The world of web design has become a competitive place, where every element of your website has an impact on how people experience it. You might have noticed that websites have gotten faster, smoother, and more streamlined over the years, and that’s largely due to the emergence of new tools for building websites.
Javascript is a programming language that is at the core of many of the most popular libraries and frameworks used by today’s web developers. It’s not just used to create wonderful websites—it’s also used to power web apps, desktop software, mobile applications, and even robots.
But what exactly can Javascript do? How does it fit into your site? And how can you use it to make your own projects more powerful?
Javascript Web Design Tools
1. Sublime Text
Let’s start with the basics: a first-rate code editor—one that features a well-designed, super efficient, and ultra speedy user interface. There are several that do this well, but arguably the best (and most popular) is Sublime Text.
Artfully run by a one-man development team, the secret to Sublime’s success lies in the program’s vast array of keyboard shortcuts—such as the ability to perform simultaneous editing (making the same interactive changes to multiple selected areas) as well as quick navigation to files, symbols, and lines. And when you’re spending 8+ hours with your editor each day, those precious few seconds saved for each process really do add up…
You can start coding with Sublime in this free web development tutorial (no sign-up necessary).
2. Chrome Developer Tools
Wouldn’t it be great if you could edit your HTML and CSS in real-time, or debug your JavaScript, all while viewing a thorough performance analysis of your website?
Google’s built-in Chrome Developer Tools let you do just that. Bundled and available in both Chrome and Safari, they allow developers access into the internals of their web application. On top of this, a palette of network tools can help optimize your loading flows, while a timeline gives you a deeper understanding of what the browser is doing at any given moment.
Google release an update every six weeks–so check out their website as well as the Google Developers YouTube channel to keep your skills up-to-date.
3. jQuery
JavaScript has long been considered an essential frontend language by developers, although it’s not without its problems: riddled with browser inconsistencies, its somewhat complicated and unapproachable syntax meant that functionality often suffered.
That was until 2006, when jQuery—a fast, small, cross-platform JavaScript library aimed at simplifying the frontend process—appeared on the scene. By abstracting a lot of the functionality usually left for developers to solve on their own, jQuery allowed greater scope for creating animations, adding plug-ins, or even just navigating documents.
And it’s clearly successful—jQuery was by far the most popular JavaScript library in existence in 2015, with installation on 65% of the top 10 million highest-traffic sites on the web at the time. If this sounds like something you’d like to look into some more, we have a full guide to jQuery vs JavaScript.
4. GitHub
It’s every developer’s worst nightmare—you’re working on a new project feature and you screw up. Enter version control systems (VCS)–and more specifically, GitHub.
By rolling out your project with the service, you can view any changes you’ve made or even go back to your previous state (making pesky mistakes a thing of the past). There are so many reasons why GitHub is vital to developers. The repository hosting service also boasts a rich open-source development community (making collaboration between teams as easy as pie), as well as providing several other components such as bug tracking, feature requests, task management, and wikis for every project.
Many employers will look for finely-honed Git skills, so now’s the perfect time to sign up–plus it’s a great way to get involved and learn from the best with a wide array of open-source projects to work on. If you’re not 100% sure of the differences between Git and GitHub already, make sure you know that first.
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5. CodePen
Despite being around since 2012, the ever-increasing of people learning programming means that 2022 is going to be another bumper year for this tool beloved by the frontend community. There is almost no better way of showcasing your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript snippets, and as a result their embeds are an increasingly common sight across coding resources online.
If you need some proof for just how user-friendly CodePen is, take a look at this very cool airplane-themed feature:
As well as showing off your GitHub profile, CodePen is an incredibly useful tool for those building or overhauling their web developer portfolio. It’s an elegant way of showing off not just the code behind features you’ve built, but also how they are displayed to users as well.
6. AngularJS
HTML is usually the cornerstone of any frontend developer’s toolbox, but it has what many perceive to be a serious flaw: it wasn’t designed to manage dynamic views.
This is where AngularJS, an open-source web framework, comes in. Developed by Google, AngularJS lets you extend your application’s HTML syntax, resulting in a more expressive, readable, and quick to develop environment that could otherwise not have been built with HTML alone.
