Best Free Amazon SEO Tools

Welcome to the blog! This is where we’ll be sharing our knowledge and experience with all best free amazon seo tools. We’re not going to lie—we’re pretty excited about this project. We’ve been working hard on our SEO tools for Amazon and they’re finally ready to launch! But first, we wanted to share some of the information that led us here.

If you’ve been following us on social media or have been in touch with us directly, you know that we started out as an ecommerce platform that sold products from Amazon sellers. Our goal was always to help those sellers grow their businesses by providing them with actionable insights free amazon keyword research tool based on data from their Amazon listings.

As our business grew, however, it became clear that there were many more people who needed help with their Amazon SEO than just ecommerce sellers! So we started offering our services directly through our website and through partnerships with other companies who were also helping sellers optimize their listings for better sales performance.

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Now? It’s time for us to step it up again! We’re going full steam ahead into what we believe will become one of the most important areas of ecommerce: search engine optimization (SEO). And what better place than Amazon?

Amazon SEO: How to Increase Sales Organically - Engaio Digital

Best Free Amazon SEO Tools

Why Is Amazon SEO Important?
Optimizing your product listings can help your products rank higher in search results, so more potential customers can find your listing. More eyes on your listing can lead to an increase in sales.

Not doing Amazon SEO could mean that your products receive fewer views. According to a 2019 study by Feedvisor, 45% of Amazon consumers do not advance to the second page of search results. Optimizing your product listings can help you secure a coveted spot on the first page.

How Is Amazon SEO Different From SEO?
Traditional SEO and Amazon SEO do share similar principles. Both require some kind of optimization to rank higher. However, there are a few important differences.

Unlike Google, Amazon is an ecommerce site; its main goal is to drive sales. Google’s goal is to provide a good search experience so users come back.

Amazon ranks products so it can make as many sales as possible in a quick, efficient manner. To do this, it needs to work differently from Google and other search engines. Amazon uses different algorithms to the likes of Google.

What Is the Amazon A9 Algorithm?
The algorithm that Amazon uses to rank its products is known as the Amazon A9. It works with fewer ranking signals than Google’s RankBrain algorithm.

The A9 algorithm assesses product listings to provide the best results for a customer’s search. Amazon then ranks products based on how likely they are to lead to a purchase. It does this by assessing the relevancy and performance of your listings.

Amazon’s Relevancy Ranking Factors
The Amazon A9 algorithm considers how relevant your product listing is to the search. It reviews where and how your keywords are used, as well as how relevant your keyword is to the search query.

The Amazon A9 algorithm will consider your:

Click-Through Rate: Your product listing may get more clicks from one search query over another, based on buyer intent, color, size, or other product features. Amazon considers the click performance that your listing has earned for past queries.
Conversion Rate: Amazon is interested in how many listing clicks resulted in a sale, so they will factor in your conversion rate data. The higher your conversion rate the more likely Amazon is to show your product to its customers.
Product Price: Since the conversion rate is a ranking factor, your product’s price will come into play. A customer will not pay more for a product when they can get it cheaper from another seller. The price of your product will ultimately affect your conversion rate, so it is an important factor to Amazon.
Product Images: The quality of your product images is important to customers and will affect how likely they are to click on your product from the search results (affecting the click-through rate) and how likely they are to purchase (conversion rate). In response, Amazon reviews the quality and optimization of your images.
Product Reviews: Customers are more likely to trust a brand with positive reviews. The more reviews your product has, the more trustworthy you appear, and the more likely visitors to your listing make a purchase. Amazon’s algorithm factors in review count and rating when judging your performance.
Performance ranking factors drive Amazon’s goal of selling quickly and efficiently to as many people as possible. Being able to prove to Amazon that customers will buy your product when they see it is an important part of ranking.

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How To Improve SEO on Amazon
Now you know what Amazon’s ranking factors are, you need to optimize for them. Making even a few changes to your product listings can generate some positive movement in your Amazon listing’s rank.

You can start optimizing them for Amazon’s ranking factors by:

Improving your relevancy
Choosing the right keywords
Improving your performance metrics
How to Improve Your Relevancy
Relevancy ranking factors are all about keywords, so improving your listing’s relevance should focus on using your keywords in the:

Your product titles are the first thing that a customer sees when they search for something, so they’re both an important ranking factor and crucial to your overall sales.

Your product titles should include relevant keywords, but be wary of keyword stuffing. Using too many keywords in your product title will make your title appear unnatural and spammy.

Instead, your product title should include the brand name, any specifics (like color, quantity, size, or model number), and the most relevant Amazon keyword.

Don’t include information that is not relevant. You have a limited amount of characters available for your product title, so keep it concise and easily readable.

Your Amazon product title sgiykd meet the following guidelines:

Must be 80-250 characters
Must use title Case
Must use words (avoid symbols)
Should use numbers
Does not use punctuation
How To Optimize Amazon Product Descriptions
Your product description needs to be as informative and detailed as possible. You should include relevant keywords and important information like features, dimensions, specifics, and brand names.

Write clearly in full sentences, and make sure your product description makes sense to both customers and the algorithm. Use subheadings where you can to make your copy easily scannable.

