
April 10, 2022
Now that more people use social media than ever before, businesses can no longer stand by without a presence. Here are five tools to help you increase your Twitter accounts and blogs, monitor Facebook comments and sentiment, better organize your Google Analytics dashboard, schedule your posts for Instagram and Pinterest, and even a tool to...
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Blogging tools were once used exclusively by amateurs, but now there are applications designed specifically for business professionals. Five of the most popular tools include a blog post authoring service, a Twitter application that allows users to lookup company information and employees (without violating any privacy laws) and an IM tool that allows users to...
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Social media can make or break a blog or website. There are so many social networking sites and applications out there, it can make your head spin. It’s easy to get bogged down trying to figure out which social tools you need to stay on top of the game, and which ones you can safely...
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With millions of websites out there, promoting your site and growing a business has become an increasingly difficult task. While do-it-yourself methods like blogging and social media have worked for some, the truth is that you can’t reach every audience out there on your own. Let us introduce you to five of the best digital...
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5 best iPhone apps in 2013: Drinksmixr – making drinks is now a breeze. With its hundreds of drink recipes built in, the app can make thousands of different drink combinations – coffee cocktails to tequila shots – at the touch of a button. A great party app to have on your iPhone. Gamebook –...
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 There are many 3rd party social media tools ideal for companies interested in growing their following. These tools can be a time saver, come in different price ranges, and offer different features. After extensive testing of some of the most popular third party social media tools, here’s our top 6 picks for businesses looking to...
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3D content creation is the process of using 3D modeling software to create a mathematical representation of any surface of an object—typically called a 3D model—that can be 3D printed. After the object is designed, it is broken into hundreds or thousands of horizontal layers, based on the desired resolution of the finished print. Once...
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You’ll need the best 3D modelling software if you want to level up your CG skills and create art that truly stands out from the crowd. Proficiency in some of the most prevalent tools can also help you to land a job in the competitive and ever-evolving industry. 3D modelling software is now more accessible...
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Bloggers Bloggers WordPress Plugin is a content creation tool that allows bloggers to create their own 360-degree interactive content and embed them into their websites. To visualize the amazing possibilities, check out Hello World and the numerous videos that show various possible uses and ways to publish 360-degree content with this plugin. Image Creation ToolsLet’s...
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TweetDeck is an interesting tool to use when trying to manage social media accounts. The exceptional user interface and the desktop application are strong features of this tool. It has many features that allow its users to monitor, schedule, and post updates from Twitter and Facebook accounts in one location. You already know how important social...
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To create a professional website for your business, you need the proper tools. The internet has so many designers and developers that it is easy to get overwhelmed with information on what is good and what is not. The following 15 tools are going to be a great aid in creating a solid structure for...
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If you have a small business to promote, the right free email marketing templates can help you do it. Instead of creating your own message and layout, you can use email templates which are already proven to work. These free email marketing templates for small businesses cut down on your time and effort, allowing you...
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