The project is not without its critics: some feel that this sort of data binding makes for a messy, non-separated code, but we still think it’s an invaluable skill to have in your frontend kit.
7. Sass
Web dev tools that save time are your best friend, and one of the first things you’ll learn about code is that it needs to be DRY (“Don’t Repeat Yourself”). The second thing you’ll probably learn is that CSS is usually not very DRY.
Enter the world of the CSS preprocessor, a tool that will help you write maintainable, future-proof code, all while reducing the amount of CSS you have to write (keeping it DRY).
Perhaps most popular among them is Sass, an eight-year-old open-source project which pretty much defined the genre of modern CSS preprocessors. Although a little tricky to get to grips with initially, Sass’s combination of variables, nesting, and mixins will render simple CSS when compiled, meaning your stylesheets will be more readable and (most importantly) DRY.
Final thoughts
If the idea of learning these frontend tools and setting out on a seven-month journey to become a web developer appeals to you, I really recommend you look at our Full-Stack Web Development Program. It’s designed to teach you the core frontend technologies from scratch, before proceeding to endow you with much sought-after skills in JavaScript development
web development tools
Frontend development is a significant part of the web. With the massive growth in web technologies, it is no surprise that frontend web development has also grown multifold in the past years.
Frontend development focuses on the client-side development, meaning what the users view.
Front-end web development requires a technical understanding of web languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, knowledge of design principles, colour palettes and schemes, and code debugging and testing.
Do you need to use frontend tools?
Frontend web developers are responsible for designing an accessible, attractive UI-UX design for web pages and web applications. They decide the feel and looks of the website.
Tools and frontend frameworks will be of enormous help as they can automate and simplify a lot of these tasks.
Frontend tools help accelerate the process of developing a web app by providing drag and drop elements and various built-in features to create a more attractive design layout.
Frontend tools include CSS frameworks, JavaScript libraries, UI-UX designer tools, UI libraries, integrated development environment, and HTML drag-and-drop tools.
Here is a list of the top 10 tools for frontend development to help you in your next development project.
- Novi BuilderNovi Builder is an HTML drag and drop builder that offers free customizable UI templates and plugins. It provides access to the source code of the elements and allows developers to make several changes in the website’s graphical user interface design at any point in time.Novi Builder comes as a built-in feature for many widely used browsers like Google Chrome and Opera. But it can work as a browser add-on. However, it is a little hard to grasp for people who are new to the web developing business.We would recommend it to experienced developers who have in-depth knowledge, understanding, and experience in making websites and applications.
- Creative TimCreative Tim is a BootStrap-based front-end web development tool that provides UI components and dashboards built on JavaScript frameworks- Vue, Angular and React.It enables both web and mobile application development. You can create elegant, responsive websites using Creative Tim.It is a one-stop junction for all front-end developer’s requirements. Creative Tim equips a frontend developer with an extensive toolkit of UI elements, easy-to-use templates and dashboards, and pre-coded sections.
- Visual Studio CodeVisual Studio Code is a free open source code editor created by Microsoft for Windows, macOS, and Linux operating systems.It is an intelligent code editor that has a large number of features like code completion, code refactoring, syntax highlighting, embedded Git, and testing support.The Visual Studio code editor itself is customizable, allowing you to debug the code with breakpoints, call stacks, and an interactive console.Plus, VS Code also offers a wide variety of packages and free extensions for any added functionality or features you might require.As it works on both JavaScript and Python, you can use it for some backend functions too.