Add keywords into each subheading where relevant. Try to use your main keyword in the first sentence or paragraph of your copy.

Your Amazon product description also needs to meet the following guidelines:

2,000 character length
Highlights the key product features and specifications
Includes care instructions and warranty information as necessary
Is easily scannable
Doesn’t include any company contact information or links to your websites
Doesn’t use sale buzzwords like “free shipping” or “on sale now”
If you are struggling to write your description, check out our guide on creating ecommerce landing page copy for a few ideas. Amazon is an ecommerce platform, so the principles of ecommerce are useful when writing product descriptions.

Product descriptions on both Amazon and an ecommerce site should be readable, compelling, and rich with well-placed keywords.

However, that doesn’t mean you should just create exciting copy that makes bold claims. Your copy should be truthful.

Bold copy might help you sell, but it will affect the quality of your reviews. Reviews are another type of ranking factor, so you’ll be working against any SEO value gained from your copy.

How To Optimize Amazon Product Features
Your Amazon product features should be somewhat similar to your product description, but they should be easy to read. Product features appear as bullet points that many customers review first. They should tell your customer what your product is and how it will benefit them.

Include 5 bullet points with clear and concise sentences. Include your keyword where relevant to do so, but focus on providing an overview of your product.

Your Amazon product features section also needs to meet the following guidelines:

500 characters max
Should Use sentence case
Must feature 5 bullet points
Include 1 sentence per bullet point
Be specific with features like size, dimensions, color
Don’t use punctuation at the end of your bullet point
Don’t mention sales, promotional pricing, or shipping information
How To Optimize Amazon Backend Keywords
Your Amazon backend keywords are tags that tell Amazon what your product is. Customers can’t see them, but the A9 algorithm can, so it’s important that you fill all five fields in.

Optimize your product listing with Amazon backend keywords by selecting the five keywords you want to use for your listing. These keywords need to be both relevant to your product and varied enough to apply to different variations of your user’s search query.

Whatever keywords you use should also be included in other aspects of your listing, like its description and features.

Your Amazon backend keywords also need to meet the following guidelines:

50 character length per keyword
Avoid punctuation where possible, except commas
Be inclusive of misspellings and variations
Do not repeat the same keyword
Don’t include brand names or product names
How To Find The Right Keywords for Amazon Listings
Increasing your traffic and improving your Amazon SEO will involve choosing the right keywords. Finding good, relevant keywords starts with keyword research.

As with traditional SEO, Amazon SEO keyword research is all about choosing the right keyword for your Amazon product listings. You’ll still need to consider the same two metrics that we mentioned above:

Relevancy: you need to consider how relevant the keyword is. Choose a keyword that your customers are using to find products like yours.
Performance: you should also choose keywords based on their potential to perform. Consider the keyword’s search volume as well, or you run the risk of limiting the number of customers that you reach.
Of course, there are plenty of keyword research tools available to help you find the right keywords and their search volumes. There are also specific tools that can tell you what people are searching for on Amazon and how many people are searching for it.

These tools include:

Amazon Auto Fill
Amazon Automatic Campaigns
Keyword Research Using Amazon Auto Fill
Amazon’s auto fill feature a simple and free way to start your keyword research. Use the search bar on the Amazon home page to record the auto-fill suggestions that Amazon generates for your keywords.

Log out of your Amazon account
Open an incognito tab
Navigate to the Amazon homepage
Enter your seed keyword in the search bar but do not press search
Note all of the auto-filled suggestions that Amazon generates in the search bar
This method is so effective because autofill suggestions are things that Amazon customers are actually searching for. You’ll have a list of related phrases and words that can support your keyword strategy.

However, while using this method generates relevant keyword suggestions, it will not give you an indication of performance metrics like search volume.

Amazon Keyword Research Using Sellzone
Sellzone is a suite of tools to help you optimize and manage your Amazon listings. Its Traffic Insights tool allows you to assess your market and audience potential using existing listings.

Sellzone offers insights into your competitors’ keywords, which you can then use as keywords in your own listings.

This method will help you to identify a list of competitive keywords that have performance potential.

Keyword Research Using Amazon Automatic Campaigns
You can use Amazon’s Automatic Campaigns tool to review your existing product listings on Amazon and discover other potential search terms that your product already converts for. The tool also includes a keyword report, which can be useful in doing additional keyword research

To access this tool, you will need to navigate to your seller’s dashboard, then select Reports → Advertising Reports → Search Term Report.

How To Improve Your Performance Metrics
Performance metrics track how well your product sells, so improving the product listing’s performance should focus on helping customers make the decision to buy.

You can check your product’s conversion data by navigating to Business Reports or Reports → Seller Central’s Detail Sales Page and Traffic. Look for the metric Unit Session Percentage, which is essentially your conversion rate.

You could also use a tool like Sellery Smart Lists, which gives you metric data about your products, like Buy Box performance, competitions, sales data, and more.

