Social Media Tools For Recruiting

Recruiting is one of the most important parts of business. Hiring the right people will make your company thrive, and hiring the wrong people can be a huge drain on your resources—and your sanity.

But recruiting isn’t always easy. You have to manage everything from creating job descriptions and screening applicants, to interviewing candidates and making decisions about who to hire.

Thankfully, there are tools out there that can help you streamline this process! Here’s a list of some of our favorites:

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Social Media Tools For Recruiting

Social media is one of the best ways to hire new blood today. You can get an instant feel for what a person is like and see the experience they have, before you even get them in for interview. Here’s 12 of the best tools to use if you’re going to started recruiting online.

1. and others

LinkedIn is already a staple of job hunters and recruiters, thanks to its powers of bringing them together through a social network. There are enough alternative sites where you can find business contacts ( or build a contact with a person of the right environment (Meetup ) Do not miss the opportunity to register as many accounts as possible on different alternative websites, even if those seem small and worthless! The digital world is developing rapidly, perhaps one of them may become much bigger than LinkedIn.

2. Facebook Marketplace

The Facebook Marketplace is a relatively new but highly useful tool that you should be taking advantage of. You can place full job listings on there, so you can catch any interested party that might apply. The beauty of using this tool is that nearly everyone is on Facebook these days, so you couldn’t have a wider audience.

3. Facebook Pages

Speaking of Facebook, Facebook Pages are another great way of finding the right people to work for you. If you’re already up on your social media, then you’ll know that a good Facebook page can bring in a lot of business and attention. It can also be the best way to hire a new recruit. After all, they’re already following your Facebook page, they’ll have the knowledge and the enthusiasm to work for you.


This site is used to by freelancers to give potential clients a real feel for what they do. You can browse the pages on this site and look for someone who would fit in with you existing business. pages are unique in that they give you a real overview of what a person is like, before you get in touch with them.

5. Big Assignments

When creating job adverts to use on social media, they need to be just as well written as any you’d use elsewhere online. This service is designed to help you write those adverts. The writers here can help you put together an advert that will appeal to your intended audience. They’ll also help you edit any adverts you’ve already written.

6. BranchOut

BranchOut essentially lets you turn Facebook into LinkedIn. You can overlay employer information over Facebook profiles, so you can search by name, employment history, and more. it gives you a much wider net when it comes to looking for new recruits.

7. Instagram

If you’re looking for someone with a flair for visual arts or attention to detail, then Instagram could be the best place to look. There’s plenty of people who’ve already hired through the platform, as they’ve been able to get a feel for their style before getting in touch.

8. Paper Fellows

Paper Fellows is unique as it fosters a community that cares about writing. As such, they’re a great place to go if you want to consult with a writer about your job postings. They’ll help you write a post that will get you the person you need.

9. Streak CRM

This tool lives in your Gmail inbox, and is invaluable when you’re talking to several potential new hires at once. The software allows you to track the people you’re talking to, so you never lose emails and always know where you are with everyone you’re interested in.

11. Twitter

Top brands like Disney are currently using Twitter to find new talent, so you can too. The use of hashtags and targeted campaigns can go a long way towards drawing new recruits to you. There’s millions of users, so it’s a market you should absolutely tap.

11. Hire Rabbit

This site helps you create your own recruitment platform that you can use on social media, especially Facebook. It gives you one dashboard where you can organise everything, especially helpful when there’s so much to do.

12. Jobvite

This site offers you a full online tracking system to keep track of your applicants. It’s trusted by many different brands, and can be customised to suit you and your needs. Use it to track your applicants, no matter where they’re applying from.

Social media is the perfect place to hire these days, but you still need to know where you should be looking. Use these tools and websites to find the right hire for you. After all, talent is found in the most unexpected places.

types of sourcing in recruitment

For every 300 or more applicants, only five will be interviewed and only one will be hired. Increasing levels of unemployment are associated with increasing levels of passive application, resulting in a sea of uninterested and uninvested candidates. Implementing the best sourcing strategies in recruitment is an integral part of acquiring top talent.

It is important to note that recruiting and sourcing are not one and the same. Just as vendor management is part of procurement, sourcing is a part of recruitment – specifically, the first stage. Sourcing is the act of searching for candidates to fill either current positions or potential, future positions. Taking this first step requires thorough knowledge regarding what the position entails, specific metrics or qualifications to look for, and how to acquire top talent. This guide details various sourcing strategy examples to recruit the best and brightest in your industry.

  1. Trust Referrals
    This time-tested technique appears to be a no-brainer. HR professionals know the importance of professional networks when it comes to hiring. There is research to back it up: according to a 2020 Referral Statistics Report by LinkedIn, referred candidates are four times more likely to be hired, and 45% of these referred employees stay with the company for four years or more, leading to a higher return on time investment. Leveraging interpersonal connections saves a recruiter time, effort, and resources.
  2. Consider Past Applicants
    The runner-up candidates that did not quite make the cut for a previous position provide an opportunity. You told the prospect that you would keep them in mind for future opportunities, and now may the right time to deliver. You have already interviewed them, assessed their qualifications, and found them to be a near-perfect match. By starting with previously interviewed applicants, you are essentially starting three steps ahead.
  3. Know Your Touchpoints
    The Marketing Rule of three also applies to candidate sourcing. When connecting with leads via cold emailing or messaging, generate three touchpoints over the span of a month to motivate engagement. Building a relationship between the prospect, the recruiter, and the company increases the likelihood that they will apply to a position and enables the recruiter to gauge the personality and qualifications of the potential applicant.
  4. Diversify Your Talent Acquisition Search
    It is important to cultivate multiple channels of supply rather than clinging to one. In order to uncover the gems hidden in the rough, one needs to stray from the beaten path.

Not every applicant checks LinkedIn religiously. Individuals seeking employment opportunities on LinkedIn are most likely engaging in a passive application strategy, clicking “Easy Apply” on every opportunity listed in their search or suggested postings. Widen your search parameters to position-specific platforms, such as GitHub for developers or Behance for graphic designers.

Another method of diversification is to maintain a company recruiting database. While LinkedIn hosts passive applicants, individuals applying directly through the company website are more invested. For entry-level positions, try visiting college campuses that host department-specific recruitment events. This applicant pool is educated on the latest techniques and research, ambitious, seeking to prove themselves, and eager to work.

  1. Do Not Rely on Resume Keywords
    Keywords may have been a good method for quickly identifying the required qualifications. According to various recruiting intelligence websites, an estimated 10% of applicants use a resume writing service. Resume writing services embed keywords in their customer’s resumes designed to rank highly on Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS). In other words, your “top candidates” may not be the best qualified for the job, but rather the candidates who paid the most.

Relying solely on an ATS is inadvisable. Build an ideal candidate persona and review resumes, LinkedIn profiles, and social media to assess who is the best suited for a given position.

  1. Hire Internally
    Why bother combing through 300 resumes if the right applicant is right under your nose?

Up-skilling is an easy way to fill positions with qualified candidates while providing upward mobility to employees. Assess your current staff and analyze whose skill set could be best utilized elsewhere or developed into a different role

Work with a Talent Acquisition Specialist.
Hiring a third-party specialist is an easy way to outsource talent acquisition, saving you money while providing top-talent hires. HCMWorks is a workforce solution that provides HR advisory, talent pool management services, and talent acquisition services. To learn more about how HCMWorks sources quality candidates, talk to one of our experts.


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