- BootStrapBootstrap is a widely-used open source library of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript utilities. It enables you to create responsive mobile applications on the web.Bootstrap is an extensive UI toolkit, giving access to multiple built-in components and ready-to-use elements.Bootstrap is easy to set up, and an experienced developer can create a functional layout with responsive design in a very short time. In the hands of the right developer, it can create magic as it is fully customizable.Another game-changing feature is its support of other website development tools such as Sass and JQuery, thus extending its list of offered functionalities.Looking for a Mobile-friendly Website?Our frontend developers can help you develop a custom website that works perfectly across all devices- smartphones, tablets, and PCs.Get A Free Quote From Expert
- SassSass is a preprocessing scripting language. It compiles into CSS codes and can help you extend the functionality of an existing CSS site. Web developers can add variables, multiple and multilevel inheritances, and nesting with extreme ease.Advanced features like control directives for libraries, autoformatted outputs, and external libraries make Sass perfect for working with CSS.What is more, it is also an excellent tool for front-end designing. It gives access to many helpful features for manipulating colours and font and other UI components.Sass also enables easy design sharing within and across projects, as a result providing a seamless project management experience.
- EnvatoEnvato is a front-end development tool that supports HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It supports multiple web frameworks, providing templates for the JavaScript library Vuejs, Laravel, Angular, and BootStrap.It has a collection of 1000+ readymade HTML5 templates and components that developers can use on-the-go for building user interfaces.Envato also offers optimized CSS and JavaScript coding techniques that can save your coding time and improve your page speed scores.
- InVision CloudInVision Cloud is a digital product design platform for creating captivating user experiences. InVision cloud is easy to use and provides sleek and modern icons.It has unique web design tools such as Element Library, a photography board, navigation flows, a web prototype for desktop sites, and several other traditional design elements and practices.Their Prototype tool for desktop and mobile apps can create clickable elements and is also good for creating animations.You can also opt for a professional plan if you require multiple prototypes for a project and additional features.
- Sublime TextSublime Text is an open-source, cross-platform editing software for code, prose, and markup. It supports multiple programming and markup languages, and you can customize almost anything according to your project needs.It has a well-designed, fast, and efficient user interface. Most web designers prefer using Sublime Text because of its exceptional collection of components and intelligent editing tool.It provides fantastic features like simultaneous editing, quick navigational skills for files, symbols, lines, and variables, and multiple keyboard shortcuts for smooth and flexible application designing.
- NPMNPM is the Node Package Manager for JavaScript. It helps NodeJS developers to discover packages of reusable components and assemble them in powerful new ways.It can be used as a command-line utility for interacting with a repository that aids in the package.NPM helps in assembling the system in the most powerful and beneficial way possible. A project manager can also use a similar workflow to manage the public and private code among the whole team.It is extremely easy to use and proves to be a powerful project management tool for medium to large teams.
- OneOne is a web development kit that offers a variety of easy-to-use themes. You can use this tool for unlimited domains and projects.It provides a wide range of add-ons, plugins, and stock photos. You can develop a professional web app using the offered audio and video assets.One provides the ‘Draftium tool,’ which helps in visualizing your website or application idea. It is the perfect tool for developing web applications for commercial purposes.
10 Top Backend Web Development Tools
People are dazzled by beautiful, easy-to-use web apps. But if the website was slow or did not fulfill its purpose, no matter how good the looks, you would attract no users.
You need the backend development to be immaculate if you want a well-functioning website.
Do you need to use backend tools?
To make a website run smoothly, you need the right backend frameworks, the proper coding environment, the perfect hosting services, and a seamless data management system.
Backend tools help manage databases, build queries and help in seamless retrieval of data when user requests it.
Session management, HTTP requests and version control, is all supported by various backend tools
We feature a list of some of the best back end development tools a web app developer needs to have in their arsenal in the next section.
- GitHubGitHub is the most powerful tool for software professionals today. It can be considered a vast library of coding knowledge or a dedicated platform for open source collaboration.Perhaps best of all, GitHub is a community for developers to share and collaborate. But initially, it was only version control software.GitHub allows you to share and store code, contribute to open-source projects and keep track of revisions.You can use it to version control your own project, or you can use it to build your profile as a developer by contributing to others’ projects.