If your conversion rate percentage is low, then you should consider optimizing elements of your product listing including:

Product Images
Product Reviews
Product Price
How To Optimize Amazon Product Images
Your product images are one of the first things your customer sees from the search page, so they’re an important factor in the click-through rate. Images are also the best way a customer can get to know your product before they buy it, so they can directly influence conversion rate.

Focus on your image quality. Product images need to retain their quality when appearing small in search results, when clicked, or when the user zooms in. For most products, you should use multiple images.

The first image should be on a white background with any subsequent images showing your product from different angles, in its packaging, or in situations. These are known as lifestyle images.

Your Amazon product images also need to meet the following guidelines:

1000 px or larger on its longest side (ideally a square image)
Use an infographic
Don’t use a lot of text
How To Optimize Your Product Reviews
Your product reviews tell customers a lot about your product and you as a company. Although you can’t directly impact what they say, you do have some level of control over the types of reviews you get.

Be as honest and accurate as possible in your product description and images. Bad reviews usually come from customers who thought they had purchased one thing and were actually delivered something completely different.

Although misleading and inaccurate descriptions could drive more sales, it also leads to poor reviews and product returns.

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SEO Tools
The Ultimate List of the 54 Best SEO Tools (Free & Paid)
Kelly Lyons

Dec 02, 2021
24 min read
The best free and paid SEO tools
Free Keyword Research Tools
Free On-Page SEO Tools
Free Tracking, Analytics, and Reporting Tools
Free Local SEO Tools
Free Link Building Tools
Google Tools
Other Free SEO Tools
Paid SEO Tools
Tracking, Analytics, and Reporting Tools
On-Page SEO Tools
Keyword Research Tools
Link Building Tools
Local SEO Tools
Other SEO Tools
Final Thoughts
Here are the absolute best free and paid SEO tools available, broken down into categories so you can find exactly what you need.

From link building to local SEO, keyword research, and more.

Check out the full list of our favorite 54 SEO tools below.

Free Keyword Research Tools
AnswerThePublic is a fan-favorite SEO tool that uses Google’s autocomplete data to find out what users are actually asking.

Once you input your search, you can view results as a mind map or as a list. You can also export data to a CSV file.

AnswerThePublic tool
Image credit: AnswerThePublic
Why we like it: AnswerThePublic organizes results based on question words, making it easy to perform topic research.

AlsoAsked leverages People Also Ask data to provide and organize information based on your search. You can research directly on the site or export your findings to a CSV file or a graph.

As of writing, AlsoAsked is in Beta period, so users have free access to the “Bulk” account that includes 1,000 searchers per month. Once the Beta period is over, the free version will offer 10 searches per month.

AlsoAsked tool
Image credit: AlsoAsked
Why we like it: While this tool is useful for keyword research in general, it also provides a great way to organize an outline for individual pieces of content by showing you related topics to your search.

Input a broad keyword, and QuestionDB will come back with related topics as well as specific questions users ask.

QuestionDB tool
Why we like it: QuestionDB is another useful topic generator. We especially like that it offers related topics mentioned in questions; you can find related keywords or popular topics you may have missed otherwise.

Search Response
Search Response uses People Also Ask data to provide popular questions people are actually asking online. Input a keyword or phrase, and it delivers PAA questions based on popularity as well as groups topics similar to the Keyword Magic Tool.

Search Response tool
Why we like it: In addition to the People Also Ask tool, Search Response offers a tool called “People Also Search For” that shows what people look for next if they bounce off a page from their initial search.

SEO Keywords Spelling Checker
Using the Google Suggest feature, this keyword research tool checks if the keyword you entered is written in the way people search for it. If it’s not, you can tweak your keyword to match the more popular phrasing.

SEO Keywords Spelling Checker
Why we like it: Because these suggestions come from Google, they reflect what’s trending in real-time. This is a quick way to ensure you’re taking trending topics into consideration.

Free On-Page SEO Tools
SEOquake is a free browser extension that lets users conduct on page SEO audits, examine internal and external links, check for broken links, and more without leaving their browsers.

SEOquake extension
Why we like it: The SERP overview tool (pictured above) shows a range of data for each result. You can also click any of the numbers to get a for in-depth report.

Rank Math
Rank Math is a popular WordPress SEO plugin, with more than 300,000 installations to date.

And for good reason — it presents Google Search Console and Google Analytics data right in your WordPress dashboard, provides a Rank Tracker tool, monitors 404 errors, generates Schema Markup, and much more.

Rank Math WordPress extension
Why we like it: The free version provides plenty of great options on its own, but if you do decide you need to upgrade, the annual rates are reasonable (starting at $59).

It can be overwhelming to switch between a number of tools and websites, so it’s a huge bonus that Rank Math is available right from your WordPress dashboard.

Yoast (Free Version)
Yoast is another handy WordPress plugin with both free and paid options. It’s a staple for many SEOs, as it takes care of the majority of technical SEO issues for you.

setting canonical URL in Yoast
Image credit: Yoast
Why we like it: Even if you aren’t a technical SEO whiz, you can use Yoast to ensure that your site meets technical SEO standards. And if you are experienced, it can still save you a lot of time. It also gives tips for optimizing content for readability.

