pagespeed insights

There is not a recipe for the success of an SEO strategy. But you can improve your website considering factors such as website security, page loading speed, and user experience.

Using the best SEO techniques, you can increase the visibility of your blog, reaching better rankings in the SERPs and the perceived value by your visitors.

Search Engine Optimization needs work, time, and constancy. But with the right SEO tools, you can reduce all of those requisites and increase visibility at a faster rate.

Make your plan, define the steps towards your goals, and choose the right solutions to follow you in each of them.

Do you want to know more about how to do great SEO? Check our complete guide on the subject!

offline seo tools

  1. Google PageSpeed Insights
    Check the speed and usability of your site on multiple devices

Limitations: None

Enter a URL and this tool will test the loading time and performance for that URL on desktop and mobile. It then grades your site’s performance on a score from 0 – 100. It tells you exactly how fast it takes to load the site according to different metrics, and also suggests areas for improvements.

Alternatives:Pingdom, WebPageTest, and GTMetrix

  1. Ahrefs Webmaster Tools
    Run a technical audit of your site

Limitations: 5,000 crawl credits per project per month

Sign up for Ahrefs Webmaster Tools, verify your website and you’ll be able to audit your website for over 100+ technical SEO issues. The tool also gives suggestions on how to fix them.

After running an audit, it also suggests areas where you can improve your internal linking, which is helpful in boosting your rankings in search engines.

This tool also allows you to see your site’s organic keyword rankings as well as who’s linking to you.

Alternatives:Screaming Frog (audit), Beam Us Up (audit)

  1. Answer the Public
    Hundreds of keyword ideas based on a single keyword

Limitations: Two free searches per day

Enter any relevant keyword, and Answer the Public will provide a huge list of long-tail keyword opportunities, plus common questions asked.

Alternatives:, UberSuggest, Keyword Sheeter, Keyword Generator

  1. Google Analytics
    Complete web stats and search insights

Limitations: No limitations for its usage, but queries that are sending you organic traffic are hidden

Quite possibly the most powerful free analytics tool available, Google Analytics tracks pretty much every bit of traffic you can imagine on your website—where it comes from, which page is receiving it and so on.

While it’s not purely for SEO, it’s still a helpful tool to track if you’re getting traffic from organic search.

However, Google Analytics has since stopped showing which keywords are sending you those traffic. You’ll have to pair it with a tool like Keyword Hero to uncover what’s behind “(not provided).”

Alternatives:Matomo, Open Web Analytics, and Clicky

  1. Google Search Console
    Constant website analysis, alerts, and error reports

Limitations: Only shows a handful of technical SEO issues, the top 1,000 backlinks and top 1,000 organic keywords

Google Search Console gives you a taste of what the most used search engine thinks of your website. You can use it to check and fix technical issues on your website, see important SEO data like clicks, impressions and average ranking position, submit sitemaps and more.

If ranking in search engines like Bing and Yandex are important to you, then take note that they have their own “search console” too.

Alternatives:Bing Webmaster Tools, Yandex Webmaster Tools

  1. Ahrefs’ Backlink Checker
    Comprehensive link analysis

Limitations: Free for the top 100 backlinks

The free version of Ahrefs’ Backlink Checker shows the top 100 backlinks to any website or URL, along with the total number of backlinks and referring domains (links from unique sites), Domain Rating (DR), and URL Rating (UR) where applicable.

A great way to use this tool is to paste your competitor’s website and find potential link building opportunities.

Alternatives: Moz Link Explorer

  1. Google Ads Keyword Planner
    Know what people search for

Limitations: You’ll need to run an ad campaign to see exact search volumes

Enter a keyword or group of keywords into the tool, and Google Keyword Planner will return all sorts of helpful stats to guide your keyword strategy: monthly search volume, competition, and even suggested terms you might not have considered.

Alternatives:Bing Keyword Planner

  1. SERPSim
    Preview how your web pages will look in Google’s search results

Limitations: None

See how your meta title and description will appear in the search results before you even publish your web page. Works for desktop and mobile.

Check for truncation issues and fix them instantly.

Alternatives: Portent’s SERP Preview Tool

  1. Google Trends
    See the relative search popularity of topics

Limitations: None

Google Trends shows the popular search terms over time, which is useful for uncovering seasonal variations in search popularity amongst other things. Compare multiple terms to see the relative popularity.

  1. Ahrefs’ SEO toolbar
    Check the broken links, redirect chains, nofollow links and on-page elements for any webpage

Limitations: Technical and on-page SEO features are free, but you’ll need an Ahrefs account to see SEO metrics within the SERPs

The Ahrefs SEO toolbar is a free Chrome and Firefox extension that allows you to check for broken links, trace redirect chains and highlight nofollow links for any webpage. It also generates an on-page SEO report that includes the webpage’s:

Meta description
Word count
Hreflang tags
OG tags
This makes analyzing any page much easier and faster.

If you have access to a paid Ahrefs account, you’ll also be able to see important keyword metrics like search volume, CPC and keyword difficulty within the SERPs.

Alternatives:Detailed SEO Extension, SEO Minion, LinkMiner (broken links), Ayima Redirect Path (redirect tracing)

  1. Moz Local Listing Score
    See how your local business looks online

Limitations: Data is only available for three countries: US, Canada & UK

Moz crunches data from more than 10 different sources—including Google, Yelp, and Facebook—to score your brick-and-mortar business on how it looks online. Results come complete with actionable fixes for inconsistent or incomplete listings.

  1. Yoast SEO
    Optimize your blog posts for search engines

Limitations: Some data limitations, which you can unlock via a premium account

Enter the main keyword for your blog post and Yoast SEO will suggest how to tweak your blog post to optimize it for search engines.

Alternatives: Rank Math, All in One SEO Pack, The SEO Framework

  1. JSON-LD Schema Generator For SEO
    Customize how your web pages appear in the search results

Limitations: None

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Create custom code so that your reviews, events, organizations, and people are displayed the way you want in Google’s search results. Once you’ve created your schema code, copy and paste into your website.

Then, use the next tool to check if the implementation has been done correctly.

Alternatives:Merkle’s Schema Markup Generator

  1. Classy Schema Structured Data Viewer
    Check if your structured data was implemented correctly

Limitations: None

Always double check to make sure you’re implementing the technical aspects of SEO right. Use this tool to see if your structured data/schema markup was done correctly.

Alternatives: Google Structured Data Testing Tool (deprecating soon), Google’s Rich Results Test (currently does not test for all possible schema markups)

  1. SimilarWeb
    View site stats for any domain

Limitations: You’ll need a paid account to see every data point, but the free version is good enough to get a snapshot of your competitor’s activity

Use this tool to estimate how much traffic a website gets. See a breakdown of traffic sources, locations, and more. A helpful tool for competitor research.


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