- WordPressWordPress is an online blogging platform developed with PHP. It is extremely popular and handles millions of free users and paid members.It is an excellent platform for hosting your websites. It also provides the option of hosting it on your server with PHP/MySQL.As one of the best web developer tools, the software can be used as CMS to set up a commercial website.Its features include the WYSIWYG text editor, co-authoring with multiple authors, permalinks optimized for search engines, static page, Trackback/Pingback, and member registration/login.Want a Custom WordPress Solution?Let’s talk. We can help you convert your business requirements into a custom WordPress website with personalized themes and plugins.Schedule A Free Consultation
- MongoDBMongoDB is a NoSQL database that can store and return vast volumes of unstructured data. It does this by sorting data into documents rather than tables.This allows you to create more complex structures, build hierarchies, define relationships, and store arrays.MongoDB can use data like demographics, site browsing history and user behaviour to tailor-make an experience for each individual user.What this means in practice is that you can customize user experiences according to each user’s likes and preferences, making it a must-have web development tool.
- ApacheApache is free, open-source web server software that establishes the connection between your client-side and server-side and delivers files between them.Apache also offers customization, with modules that administrators can turn on and off as needed.Apache isn’t suitable for high-traffic sites, and if you’re building a site that will have to control and manage heavy traffic load, we would recommend using NGINX for its speed and optimized performance.But Apache’s customization features and user-friendliness make it an excellent solution for most developers.
- GruntGrunt is a JavaScript task manager written on top of NodeJS. It automates most of the repetitive tasks of web development.Once you install and configure the task using a Grunt file, tasks such as minification, compilation, unit testing, and linting become extremely easy.With an ever-growing repository of plugins, Grunt provides an excellent coding environment for developers. You can download it through NPM or any other NodeJS/Javascript package manager.Also, Grunt supports other frontend web tools such as Sass or RequireJS to perform the pre-configured tasks.
- RedisRedis is an open-source tool that caches data in a NoSQL database. It supports most programming languages, including JavaScript, Java, Python, PHP, and more.It can help you handle large databases and reduce your database requests, making your site speed efficient.Organizations like Twitter, Pinterest, Craigslist and GitHub use Redis to get fantastic response times for cached data.
- NGINXNGINX is an open-source software used for web serving. It can also be used as a reverse proxy, load balancer, HTTP cache, and media player and streamer.It is extremely fast and efficient and has been steadily competing with Apache.In addition, NGINX can also function as a proxy server for email. You can opt for the NGINX Plus for support and additional enterprise features.
- MySQLMySQL is the world’s most popular open-source relational database.It’s easily accessible and is often known to be part of the LAMP web development stack, standing for the ‘M’ in the acronym of popular tools, along with Linux, Apache, and PHP/Perl/Python.MySQL is free, easy to set up and learn, and scales fast and is thus a top choice for most backend developers for a database management system. It is good for handling large databases and supports multiple users.
- GitHub ClientGithub Client or GitHub Desktop is a free, open-source Git GUI client. Github Client minimizes the cost of building apps on multiple platforms.By using the Electron software framework, developers can now quickly write cross-platform desktop applications using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.You can add local repositories or make new ones in a short time. It provides developers with the benefits of a unified cross-platform experience.You can also use Github Client as a code editor integrated with Git.
- LaragonLaragon provides a fast and easy way to spin up an isolated Windows development platform.The platform comes pre-installed with many popular applications like Node.js, PHP, Apache, Composer, and MySQL.It supports PHP, NodeJS, Python, Java, Ruby and many others. Extremely lightweight and efficient, Laragon is an excellent tool for developing and managing modern applications.
Here, we come to an end of our discussion of various tools and their features. Please read on for answers to some commonly asked questions.
Web development is a fast-growing community of dedicated developers, coders and designers. Multiple web development frameworks and tools are being developed to cater to their every need.
The web application development tools mentioned above are the best of the best. We recommend it to all developers, experienced or newbies alike.
If you prefer working with Angular, check out our blog on Top 8 AngularJS web tools.
Do drop in comments below if we missed your favourite web tool. Feel free to chat with us on Facebook or tweet to us MonocubedCanada.
Contact Monocubed for any development-related queries and get expert help from our team of qualified developers and designers.
Jeel Pate
Jeel Patel is the Founder of Monocubed and is the main curator & writer of the content found on this site. With ideals of quality, commitment, and perseverance, he believes in creating lasting business relationships with the clients.
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