Meta SEO Inspector Chrome Extension
This handy Chrome extension lets you view a page’s on-page SEO signals, including meta, headers, Schema Markup, external links, and more all from a handy dropdown.

Meta SEO Inspector screenshot
Why we like it: This on-page SEO tool is helpful for reviewing your own pages as well as taking a look at your competitors’. Plus, it’s handy to have all this information on one screen with just a simple click.

Free Tracking, Analytics, and Reporting Tools
Take the guesswork out of SEO testing with easy-to-use SEO A/B testing. You’ll get data to show which of the changes you made are making an impact.

SplitSignal results
Why we like it: It can be difficult to prove the ROI of SEO to your clients, making the data you get from SplitSignal incredibly valuable. You can run these tests on any website platform and won’t even need to deal with complex code or request developer resources.

At the moment, SplitSignal is available via the Pilot Program only. Request a trial today to find out more.

Bing Webmaster Tools
Bing Webmaster Tools is essentially the Bing version of Google Search Console. While Google’s version is more advanced, Bing’s version is helpful if you’re trying to optimize your site for Bing.

Bing Webmaster Tools
Why we like it: In recent years, Bing has made notable improvements to the interface of their Webmaster Tools based on customer feedback.

It also offers a solid keyword research tool. You can filter your results for “related keywords”, “question keywords”, and “newly discovered keywords” to further refine your results.

Semrush Site Audit (Free Version)
Even if you don’t have a paid Semrush account, you can audit up to 100 pages per month with a free account. Auditing your website pages will help you to understand areas in which you can improve for better optimization.

Semrush Site Audit Report
Why we like it: We may be biased, but one of our favorite things about Site Audit is that you can hover over “Learn more” next to each issue or error to learn what you need to do to fix it.

Sloth helps you use Cloudflare Workers, along with their extensive network of global data centers, to set 301 and 302 redirects, implement hreflang, conduct A/B testing, modify your robots.txt file, and even collect log files.

Sloth process
Image credit: Sloth
Why we like it: Sloth is especially useful for SEOs working on enterprise sites. You can implement solutions like redirects and hreflang tags without nearly as much effort.

Sloth lets you use Cloudflare Workers to execute JavaScript on the side without impacting the underlying infrastructure, which means you are able to clear any obstacles to get your tasks done.

Hreflang Tag Teting Tool
Google’s John Mueller has previously said that implementing hreflang is one of the most complex parts of SEO; using Merkle’s Hreflang Tags Testing Tool is one way to make it that little bit easier to check for any errors.

Merkle hrelang testing tool
Why we like it: This tool spots problems with hreflang implementation within minutes, and understands the alternate URLs and the targeted region.

Diagnosing such issues can be time-consuming and frustrating, but when you are able to see the annotations presented in a clear format, spotting that one incorrect tag couldn’t be simpler.

Free Local SEO Tools
PlePer Local SEO Tools Chrome Extension
PlePer offers tools and shortcuts for local SEOs. You can get detailed stats regarding any business’s Google listing in Maps, Local Finder, and Knowledge Panel.

PlePer local SEO tool
Why we like it: The Chrome extension format offers a useful way to research your local competitors. If you do decide you’d like to dive a little deeper, PlePer also offers paid options that start at $10 per month in addition to heftier enterprise options.

GMBspy Chrome Extension
This extension lets you view categories set for other businesses. Because these categories can influence what appears in the Knowledge Graph, it’s a good step to take in your competitor research.

GMBSpy local SEO tool
Why we like it: While category information is public, it can be tricky and occasionally time-consuming to sift through HTML in order to find it.

This is a quick way to keep tabs on competitors as well as find optimization opportunities for your own listing.

GMB Everywhere Chrome Extension
This local SEO tool is similar to GMBSpy, but offers more features.

In addition to accessing the information on business categories, you can perform basic audits in addition to audits specific to reviews, Google Posts, and Google Maps.

GMB Everywhere extension
Why we like it: As a free tool, GMB Everywhere provides a wealth of information. Basic audits allow you to access information regarding competitors’ post strategy, post frequency, and post content.

You can compare your strategy to ensure you’re putting enough time and effort into your listing.

Free Link Building Tools
With Hunter, you can save hours of outreach by finding professional email addresses related to your business in seconds. If you’re using the free version, you’ll get 25 searches and 50 verifications per month.

Hunter link building tool
Why we like it: Reaching out for backlinks and expert quotes can be time-consuming work. With Hunter, you save a lot of that time for other tasks — even with the free version.

Help a Reporter Out (HARO)
HARO is a handy (and mutually beneficial) tool that lets you respond to specific requests for sources or quotes in various industries.

This helps the reporter get accurate information and can help you get more backlinks and more coverage for your brand.

HARO sends source request emails, broken down by industry, each day. If you believe you are a good source for the request, you can respond. However, it’s ultimately down to the reporter to decide which source or quote to use.

Help a Reporter Out
Why we like it: HARO makes it easy for anyone to get great backlinks without spending much time on the outreach process. Even if you don’t have anyone on your team dedicated to content promotion, you can still get great results with minimal effort.

This Chrome extension is essentially a CRM built into your Gmail account. You can automatically capture data from contacts and emails, send personalized emails to contact groups, and get notified when people see your messages.

The free version offers all core CRM features, and paid accounts start at $15 per month.

Streak link building tool
Why we like it: Streak is also useful for team collaboration. You can automatically share emails, call logs, and more, as well as access data alongside emails so the entire team has context (as seen in the above image).

Google Tools
Google Analytics
Google Analytics is a popular free tool that provides in-depth data about your website. Even if you rely on paid SEO tools, using GA is essential for analyzing site traffic over time.

It can also give you valuable insights about your audience, including where they’re located, what kind of device they use, and their demographics.

Google Analytics Organic Traffic
Why we like it: It’s the most cost-effective analytics tool (free!) for businesses of all sizes. Even if you’re an SEO novice, you can easily use Google Analytics to demonstrate success — or failure — with evidence and data.

Google Search Console
Another must-have tool for any SEO is Google Search Console. It allows you to measure your site’s search traffic, find out which keywords your site ranks for, and identify technical errors.

GSC reports common errors, including Index Coverage, Core Web Vitals reports, and Mobile Usability.

Why we like it: There’s no better way to identify and fix issues related to your Google search performance than straight from Google itself. It allows you to see the exact issues that Google sees when it crawls and indexes your site.

You can also:

Test individual URLs to see how Googlebot interprets them
Submit a sitemap
Request the indexation of a URL
Access information like clicks, impressions, CTR, and average positions of keywords
Access Search Analytics for Sheets and the Search Console Data Downloader by Dominic Woodman to enhance GSC capabilities.

Google Business Profile
If you run a business with a physical store, use Google Business Profile (formerly Google My Business) to claim your business listing and appear on Google Maps, in the Knowledge Panel, and in the Local Pack.

Optimizing your Google Business Profile profile is the first step you’ll want to take. Ensure your hours and address are correct, add photos and videos, and respond to all reviews. Doing so will help your business rank locally.

Google My Business Knowledge Panel
Why we like it: It’s possible to gain a significant competitive advantage if you are prepared to put in the time and effort to optimize your Google listing.

Your competitors might treat it as a “set it and forget it” task, which means they will miss out on opportunities to add new posts, keep Q&As up to date, respond to reviews, add photos, and upload offers.

Google Data Studio
Google Data Studio allows users to combine data from different Google tools such as Google Analytics and Google Search Console to create interactive reports.

Google Data Studio screenshot
Why we like it: Data Studio is a great free reporting tool that shows real-time data and historical comparisons.

As stated by Google, “Blending sources can reveal valuable relationships between your data sets. Creating blended charts directly in Data Studio removes the need to manipulate your data in other applications first, saving you time and effort.”

Google PageSpeed Insights
Page speed is both a ranking factor and a user experience concern, so it’s important to stay on top of it. You can use this tool to understand your PageSpeed score as well as learn how to improve it.

Google PageSpeed Insights tool
Why we like it: PageSpeed Insights takes the guesswork out of optimizing the loading time of your site. It even prioritizes issues for you with clear suggestions and estimated time savings.

Google Mobile-Friendly Test
Google has been prioritizing mobile-first indexing for years now, so it’s important to keep your site mobile-friendly. All you need to do is paste a URL, and the tool will come back with specific mobile-usability issues to fix.

Google Mobile-Friendly Test
Why we like it: This user-friendly tool will let you know exactly how your page can improve. Mobile-usability errors include:

Uses incompatible plugins
Viewport not set
Viewport not set to “device-width”
Content wider than screen
Text too small to read
Clickable elements too close together
Google Keyword Planner
Google Keyword Planner is a keyword research tool that helps you choose the right keywords for your ad campaign.

All you need to do is enter a seed keyword (or a specific URL), and you’ll receive keyword ideas in addition to details on average monthly search volume and competition level.

Google Keyword Planner screenshot
Why we like it: While there are certainly more in-depth keyword research tools out there, it’s helpful to know competition level and bid estimates from Google. It’s also a great high-level way to start brainstorming ideas for a campaign.

Google Trends
Unsure where to start with content planning? Google Trends is a handy topic research tool that provides insights on what people are searching and where they’re from.

You can search broad topics, compare two topics, or start by taking a look at recently trending topics.

Google Trends screenshot
Why we like it: Tracking the popularity of a topic relevant to your business can help you stay on top of trends. Or on the flip side, you can avoid spending time and resources creating content about topics that are dwindling in popularity.

Other Free SEO Tools
Semrush Sensor
Sensor is a 100% free tool from Semrush that shows the volatility of the SERPs for specific industries. You can also track SERP feature occurrences and HTTPS usage.

Semrush Sensor
Why we like it: Finding dips in traffic or outliers in data can be stressful and require time-consuming deep dives.

Before all of that, it’s helpful to find out whether the issues you are seeing are industry-wide or unique to your site.

Semrush Social Media Toolkit
Our Social Media Toolkit includes plenty of great social media solutions even if you don’t have a paid account. You can post on various platforms directly from Semrush, schedule posts in advance, track how your social ads are doing, and more.

Here’s what you can expect in terms of limitations for free accounts:

Social Media Ads: Can only add one ad account
Social Media Analytics: No restrictions
Social Media Poster: Can post to 10 profiles max
Social Media Tracker: Can track 50 profiles max
Social Media Poster configuration
Connect to your social profiles and schedule posts within the Social Media Poster.
Why we like it: Posting from various social media accounts on different platforms can be dizzying, so it’s helpful to be able to create and publish your posts all in one place.

With the Social Media Toolkit, you can post to Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, and Google Business Profile without leaving Semrush.
Founded by Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, and Yandex, this community promotes shared vocabulary for structured data across the internet. You can access documentation for all types of schema.

Event schema
Why we like it: If you need to add a certain type of structured data to your page, all you need to do is look it up and you’ll find all the information you need to implement it.

Inspect Canonical
This extension allows users to check the canonical of a page right from their Chrome browser — no need to sift through the source code again.

After seeing a gap for such a tool, Nick LeRoy decide to create it himself:

Inspect Canonical Chrome extension
Why we like it: This easy-to-use tool has a color-coding system that appears directly on your Chrome browser. The “C” icon will appear either red, amber, or green depending on the page. It also includes a message (as seen above) so you know exactly what you’re working with.

Paid SEO Tools
If you are an SEO by profession, you’ll probably want to invest in some paid SEO tools as well.

But do you really need to pay for SEO tools?

While there are plenty of great free options out there, paid tools typically offer greater capabilities, including solutions for managing a large number of clients.

So while you can certainly maintain your SEO presence without having a large budget to spend on tools, things can get tricky quickly, particularly if you are managing many clients.

Read through our paid SEO tools list to learn more about what we think are some of the most impactful options out there.

Tracking, Analytics, and Reporting Tools
Semrush .Trends
With a paid Semrush subscription, users can add on .Trends, which includes the Market Research and Traffic Analytics tools.

These powerful competitive intelligence tools allow you to analyze competitors and receive a comprehensive overview of a competitor’s online performance respectively.

Semrush Market Explorer
Pictured: Growth Quadrant in Market Explorer
Why we like it: The above Growth Quadrant widget from Market Explorer provides your top competitors and organizes them in four categories:

Game Changers: High growth
Leaders: Fast-growth with a large audience
Niche Players: New or smaller companies
Established Players: Brands with established popularity
It’s easy to focus only on the big players in your industry, but Market Explorer ensures you don’t lose sight of up-and-coming companies.

Pricing: $200 per month (must already have a paid Semrush subscription).

Semrush Agency Growth Kit
If you’re part of a marketing agency, the Agency Growth Kit add-on can help you get more leads, find growth opportunities, and streamline reporting.

In addition to these helpful features, your business can be added to our agency directory, where any user can search for specific services in different industries. Businesses qualify once they complete two Semrush Academy courses and provide their business information.

Semrush Agency Growth Kit
Why we like it: AGK includes the Client Portal, where you can create and while-label reports that your clients can access at any time.

Pricing: You can add Agency Growth Kit to any paid Semrush account for an additional $100 per month.

Advanced Web Ranking
This tool provides rank tracking daily, weekly, and on-demand for desktop, mobile, and local searches. You can populate this data in white-label reports to send to your clients.

Advanced Web Ranking
Why we like it: Advanced Web Ranking offers rank tracking, reporting, and competitor analysis all from the same tool. The variety of plans is also useful for smaller businesses or those without large budgets.

Pricing: You can choose from four different plans. If you pay annually, you’ll save 10%.

Starter (for startups): $49 per month
Pro (for in-house teams): $99 per month
Agency: $199 per month
Enterprise: $499 per month
Find out how your pages are ranking all the way down to a specific zip code. Additional tools include white-labeled reports, Site Auditor, and the Keyword Discovery feature.

Nightwatch SEO tool
Why we like it: Rank trackers usually use a random Google Data Center, but Nightwatch lets you access any Google Data Center in existence. This will help you see how you fare locally as well as in other markets if applicable.

Pricing: Similar to Advanced Web Ranking, Nightwatch offers multiple packages depending on your budget:

Starter (freelancers and small or medium businesses): $32 per month
Optimize (growing businesses and marketing agencies): $79 per month
Agency (larger agencies and enterprise businesses): $295 per month
On-Page SEO Tools
Semrush On Page SEO Checker
It can be difficult to know where to begin when optimizing a page. On Page SEO checker keeps things organized by providing improvement ideas for specific pages.

On Page SEO Checker
Why we like it: The tool organized ideas into different categories, making it easier to see which areas need the most attention. And if you have a Site Audit set up for your project, you’ll receive technical ideas as well.

Pricing: On Page SEO checker is available for any account, though there are limits:

Free: 10 SEO Idea Units (each keyword in the tool spends 1 unit)
Pro: 500 SEO Idea Units
Guru: 800 SEO Idea Units
Business: 2,000 SEO Idea Units
Because Yoast is such a popular tool, we’ve added it twice! Let’s discuss the paid version. In addition to the free features, you can access any Yoast SEO training course, use the readability analysis feature, automatically redirect pages, and more.

Yoast Readability Report
Why we like it: With the readability analysis feature, you can rely on Yoast to tell you how readable your post is. See the above screenshot — if there are any recommended improvements, the tool will mark them with orange or red dots and let you know what the issue is.

Pricing: Yoast Premium is $89/year.

Duplicate content can negatively affect your rankings, so it’s helpful for copywriters or editors to utilize software such as Copyscape that can detect how much of your content shows up verbatim on other parts of the internet.

Copyscape reviews
Why we like it: Duplicate content can be detrimental to your rankings, and Copyscape seeks it out for you with almost no effort.

Pricing: Copyscape will run you three cents per 200 words and an additional cent for every 100 words thereafter.

Semrush SEO Writing Assistant
Our SEO Writing Assistant checks the readability of your writing, gives SEO and keyword suggestions, alerts you of any plagiarism detected, and gauges the tone of voice you’re using.

Semrush SEO Writing Assistant
Why we like it: In addition to using the tool within our website, you can also download plugins for both WordPress and Google Docs.

Pricing: Semrush SEO Writing Assistant is available to those with Guru and Business Semrush subscriptions.

Keyword Research Tools
Semrush Keyword Magic Tool
The powerful Keyword Magic Tool offers access to an extensive database of over 20 billion keywords. It’s safe to say that you’ll be able to conquer keyword research for any industry.

If you are using the free version, you are limited to 10 searches per day, each of which will have 10 results.

Keyword Magic Tool
Why we like it: The Keyword Magic Tool is incredibly comprehensive, offering global keyword research possibilities. Additional perks are as follows:

Automatically groups related keywords into topics
Includes a question-only feature to filter for only keywords that ask questions
Lets you know which SERP features are present for a keyword
Shows intent of keyword (i.e. transactional, navigational, or informational
Pricing: Available with a Guru or Business Semrush account.

Keywords Everywhere
This browser add-on for Chrome or Firefox displays search volume, CPC, AdWords competition level, and historical trend data of keywords.

Keywords Everywhere
Why we like it: In addition to the above-mentioned data, you can also access People Also Ask data. This is a helpful tool if you don’t want to go back and forth between multiple keyword planning tools.

Pricing: Users pay by credit packages. One credit is equivalent to one keyword and credits expire after one year:

100,000 credits: $10
500,000 credits: $50
1 million credits: $100
2 million credits: $200
5 million credits: $500
10 million credits: $1,000 generates long-tail keyword suggestions based on the keyword you enter. is actually a handy free tool; however, the Pro version is useful because it fully supports all Google domains and languages. That’s data from 192 supported countries and 46 languages.
Why we like it:

Keyword can be used for YouTube, Bing, Amazon, eBay, Instagram in addition to Google.

There’s also a Keyword Tool API option to help you perform keyword research on a much larger scale.

Pricing: There are three plans to choose from if you want to upgrade from the free account:

Pro Basic: $69 per month
Pro Plus: $79 per month
Pro Business: $159 per month
It’s important to zero in on the right keywords that will get you useful traffic and actually convert users. LongTailPro helps you do so by finding less competitive, long-tail keywords within your business niche.

LongTailPro keyword research tool
Why we like it: The SERP Analysis Tool allows you to keep tabs on your competitors by tracking up to 200 keywords, conducting a competitive website analysis, and analyzing metrics that help you gauge your chances of surpassing your competitors.

Pricing: If you pay annually, you can get four months of services free:

Starter: $297 annually or $37 per month
Pro: Can $537 annually or $67 per month
Agency: $1177 annually or $147 per month
Link Building Tools
Semrush Backlink Analytics
Using Backlink Analytics, you can check backlinks accurately for almost any website, and use our Authority Score metric to determine the quality of a backlink.

Semrush Backlink Analytics
Why we like it: This is the fastest backlink discovery tool out there, so you’ll be the first to know about how your competitors are doing. You can also use the various reports within the tool to find new backlinks, lost backlinks, and more.

Pricing: Free, Pro, Guru, and Business level accounts all support Backlink Analytics, but you’ll have access to different amounts of requests and results:

Free: 10 results per day and 10 results per report
Pro: 3,000 results per day and 10,000 results per report
Guru: 5,000 results per day and 30,000 results per report
Business: 10,000 results per day and 50,000 results per report
Semrush Link Building Tool
Our Link Building Tool helps you to organize your outreach efforts by collecting a list of opportunities and providing a management interface to run your campaign.

Semrush Link Building Tool
Why we like it: You can filter domain prospects by Authority Score or overall rating to ensure the sites you’re reaching out to are high-quality.

You can also see the “source of prospect” for each domain suggestion, i.e. which relevant keywords triggered the result.

Pricing: You can access the Link Building Tool via any Semrush account, including a free account. Here are the limits:

Free account: Can import up to 100 domains
Paid accounts: Can import up to 10,000 domains
JustReachOut provides a way to build backlinks and get recognition without a big PR budget. Build a list of journalists and influencers relevant to your business, write a pitch email based on one of their templates, and view the analytics of your open rate once people receive your email.

JustReachOut link building tool
Why we like it: This link building tool provides an organized way to use data from your campaigns to inform future strategies. It also shaves time off the often lengthy process of outreach.

You’ll even have access to editors who will give you feedback on your pitches and give you tips on strategy.

Pricing: There are three plans to choose from and you can save 20% if you pay annually rather than monthly:

Solo: $79 per month if paid annually or $99 monthly
Simple Outreach: $159 per month if paid annually or $199 monthly
Advanced Outreach: $319 per month if paid annually or $399 monthly
Pitchbox is an influencer outreach and content marketing platform. You can quickly find bloggers, publishers, and influencers based on keyword research.

PitchBox outreach tool
Why we like it: They have integrations with many SEO providers, including Semrush, making it easy to access data without leaving the site.

It also sends automatic follow-ups to those who don’t reach out so you don’t have to do it manually

Pricing: You can choose from four established plans or contact PitchBox about custom options:

Basic: $195 per month
Small Business: $295 per month
SEO Agency: $395 per month
Enterprise: From $1500 per month
Local SEO Tools
Semrush Listing Management
Our simple solution for Local SEO — created in collaboration with Yext — takes the manual effort out of distributing your business data to authoritative directories.

Semrush Listing Management Tool
Why we like it: The Listing Management tool also improves your data voice search reach, automatically distributing the information to Google, Bing, Apple, and Amazon Alexa.

Pricing: You can choose between a Basic Location and a Premium Location:

Basic Location: $20 per month
Premium Location: $40 per month (includes a local heatmap, the ability to respond to Facebook and Google Business Profile reviews through the tool, and a review for Sentiment Analysis)
Georanker offers a variety of tools, but the Local Rank Checker & Tracker Tool is a powerful way to keep an eye on local traffic.

While you are able to use this tool for free, there are daily limits and you won’t be able to create white-labeled reports or access additional features.

Why we like it: Although we’re mentioning their local SEO tool specifically, they offer plenty of other SEO products as well as API and data mining capabilities.

Pricing: You can choose from three different plans, but keep in mind that data mining and API features will be a separate cost:

Pro: $99 per month
Agencies: $249 per month
Enterprises: $490 per month
Yext is best known for its Location Listing services, though it also provides Reputation Management and Site Search Tools.

Local listings allow you to manage your business information across over 200 search platforms across the world. This means you only need to update hours, menus, and other related information once and that information will be updated everywhere.

Image credit: Yext
Why we like it: In addition to managing your listings, you can also use track SEO metrics like search impressions, clicks, and conversions to find out how much business you’re getting directly from your listings.

Pricing: You can contact Yext to get specific pricing for enterprise packages. If you just need to pay by individual listing, here’s what you can expect:

Emerging Starter Package: $4 per week or $199 annually
Essential Plus Package: $9 per week or $449 annually
Complete Standard Package: $10 per week or $499 annually
Premium Advanced Package: $19 per week or $999 annually
Other SEO Tools
If you sell products on Amazon, Sellzone will help you find the right search terms to use, audit your product pages, and test whether or not any changes to your listing make an impact.

Why we like it: Because the Amazon market is so saturated, it’s helpful to know how you’re doing within your industry. Plus, the ability to test out changes allows you to experiment purposefully instead of guessing what would work best.

Pricing: The free plan includes a comprehensive product research tool, unlimited listing split tests, and listing checks for Amazon requirements. For more capabilities, and even a personal account manager on the Pro plan, you can opt for a paid plan:

Growth: $50 per month
Pro: $85 per month
Prowly is a media relations and PR software that allows you to find relevant media contacts, create and send press releases, manage your contacts, and more.

Why we like it: Prowly cuts down manual PR work and allows you to manage your campaigns within one platform.

Their press release capabilities are particularly useful, as you can create visual (and interactive) press releases, generate a target audience, and email your press releases directly through Prowly.

Pricing: There are two plans available for Prowly users:

Essential (for small businesses and freelancers): $189 per month
Professional (for PR agencies and in-house PR teams): $259 per month
Content Marketplace
Content Marketplace is your go-to source for content on-demand. You can order articles, infographics, website copy, newsletters, press releases, ebooks, and more.

Content Marketplace
Why we like it: There’s no need to have a subscription to access Content Marketplace, but opting for a Premium plan provides a 10% discount on content orders, unlimited content revisions, one express order per month, and more.

Pricing: With a free subscription, you won’t have recurring fees; you’ll pay for each asset you order.

If you do choose a Premium subscription, you’ll pay $33 per month if you pay annually or $40 per month if you pay monthly.

This AI tool breaks down your site’s content into conversion journey stages, provides ideas for improving your strategy, and finds out which pages are the most impactful.

What we like: With ImpactHero, there’s no need to sift through loads of data to find out how your content is doing. This tool shows you relevant data in a user-friendly way.

Pricing: You can pay $200 per month or contact the sales team to review other pricing options.

Final Thoughts
As you can see, there are plenty of SEO tools to help you fine-tune your strategy and save time with automations. Even if you aren’t working with a hefty budget, there are many incredible free tools you can use.


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